A Bird and a Huntress (Vash x Shasha)


Mar 19, 2012
Ah a night on the town, nothing like it. Well that would be relative depending on whether or not you were a teenaged costumed crime fighter. Which was the case for Dick Grayson. A night on the town for him wasn't just hitting a club or finding some coffee shop that has a good band tonight. Tonight was a night where all the creepy crawly crooks were out. Be they a burglar, jewel thief, purse snatcher, and anything in between. He stood on the rooftops with his eyes scanning for any sort of disturbance. Dick was fairly short for his age, and had a slight, lean, well-toned build, since he was an acrobat and skilled at martial arts and gymnastics. He had short black hair and dark blue eyes.He typically wore either a mask or sunglasses to cover his eyes, depending on his current attire which tonight called for his mask. Dick's Robin uniform was comprised of a red tunic, black pants, boots and gloves, all of which seemed to be made of a protective body armor, that still allowed him great mobility. On his tunic, a stylized "R" symbol was visible, and around his waist he wore a gold colored utility belt with various pouches for his equipment. He donned a cape that was black on the outer lining but pale yellow on the inside. To protect his identity, Robin wore a black stylized domino mask at all times. While sporting the mask, his eyes appeared completely white. His short black hair was left unkempt, hanging over his forehead.

His eyes remained vigilant on the horizon and his ears remained tuned to the earbuds he had in that were tuned into the police radio frequency. Nothing yet, but he was hopeful that someone was feeling daring tonight; but until the. He remained on the rooftops waiting quietly while the cut below him buzzed with activity.
RE: A Bird and a Huntress (Vash x Sasha)

Artemis was perched on a rooftop watching the street below but her attention was not on crime fighting. She had got into a fight with Wally but her main problem was that he never noticed her. Artemis thought she was making her interest in Wally clear but he still never asked her out or anything. The night was quiet and the criminals seemed to be asleep.

The alarm of a store across the street went off as three armed men exited with backpacks. Artemis drew three arrows and shot off the arrows knocking the weapons from the hands of the bad guys. She followed the arrows with more arrows to take the guys out. Artemis dropped down to the street and tied the men to the light post as the police came.
Dick continually watched the streets taking note of everything he saw and felt. Wind speed, altitude, temperature, humidity, even the number of cars that passed by and what color they were. If Bruce had taught him anything over the years he was under his tutelage it was that observation was the key aspect of being a great detective. Finally he caught a break! Dispatch on the police radio gave the call for a robbery in progress. Dick quickly pulled up his holoscreen and traced where the alarm was coming from, the screen came back with the address and Robin was off to the races. He dove off of the building he was on and let himself stay in freefall for a moment before spreading his cape and allowing the wind to catch the cape and poof it out so he could glide. He glided his way over to the next rooftop and let to of his cape, doom a tuck and roll manuver when he hit the ground. He sprung up from the roll and dashed his way across the rooftops, leaping over industrial fans, sliding under gerders, swinging on rope, the whole acrobatic schmere. He wasn't even breaking a sweat yet and most people would be gasping for air at this point, but that's why he was out doing it and not some average person. He reached the destination and vaulted over a ledge and landed at the entrance of the store, but he was surprised to see that he wasn't the one that needed to catch these bad guys.

There tying up three criminals was Artemis, or Arrowette in this case. Dick went into observation again. Artemis is a half-Caucasian and half-Vietnamese, teenage girl of average height. She is olive-skinned with spiky blonde hair and dark gray eyes. She is slender in stature yet has a fairly muscular build and rather curvaceous frame with a sizeable bust. She had her hair at waist-length, and often kept it tied back in a ponytail, both in uniform and civilian garb.

Her uniform was a midriff-baring costume that highlighted her build. It was colored in various shades of green and consisted of a mask extending from hairline to cheekbones, a sleeveless top with an stylized arrow tip on the front, fingerless gloves, pants with black knee pads, and black thigh-high combat boots. She had a black utility belt and a black pouch strapped on her left leg that were likely filled with assorted tools. She carried a quiver along her back with a bow and arrows. Artemis's personality was a product of her unusual upbringing. In the kill-or-be-killed culture in which her parents raised her, she had to constantly fight for her life, resulting in her somewhat aggressive nature and willingness to solve problems with her fists. She was also protective of her secrets, and had to constantly lie to the team out of fear of being discovered as the child of villains. Dick only knew that since he had figured it out while doing a little Batmanesque background check on the team. He didn't know if Artemis was comfortable with him knowing this so he hadn't told her he knew yet.

For the most part, Artemis seems to be a very passionate and opinionated teenage girl. Always ready with a witty and biting remark, she is intent on proving herself to anyone who questions her, as well as being somewhat defensive—which she masks with an aggressive attitude. She has a bit of a temper that flares up when people argue or belittle her, and doesn't mind confronting said people. The latest one being Wally. He loved Wally like a brother but sometimes he could be stupid. Anyway Robin liked Artemis' spitfire like personality, it excited him to know that he wasn't the only quick witted one on this team and he rather enjoyed her company.

Seeing she was done tying the crooks up he let his presence be known, "Nice shootin' Tex!" He followed with a small chuckle. He was trying to cheer her up since that fight with Wally seemed intense.
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