The Journey (DarthMarrek & iHane)


Feb 12, 2012
To day was the day, He was now 16 and finally able to go out for his journey. ya it was a bit later then most but his mother being sick for the longest kept him home. He lived in the town of Sandgem. ya it wasn't the best place's but Prof. Rowan and his lab was main based. Ever one knew Prof. Rowan as the greatest pokemon professor in the region, as well as the best person to go to look for your first pokemon.

Marik got up early that day his bag already packed and ready. With a kiss to his mother he smiled and headed out at a dead run not wanting to be late to get his pokemon, he soon arrived at the lab and headed inside. "Hey prof! I am ready to get my pokemon!"
Professor Rowan looked up from his research and blinked. Ah, Marik. Grinning he nodded. "Well, it's about time."he said with a grin. "But, come on."he said, and then nodded. "See, since you kind of are, well, older than most I don't have that many pokemon left to give out, but I do have two left." He smiled and then released two pokemon - a vulpix and an eevee. "Have at it."
Marik looked at the Vulpix, then to the Eevee. He would think for a few moments and then nodded, "I'll take the Vulpix, It has more of the type advantage then the normal Eevee. Also I love the fire aspect of it." He then picked up the pokemon and smiled it was a bit larger then most but he knew that might have been due to a bit more of a age. He then started to turn it around in his hands. "Is it male or female?" he asked suddenly.
The vulpix felt it being picked up and looked up at the male. She squirmed a bit and then bit at his hand, not hard, just enough to know that she didn't necessarily like being held that way. She pouted and squirmed more. "Vul. Vulpix."she said. Rowan laughed a bit at her reaction. "Vulpix, play nice. It's a girl."he said nodding and smiling. "They both are."the professor said, returning the eevee to it's pokeball.
He blinked as the Vulpix wiggeled a bit in his grip, It took all he had not to drop the poor girl. "Female huh? I guess that works," He said and nodded a bit. After the professor returned the Pokemon back into the pokeball and waited for his starting trainer gear. "I guess, I could take them both but I think that's a bit against the rules." he said giving a soft chuckle. "Now to name her... How about Hane? "
Rowan nodded a bit. "Yeah, it kind of is."he laughed and then got him his gear and handed it all to him. "Well, that's really...all I have for you." He figured he knew what he would be getting. "Good luck." Hane grinned and then squirmed free of his hold and stood on the ground, sitting to scratch herself.
Marik nodded and smiled taking his pokeball's and poke'dex. he then looked to Hane and smiled at her softly kneeling beside her. "Hello Hane, I am Marik your new trainer. Its nice to meet ya." he said softly and petted her on the head scratching her behind the ears. After doing so he stood and nodded to the side of him. "Come on girl, We got stuff ta do..." he said simply and started to walk off keeping a eye on her making sure she followed him.
She grinned and then nuzzled into his hand, nipping at him with a little growl. Then she dropped down and followed after him, trotting happily. She walked between his legs like a cat, and then stopped to lick at herself, using a paw to clean her face, and then stopping to clean more provocative area.
He blinked it being hard to walk with her trotting between her leg's, they were already out of town by the time she stopped and started to clean herself, He turned around watching but then blushed a bit seeing clearly were else she cleaned. "Come now girl, not in public..." he said and looked around.
She blinked and looked up at him, tilting her head. Why couldn't she do that in public? It wasn't like she was a human touching themselves. Huffing a bit she got up and then trotting after him and stopped, sitting down and growling a bit.
He blinked as she started to growl looking around taking a rather protective stance beside his pokemon. "What is it?" He asked her looking down to her and looking around. A Leafeon Would soon block there path and growled at them. "Oh great... A pokemon already? We ant even a mile out of town yet!"
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