Vendetta (Vash x Kawaiichibilust)


Mar 19, 2012

In a dark room a lone man sat surrounded by a large circle of candles almost down to there wick by now. His breathing was steady and an O-katana lay across his lap. He opened his eyes as he heard the sound of the door opening and light filled the room. His head turned sharply as a lithe small man shuffled in the room and handed him a card. He snatched it from the man and sharply sent him away with poisoned words. He read the card and his eyes narrowed, "So she's in Vigrid." The card read out the location of a powerful witch, one who is said to have defeated the last Lumen Sage. A powerful opponent to defeat to continue his quest for power.

He stood up from his circle, slicked his silver hair back and grabbed his blue coat and slid it over his fit body. He tied the katana around his waist and went on his way to the destination the card specified.

When Vergil entered Vigrid he saw that it was almost a carbon copy of Fortuna, the last city he had stayed in. As he walked through the streets he saw that everyone around here was just the same. There were the ones wearing the ornately designed, crazily colored, high class citizens strutting about like pompus peacocks. The middle class average joes with plain, drab, clothes with some wear and tear on them. Then there was the lower class that was wearing the equivalent of rags, torn to shreds and caked in dirt and grime, it was tough to see. Vergil could also tell that he was sticking out like a sore thumb with his blue overcoat and black shirt. He had his Katana tied to his waist so it was obvious for people to see to not bother him. He strolled along the streets to gain his bearings around the city and to also find the place where this witch was rumored to roam about.

After regaining her memories, Bayonetta was done with saving the world for now. Those petty little angels could try as hard as they wanted to destroy her. After crashing the over-sized diva of a creator into the sun. And being resurrected from death, she was just ready for a vacation. Bayonetta and Jeanne decided to slow down a bit and take a stop in Vigrid. It was a feeling of deja vu as the two witches walked through the uncrowded streets. Stopping at every store they possibly could at the sight of the high end fashions. Jeanne was in heaven the entire time. For once, Bayonetta felt at peace. Finally being able to know who she was, she was no longer a stranger in this world. Her and Jeanne would have to band together from now on, being the only ones of their kind left. But it also meant they would have to hide it as well.

Sitting at a local cafe, she sat at a small outside table. Jeanne across from her with her mountain of shopping bags. Sitting back in the chair, she shifted, crossing one of her luscious legs over the other, crossing her arms over her chest as she simply stared at the pity of a sight. "Princess do you think you have enough room for all of these clothes?" She asked in that teasing like voice. Cocking an eyebrow as she adjusted her butterfly frames. As an Umbran witch in the modern world, she couldn't go around wearing just her hair all the time. As good as she looked in her jumpsuit, it did catch some 'undesired' attention. Though she was the last one who minded sticking out, she knew that she couldn't make a show of herself. At least not all the time. She preferred tight fitting clothing, showing off her legs and curves. And really enjoyed flaunting herself. The cat calls and wolf whistles were always a good show as she walked down the streets. Her hips swaying side to side as she walked in her confident strut. The jealous glares from other woman only entertained her more. Yes, being a regular person was too over rated. 500 years was a long time to go without a little fun. Her raven night hair was pulled back as it always was. Her red ribbons tying back her incredibly long hair. If there were two things he refused never to part with, it was her ribbons and her butterfly framed glasses. Her beloved pendent was locked away in the penthouse Jeanne and her were now occupying back in the city. Safe.

Her teasing only resulted in a heated glare from Jeanne. Rolling her grey eyes she looked up at what the older city had to offer. A serene peace that she had to say was something she could get use to. "I'm just saying dear a closet can only hold so many...costumes." She scoffed, motioning to the bag of feather boas. Jeanne had her own sense of flamboyant style all her own. As her Umbran sister scowled at her, that scowl turning into the pair chuckling about their joking manner, there was a shift. Both of their eyes slitted as they whipped their heads in one certain direction. Being affinity to inferno. The two could tell when there was a presence of hell upon them. Especially those unfamiliar to them. Standing, she held her hand up for Jeanne to let her handle this. "Don't want two of us out causing a scene. Watch my bags Jeanne." She stated. Walking forward in a strut with a sly smirk on her face. Pointing her finger straight out in front of her, she drew a faint glowing purple circle. The sign of her clan floating there as she walked through it. All the Vigridians turning into shadows in a flash. Purgatorio. A place where she could truly be herself. Looking ahead she spotted him. Her lips curling even more so as her eyes glimmered mischievously. "Hmm. It seems those bloody angels aren't the only things out to get me." She purred. Placing her hands on her hips as she met the eyes of her mysterious follower.
Vigrid was nothing different then what he was used to. Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer, standard human issues. He was not used to things such as these. Being a half-demon he was raised in seclusion, away from print and judgemental eyes. Thinking of his heritage brought back painful memories, ones of his brother and mother. His mother had fallen in love with a demon, ironically she was a nun at a church. He couldn't remember what the real story was, but from the fragments he could remember it was that they met on a stormy night when his father saught shelter. He stayed for a few weeks and over that time he slowly wooed her and she left the church for him and they started a family together his brother, Anthony, came first. His mother was surprised to see that her eldest son had snow white hair, much like their father. 5 years later they would be greeted by another son, him, with another head of white hair. His parents also recognized that the boys had heightned abilities and could see things that no one but their father could. Vergil grew up happy with his family, they were close and thigs were great. Until one day when he was 8, his father didn't come back from work. They didn't worry since they just thought he was working overnight. Then he would be subjected to the sight of watching his mother get cut down by an invisible force. His eyes would change and saw what did it, demons. His mother then begged for Vergil to hide in his room and not come out until she came and got him. He did... but his mother would never come. He would wait and then come out to find a bloodied room, his mother and brother gone. He didn't know what to do, but something in the back of his brain, his father was at fault! He was not there to protect them and because of that he lost his whole world!! On that day he swore vengeance, a vendetta! And has honed his skills and powers ever since. Now he was here to take the power from the witch and to find his father and kill him to exact his vengeance.

He held back the tears he would shed for the thought of what happened to his family, now was not the time to show weakness. He continued walking in the city until happening upon a café that seemed quaint. He was starting to feel a pang of hunger. He was ready to sit down and eat until he saw a woman, beautiful young woman who possessed a slender yet rather curvaceous and tall figure with black hair wrapped into a beehive-like hairdo and gray eyes; also, she had a mole located at bottom of her left cheek close to her lips. She was beautiful, but something happened that caught his eyes. She traced a circle in the air and then vanished into thin air. "Ah, I've found you." He closed his eyes and focused his energy until he felt the energy flow to his eyes. He opened them to reveal black eyes with only small, cat like, slits of blue in the middle of them. He could now see into the realms that normal humans could not see, and there she was. He snapped his fingers and his form moved into purgatorio to meet her. "So you are the witch of rumors. The mysterious Bayonetta." He then drew his Katana, "Prepare for your end."
Licking her lips, she could tell this was going to be a rather fun game. As he joined her in Purgatorio she acknowledged him. Chiseled features, cat like eyes, and the most silver locks of hair he had ever seen. He was quite exotic, and she could sense the demon blood pumping through his veins. Hearing him address her by her 'name' she simply raised an eyebrow. Pursing her lips as she made a 'tsk' sound playfully. Flipping her hair, she approached him from across the plaza. "I guess what I told that bastard Temperantia was correct. I am a fucking celebrity it seems." She posed saucily with a wink. A look of confidence never faltering from her face. "Now darling I don't know what rumors you heard, but I'm just going to let you know..." Her eyes narrowed as he drew his kantana. "They are all true." Her lips curled into a wicked little grin as she held out her hand to the side. Shuraba appearing from thin air as her body began to glow a faint purple. It was quite amusing, he called her Bayonetta, even though she was considered that, her real name was now clear. "Let's get one thing straight, I would appreciate it if you called me by my real name. Unless, you are going to go through with this little fantasy of ending my life." He was powerful, she could feel it. But it was always fun to taunt her foes. And this one was especially cute.

Getting into battle stance, she beckoned him with her pointer finger seductively. "I've been looking for some action all day. Bring it." And with that their battle started. Making the first move she began to head on run at him. Blade at ready against his as they first collided. He was strong, she had to work harder to keep herself from getting pushed away. One thing she liked to do was play with her 'food' just a bit. As her body pushed against her sword, she jumped, Madama Butterfly's wings appearing on her body when she felt him slash her clothes. Smirking, she let them fall off of her, her hair acting quickly and moving to cover her entire curvacious body in her wicked weave. She landed on the ground in her entire black jumpsuit. Two Scarborough Fairs on her feet. Flipping her gorgeous black locks she shook her head. Wondering when the real action would begin. She was hoping for a surprise as well.
Vergil waited for her to look at her end, which it did take her some time but she eventually did acknowledge that he was there with her and not just some random stranger staring at her from the human plain. She seemed to take a playful attitude towards her death, that would soon to change when she would first taste the steel of his sword. She tainted him further by declaring herself a celebrity in a vulgar way. He did not appreciate the need for using curse words when speaking to him. It only showed that she had a lack of a vocabulary. Especially when she was speaking to a cardinal virtue, "So you did take down all of the virtues, Impressive. But you will soon find that I am much of a... different caliber." She was still being so playful with all of this, something that was not mentioned in the rumors that have been spreading. He smirked when she stated that the rumors were all true, "Good, then I won't be disappointed." She would still not take any of this serious as she flaunted herself when she made her own Katana appeared from thin air. So it was going to be a duel, his favorite. Though her blade paled in comparisson to the might of his own, Muramasa. The legends have it that his father appeared before the great sword maker and asked him to forge the mgbty blade. His father supplied him the materials he needed, all that was needed was his skill and a piece of his fathers soul to give the sword special properties. The swordmaker would complete the task but going mad shortly afterwards. The power made to forge the sword drove him to it. Now the sword was nearly indestructible and could cut through almost anything as well as granting Vergil special powers that he had learned to fully utilize. As Bayonetta gained a purple glow from her sword Vergil gained a red glow, mostly emanating from his sword, the call for blood.

She initiated combat when she went into a balanced stance and beckoned for it to begin. Vergil waited patiently for her to make the first move and she did. She ran at him and he stayed relaxed until he saw the movement of her blade. He flicked his wrist and the two blades clashed. It was only for a moment as she would take a leap over him and even flutter in the air for a moment as butterfly wings sprouted. He took this moment to use one of Muramasas abilities and made a quick cut in the air, but not directly at her as only the steel of the blade flashed. A moment later a small sphere of cuts would appear around her and slice her clothes to bits. Yes, one of the abilities was to be able to cut through the dimensions and have it appear around his opponent. When she landed she showed no signs of bleeding or any wounds, only that she was now covered in a latex catsuit. "Kinky," he muttered. She flicked her hair around before looking bored. "My turn!" He ran toward her, his blade flashing silver and red as he slashed. Though it did look peculiar it did serve a purpose. When he was without striking distance he slid past her and stood there with a confident smirk on his lips. In a matter of seconds rows of the dimensional slashes followed the path he ran, all the way to her. It's an attack he dubbed, Judgement Cut.
Watching as he took his turn, she had made a mistake. Not thinking that demon's had their own weapon's of choice. Demonic weapon's made many different powers, depending on how they were smithed, and who wielded them. The angry souls trapped within gave it power, along with the wielder. Watching him closely, she cocked her head to the side, what he was doing was a bit peculiar. He didn't even hit her. Turning to see his confident little smirk, it was then she sensed it. It was already to late. The first dimensional blade cut at her shoulder. Making her falter, but quick on her feet as always, she dodged the rest. Aiming her feet at her opponent, her own dimensional bullets flying at him. When she landed, she had to admit, she had been over confident herself. He wasn't here to play games. Her shoulder stung, but the bloody gash was soon covered by hair, it was still there, but it would render it from bleeding anymore. Her eyes shot daggers at him. No time to joke anymore, she needed to be wary of him. He was different. Angels were one thing, but demons played dirty, and they also played rough. Switching her weapons, her Lt. Col. Kilgore's appeared. She acted quick, though the pain in her shoulder was throbbing, she ignored it. Shooting missile after missile. Keeping him busy as they came at him in all directions. It was then she began to run at him, her body changing as she became suddenly faster. A burst of speed as she appeared in her panther form. Racing nearly as fast as the bullets. He had a choice. It was nearly impossible to avoid all of those missiles and herself at the same time. He would either be hit by the missiles dodging her, or hurt by her. Approaching him fast with the missiles she leaped. Baring her feline teeth and sharp panther claws as she slashed at his chest. Preparing to dodge the missiles and him if needed.
Vergil stood still, confident as ever as he waited for the magic to happen. He chuckled as it happened, the first cut got her on the shoulder drawing a large gash across her shoulder that drew blood. The cut was soon covered by leather again, "Hmm an interesting healing factor." He wondered if that would transfer over once she was dead. After that one cut she slipped away from the rest and fired the guns at her feet at him. He quickly spun the blade in his hand and twirled it around like a windmill to catch the bullets, a new technique he had been working on. Though he figured it still need work since one slipped through and pegged him in his shoulder, his eyes winced as a clear indicator that it was painful. The rest were either blocked or ricocheted away and grazing his cheek. The technique deffinetly still needed work. He grew angry and the blade reacted to it, his blade glowing red and his bullet wound slowly began to heal. He felt his pulse increase and a spark or two flew off of him, "No no Vergil. Stay calm, can't let it out now." He took a deep breath and calmed down. His eyes met hers and they both stared at each other, her daggers digging in to him and his own going back at her. She switched her weapon load out and the small guns on her feet turned to bazookas, he detested guns. No honor, no skill, just w bunch of dirty tricks. Though his brother did have an affinity for them. She fired and fired missiles at him, easily avoidable, but then she landed and broke off in a run at him. She gained speed fast until she finally turned in to a panther and broke into a speed that matched the missiles. So it was either the missiles or get mauled by a panther, he would take the panther. He leapt up to meet her and both her claws and teeth dug into his flesh as they both dodged the missiles. He wrestled with her until he was able to grab the scruff of her neck and bat her aside with his Katana. He quickly looked over his bloodied chest and torn shirt. He gripped at it and assessed that they were scratches and nothing too deep. He was done paying around. He summoned his power to his fingers and slid it across his blade. He flung the blade out and slashed, the energy he summoned flying outward. "Thunderbolt Cut," he murmured watching as the enthusiasm flew toward her.
She licked her bloodied claws with her cat like tongue before turning back. The coppery taste making her own blood boil in anger. It wasn't every day someone nearly bested her. And she wasn't about to let it escalate. Smirking, she drew her kantana again. The purple flaring as bright as his own red. "Cat got your tongue sweetheart?" She crooned licking her lips again before acting. Coming at him as their blades collided. The sound of crashing metal loud in both their ears. She got pushed back by his strength, staggered for a moment as his sudden 'Thunderbolt Cut' flew towards her. Dodging as quickly as she could, she back flipped through the air. Only to be cut as the blade swiped at her face. The sting shot through her as she felt the warm blood dripping from just beside her eye. It seemed she was losing her touch. Wincing quietly, she spun herself through the air. Coming down with a powerful kick. A large black and purple stiletto heel appearing from under her. Madame Butterfly's powerful heel knocking his body across the plaza. Even if he was knocked pretty hard, she could feel he wasn't done. Roughed up, but far from done. And though she also had to admit, this was the most of a challenge she has had since Jeanne. Breathing roughly from her wicked weave summoning, she prepared herself for him to bounce back. "You can't be down and out yet can you? I thought men didn't like to be beaten by girls?" If she used any of her other infernal demons he would be gravely injured. Gommorah loved a good snack after all. No she would have to stay with Madame Butterfly. Something about the fire in his eyes. She liked it. As he began to get up, she prepared herself. The pain in her shoulder and her face nagging at her. Jeanne could surely see what was going on, but knew not to get in Bayonetta's way. Almost magically she appeared over him. Straddling his waist as he laid on the plaza ground. Looking down at him, her gray eyes full of playfulness and a hint of seductiveness, she brushed her pointer finger under his chin. "Gentlemen aren't suppose to harm a woman you know don't you? Hmm.. Maybe I can make an exception because your cute." She teased. Flipping one of her guns in her hands before pointing it at his forehead. Knowing that he would make a move before she could actually shoot him. If they kept at it the whole city would be rubble.
Their blades clashed again and again, no one giving the other wiggle room, not even a centimeter. She was surprisingly skilled for a witch, relying on magic to do her work, making pacts with demons to grant her their aid and power. He did quite the opposite, he took the power, he earned it through heated battle and downright outsmarting them. He sent another Thunderbolt Cut at her, this one grazing her cheek while she was doing her fancy little flips and other little gymnastic moves. Though it turned out that those little gymnastic tricks would do her good as a giant heel came from thin air and slammed him to the floor. What the hell was that? Either way he still just got his ass stomped on and the foot added insult by kicking him across the plaza. It ended with another hard stomp that kept him on the floor for a moment as he reagthered himself. "Time to switch things up." He listened to her teasing as she gave the basic taunt about girls beating up guys, blah blah blah. Before he could get up sue was straddling herself on top of him, her fingers under his chin lifting it so she could get a better look at his face. She even went as far as to try and call him a gentlemen... and even cute. That made him feel... strange, a small warm feeling at the pit of his stomach. He had never been called cute before, well not by anyone other than his mother, but this time it felt different.

He saw the gun and he reacted. He summoned a devil arm, this one in the form of wolf like gauntlets and greaves, Beowulf, named after the demon be took them from. The gauntlets surrounded his hand with a wolf like head and he lashed out with his arm and the wolf maw gripped them away from his face. "As you can see, I'm not very gentle." With that he flung the other arm out with a hard punch to the gut.
Acting quickly, she was off him in a flash. Getting hit pretty hard by his punch. Though it knocked the wind out of her, she kept her persona. Her smile faltered for just a moment as she suddenly appeared behind him. Her lips curled into a sly smirk as they brushed against his ear. "Just how I like it." she flirted. Swinging her Shuraba to slash at his back. When he reacted they simply began to dual once more. Swords colliding. Once, twice, a third time. The sound of metal loud in their ears. Though it was a tough fight, she kept her composure. It was rare for her to panic, or lose an ounce of her poise. Shifting her weight against her blade, she got a better look at his face. It was fierce, concentrated. A fire in his eyes. He had a purpose to find her, and one way or another she was going to learn what it was. She had no intention of using Witch Time against him either. As she pushed on harder, her purple glow flared and sparked. Using most of her strength she pushed him back, dodging and spinning, the sound of her blade cutting the air echoed loudly to their ears. The two just kept going at it. Never losing their drive, the colors of red and purple burning nearly as bright as the sun. In the back of her mind though, Cereza knew that they couldn't do this forever. Not without one or both of them getting seriously hurt or wounded. They were getting nowhere though. Not coming close to even hitting or stabbing the other. Their power was nearly equal. As was their fire and adrenaline. Her knuckles white as it gripped her soul filled weapon. As their kantanas came together in battle, multiple sparks of purple and red flew from the metal. The two at the same time didn't stop moving. Never staying in the same spot as they continued to dodge the others attempt's to haze them without putting down their weapons. "I must admit, you sure know how to keep a girl on her toes." She breathed as the fight raged on. "Hope you aren't getting tired." She teased, that mischievous spark in her eye. Along with complete concentration. "You know I can't keep playing games forever either." Sighing she ran forward, her kantana making it's mark against his own as they continued to strain their strength against the other.
As soone as she hopped off of him Vergil got himself off of the ground quickly. He readied for the fighting to resume. He rid himself of Beowulf and returned to Masamune. When he was ready for a head on attack she did the opposite and came from behind him, her lips trailing on his ear as she spoke into them flirtatiously. He whirled around and his blade met hers whith a loud clang. Another duel was initiated. None of them gave the other an inch, the blades clashed over and over again the sound of the gnashing steel was loud, they were both lucky that no human could hear or see this otherwise they would be in big trouble by now and would have to continue later, something Vergil did not want to happen. The battle just dragged on, Vergil keeping to his position while Bayonetta kept prancing around while taunting him. "Time to end this!" He grew tired of these games so now it was time to end it. He summoned all of his power to his sword, the blade now completely red and he readied for a large swing. Bayonetta did the same and they both swun thinking they had outsmarted the other and was about to win. Unfortunately neither of them would be right as the blades clauses again, a thunderous boom was what greeted their ears and the blades flew out of their hands, clattering across the pavement. It was a draw. Vergil was breathing raggedly now as that last attack had tired him. "So... The legends do no lie. We are now at an impasse." Vergil stood calmly as he stared her down. He would not leave.

((Sorr it's a little short, wanted to get one in before retiring to my paper.))
Though it was fun fighting someone equal in power, she was getting a bit tired of this battle rambling on and on. It was time to end this. Summoning up her own Umbra Witch power, she concentrated. Feeling the power flow into her Shuraba as it clashed with his own weapon. Finally she swung, thinking it would come out in a victory for her. At least she had assumed. As the two sharp weapons met in the middle. There was a large release of pent up power. Both of them hadn't expected what had happened next. Both kantanas flew from their grip. Sliding against the pavement. It was a tie. The look on her face was a mixture of shock and amusement. Breathing a bit heavily she looked to him. Seeing the near same look on his own features. Standing, placing on hand on the curve of her hip she felt her lips curl into a small smile. Seeing the look of somewhat disappointment on him. His stares didn't phase her. She had worse glares then that anyway, much worse. Her eyes scanned up and down his body before she beckoned her worn out weapon back into her hand. Letting it disappear, she would have Rodin fix it for her when they got back. Give him a challenge and have him put some more oomph into it. With a sassy flip of her noir hair, she turned around. Once more, her curvacious hips swaying from side to side as she drew the purple circle. "Hmm, well that was fun. Do get that kitty scratch looked at now." She waved in a flirtatious manner as she always did. And joined Jeanne back on the human plain. Jeanne sat there with her eyebrows up in surprise. A smirk appearing as her Umbran sister joined her. Cereza's shoulder throbbed a bit. Causing her to wince just a bit. Jeanne giving her a worried look. "Honey please it's just a scratch. Most of our kind had to burn at the stake, I'll live." She assured confidently. Glancing back at the mysterious follower, she had a very very large gut feeling she wouldn't be getting rid of him so easy. "Jeanne, I think it's time to catch a plane back to that dump of a city we call home." She said picking up her shopping bags. Her eyes meeting his and taunting him to follow.

As she began to walk with Jeanne to their hotel, her friend kept looking behind. Wondering what that entire thing was about. When she asked Cereza simply shrugged. "The men can't seem to get enough of me I presume." Jeanne snickered at this as they continued down the street. In a few hours they would be on their way home. Walking into the hotel's lobby all eyes suddenly were on her and her jumpsuit. The woman looked horrified and the men tried to keep themselves from looking. It didn't work out all that well. "Oh you Vigridians need to loosen up a damn bit." She stated as the two walked into the elevator. As they entered their room. Cereza walked to the doorway of the bathroom. "If you see any sign of my little demon friend, please let him know I'm taking a shower." She said as she got a clean towel and some new clothes. "Also tell him there's room for one more." She chuckled. Closing the door and bidding her hair to rid of her clothes. Her hair sliding off her body revealing her naked form. The air stung at her wound. She would have to wash it well. "Nothing but a scratch." she told herself as she turned on the hot water. Stepping in and humming her favorite song quietly. The hot water relaxed her, cleaning out her cuts as she washed them with soap. As she stood under the water she kept thinking back to the battle. How come she hadn't known of him until now. If someone that powerful, a demon no less, was after her, she would have heart. "How curious.." She trailed off. She had to admit, he was a cutie. Even more so then Cheshire.
Vergil watched her closely as she herself did not move. She held no signs of wavering, exhuastion, or even breaking a sweat from the fight. All she did was pant for a little bit before returning to her playful manor that she had throughout the entire time he had met her. He moved to go grab Muramasa, all she had to do was beckon her weapon to her and it obeyed. She was lucky. When he reached his weapon he bent over and picked it up. He examined the weapon and saw a few knicks in the edge from clashing with her so many times, "Damn," he muttered, "It will take hours to get those out." Luckily he brought his wetstone with him or he would have to find a weaponsmith to get them out. After examining it he slid it back into its sheath and tightened the strap on his waist. When he turned back to her he saw her waving goodbye to him while adding the fact to get his wounds checked. "Be warned witch, I'm not done with you yet." She drew the circle and left this plain. He put his hand to his face and finally let his tired showed. He realized a few strands of hair out of place, he easily fixed them by slicking his hair back. He decided to follow her and make sure she didn't die before he could get her first, but he would stay in this plain and not let her see him.

He followed her and her friend back to a small hotel. Her friend was interesting to say the least, she liked to shop a lot, especially for feather beuaxs. He followed them back to their room and then stepped back into the human realm. He knocked on their door and when she opened the door he stepped through without any introduction. "Don't mind me, I'm not here to cause any trouble." He sat in a chair by the corner and took out Muramasa from its sheath and his whetstone from his coat pocket. He put the blade in his lap edge up and ran the whetstone over the blade, grinding out the knicks in the blade while he waited for Bayonetta.
As she stepped out of the shower. Water dripping onto the towel. She grabbed the towel to the side. As she dried her noir locks, she sensed a familiar presence. It seemed he had followed her after all. Chuckling to herself as she slid into a simple white blouse and a pencil skirt. Ever since she had begun dressing in the clothing of today's modern world she has missed her jumpsuit more and more. Some days she would just flaunt around in it. And of course she didn't have to worry about it when going to 'The Gates of Hell' Speaking of which she desperately needed a drink when they got back. Cereza knew Jeanne wouldn't mind. After introducing the two, she didn't know whether it was a good thing or bad thing. Jeanne was a giant flirt, not to mention a giant tease. As was she, but not with Rodin. The two tried to act as if there was no attraction, but Cereza wasn't naive. Thinking about it she was maybe even a bit jealous. Not because it was Rodin oh no no. 500 years of sleep, and a long while not knowing who you are. You get to realize how lonely you are. Catching herself going soft on such things she gave herself a critical glare in the mirror. "Look at yourself. Are you becoming soft?" She asked herself shaking her head. The only time she had truly gone soft was when 'Little one' was around. Though that little one was her self from the past. To think something so little could change her. Once again she shook her head. There was no reason to be soft about anything. "There is no reason to get hurt again." She said under her breath. Thinking back to that day. The Witch Hunts. It was that day she promised herself. Reaching up, she panicked for a moment, realizing that her prized possession was at safe, locked away. Calming down, she reached for the door handle.

Walking back into the room, she saw Jeanne on the bed. Looking at all the fashion magazine. Cereza rolled her eyes, Jeanne fell in love with the modern world in no time. Especially all of those crazy fashion trends. "Jeanne did you book the flight?" Not looking up from her magazine, her platinum haired friend simply nodded. It was then she saw him from the corner of her eye. He seemed to be trying to undo the damage she did to his little toy. "I'm sorry, but I don't give autographs." She stated simply crossing her arms. A bit bitter with him for what he did to her shoulder. And her face. Though her face barely mattered. It would heal quickly. "I hope this following me isn't going to be a habit. I have Cheshire for that." Sitting on the bed she began to go through her stuff. Folding it and placing it in her glamorous suitcase. Her gray eyes glanced up at him every few moments. The most grimmest look on his face as he watched her. It was quite amusing. "If you would like to kill me, I wouldn't recommend it. security here is stricter then hell." Seeing as he was here, it would be a chance to get to the bottom of things. Moving she sat at the end of the bed nearest to where he was sitting. Making it a show a she crossed one leg over the other. Getting her lipstick out and a mirror and slowly putting it on before speaking. "So does the lost silver puppy have a name?" She asked playfully.
Vergil remained in the small chair the entire time he was there. He slid the stone along the blade, a scrapping steel sound ringing throughout the room while he did so. He looked up a few times to glance at her friend. She seemed to be much more stoic than her, much like Vergil. She was tall and lithe and had a very strange sense of fashion. He could tell just by looking at the clothes she had on (awfully gaudy colors and some of the strangest patterns he had ever seen) and by the magazine in her hands, the same sense of color and patterns. She seemed to be adjusted to modern life, cell phone, fashions, and other things. Bayonetta seemed to have a strong sense of nostalgia due to her lack of... well everything. Thinking about how witches fit in to society it made him think of about how he had adjusted himself. He was raised in an old fashioned home, a small TV with the standard channel set, a chord phone, and not much else. He didn't like all that really, he prefered his fathers large library of books on a lot of different subjects. There were ones about sience, the occult, classic books, philosophy, etc. Finally she stepped out of the room in some modern clothing out in an old style fashion, it looked much like the style of clothing his mother would wear.

He scoffed at her comment about autographs. "Don't flatter yourself witch, I'm only here to make sure you don't get killed before I get the chance to do it myself." He returned to running the stone across the blade until he finally got all of the Knicks out of the blade. He ran his finger along it and immediately he got a cut on his finger, perfect. His healing factor took over and healed the skin that was cut, a slight itching feeling overcame him as it did. He looked up when she commented on something called Cheshire, "You have a djsappearing cat that follows you? Fascinating." He thought that Lewis Carol was only on opiates when he wrote the book. Disregarding that fact he took to heart her statement about killing her here and now. "That would bring dishonor upon me. You are unarmed and unprepared, killing you now would not be right. Besides I must train harder to surpass you so that the next time... the fight will be much quicker and the odds would be greatly in my favor." He sheathed the katana and untied it from his waist and leaned it against the wall. He removed his coat to reveal the black armored shirt he wore underneath the large blue trench coat. It wasnt plate armor, no to obvious, it was a composite leather that was bullet resistant, but blades could still penetrate it if it was stabbed through hard enough. The shirt was sleeveless and it showed off his muscular arms gained through hours of training. She asked for a name and he pondered it for a moment. "I have been given many names by my enemies, but the one my father gave me is Vergil." He slicked his hair back again to make sure it kept in order. "Satisfied?"
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