So Wrong It's Right - Blink x Sabrethooth - [Psycho x CutePhoenix]


Apr 16, 2012

So Wrong It's Right
Blink x Sabretooth

It hadn’t been that long since my rescue, but it felt like those horrible days were long gone – too far in my past to see. So much had happened since that time that I was proud to say I was a mutant again, and didn’t wake up every morning wishing I could be normal. I was very fortunate in befriending Sabretooth, Victor Creed, who I see as a personal savior. Literally the first person I saw as the X-Men invaded the premises. At first, I was completely startled by the beastly being that approached, but upon learning I understood that he was no monster at all. I had previously heard of him as a villain, but those days were long over when he took me in; which he did… as his own. He nurtured me; healed me both physically and even mentally. He opened his home to me, and for that, I am forever grateful.

Scouting the area, we faced danger. It had been a good while since we last greeted a battle. Things had been very quiet in the past few weeks. It was a nice vacation, but all vacations unfortunately always came to an end. There was no ‘normal life’ being an active mutant. Attacked by an unknown force; bullets spewed the area. Like usual, Victor protected me with his life, ensuring no matter what that I was out of target for any weapon fire. We were greatly outnumbered, and for once, I needed to take initiative to save him. Quickly focusing I teleported the two of us back to our home. It was a cowardly thing to do in the middle of a heated battle, but it was unnecessary to fight when we could easily flea.

Breathing heavily from the battle, I ended up at the other end of the room from him when arriving here. I signed, looking over to his arm as I approached. “I had too.” I defended myself immediately, knowing full well that many mutants would find my teleport flea was chicken, and degrading. “We were wasting our energy. We’ll return when we’re properly equipped. They’ll probably be waiting for us, anyways…” I grabbed his arm in my hand. I grimaced at the shards of shrapnel embedded deep in his skin. I caressed his hand briefly turning away. “Don’t lick it!” I walked over to a drawer and pulled out a more advanced first aid kit. I grabbed a set of tweezers and returned to him. Re-grabbing Victor’s arm, I hovered my hand over the wound. My solid green eyes illuminated lightly as larger pieces disappeared from his flesh. With each bullet teleporting to a table next to me, there was a light flicking sound of the steel hitting the wood. “Stay still… please.” I used the tweezers to carefully pull out anything left over and too small to teleport with absolute certainty. I placed each piece in the same pile as the others.

Having removed everything, I watched as the spotted wounds closed and healed. I set the instrument down before grazing my soft pink hand over the once-wounded area. I gave a gentle smile as I looked back up to Victor. I was taken aback by the simple fact that he was gazing down at me. His beautiful physique and piercing eyes infatuated me, and without conscious realization, I pushed my body against his; reaching to press my lips confidently on his. The warm kiss only last a couple of seconds before I became aware of what I had just done. Immediately pulling back, my eyes were wide and my cheeks became flush with embarrassment. “I… I’m sorry.” I stuttered, not knowing what to do or what to say. My instinct screamed danger, and I felt an urge to run away. “I don’t know what came over me-“ I turned away, moving past him to head for the door. I didn’t need to use the door, but in a moment of complete confusion, I forgot I was anything but a normal blushing adolescent. “That was deeply inappropriate. I should leave-“ My heart beat savagely inside the confinements of my chest. All I could focus on was how right the kiss felt, yet how unbelievably wrong it was.
Even with the amount of time that had passed since their last taste of combat, Victor Creed, commonly known as Sabretooth was not one to just sit around and wait. His free time wasn't so much used for recreation as it was for practice and combat training. Though, he considered it recreation. Nothing helped him calm the animal within more than tearing apart training drones with his bare hands. He may not be a villain anymore, but his fighting style was as vicious and animalistic as ever. It's what made him a great pair with Blink. She was more tactically aware than he was. Combine that with his impressive hand to hand abilities, and they were a team to be reckoned with. Also didn't hurt that they had alot of chemistry with one another, making it easy for them work well together. Though, he wasn't fond of how cautious she was. Even when greatly outnumbered and facing inevitable defeat, Victor was the kind to keep fighting and never stop fighting till he or any opponent was dead. So, it was no surprise that he wasn't entirely happy that Blink had suddenly withdrew them from the fight.

She was right to go right on the defensive, as he started to open his mouth to gripe and lecture her, but just growled and mumbled under his breath when she cut him off. Though, her little don't lick it comment got a quick glare from him.

"Very funny...." he replied in his deep, gruff voice, plopping down into a nearby wooden chair, which creaked and strained a bit under the weight of his impressive frame. There was really no need for her to tell him to be still when she returned and got to work on the bullets, as while there indeed was pain, it was not nearly the worst he had experienced. So, he didn't flinch in the least bit as she got to work removing the bullets and other shrapnel. The only movement of his body being his skin and muscles quickly growing back together with the removal of each piece of metal. But, even with his impressive insincts, he was not able to predict what happened next. He managed to crack a small smile as she looked up at him, but was majorly caught off guard when she suddenly pressed her young, sexy body against him and pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss, eyes going wide in shock and confusion as she did so.

Because of his shock at the sudden act, he wasn't able to say a thing when she pulled back and began talking herself, apologizing for what she had done. But, as he began to grasp the situation and just what had happened, confusion was not the feeling that began to fill his head. When she had reached the door, he found his own emotions starting to take over as he stood and stepped to her, a large hand reaching up to her shoulder, resting there a moment before he gently turned her around. Immediately after she faced him, his other arm went around her slender waist and pulled her body flush against his, gazing down at her a moment before this time.......he lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers
As I neared the door, I heard nothing. Not even a single peep. That was my confirmation that I had done wrong. That you were in such shock you could not speak. It had to be out of disgust. The look on your face was jarring and heart-breaking. I had made the biggest mistake and now, the relationship was going to suffer because of my temporary insanity. How could I have been so foolish? I held my hands together nervously, scratching my knuckles subconsciously. I wanted to teleport my way out of here and save myself any further embarrassment, but I was too distraught, and couldn’t focus on any other location.

Right before I reached the door, I felt a warm hand lightly graze my shoulder. My shoulders tense immediately and I stared at the hood of the door, just inches from my face. My heart was beating steadily, and I took a deep breath in as the hand guided me to turn around. At first, I didn’t look at you. My eyes were lowered and glancing at the ground beside us. But soon, my eyes moved to face you. I twitched as another hand grasped my waist. Startled I looked down briefly before returning my attention to the man before me. That moment, I was immensely confused. I had just spent the last, long, grueling 30 seconds that I had ruined everything; my whole life, and now… I was… being accepted.

I sunk into your large arms, allowing your gentle eyes to seduce me. As you leaned to kiss me, I closed my eyes, moving forward to push my lips once again against yours. I wrapped my arms around your neck, holding our faces close together as I kissed you long and passionately. Briefly forgetting to breathe, I broke the kiss but lingered my lips barely centimeters away – my hot breath beating against your lips. I took a breath in, waited just a moment, and then grabbed you almost aggressively; pulling you into an open-mouth kiss as I leaned backwards, slamming into the door I once so eagerly tried to use to escape.

My hands trailed down your chiseled chest; roaming instinctively further and further down until I grimed the band of your pants. My slim fingers curled eagerly around the belt, unsnapping the buckle before pausing. I didn’t know what was happening, but I was losing control of myself. A feeling of great sensuality came over me. With a light push downward, your pants fell to your knees.
Even a very forward man like Victor was caught off guard by Blinks sudden shift. One second, she was regretful and embarassed for her actions. The next, she seemed to become an animal, craving his touch in every sense of the word. Still, if she wanted it........wild, there was no better man to give it to her. Just as her urges started to take over her, so too did the same happen to him. Probably even more so, considering his mutation. All his instincts were increased to animal like levels. The mating instinct was just one of those. No surprise that when.......riled up, he could really give it to her.

So, it only took a moment for Victor to "catch up" with her, hands starting to roam up and down her back and slender hips, as he returned the now rather fiery kiss. And when she pulled down his pants, all bets were off. There was no turning back from this, and he made it obvious he had no intentions to do so. He reluctantly broke the kiss, but only to swiftly remove his shirt, tossing it to the side and stepping out of his pants, leaving his impressive figure covered only in boxer shorts, then went immediately back to making out with her. This time, his hands started to wander to more intimate areas, one of which found itself sliding up to her full, perky breast, softly squeezing and kneeding the flesh through the material of her green outfit. But, that wasn't all, as his other hand sought out bare skin, reaching under the back flap of her outfit to run over her silky smooth thigh, occasionally running over her firm butt.

And even then, he was actually holding back. If he were to let the animal loose, so to speak, he'd have torn her outfit off and be ravaging her like an animal right now. But, even as passion and sensual urges took them over, he restrained enough so as to not lose control. Though, with the fiery emotions running between the two of them, that could very well be something they both wanted. For him to just let lose and show her all his passion and emotions towards her in the most intimate of physical ways.
I didn't know what I was doing; what came over me. It was a side of me that I hadn't unleashed ever. Perhaps it had been bottled up for so long, that now... now that I was comfortable being a sensual woman, I was ready. Ready to give it my all and no longer be afraid of men; or be afraid of sex. And for a long time – too long – I had been. I had nightmares of being violated. I had nightmares of being abused. Since I had been locked up and held hostage. “I still imagine, everyday...” I whispered suddenly in a short breath; ultimately breaking the kiss to look into your eyes. “...the moment where you come in and save me.” I was referring to the day I had been freed of Sugar Man's cruelties and thus saved from a life of jail and suffering. “Thank you...” I grazed my teeth against your firm neck, lightly running my tongue up to the side of your face, where my lips met yours again. I grasped a lock of golden hair behind you and intensely held on as I locked lips and let out all of my passion against you.

The feeling of your manly hands running along my smooth skin gave me the chills. I wanted my clothes off. All off. Ripped off. Off as fast and they can get off. I broke the kiss, but held my hot lips lightly against yours and whispered, “I want you. I want all of you. Every bit of it.” I lightly bit my lip to the thought of a beastly creature showing me how to be a real woman. I needed that. I longed for that. And the only person I wanted it to be with was with you. I grabbed the hand that rubbed my skin, pulling it from my leg to under my light colored dress. Trailing it up to my stomach and finally leading your hand to my bare flesh. Squeezing your hand to squeeze my soft breast, I looked you straight as I did it, too. Lust and passion swirled in deep abyss of my glowing green eyes.

Suddenly, I was in a rush to get my clothes off. I tore off my red studded belt and launched it across the room.
The feelings she had for him...........the lust that filled her body, Victor felt as well. He had did his best to keep them bottled up. Not just because of him not being a very emotional man, but also because of their relationship, which after her rescue, took on a very father/daughter like role. But still, during those years, he could not deny the romantic love for her that had gradually developed. And all of it. All of the emotion and lust was flooding up to the surface, ready to break out. And when she broke the silence and spoke to him, Victors intense, protective eyes gazed into hers, never looking away.

And then when she whispered how she wanted him, ALL of him, that just flipped that switch in him. If she wanted a beastly creature to ravish her, she was most certainly going to get her wish. The beast she wanted let out a light, please growl when she grabbed his hand that had been exploring her leg, and started to lead it up her body. Crossing that firm, flat stomach, only coming to a stop when they both reached her soft, perky breast. He was glad to lightly squeeze the soft orb in his hand, needing no lead from her to do so. And that look she gave him as she did drove him more wild than anything that had happened in these past minutes. And that was it for him.

The incredibly desire to ravage her, combined with his own swelling emotions filled his intense eyes as he swiftly withdrew his hand from under her green outfit, only to reach both hands up on each of her sides, taking a grip of her green outfit with his clawed hands. Soon, the lusty silence was broken by the sound of tearing, as her green outfit began to split, threads tearing from each other as more and more of her lovely pink skin was revealed as she got her lusty desire with Victor beginning to tear her clothes off her body.
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