The Viper and The Punk

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Jan 17, 2009
"I can't believe that little rat, I told you that he's had it out for you ever since we where being trained by Regal, just because you've always been better then him. He's just been waiting for a chance like this, not that he'll beat you, I mean you've already beat him once in the WWE." Lilly Brooks said as she sat in a chair near her brother as he got his shoulder checked out by one of the doctors to make sure that Bryan hand't hurt him while he was using the Yes Lock on him.

"Chill out baby sis, it's like you just said, he'll never be able to beat me." Phillip Brooks said with a grin on his face before he reached out and messed up her hair, getting to his feet, he lightly brushed off his bare legs befor he looked over to Lilly with a grin on his face. "Hey, why don't you stay here for a bit while I go and change, then I'll come right back here and get you so we can go out and get something to eat?" He said with one of his winning grins that he knew that his sister would never be able to resist, it was the same one that she would give him that always caused her to cave in.

Once she saw that her brother was ok, Lilly smiled and gave a nod of her head. "Alright, but I get to pick where we go, I don't feel like having fast food again tonight." She said before she waved her brother off and started to pick at one of the holes in the pair of pants that she was wearing, she had been lucky enought that she didn't have to go to a gig that night and had gotten to watch her brother wrestle tonight. She hated that Phill had to put up with that little jerk Bryan though, she knew that she should have punched him in the nose when she had first met him, but no she had to play nice and just smiled and nodded as he talked on and on.
Randy was fuming he looked down the ramp at Shemus with complete rage in his eyes. He couldn't believe the man had just kicked him in the head he deserved the RKO he got afterwards. "That idiot how can he be so stupid" ,Randy muttered to himself as he walked backstage. "Hey Randy the medic wants to look at you, he said after the kick he wants to make sure you're not concussed" ,one of the backstae attendants told Orton. "I'm fine" ,Randy grumbled in response walking past the man. "But Randy if you don't go back there and get checked out Lauranitis said he won't book you next show because you won't be medically cleared" ,the man replied quickly. Randy stopped and turned around, he sighed then grabbed they guy by the collar of the shirt, "Did he really say that"? The Viper hissed angrily. The man began to shake while in Orton's clutches and nodded his head nervously, Orton let go of the man after a few seconds and straightened out his shirt that he had crumpled up when he grabbed him.

Randy walked into the medic's office and glared at the doctor, "Just to let you know I'm fine and there is nothing wrong with me so you might as well just sign the release form and let me be" ,Randy told the doctor. He turned to leave, "I can't do that Randy you know I can't so please just cooperate with me and it'll be over quickly" ,the doctor said in response. Randy sighed then decided to just sit down and let the doctor check his head out. There was no use in arguing if he wanted to be booked to wrestle next week and John Lauranitis was on a power trip so Randy knew that he wouldn't book him out of spite.
Lilly jumped when someone suddenly walked into the room and she looked over to see Randy Orton standing there looking pissed off that he had to be there. "Hey, if you need some help, I can help you out if you need me to." She said as she got to her feet and looked from the doctor and then over to Randy as she started to gnaw on her lip piericings, watching to make sure that she didn't make the Viper angry. "I'm good at helping when it comes to dealing with unruley people who don't want doctors to help them." Lilly said with a soft laugh, remembering when her brother had dislocated his shoulder and was angry with the doctor for even suggesting that he take some pain killers.
When Randy heard the girl's voice he turned and looked at her, "Relax there's no need I'll let him examine my head, I feel like an idiot having to be here" ,he told the girl. He had seen her around before and knew she was CM Punk's sister, "So how's Phil's arm, Daniel Bryan's a little shit for what he did, that guy annoys me so much". Randy looked at the doctor when he told him too and followed the stupid little light as he moved it back and forth in front of him.
Lilly smiled before she moved to sit on the table right across from Randy and brushed her hair back out of her eyes. "He's fine, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. Trust me though, Daniel's just talking a big game when he says he's oh so great and doesn't eat meat and smoke and stuff like that, I've seen him lighting up with Paul London before." She said with a nod of her head, one of the few guys that she had dated before and the one that her brother had dissaproved of the most of. "Anyway...I'm Lilly Brooks, it's nice to meet you for once." She said with a wide grin on her face as she brushed some of her shaggy hair back out of her eyes and crossed her legs.
"I'm Randy but you probably already knew that" ,he replied with a smile. "And Daniel Bryan is full of shit with everything he says I don't know about the meat thing but that boy has lit up with a few people". Randy sat there as the doctor continued to examine him, getting more annoyed with every ouch from the doctor. "Hey I thought you said this was going to be quick" ,Randy snapped at the doctor. "It'll only be a few more minutes I promise" ,the doctor replied. Randy sighed with disappointment and continued to stay still as the doctor looked at him.
"It's nice to finally really get to meet you though." She said as she tried to get his attention away from what the doctor was doing, even if it was only for a little bit longer. "So, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself Randy, I didn't really get to see much of you when I was last traviling with my brother...then again I don't think I would have wanted to run into you then since you where rivals with Phill at the time and he was being kind of a dick." Lilly said as she stuck her tongue out slightly, the bar in her tongue now visable. She knew that her brother did feel bad for a lot of the things that he had done when he was playing the part of a heel, but he didn't really have a choice in the matter and had to do what he was told to do at that time.
"Well I'm pretty much who you see on T.V except for a few small things that no one ever gets to see until they get to know me" ,he told her with a smirk on his face. "No hard feeling towards Phil I know how things work around here I've been in the business long enough to understand". When the doctor finished up Randy stood up, "It's about time" ,he said. "You're all set and free to go Mr. Orton" ,the doctor replied. "No shit" ,Randy said. He looked at Lilly, "Come on let me walk you back to your brother we can talk some more on the way".
"No need to walk her anywhere, I wanted her to stay here while I got changed." Phil said as he walked into the room at that moment, a small smirk on his face as he tossed his gym bag over his shoulder and looked over to his sister with one of his eyes brows cocked up. "You ready to go Tiger Lilly?" He asked as he walked over to his twin sister and tossed an arm over her shoulders before he looked over to Randy and gave a nod of his head. "Hey, we where going to head out to dinner, you want to join us? We may not be as fun as the others what with the no drinking, but we're still fun to hang out with." He said as he gave a nod of his head and looked to Lilly to see what she would say about that.

Lilly gave a wide grin at that before she gave a nod of her head as well. "That sounds like a great idea, we where going to go to an all you can eat buffet, there's this great place that we go to when we're here that has all kinds of things and they have the best sushi too!" The young woman said as she started to bounce a bit in her excitment, she really wanted someone other then her brother to hang out with...not that she didn't like to hang out with him, it was just nice to hang out with someone other then Phil now and then.
"Oh well that was easy" ,Randy said jokingly. "Sure I'm feeling a bit hungry myself and don't worry about the no drinking thing I'm not a big drinker myself only every now and then, Let me get dressed and I'll meet you guys in the parking lot sound good"? Randy then left the small room and made his way to his locker room and put on a pair of jeans and one of his button up shirts. He then packed his gear into his gym bag and made his way to the parking lot to meet up with Phil and Lilly.
Lilly grinned before she grabbed her brothers hand and walked off to the parking lot with him, tossing their things in the trunk of her car, she had been lucky enough to talk her brother into leaving his tour bus behind for a bit so she could drive them around, it was something that they use to do before he had gotten a contract with the WWE. "So, you invited Randy to dinner...what's your angle?" She asked as she looked over at her smirking brother who just gave a shrug of his shoulders.

"I don't have an angle, I'm just wanted to invite my co-worker to dinner with my twin sister and myself." Phill said as he then nodded over to Randy as he started to walk over to them. "Hey pal, just toss your bag in the back, we can just pick up your car on the way back to the hotel."
"Alright man" ,Randy said in response. He tossed his bag into the back and got in the backseat of the car and waited for them to drive off. "So how's the arm man? Daniel Bryan can be a little bitch at points he definitely caught you when you were weakened the little bastard" ,Randy asked Phil. As they drove around Randy looked out the window and texted a bit to pass time until they got to the restaurant, after a little bit he asked, "So what's the name of the place we're going"?
"Naw, I'm fine man, that little puke didn't hurt me, besides, I've been hurt worse wrestling you. Those punts to the head are no laughing matter after all." Punk said as he lightly rubbed his head and gave a small chuckle as he thought of the fights they had.

"Oh, it's this nice little place call Coco, not may people know about this place." Lilly said with a smile as she soon found a parking spot and pulled into it before she got out and brushed herself off. "This is the place." She said as she pointed out a place that didn't look like it was in to great of shape. "Just trust us, it looks a lot better once you get inside." She said, sure that Randy would make a coment on how the place looked.
Randy laughed at the comment Phil made, "Yeah we had some brutal ones but hey it was at least entertaining to the fans right" ,Randy said in response to him. When they got to the restaurant Randy raised an eyebrow and was about to say something when Lilly told him it looked a lot better on the inside. "I'll take your word for it" ,Randy said giving her a smile. When they walked in Randy realized it wasn't so bad inside in fact it was actually really nice.
"Just wait till you try the food, most of the things are passed down the line so that it only gets better with time, it's just SO great." Lilly said excitedly as they where shown to a table and she and her brother both ordered a pepsie to drink once they where seated.

"Hey Lill, why don't you go and get your food while Randy and I wait here for the drinks?" Phill said with a smile on his face as he waved his sister off, he wanted to have a little chat with Randy while his sister was away.

Lilly tilted her head to the side slightly before she gave a small shrug of her shoulders and waved to the pair. "Alright, I'll be right back, try not to get into a fight while I'm gone." She said before she walked off to get something to eat.
Randy smiled as he listened to Lilly's opinion of the place, he decided he'd take her word for it and sat down and ordered an iced tea for his drink. When Phil told Lilly to go get her food while they waited at the table he wondered if it was because he needed to talk to him about something. When Lilly was out of hearing range Randy looked at Phil and smirked, "OK so what is it you want to talk about that you don't want your sister hearing? And don't say nothing because I know how it works I'm a guy and I get the same look on my face when I want to talk man to man so spill".
Phill looked over to Randy and gave a small shrug of his shoulders at the others words. "I can't lie, I did want to talk to you, it's about my sister." He said as he shifted slightly and rubbed the back of his neck in thought, wondering if he should really say anything to Randy at all. "Uhhh did you know that she wanted to be a wrestler too, she's just in the indies right now is all, it's why she gets to travle with me now and then." He said with a grin, desiding not to tell Randy that he thought that his baby sister had a crush on him.
"Ah the indies eh? Full of arrogant workers and promoters who think they know it all I'm glad I got out of that scene, Is she any good"? He said in response. He had never seen the girl work and was curious, "So what does that have to do with me? Does she want some pointers or something"?
"She's one of the best, she trained at the same places as I did, the only reason that she isn't in the WWE is because they don't like how rough she can get with the other female wrestlers." Phill said as he gave a small shrug of his shoulders and then gave a nod of his head. "Yeah, I was thinking that you could help her out a bit, just don't tell her that I asked you to, she never thinks that she needs any help if it's because I think that she needs it." He said with a small roll of his eyes, it was mainly true after all.
(I am so sorry I didn't realize you posted :-/ )

Randy listened as Phil told him about Lily, when he was finished Randy nodded his head, "No problem man I'll help her out as long as she's willing to learn, you know me I'm always happy to assist and no worries man I won't say a word about you asking me" ,Randy said in response. He took a sip from his drink and let out a sigh of relief, "Ah that's good it's nice to get out after a show it's been a while since I've hung out with anyone really" ,he admitted.
Phill grinned at that before he gave a nod of his head as Lilly came walking back over to them with a plate of food, sittin down at the same side as her brother. "We like having you around, not like some of the guys who would be trying to get Lilly to drink whenever I'm not looking." He sad with a frown on his face before patting her on the head and then went to get his own food.
Randy smiled when Lilly came back and sat down, "Well I like being around you guys and like I said I'm not a big drinker and even if I was I think it's screwed up to go against someone's beliefs ya know being straight edged is something to be proud of" ,Randy said in response.
"They think if they get me drunk that they can take advantage of me." Lilly said with a frown on her face before shaking her head. "It does't happen as often as Phill makes it sound, it only happened once because I was hanging out with Miz because I was mad at my brother for some reason." She said with a shake of her head as she started to eat her food. "You don't have to sit here with me you know, you can go and get your food, I can take care of the table myself." She said with a grin on her face.
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