Worlds Greatest Marksman vs Worlds Greatest Cat Burglar (Vash x Psycho)


Mar 19, 2012

Days were starting to just blend together at the Avengers Mansion for Clint. It has been awhile since anything big has happened, it was cool that everyone was back from the Skrull invasion, but that was it. They beat the bad guys and now they were on that low point where nothing was happening and they were stuck on the petty crime crap. It was all the same thing, the crooks think they could get away with robbing a bank, department store, jewelry shop, you name it! Then they get the call to help and one of them goes and saves the day, blah blah blah. This hero gig was starting to suck. Clint needed some excitement, something to push his skills to the max and get the adrenaline going. Until that time Clint was stuck with his standard routine of the day. Get up, shower, eat, work out in the gym, gymnastic routines, one hour of marksmanship practice, cool down for awhile, then another hour of marksmanship practice, dinner, spar with Cap, and then bed. Though this day would turn out a little different.

Clint was out working with his bow when he heard a voice over the intercom to the range. "Mr. Barton," said the simulated voice. Clint kept firing without even thinking, "Yeah Jarvis?" Clint kept at his work. "Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers would like to see you in the strategy room." Clint finished the quiver before setting his bow down and made his way to the strategy room.

When he made it there he saw Tony and Cap were in the center of it with a vid screen that had several profiles on it. He walked to them giving them small gestures of greeting and then they went straight to the part. "Clint," Cap began, "We've decided we've been falling down on our duties lately." Clint found that hard to believe but he let him continue. "So Tony and I have decided to take the initiative and send an Avenger oh individually to take care of some troublemakers we have yet to capture." Tony worked his techno magic and brought up the file of Black Cat. Cap took a moment to let Clint read it, "This is your assignment." Clint read it and saw what he was up against. "Are you serious? You're sending me after a cat burglar?" Tony took over now, "Easy Robin Hood, she isn't as ordinary as you think. From files that I've found and some security footage it turns out that she is actually like a black cat." Clint scoffed at that, "So if she crosses my path I get bad luck?" Tony nodded, "Yep." Clint now had a look of disbelief. "I am not kidding Clint. She can seriously bring bad luck. So watch it." Clint sighed and took a moment to read her profile more, "So when do I leave?" Cap handed him a physical copy of her profile for further studying and said, "Now." Clint took the file and left to pack, but when he saw where she was located he stopped, "Wait she's here?!" He really needed to read closer or else he would have packed to go somewhere when she was in his own backyard in New York.

I had never really taken any interest in museums, since it was very difficult to steal a valuable object, like a famous painting, and sell it without being traced and arrested. Selling it on the black market would still be risky. The last thing I wanted was to be on any sort of map, whether it was being traced by police or being tracked down my government officials. I knew that my name was out there; that I had an image as the bad guy, a villain. Regardless, I didn’t care what anyone thought. I didn’t rob for anyone but myself. And occasionally, those who made me offers I could never dream of refusing. A lot of it was motivated by money. Or so it seemed. As much as I loved money, I loved winning more. I loved the sensation of walking out of a facility with something that I can’t have; that doesn’t belong to me. It thrilled me to control a situation.

For this assignment, I was hired by an unmade force to steal something from the Museum of Modern Art of New York. The mission was brought to me through a homeless person, who, assumingly, was not actually homeless. When I’m not Black Cat, I’m roaming the town dressed like a waitress on break. Whoever this man was, he was told what I looked like out of costume. I didn’t just go walking around with silver hair – I always wore a wig in public. But somehow he found me, handed me a file, and disappeared. I was to bring the object, after it’s been stolen, to a restaurant called Mary’s immediately after. I didn’t have any reason to do it, or trust it, but I was bored and the assignment intrigued me. I was to steal a sculpture of a garbage can.

The next week, on the scheduled date, I geared up and set to the museum. It was late at night and the museum has just closed 15 minutes prior. I waited until everyone working had pretty much parted, and most of the lights were off, other than the ones left on for security and embellishments. Greeting the side of the building, I held my hand above me and a wired hook flung out to grasp the railing on the roof of the building. The wire attached to my glove, I gave it a tiny pull and up I went soaring to the sky. I climbed over the railing and set for a door planted on the roof. It was all digitally control, and only one with a magnetic card could open it. I couldn’t just burst the door open, sensors and alarms were everywhere. I pulled a card from my pocket. I had attained the card previously that day from attending the museum as a visitor and stealing it off a guard. The lock beeped a bright green before a sharp sound followed and the door unlocked. But something felt strange. I felt like I was being watched.
After getting the file and studying it for a day or two Clint did the best thing he could do, scout. For the next week Clint visited museums, art galleries, anything that something in it that was worth stealing. All the while he also gained schematics of them and discreetly placed sensors around the entrances of the museums so if she decided to pop in on one of them after hours he would get an alert. After that he went back to his daily routine, with a casual night patrol just to see if he couldn't catch her on the prowl. Luckily on one night, he caught a break.

He was out leaping from roof to roof on his patrol when he caught a flash of silver hair across a rooftop. He kept his distance from her, not wanting to alert her and possibly ruin this golden opportunity. When she finally slipped in he made his move and made his way to the roof she was on, it turned out to be a museum that he left out of his search, "Damn," he muttered, "Cap would say 'You needed to be more thorough Clint!' right about now." Clint slowly crept to the door she went through. He saw that the door was electronically controlled and he needed a key card. No problem. He got on his communicator and called the one guy who could do this. "Tony," he called into the device. A second later Tony came back, "What do you need Robin Hood?" Clint ignored it and moved on. "I've got a lock on Black Cat and I need a way into this museum she's in." Clint heard a few clicks on his keyboard before Tony came back, "Name?" Clint gave him the name and then another few clicks passed, "Door?" Tony asked. "Roof access." Another few clicks and the door light flashed green while Tony added, "Open Sesame." Clint swung the door open and went in, it was great having a technological genius as a teammate.

He sneaked quietly with arrow drawn as he looked for her. When he found her he took aim. "Well well well, a cat burglar? Well I'm not really much of a cat person." He knew that it was a cliche but hey, isn't all hero work?
Unable to visually see anything that could be endangering, I pulled the door open and carefully closed it again. The door beeped red and re-locked. I pulled a flashlight, specially designed to spot alarm lasers, and pointed it towards the ground. There was one single alarm laser a meter above the door. I was inches from crossing it and setting something off. I stepped over it confidently and waited for any sign of an alarm. To my relief, nothing set off. I continued in to the rotunda and center of the museum; where six hallways separate different areas of the building. The museum was pretty much dark, except for the rotunda which had a dim light illuminating the center of the room where a standing plaque listed the different sections of exhibitions. Pointing my flashlight with every step, it appeared no laser alarms were installed in the center (where no significant art was placed, anyways). I approached the plaque but didn’t need to read it to know which hallway to take to the sculpture.

Just as I walked past the plaque, something felt wrong; very wrong. Suddenly, a voice greeted me. I turned around quickly to face a large man, weapon pointed. With instinct, I sprung my hand out, the hook device snatching onto the bow and ripping it out of his hand. My mind switched to focus on one thing. My eyes trailed directly to a light on the wall beside the man; which was previous green and now flashed red. “You idiot! You’ve set off the silent alarm!” I immediately turned around; abandoning the bow and arrow sprawled on the floor, and darted for the hallway I had original set for. With cunning speed, I disappeared into darkness.

The sound of light chiming rung in the air. A 10-foot chandelier hung on the ceiling of the rotunda, directly over the plaque that centered the room. It was lightly swaying, and within several seconds the chain suddenly snapped, hauling the mass of glass down towards him. I didn’t turn back. I focused on doing one thing; cat napping.

I heard an unfortunate crash that rocked the building. I had a limited amount of time before the police would show up and barely flinched at the freak accident I recognized behind me. Disregard any laser alarms, I ran through everything and greeted the sculpture, which was shielded in a glass case bolted to a stand in which was bolted to the floor. Reaching into the center of my plump breasts, I pulled out a pen. Clicking it like a regular, a red light beamed from the writing-end of the pen. I held the pen like a tattoo gun against the glass, and with pressing a small button on the side of the pen, started to laser-cut through the glass. I punched the case and a glass circle fell, perfectly cut, off and into the casing. I reached my hand in and grabbed the sculpture, which was no more than four inches in diameter. I placed the sculpture in a foldable bag, and searched for my nearest exit.
Clint kept his arrow trained to the leather clad thief the whole time, that was until she flicked her hand out and a chain wrapped around and yanked his bow from his hand. The arrow dropped to the floor and the bow went clattering along the floor. No problem, Clint was proficient in other weapons that he had brought along with him, he just preferred his bow because he had grown accustomed to it. While Clint reached into a pouch for one of his bolas she decided to take this opportunity and berate him for triggering the alarm system. He particularly didn't care, it meant that he had more back up to try and pin her down.

Before he could throw the bola Black Cat bolted down a hall making a crucial mistake, she left his bow there. He quickly grabbed it and redrew the arrow. He sprinted down the hall she did but before he could chase her, the chandelier above them came crashing down. "What in the-!" Before he could finish that thought the huge ceiling ornament crashed around him. He leapt out of the way before it could damage him, oh he was lucky that he was an acrobat or else he would be a crushed hawk right about now.

He quickly recovered and grabbed his bow, stringing another arrow rather than scrambling to find the other one. He bolted down the hallway and came into the room where she was busy using a laser pen to cut open the glass to get her prize, her hand grabbing it like it was one of those cheap claw machines, except she actually got what she wanted and wasn't disappointed when the claw dropped it. She put it in a bag and turned her head on a swivel to look for exit. He took this opportunity to fire a warring shot. He took aim and put an arrow through the glass. "Next ones for you kitty cat."
As soon as the arrow struck the glass and shattered it to near bits, the expression on my face changed. It went from confident to very nervous in a second. I froze, eyes wide, like a cat staring the oncoming danger. I was like a kid caught red-handed. If I move, I'll be shot. If I run, I'll also be shot. Even if I make it out, the place will probably be surrounded. I regained a straight posture. "Fine. But I have a question..." I spoke, glaring at you as the sound of police sirens fills the air. They're almost here. There was a slight moment of silence. "Didn't momma tell you to never cross a Black Cat?" At that exact moment, every single light in the entire building shut off - including the emergency lights. The room was left in completely darkness. Not even an inch in front could be seen.

There was a light shuffling sound before I struck you. Having lunged at you from behind, I pranced on your back. “It’s bad luck!” I whispered seductively in your ear; seemingly doing nothing useful but grab a hold of your waist and wrap my arms tightly around your neck - something not nearly life-endangering or even threatening. Until, I slammed a rubber hand-sized patch onto your face that covered your mouth and nose completely; then it all changed. It stuck on like super glue and ultimately restricted any air from entering your nostrils or mouth. I quickly pounced off, digging my feline nails in your shoulder as I removed myself from you. I slammed my foot behind your knees to hopefully send you flying to the ground.

I set off running. I didn’t have time to exit skillfully through a window. I could hear police already making their way in. I had no choice, I had to act fast. While on you, I grabbed an arrow from the quiver. Knowing full well the capabilities of Hawkeye, I recognized the trick arrow and snatched it. I ran for a wall; one I knew would leave to the back alley. Slamming the arrow onto the wall, it light up and I took cover. Seconds later it exploded, blowing a hole into the wall. That was my exit. I moved smoothly, like a cat, and although we weren’t on the main level, I threw myself through the hole and virtually off the building. I didn’t need anything to break my fall. My superhuman agility and cat-like sense allowed me to always land on my four feet. I set off running, nearing Mary’s restaurant in no time. But before I could get close enough to be spotted by the said assignment-giver, I had to know what I was carrying.

Opening the bag, I hushed myself in a dark corner and pulled out the foot-by-foot sculpture of an abstract garbage can. I grinned at it, unimpressed by its strangeness. How could this be so valuable? “Definitely no Mona Lisa…” Smirking, I examined the thing, but when I turned it over I noticed the bottom had a removable plate that had been fused close. Immediately, I slammed the piece to the ground. It exploded on impact and broke into many pieces. Long and behold, something lay prominent in the debris of the previous artwork. I squatted down, picking up a mini silk pull-string bag. Opening it, I spilled the contents into my hand. But it wasn’t contents… it was content. A single stone, huge in size, plopped into my hand. My eyes widened. Immediately, I knew I was holding a Cullinan Diamond. My heart started to race. Whoever I was dealing with was not just some ordinary missionary, but a powerful black market lord. A wave of nausea swept over me. “What did I get myself into?”
Oh sweet victory! After he fired his shot she froze like a deer caught in a set of headlights. The bag the sculpture was in was dangling from her hand and she was wide eyed with fear. He had her right where he wanted her, but seeing her now just brought out a question. Where does she keep all of those gadgets she has? Is it all jammed into her cleavage or are there some pockets he just wasn't seeing on her. She straightened up with a second wind of confidence like she found her way out which had Clint guessing that she thought she could run her way out of this one, or literally jump his bones. He heard the sirens coming closer and closer to the museum. 'Ah you can always count on the boys in blue to show up when you need 'em.' Instead of booting for a door, or for him, she decided to pose a question. When she trailed off he retorted, "No, I won't miss. You're in possession of stolen goods and I'm taking you down." Then she continued her question, apparently his answer not being the one to the question she wanted to ask. So she was going to pull a bad luck cliche, fine by Clint. Before he could fire to shut her up he lights went out and he was blind. He focused on his ears and tried to listen for her steps.

That would prove futile since she lunged from the darkness and got his back. She wrapped her arms around his waist and neck before whisperig into his ears the cliche bad luck line. He opened his mouth to speak but he only received a rubber patch that covered both his mouth and nose, cutting off his breathing. She then pounced off his back and kicked him to the floor, then left him to die.

Clint kept calm, he had about a minute and thirty seconds before he blacked out and then about another minute before he would die. He had to think and think fast. Then an idea came to him. He acted quickly and grabbed an arrow form his quiver. He had grabbed a cryo arrow and pointed the head at the patch on his face. He shoved it into the patch and the pressure released the liquid and made the patch freeze over. He was starting to feel faint. With one last act he slammed his mouth into the floor, the patch shattered and he was allowed to breath. He took several deep gasps of breath before standing up. Not being able to see he got on his communicator. "Tony, lights!" He heard clicks of the keyboard and then the lights came back on right when he heard an explosion, "Gonna have to thank you later Tony." He grabbed his bow again and ran to where he heard the blast. When he got there he saw a large gap in the wall, she had found the arrow he drew first and left behind. He leapt out of the hole and immediately went to the roofs, knowing that's where she was going.

He jumped form roof to roof around the area, it was quiet so he could hear many things. There was no silver hair or black leather up there, just empty space.

He was about to give up, but he heard a crash of stone and plaster somewhere. He traced it down into an alley way and low and behold there she was. He gave her a high pitched whistle to knights his presence. "Hey!" he shouted, "We're not done!"
I was running late. I debated not going to Mary’s at all, and keeping the jewel. Not because it was worth over 200 million dollars, but because there was obviously something criminal going on regarding the stone. There had to be a better explanation for why it was hidden in a sculpture in a museum and why I needed to steal it. Let alone, who wanted it – and why? There were too many questions. Something this valuable meant people died for it, would risk all they have for it, and kill anyone that came in their way. I wasn’t stupid. Business like this is top notch greedy. They use people, and discard them when they’re done. They would probably kill me as soon as I delivered. I simply couldn’t take that risk.

As soon as I heard your voice I grinned. “Great…” I mumbled to myself. “You really are a Hawk!” Bad Luck on me, I didn’t have to go to Mary’s. It seemed mysterious mission-man was coming to me. A raging engine floored towards me. White headlights blinded me as they approached at top speed. Within seconds a round of gunfire shot out towards me. Instinctively, I ducked and rolled; running quickly in front of the car before it could get close enough. I pushed the gem deep into my cleavage. It was the fastest and safest place for them in battle. The hook spat out from my wrist, grabbing onto the balcony of the building and lifting me. I had two hooks, one in each wrist, and I used them both exactly like how Spider-Man used his webs. Using my body weight to sway me from building to building, I could swing as fast as the hook takes time to reel back in. I struggled but eventually pulled myself up. There was a man shooting at me below. As soon as I held on to the ladder on the side of the building, the entire balcony tore off the wall, plummeting to the ground and crushing the car and the men.

I swung up onto the roof where you were situated. “What are you doing!? Shoot! Shoot them!” I hissed at you, pointing down at the car and men firing up to the roof. Not a smart move. A bullet reared into my arm and I whimpered; immediately retracting my arm from mid-air. I ducked, “Now would be a good time for whatever backup you have…” I watched as several more black cars drove to surround the building. Despite the fact that they were on the ground below, they would wait until we got to the ground, and invade any building to find me.

I noticed a red spot on your chest. Immediately looking down, I spotted another gunner. “Watch out!” I cried out. I lunged for you again, slamming into your waist and causing both of us to fall to the ground. I looked down to you, my silky ghostly hair brushing against your face as I pressed against you – on top of you. Suddenly, I whipped my head back and peered around. “The crane.” I sensed my bad luck charm taking into effect. A large crane stood peering next to the building. “Get off the building.” I whispered. “Get off the building!” I shouted, sprouting out and pulling you up with me. Just as I started to run, the 200-foot construction crane came crashing down into the building.
Victory again! And this time he was sure of it. He had the high ground, the weapons and, most importantly, the skill to use them. She was squatted down in the corner of an alleyway with a huge diamond in her hand and shards of pottery and plaster around her feet. So the ugly ass sculpture was hiding a diamond that was the size of a grapefruit? He never really thought that people would resort to that kind of thing. He always thought there was a better way to smuggle jewelry like that to where it needed to go, but inside anschlpture? A little weird for Clints taste. He drew another arrow, this time a net arrow. He ignored the snide remark and was ready to release it and let it go to the intended target, but a squeal of tires and a roar of gunfire made him stop. She wasn't the only one who was after that sculpture, whether or not if it was for the diamond hidden inside or the now shattered sculpture, Clint didn't know so he would just have to guess. He kept the arrow trained on her as she did her little tuck and roll away from the car, not before putting the diamond down her cleavage. "God, I swear she puts everything in there." As she leapt for the building across from him he watched as the men followed and get crushed by a balcony that just happened to have weak structural integrity. "Damn it. When Tony's right, he's right." This girl was serious bad luck! The chandelier almost crushing him, the lights going out so she could suffocate him, and now these guys were getting crushed by debris that wasn't debris a minute ago.

She finally decided to bring her little swinging act over to where he was and she commanded him to open fire. He did, but not because she told him to, but because he wanted to stay alive. He fired his net arrow that nabbed a straggler from the crashing balcony. He pulled an electro shock arrow and fired it a car that just now pulled up with several others behind it. The arrow dug into the engine and turned the car into one big conductor, as well as short circuiting the cars electrical systems. He pulled the next arrow out and that was about the time she got her arm shot. His eyes turned to her and that's how he missed the red dot trained on his chest. She lunged at Clint, taking them both to the floor as the bullet whizzed by them both. Clint took the arrow he had and fired it where the shot came from before the idiot could even reload. The arrow gave a resounding thud as it hit the man square in the forehead, a concussion was soon to follow.

He turned his head to see his target on top of him with her silvery locks dangling in his face and he got a wonderful view of her beautiful face. He gave her a smile, "And here I thought Black Cats were bad luck." He was of course making light of what just happened, they were still in trouble. That was until she whispered something into his ear and then shouting it at him again. She dragged him up off the floor and they both bolted for the edge of the building. As they both did a crane came down behind them, Clint added a few expletives not understanding how she was doing that. The building crumpled beneath them and Clint grabbed his grapple arrow and shot it at the nearest thing that wasn't on this roof. He grabbed Black Cat, seeing that her arm was shot and in no condition to be swinging, and leapt off the building. They dropped until the slack in the rope from the arrow was gone and he swung them to safety. He took a moment to catch his breath and allow his adrenaline to settle before asking. "So... Are you going to tell me what that rock is for? Or am I going to need to call in Cap and have him get it out of you?"
I let out a slight terrified meow as I was grabbed by you and hauled against you. Suddenly I was flying in mid air, without any support from my hook. At first I thought we were just two bodies in the air, but coming to the realization that we were swinging, I let out a sigh. Regaining a talk stance as we landed on near ground, I immediately turned around to face the crane that now collided and crashed right at the spot we were previously laying on. My lips curled down and I let out a deep, miserable sigh. “Not again...” I muttered to myself. I rubbed my temples momentarily before turning back to you. I rubbed my arm and squinted with the sharp pain I felt when I touched it. Looking down at my opposite hand, it was lathered in blood. “Shit...” I grumbled, wiping the blood on my outfit and disregarding the injury. The fact that I even allowed myself to be shot was beyond me, let alone throw myself in front of you to take the fall. I felt compelled to do so. Something about the Avengers made me easy. Perhaps it was a sense of dignity, or perhaps just the plain presence of a deep respect. After all, I wasn't a bad person... all the time.

I looked at you like you were a moron, lowering my brow and glaring at you with a frustrated expression. “This?” I reached deep into my two large breasts and pulled out the crystal. “This?” I repeated. I seemed rather shocked as I looked at you. “You don't know... what this is?” I paused, waiting for your response and as I realized you were truly clueless I let out a chuckle. “Unbelievable. An Avenger... the infamous Hawkeye, doesn't even know what the most valuable diamond in the world is... Hm. Tells you a lot.” I smirked and dangled the jewel in front of you. “This, sir. Hawk, is an infamous Cullinan Diamond. Or rather, a piece of it. Judging by the weight, it's probably around 300 carats of pure, rare, flawless diamond.” I looked around me, checking over my shoulder for any other potential risks or people. Plopping it back in my cleavage, I continued, “The Cullinan Diamond was the largest diamond ever found up until '85. It was a massive rock at just over 3000 carats. It was split into 9 pieces. This is definitely one of the larger ones.”

Turning around to check again, I tapped my foot anxiously. “We need to get out of here, hide somewhere. They're all dead now, but I'm sure they'll send more. They'll be more. And much angrier. Whoever sent me to steal this... is powerful. Only someone powerful would have known where the gem was, or could have even planted the gem in that sculpture. Whatever the case, with this in my possession, and not showing up to hand it over, I'm in trouble. Big trouble. I wasn't even supposed to know what was in that sculpture.” I took a breath. “They tried to kill me. They sought to kill me even before my scheduled time of arrival. Which means, they never intended to allow me to live in the first place – even with the assumption that I only knew the exterior – the sculpture – and not the diamond. I'm out of here before I end up in a stretcher; dead.” I turned from you, quickly heading for nearest car.
After Clint's questioning he looked her over to see if the fall had added on any injuries. His sharp eyes immediatley snapped to her shoulder, most likely it would have been center mass if she hadn't valiently jumped in front of it, for reasons he didn't know why, and saved his life. He looked at the wound, clean wound both entry and exit, most likely the exit being the worst of them. From the size of the entry wound he had to have guessed a .22 caliber bullet, nothing big, she would recover with fully functionality of her shoulder within a few weeks. He looked over himself, nothing but scrapes and bruises for him, along with a small blood splatter where the bullet exited. He looked over with Black Cat to see the damages to the building. Well there was no more building, only large piles of rubble thanks to the crane that 'magically' came down on it. He could also see that there was no one left alive at that scene. It made Clint feel aggitated and angry. He was supposed to disarm only, not kill.

His agitation only grew as she pulled out the diamond from her breasts... again. "Doesn't that hurt, constantly pulling things in and out of your breasts?" She the. Proceeded to insult his intelligence about a stupid rock that people deemed valuable. "Well I'm sorry. Things that are all about dollar signs and values that are way above my salary are Tony's thing, not mine. He's the billionaire that can buy that sort of stuff. So excuse me if I don't know what that precise diamond is!"
After Clint's questioning he looked her over to see if the fall had added on any injuries. His sharp eyes immediatley snapped to her shoulder, most likely it would have been center mass for him if she hadn't valiently jumped in front of it, for reasons he didn't know why, and saved his life. He looked at the wound, clean wound both entry and exit, most likely the exit being the worst of them. From the size of the entry wound he had to have guessed a .22 caliber bullet, nothing big, she would recover with fully functionality of her shoulder within a few weeks. He looked over himself, nothing but scrapes and bruises for him, along with a small blood splatter where the bullet exited. He looked over with Black Cat to see the damages to the building. Well there was no more building, only large piles of rubble thanks to the crane that 'magically' came down on it. He could also see that there was no one left alive at that scene. It made Clint feel aggitated and angry. He was supposed to disarm only, not kill.

His agitation only grew as she pulled out the diamond from her breasts... again. "Doesn't that hurt, constantly pulling things in and out of your breasts?" She the. Proceeded to insult his intelligence about a stupid rock that people deemed valuable. "Well I'm sorry. Things that are all about dollar signs and values that are way above my salary are Tony's thing, not mine. He's the billionaire that can buy that sort of stuff. So excuse me if I don't know what that precise diamond is!" After that he went off a little away from her to steam. He hated it when people insulted his intelligence. Sure he had spent most of his life as a carnival side show but that didn't mean he was some sort of imbicile that didn't know anything.

Hatter fuming for a moment he brougt himself back under control and came back over to her. She then went on about findin a place to hide from these goons incase more came back. A few places came to mind that suited what she was thinking of. Before he could say anything she turned tail and headed for the nearest car. He got on the communication line, "Tony?" In a flash Tony was on the line, "What do you need Notingham?" After an aggregated sigh he responded, "I'm going dark for awhile, but I'm going to use a few of the safehouses so have Jarvis unlock them all." Tkny came back confused, "All but I thought you said a few and what about Black Cat?!" "Yes but I still don't know where I'm going yet so just have them unlocked ok? I'm using them to follow a few leads." He cut the line before Tony could respond. He followed Black Cat to the car she was going to use. "Ok here's how this is going to work, you will come with me to one of our secure safehouses and then we'll figure out our next move and yes I mean OUR move because I'm not letting you or that diamond out of my sight."
“Have you ever felt breasts before?” I grimaced again, “Believe me when I say, they can pretty much morph and adapt to anything.” Shrugging slightly, I chuckled a bit, “It also avoids people from trying to touch me, or when they search me by pat, they still don't feel anything. Cleavage goes a long way. Especially large breasts. I'm extremely blessed.” A cocky grin smeared across my face. I knew I was attractive; that men threw themselves at me just as I made eye contact with them. I figured, if I have them, might as well put them to good use. Hiding weaponry and valuables seems like a pretty good use to me.

I let out a bored sigh, “Sorry to emasculate you for anything, but once you've picked your balls up off the floor, I would greatly appreciate with you just left me alone.” I tossed my index finger out, a long cat nail curving towards you as I gestured to your presence. “You may leave. You have my permission.” I gave a playful wink, but it could only be seen at one moment and one moment only. It was something rare that needed to be caught as soon as it happens and not a second more. It was clear I was used to being 'cute' and 'witty' and that I derived some sort of pleasure from being rather controlling and incredibly independent.

Walking up to a nice Acura TSX, I bent down; kneeling beside the driver's door as I dug my long nail into the key hole. I turned my finger, wiggling it several times before the lock clicked and I pulled open the door. “Kazam.” Smiling, I leaned forward onto the seat opened up the compartment underneath the steering wheel. Slipping a small inch by inch electronic device from a pocket, I stuck it prominently into the sea of wiring. There was a single button on the device. When I pressed it, the car roared to life. “Beautiful.” I was talking about the sound of the engine. I propped myself up in the seat and slammed the door closed. The electric window on my side slid down and I looked at you. “Listen, you're whole hero orgy is nice and all, but I don't have time for your little chasing games, and cutesy safehouses. Try not to be brutally insulted, but I'm dealing with actual criminals here. People who will kill anything from a dog to a child to get what they want.” I sighed, “My father always told me, where there is a diamond, there is blood. I've already stained my hands, don't stain yours.”

I revved the car and took off, but I only drove for short of 10 seconds before I slammed on the brakes and came to a horrible realization. One, you would probably chase me until I complied. Two, I would probably lose since I was driving with a bleeding shot wound, and three, who was I kidding? I had a lot of gadgets, but Hawkeye had electrical arrows. I growled to myself and towards my brief stupidity. It also aggravated me that I was stuck with you. “Hawk.” I shouted, “I guess I stand no chance since you have one of those fancy car-shut-off arrows, right?” I sighed. “Stuck with him...” I murmured, “Out of all people... Unbelievable.”
Clint watched as she picked the lock on a car door with just her cat claw. He was surprised to see that the door still had a key hole on it, most cars these days were all boasting the push start engine and the little keychain remote that automatically locked and unlocked the doors when they were a certain distance from the car. He leaned on the car and watched her hotwire the car with a little gadget she pulled out of a pocket she had. He waited for her to unlock the doors to let him in but instead got a window rolled down and laughed at by her. She even took a shot at the team which made him grit his teeth. Sure he could allow her to insult him all she liked but to talk bad about the team? That was crossing a line with Clint. They were good people doing damn fine work, sure as hell better than whatever she was doing. "Ok you have a better idea on where to go? If they could corner you once then they can sure as hell track you wherever you decide to go. Now I'm offering you sanctuary in high security safehouse that the little 'hero orgy' called The Avengers uses frequently without being detected so we could figure this out, but fine go I'll look for your article in the obituaries in a couple of days." With that she took off thinking that Clint wasn't up for handling killers. He had dealt with plenty of people like that especially the ones who killed his wife.

She drove off and he watched her go, letting her get at a challenging distance before he would take a shot with his EMP arrow, sure she had insulted everything about his like of work but he still had a mission. Then a thought crossed his mind, she had already seen him use thine of the same arrows on those thugs earlier. So did she really think she could get away. She would prove him right and she came right back to where he was standing. She then commented that she knew about his arrows. He decided to have a little fun with this. He pulled the EMP arrow out saying in a mocking tone, "This?" he asked, "This?" he repeated. "You don't know what this is?" He rolled his eyes, "Wow a high tech thief doesn't even know about this... Tells you something about her." He got in the front seat and tapped her head with it, "This is an arrow equipped with an EMP device... you do know what EMP is right? Electromagnetic pulse?" He then laughed at her, glad he was able to turn what she did to him back on her.

"One thing your going to need to learn about me BC, I don't quit." He then proceeded to give her directions to a safe house he used when he was working solo. When he rejoined the Avengers he got it hooked up to Jarvis. Now hopefully she would just shut up and drive.
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