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Conspire with Me (M for F)

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Mar 22, 2012
Listen carefully, for I may say this... once. The secrets which I can share with you do not easily bear repeating. We will meet, smile, embrace, and then we may be done. And the conversation may end in a conspiracy against the public… or just a really good time :)


No god-moding. That means every character I play except by the terms of a specific, prior discussion retains freedom of will and action for me to do what I please with them at all times. Coercion may be an option but it must be justifiable (i.e. your character is simply stronger than mine. Don’t be stupid).

Be creative.

Don’t plagiarize. Don’t excessively use even attributed content without the author’s express permission.

All characters in the roleplay must be 18+. All players must be 20+.

All of my partners must be female. No, I'm not going to hound you to find out what your RL sex is; this is an on-your-honor thing. But just be honest about who you are.

I will respond to active roleplays at least once each day or send you an explanation; if you receive neither, something is wrong. I may have dropped the roleplay.

PLEASE be patient about my posting. Sometimes things happen. If I will be delayed in responding, I will do my best to let you know.


Romance. Yes, I’m a sucker for the devotional, emotional, and the meaning of it all. Who matters if most people have sex with those they end up separate from, eventually. I believe in true love, and I appreciate it most of all.

Long Term Roleplay. It’s always just best if it goes on! Though sometimes an entire story can be told in a one shot. It really all depends.

Email, instant messenger, or PM based roleplay. I prefer that it be between you and me, where I don’t have to be nervous about the eyes of others. That does not mean I won’t consider thread-based posting… you just have to persuade me.

Science Fiction.

Realism over Fantasy (but open minded).

A good balance between smut and character interaction/plot. We all know why we are on an adult forum. But pure pornography (usually) isn’t my thing. I need something more.


(always looking for new ideas. If you recognize a plot I have done with you on this list and have an issue -- I don’t believe in being exclusive. The same story can be told in many different ways with many different people. Anything else is just stupid):

1. Bastion

The Diaspora of Man began in 2103 A.D./C.E, when the Prometheus, the first “generation ship,” a massive construct encumbered with thousands of volunteers who boarded knowing that they would never leave, so that their descendants might eventually reach a star system that had been confirmed ten years before to possess a habitable world, departed the Sol system. Several more such vessels were launched on hundred-year journeys as increasingly reliable deep-space astronomical tech identified habitable worlds. Realizing that hundreds, thousands, potentially millions of suitable planets that were entirely new worlds existed if they could only be reached, ships began to be launched at a rate that no one could ever have hoped to keep track of. Wracked by war, disease, and all the other consequences of having too many people in one place, the governments of Earth had more important things to worry about than all of the desperate fools beginning journeys that they knew they would never see the end of.

About 50 years into the Diaspora, that requirement was suddenly lifted with the development of effective and safe cryo-preservation. Journeys to a foreign star still took in excess of hundreds of years, even with ships that travelled at a sizable fraction of the speed of light, but they were now able to reach where they were going in a state of suspension that permitted at least a glimpse of the final destination. The effect was immediate. Where a handful of ships had been launched every year before, hundreds were launched in the following cycle. Entire expeditionary international corporations were founded and loaded up willing emigrants in job lots, planning ahead for several centuries to ensure that colonies, which would still be cut off from the home world on arrival but with far greater survivability, had everything needed to succeed. As more and more people left the remaining population of Earth finally began to feel the pressure of the multibillion boots upon its neck alleviate and true prosperity came to past for the first time in more than a century. The future became far more secure as everyone planned for when Earth would be able to eventually contact and forge political and economic bonds with its myriad descendants. As the great Diaspora drew to a close some 300 years after it had begun (though colony expeditions still remained a relatively frequent event), the means to do so finally became unlocked. Using the forces of gravity which travelled faster than any other force known to man and connected everything in the galaxy, journeys previously requiring hundreds of years of slow travel could be made in a handful of years at the outside.

It is now the year 1903 P.D. (for post diaspora, the calendar was reset to reflect the massive changes prompted by colonization events). By this time hundreds of independent polities known as star nations exist throughout humanity’s region of the Milky Way Galaxy and regularly contact and trade with one another. The government of Earth has formed a confederated union with its closest daughters to form the Terran Federation, a faction that serves a similar role to the United States in the current political makeup, in that it is by the most powerful and prosperous entity that also plays host to most events and organizations that affect the entire scheme of galactic events. But all is not well. In the far future, outside of the security provided by the enveloping but still relatively insignificant reach of Earth’s powerful Fleet, there is only war. Great powers fight each other for the same reasons humans have always fought each other, resources, territory, and in some cases ideology (though as before, ideology often only served as a hollow justification, not the real reason). In addition to the chaos this causes, which Earth has no real interest or ability to stop, there are other threats. While during the Diaspora no world containing a peer of humanity, an advanced alien race, was discovered, it is widely accepted that, given the sheer number of habitable worlds now known to exist, the accident of evolution that produced humanity and permitted development to a similar if not more advanced degree had to have happened somewhere. As colonization continued, the likelihood of first contact became ever more pressing. And if a true peer was discovered, and that peer had any kind of hostile intent, humanity, as a whole, had to be ready.

To that end, expeditions were commissioned to locate as many worlds targeted for settlement as possible and, for the first time, in preparation for the final arrival of a semblance of order in a time approaching 2,000 years after travel amongst the stars became a reality, a true census began. This was a monumental task. The hundreds of established colony nations that exist in human space are just the tip of the iceberg. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of colony worlds exist that, for one reason or another, did not re-establish contact after settlement. Some have been completely isolated this entire time. Agents of the Federation government were dispatched to every place that records indicate even one of the old generation ships went to. This story begins with one such agent, Commander Markus Victor of the Terran Federation Navy, en route to the world of Bastion, located some 350 light-years from Earth. A true “neo-barbarian” case observed to nonetheless possess signs of civilization, Victor’s expedition was still a shot in the dark. As his ship, the TNS Fearless came out of hyper, bringing the system of bright blue-purple Richard’s Star into full view, he began a slow journey towards the very Earth-like Planet Bastion.

2. The Traveler

I was kicking back at Take Five, the local coffee bar, just sipping on a mocha and reminiscing. I'd just graduated from college... now I was stuck with figuring out what in hell I am going to do with a liberal arts degree in this economy. I had heard there were jobs for guys like me, I guess I'll use the term poet-journalist, out in D.C., maybe, if I could build the right bridges and meet the right people. It was a shot, but it would've taken some doing just to get out there...

"Lucky" for me, I don't have to worry about that anymore. Where I am now, well, that's not entirely certain, but D.C. is certainly out of the question, and so is Kansas, the home for which I will always groan in thinking of. The suburb and farmland prison for my mind and existence is long behind me, along with my family. I don't really remember what happened. I just fell asleep in the coffee joint's comfy booth, and then I awoke in a bed. Not just any bed... an old fashioned straw-woven number. Set, by all indications, within a stone fortress. My clothes were gone, replaced with some dandy silk finery. I now featured a stylish if extremely old fashioned shoulder-hung gold necklace from which hung a beautiful sapphire arrangement. I at first thought it had to be dream, but it's gone on way too long since then. The servants, the land, the soldiers, the gold, the title... Baron of the Valley Wonder, so they tell me, it's all too vivid. Too believable.

In all of my newfound lordship, I've had a ball of time. I was never a big technological aficionado, and for the stuff I absolutely had to have, I managed to cobble together with my "advanced" knowledge that deeply impressed even "my" personal scholar. The harvests, in the years since then, have been bountiful, and my coffers have filled. I let the place run itself for the most part, never having any real reason to go anywhere else or to pay very close attention, though I treat the serfs who lives off of me with respect and dignity.

But now everything is changing. King Jordan, his exalted majesty or so they say, I personally think it's a bit strange to call a guy exalted when I haven't even met him, is en route to my lands, and it is said that he brings with him a proposal. Of marriage, to his eldest daughter, the young Duchess of [whatever]. You see, in my time here, I've figured out that His Majesty's wife, Queen Katerina, died some time ago, of an ailment that surely would have been entirely preventable in my time and world, for she was only 25 years old. Having borne the King only a daughter, and thus no heir, (I always thought that history was the most ridiculous thing, but I digress) the crown must pass to a suitable man who can eventually pass it to a male child of maternal descent. The dynasty will die, in law, but Jordan's legacy will live on, and it's said that this is his chief concern.

Enough to really screw everything over for me, anyway. For I'm told that like her or hate her, I am now required to answer the King's command for my hand to join with his daughter's, or all of the luxury, all of this high life that I find myself enveloped in under circumstances I still don't understand, will be gone. I'll be left to fend for myself as a common dreg, and let me tell you, if the way the serfs on most estates in this place live is any indication, that's a bad way to go. I could just close my eyes, hope for the best, hope to get back home, but I don't think that's going to work, and I don't think I want that anyway.

Now I just have to figure out what I do want.

3. Power Played

In the department of Seduction and Corruption, located on sub-basement 6C, a young man of special talent and capability is given an assignment by none other than "the CEO" himself to, characteristically, seduce and corrupt a young and up-and-coming female politician who dreams to be, and if the CEO's ambition is realized, will become the first female President of the United States. One that will answer to him.

Alternative: A powerful United States Senator who has been in federal government for only one six-year term but has already learned the pulse of politics to a degree sufficient enough to ensure his permanent membership and ever-increasing power learns that he may not have very long to live due to a crippling heart condition. To extend his life and increase his power, he is willing to do anything. And get help from anyone…

4. The Prince Be Damned

Prince Alexander Cameron, newly succeeded to the Rosen Throne of the fair Princedom of Rumana, a small but wealthy and influential country in the fictional, Renaissance-level civilization of the world of Thess, has an ambition to rule all that he can see from the high mountain which perpetually cloaks the nation’s prosperous capital of Ruma in shadow except during the annual “festival of the sun.” And beyond, if he can find the time. But Rumana, despite having a well-trained and equipped army, does not have the military might to do anything but defend its own landlocked borders.

But Alexander has a dream, and he’ll do anything to pursue that dream. Without the knowledge of even his beloved late father, Alexander has trained in secret to be a master Sanguine Magister, a blood mage. Consorting with his lifelong tutor, he plots to summon a spirit, a demon, to help him conquer the known world. But not even his tutor knows Alexander’s real plan – to summon a spirit not of Power, but of Corruption, a significantly more powerful and dangerous force. Even he does not fully understand what he’s getting into, however… and the particular spirit he has in mind is one of the most feared of her kind to ever walk the mortal plane.

Can the Prince chain this malevolent being for his own ends? Or will he take the steps which prompt his own enslavement and destruction, and then the world’s?


1. Freelancer

It was the 23rd century. Mankind's darkest hour. The war had been raging for almost a hundred years. We had been fighting for so long, no one could remember the reason why it started in the first place, all we knew there were two sides... The Coalition and The Alliance... For decades, millions died for the same piece of rock. Again... and again...

Finally, one side manage to gain the upper hand... The Coalition...

In desperation, The Alliance launched seven sleeper ships. The hope was, for them to begin again, far for the wars and strife that had befallen Earth, to start free from the prejudices that has divided us for so long. Each sleeper ship was christened after its patron nation. The Bretonia (United Kingdom). The Rheinland (Germany). The Hispania (Spain). The Roma (Italy). The Kusari (Japan). The Galia (France). The Liberty (America)

Against all odds, the colony ships broke through the Coalition blockade, and headed for the Sirius Sector, where Alliance scientists had confirmed the presence of solar systems with habitable worlds. Not all were successful in reaching this refuge.

The Roma was lost on the launch pad by the actions of a Coalition fanatic who blew up the ship and himself. The surviving colonists joined the Liberty.

All contact was mysteriously lost with the Galia shortly before the final jump to relativity space was made.

The Bretonia suffered a critical engine failure en route to Sirius and was forced to proceed at half-speed, ultimately colonizing the section of Sirius which contained the most barren and inhospitable worlds available.

The Hispania lost 3/4 of their colonists after the automatic life support system failed, apparently due to sabotage. The survivors, presumed dead by the rest of the expedition, divided into two groups. The first used the ship's escape pods to settle the first available planet after the ship finally reached the outer fringes of Sirius. The others continued on, nursing Hispania to an apparently more habitable place... though the legacy of this choice would later haunt them. In time, the abandonment of the Hispania to its fate would create a threat to the entire Sector.

Meanwhile, in the Sol system, the Coalition nations celebrated their final, ultimate victory... but they did not have long. Sensing that humanity was now at its moment of ultimate vulnerability, a powerful fleet of enigmatic and absolutely hostile alien ships arrived and in short order exterminated civilization in Sol. The war, which had in fact been covertly triggered and sustained by this deadly true enemy, had been for nothing. The aliens pulled the lever on the trap door for humanity, but we had willingly stepped onto the gallows.

That was 800 years ago, when we came here to rebuilt our lives. We've come a long way since then. We have grown. We have prospered. We have flourished. But, we will never forget...


(M) Student x (F) Teacher

(M) Human x (F) Demon/Angel/Alien

(M) Demon/Angel/Alien x (F) Human

(M) Human x (F) Superhuman

(M) Target x (F) Assassin

(M) Average Joe x (F) Secret Agent

(M) Cop x (F) Criminal

(M) Speeder x (F) Cop

(M) Average Joe x (F) Soldier

(M) Politician x (F) Campaign Manager

(M) King/Emperor x (F) Queen/Empress

(M) Prince/Noble x (F) Knight

(M) General x (F) Enemy Spy

(M) Roman Emperor x (F) Roman Goddess

(M) Pharaoh x (F) Alien

(M) Commoner x (F) Runaway Young Noblewoman

(M) Hostage x (F) Bank Robber (Stockholm Syndrome)

(M) Cop x (F) Prostitute

Lover x Lover

Best Friend x Best Friend

Husband x Wife (including arranged marriage)

Instant bar hookup between anybody

Instant spa hookup between anybody

Instant college hookup between anybody


All fandoms will involve OC’s. I do not play canon characters. They’re not mine to play.

Mass Effect

Dragon Age

Star Wars

Honor Harrington


The Witcher

The Borgias

The Tudors

James Bond


More to come!
I could do any of these over e-mail if you like.
(M) Demon x (F) Human
(M) Cop x (F) Criminal
Husband x Wife arranged marriage
It's not what goes BUMP in the night that you should fear, but what remains silent.

Lotsa new updates in plots and pairings!
"Living the past is a dull and lonely business; looking back strains the neck muscles, causing you to BUMP into people not going your way."

-Edna Ferber
"I told them that if they move my desk one more time, I'm going to set the building on fire..."
Still looking for a really engaging idea that is built off (with whatever degree of modifications you like!) one of my standard plots.
Work and private responsibilities have kept me away for a bit, but today I get off (perhaps in more ways than one ;)?). BUMP
"Bastion" has been downgraded to a standard-listed plot. I no longer particularly crave it.

New post section: FANDOM PLOTS.

New Fandom Plot: "Freelancer." !!! CRAVING !!!

Private message me if you want to roleplay. I will love you forever if you prepare basic character details in advance.
Standard BUMP. I'd really love to hear some ideas from people that are either completely original or an adaptation of mine.
Heading to college town today to get school residency set up. I'm transferring. But I'll surely be looking for partners when I return!
Hello, BMR! I'm returning from a long hiatus and am looking for new partners.

If we have a previous RP that you would like to give another shot, I'm open to that, too.
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