Even Avatar's Love (KevinR778)


Oct 18, 2009

"The Fire Ferrets take the match!" the announcer cheered over the loudspeaker. His voice boomed around the entire arena, erupting the crowd into even louder and grander cheers then they had been the entire night. The Fire Ferrets had won the biggest match in their life, after the finals the year before. Bolin grabbed Korra around the waist, lifting her into the air with a cheer as Mako removed his helmet, remaining his cool, typical self. The two more eager teammates shared a hug before grabbing Mako and pulling him over to join them. The opposite team climbed out of the pond they had been ungracefully tossed into, groaning and tossing their helmets on the ground in frustration. The other three exited the stage to cool off and relax, even just for a few minutes.

Korra pulled off her helmet and tossed it over against the wall with a whoop. "Finally!" she cheered, pumping her fist into the air. "You guys, that was our best match yet! If we keep playing like that for the whole season, we'll make it into the finals for sure!"

"Don't get too excited yet," Mako warned, beginning to remove his armour and put it back in the proper locker. "Who knows what drama will happen this year." After all, they thought they had it in the bag last finals, but several things had begun to tear them apart from the inside. They had barely made it.

"Aw, don't be such a downer, Mako," Bolin pouted, sitting on the bench. "We'll make it for sure. That won't happen again." Korra joined Mako in removing her uniform and putting it away, a large grin still plastered on her face. "Don't burst my bubble," she complained jokingly. Mako returned it with a nudge of his elbow and his signature smirk.
There was a loud roaring cheer in the stadium after they won the match, Malu included. Malu was Korra's biggest fan in possibly the entire world and would do anything to try and meet her. The Earth bender saw her and the rest of the team walk into a room after the match, presumably the locker room. He decided that if he was going to meet her then this would be a perfect chance.

He had to struggle through the massive crowd, getting pushed and shoved as he weaved through people. He had to hurry if he wanted to be able to meet her. It took a few minutes but he finally arrived right above where she was. He was anxious to get down to her some how but didn't think it over beforehand. Then he realized that the seats where made of stone, he got in his stance and focused hard as he separated the stone just enough for him to slip down into the room. He jumped down before thinking and wound up landing right on his rear end with a "Oof". He looked around to see the row of lockers he was in, it was empty but he knew she was still here. He turned the corner and caught a glimpse of her in her water tribe outfit. 'Even more beautiful than in pictures' he thought to himself.

He looked at himself quickly and wiped some dust off himself. He took a deep breath before actually walking around the corner. The tall earth bender was a few inches taller than the water tribe beauty but he felt ten times smaller in his anxious mind. He was fit with a medium build, with blue eyes and short black hair. He smiled as he saw her, his eyes gazing upon her up close and in person for the first time. "Uhhh.. Wow" was all he could managed to spit out as he was star struck from even being in the same room as her. He didn't even notice if the rest of her team was there, but he tried not to drool as to not look like an idiot. "M-Malu... I'm... That's m-my name" he said nervously. He felt his cheeks turn red as he barely even constructed a sentence. He looked at her, cheeks red, stuck on her eyes and sort of gazing off into then. To say he liked her was an understatement, and his actions showed that exactly. He could only hope she didn't call security or send him flying with a fireball.
When the Fire Ferrets heard the land, they all took a minute to pause, looking back towards the door. They hadn't even gotten that far out of the locker room before someone came looking for them. But when Malu came around the corner, it wasn't what they were expecting. He was only a fan who was sneaking around. But yet he spoke to the three of them. Bolin's right eyebrow rose and Mako remained expressionless, as always. Korra on the other hand, cracked a smile. It seemed like they had a fan, who wasn't a girl drooling over Bolin this time. "Hey Malu. Enjoy the match?"
When she looked at him and smiled he lit up, blushing even brighter than before. He heard her reply and his name come out of her mouth. "Uhhh... y-yea. Y-your Korra" he said though it was barely intelligible. It was like his brain melted into mush, barely able to speak from sheet nerves. He blinked for what felt like the first time since he saw her. His eyes moving off her for just a moment so he could gain some composure instead of looking like an idiot. "You were awesome" he managed to say with out stuttering. He looked back at her, trying to relax even a little. He didn't even acknowledge Mako or Bolin, much more concerned about her. "I'm a bender too but I'm no Avatar" he said with a small smile. His cheeks started to fade a bit, but the butterflies in his stomach remained.
Mako reached forward while Malu was making a fool of himself and tugged Korra lightly back, telling her something about reservations. She nudged him off though, commenting about his rudeness and turned back to the stranger just about the time he regained himself. "Well thanks. We worked pretty hard on those new moves." Like hell Korra was going to take all the credit. It wasn't just her out on the field. "Really? Let me guess, Earth bender?"

Mako rolled his eyes. That wasn't that hard to guess. "Come on, Korra. Asumi's waiting for us."

"Hold your horses, Mako! There's a fan here!"

"That shouldn't even be back here." Mako crossed his arms.

Korra sighed and looked back at Malu. "Sorry about him. Do you wa--"

Bolin jumped in, joining Korra side. "Wanna come with us? We're going for some awesome water tribe food."
Malu watched her, not really paying attention to the two behind her as Mako obviously didn't want him around. He smiled at her thanks and nodded when she guessed what kind of bender he was correctly. He heard the comment from Mako but didn't think much of it as she reassured him. He was a bit startled by Bolin jumping in, the first time he focused on something else other than Korra. He heard the question and thought for a second. "Sure why not" he said with a smile. "It's not every day I get to eat with such a pretty girl, let alone the Avatar" he added with a blush. His eyes refocused on her, knowing he had a chance to get to know her, the Avatar and one of the most beautiful girls in the world. "So where to?" he asked.
Bolin grinned and grabbed Korra around the shoulders, whipping her around again. "Follow us," he commanded cheerfully and began pushing the girl out of the stadium. Mako sighed in defeat but followed the two out, keeping a close eye on Malu as they went. Once they had their direction set, Korra stretched her arm over Bolin's shoulders, walking beside the man, but glancing towards Malu as well. "So how long have you been watching the matches?" she asked him.
He followed the three out, noting Mako's and Bolin's demeanor towards him. He wound up following close behind her and Bolin. He tossed her a smile as she glanced back at him. He heard her question and thought about it for a second, "I've been watching matches for years but especially now that you're part of them. Nothing like a girl who can out-bend a guy, especially one so goregeous" he said with a big smile. He seemed to relax a bit, even with the cold shoulder from her buddies. "You guys are a good team" he said, referring to the three of them for once. "It must be awesome to be able to bend all four elements, I know earth it pretty cool so all four must be amazing" he said. He never thought the meeting would go so well, he expected the other two's reaction but not hers. It was almost too good to be true.
"See, Mako? He thinks I'm awesome," she joked with a grin. "Four is quite a work out, that's for sure." She removed her arm from Bolin's shoulders and turned a corner with the rest of the group to the small cafe-like restaurant. "Although I only have three down."

"Because she's too busy with us," Bolin teased with a grin. "We keep stealing her from Tenzin. I bet he hates us by now."

((By the way, catch the new episode yet?))
(Not yet, I'm sure I'll see it soon though)

He smiled at her tease towards Mako. He saw her turn the corner and so did he soon after, seeing the little cafe. He nodded when she mentioned only knowing three so far and smiled at the comment Bolin made. He stood next to Korra, smiling at her. "Did I mention how pretty you are?" he said with a light blush. As relaxed as he was, she just made him nervous. Maybe it was the crush he had on her or the fact that she was so nice and he didn't want to mess it up. "If you want I could pay for the meal for us all" he offered with a smile. He had the money and would even pay for the others even though they gave him the cold shoulder. He was going to be the better man, and hoped she would possibly see it too.
Korra looked towards Malu and nodded. "Yeah, you've mentioned it quite a few times now." She looked back towards the other two members of her team as they entered the cafe and sat down before listening to his suggestion. The three looked at each other and smiled. "Sure, if you'd like to pay for it," Korra agreed with a smile.

"So Mako, where's your girlfriend?" Bolin asked, teasing his brother with a nudge to his side. Mako responded with a simple point towards the door, where Asami was entering from. Bolin's grin vanished as he was shown wrong.
He smiled and happened to get the seat next to Korra as he joined them. He turned to see Mako's girlfriend briefly, before returning to taking to Korra. "It would be my pleasure to pay, order what ever you like" he said with a smile. He gazed at the tan-skinned beauty, "If you want I could show you a few earth bending tricks after we eat" he said. He was no probender but he was still skilled. He moved his hand down and picked up a few pebbles, moving his fingers and making them levitate between his fingers, "It's no match winning move but I think it's pretty cool" he said with a smile. The pebbles moved together above his hand and he let them drop into his palm in the shape of a smiling face. He even made himself laugh alittle.
Korra watched the man beside her and smiled. "You could try," she joked. "I know quiiite a bit," she told him and shrugged before ordering from the waiter when he came by. Mako and Bolin followed her act, ordering what they wanted as well and settled back in their chairs, talking about the match with Asami, who had been sitting in the stands that night.
He smiled and ordered along with them. He was surprised Asami didn't ask who he was but then again he was more concerned about Korra. "I think you'll never lose another match with Korra on you team" he said with a big smile. "No other team can handle what you three throw at them" he added. He wasn't just trying to get on her good side, he did actually believe that. "Of the three elements you mastered, which one do you think is the hardest?" he asked her. He knew it wouldn't be water since she was from the water tribe but he was curious to know. The cafe started to fill the air with the delicious smells of all kinds of food and it really started to make him hungry.
Korra leaned forward on her arms, pondering the question at hand. "Fire," she told him. "Just trying not to get burnt while using it." She shrugged as Asami smiled and hugged Mako's arm. "Must mean my sweetie's pretty talented then," she suggested.

"Mako's just has the skill," Korra corrected. "I wouldn't call him talented." Mako smiled and leaned his head on Asami's lightly, drawing quite disgusting face from the woman and Bolin.
Malu wasn't really affected by the lovey-dovey couple, though it was the first time he had seen Mako smile ever. His smile as a result of Korra's comment. "Yea... So fire ehh? Well isn't it also the hardest because it's the opposite of water?" he asked curiously, though judging by her and Bolin's faces they were grossed out by the couple. He had really started to get hungry now, his stomach rumbling like the ground when he earth bends . He hoped the food came soon but was content sitting next to Korra. "Have you ever tried water bending, fire bending, and earth bending in one move? It bet that would be pretty awesome and I'm sure you probably could too!" he said with a grin.
Korra shrugged. "That may be it." Her head turned away when the food arrived and she grinned. "Finally," she jokingly complained, taking her chopsticks and beginning to eat what was in front of her. "I could try," she said with a shrug. "I've thought about it, but I just haven't tried it yet." She glanced next to he to Malu and casually smiled.
He smiled nearly as big as when he first met her when the food arrived. He grappled his chopsticks and smiled at her 'complaint'. He blushed when she turned and smiled at him, quickly filling his Dave with the delicious food as to not make a fool of himself once again. After the first few mouthfuls he smiled wide, "This is some good food" he said. He looked to see what she got and realized they order the same thing. "Great minds think alike I guess" he said with a small smile. He continued to chow down to tame his savagely hungry stomach, glancing over at Korra every so often.
"This is the best here," Korra pointed out. "My mother used to make this every time I got out of the compound." She continued to eat before sitting back in her seat. "Amazing grub though." She smiled and the two other teammates nodded. "How long have you been in the city, Malu?" she asked, glancing at the man next to her.
He smiled as she told him about her mother's cooking. "If she cooks it as good as here, I'd love to try some" he said, soon after finishing his meal. He leaned back in his chair and heard her question. "I've been here for five years now" he said. "It's changed so much since I first came but I don't mind" he added. He let out a happy sigh, looking over at Korra. "Have you seen the city? All of it? I'm sure your busy though, being the Avatar and all." he said with a teasing smile. "I know pretty much all of it like the back of my hand" he added.
"Well, then maybe you could show me some of it," Korra agreed with a smile. "These two sure don't want to. Would you be up for the challenge?"
He smiled when she accepted and laughed at her question. "Sure, I don't mind giving a tour." he said. He called the waitress over and paid for the group. "Alright now shall we?" he asked as he stood. He offered her his hand and smiled as the tour was about to begin.
The Avatar rose as well, followed by the rest of the group, who seemed to be a bit more reluctant. The brothers made up an excuse of having to clean their rooms and waved, ducking out before Malu decided they had to pay for their own food. Korra watched them, her eyes narrowing slightly, but went with the other to begin her tour of the city.
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