Hawkeye and Black Widow (Vash x SexyChick)


Mar 19, 2012

Clint Barton, aka Agent Hawkeye, sat in a SHIELD transporter as it made its way to Russia. Across from him sat Director Fury, his only good eye staring at a file in his hands. Clint was feeling a little anxious, he wanted to get out and start already and not sit here in this transport waiting. "So," Clint asked, "What's the target?" Fury looked up from the file, he closed it and handed it to Clint. "Your target is Natasha Romanov, also known as Black Widow to her associates." Clings brow raised in question, "Am I to assume that means what I think it does?" Fury chuckled, "How else do you think she gets that close to that many people? Either way she's got a lot of blood on her hands, the United Nations has asked us to take care of her so that they can stop sweating bullets. So it's simple, find her, and bring the body back for identification." Clint nodded and pulled out his wrist guard. Fury stopped him, "Not yet Barton, you're going into this as a civilian, get her cornered first before you start shooting at her." Clint stashed the wrist guard back in his pocket.

The transport finally set down outside of a city in Russia and Clint got out of it. He slipped on a jacket and zipped it up to cover his purple flak jacket. He put on a pair of sunglasses and reached for his bow case, it looked like a standard briefcase, easy to move around in without suspicion. Fury gave him one last nod before the transport took off. He took a deep breath before setting off into the city to try and find this so called Black Widow.
Clint walked along the streets, blending in withthe masses that surrounded him. This part always made him nervous, the constant bumping and shoving, the drone of voices surrounding him, the chance that at any time someone could bump into him causing him to drop his case and the bow would fall out causing people to freak out and run around in a panic. That was of course the worst case scenario, but you could never be too careful. Romanov was a tricky one and if she got a scent of Barton being here she would duck into a hiding hole and wait forever to come out again. He tapped the side of his sunglasses and the video screens came to life as they began to search for signals. He pulled out his cellphone and pressed one button and the like came alive, "Hill here Barton, we read you loud and clear." "Give me eyes Agent Hill, I need to see her." Another line came on, "Agent Barton, this Agent Collson, I have her in my sights, sending you the feed now." Agent Phil Collson had been tailing Romanov for about an hour now and had followed her into the coffee shop. He had set his own pair of sunglasses down and they were feeding him images from inside the shop, in the periphery Barton could clearly see the red hair of Natasha Romanov.

He caught a glimpse of himself in the camera view and he turned the feed off. He saw the shop and quickly stepped inside. He found Collson and sat down with him, his back away from Romanov. "Good job Collson, any suspicious activity?" Collson subtley shook his head, "None, she was only discretly handed a file. I assume it's her next target." Clint knew that the target could be in this very room and she was ready to strike. "What's the play?" Collson asked. Clint thought for a moment before standing up, "I'm calling an audible." He moved to where Romanov was sitting and stood behind her. "Natasha Romanov, come with me please. Don't Mose a scene because if you do decide to run. I will shoot you."
Clint waited patiently for Natasha to make her move. When she stood up he smiled thinking she has seen reason and decided to come in. When she turned his face stayed expressionless, though on the inside he was admiring her looks. No wonder why she was able to get close to her targets. Anyone that good looking could get in anywhere just by batting her eyes at someone or give them the time of day. His eyes jerked to her hands as he saw it move into her jacket. He jumped back and took a defensive position while shouting grenade and telling Collson to slide him his case. Collson did and it arrived to him as the smoke poured into the shop. He opened the case, slid on his wrist guard, slung his trick quiver over his shoulder and finally grabbed the bow in it's collapsed form. He jerked the bow forward and the arms sprang out to form the complete bow. He grabbed an arrow and drew t when he popped out of cover. He saw that she was gone.

He broke from cover and ran into the streets to see her darting into an alley. He turned the corner to see her dumping her clothes in a dumpster. He quickly drew, took aim, and released he arrow to its target. The arrow whizzed right by her ear, "Damn," he muttered, "I forgot wind speed." People think he just takes aim and fires, but here are actually many calculations and variables to take in. Clint was just good enough to take those in at an instant and fire with 100% accuracy. This time he forgot about wind speed because of the adrenaline from chasin her. Next time she won't be so lucky.
Barton had readied another arrow to fire, but she had already turned another corner. He looked around and saw a ladder to the top of the building next to him. He jumped on the ladder and scurried up the ladder as fast as he could. When he reached the top he jumped on the building and took the corner to see down to try and see her. The red hair was a dead giveaway as he saw it moving amongst everything else. He stepped back and jumped to another roof to follow her, hopefully keeping a safe distance away from her. He wanted to call Collson but that would give his position away to her. So he continued his pursuit on the roof for now hoping that she would slip up along the way and an arrow would be waiting to meet its target.
Barton kept moving around the rooftops to make sure if Romanov caught him it would only be a glimpse. Hopefully that glimpse would make her believe her eyes were playing tricks on her. Finally feeling the need to call the rest of the SHIELD agents in he got on his earpiece. "Collson." He waited a moment for Collson to respond, "Agent Barton, what's your location." Barton looked down at the streets to see where he was, no street signs. "Don't know, get a lock on my tracker and follow me. I think I have Romanov cornered." Clint jumped one more roof and he was now within range of Romanov wherever she went.

He followed her with his keen eyes, tracking every movement her catsuit and flaming red hair made. He knelt at the edge of the roof and thought about his shot. Lethal? That was the tough question. Fury wanted her to come back in a bodybag, but Barton had a different thought. Romanov has been running around long enough to gain enemies, some in common with SHIELD, others that were potential threats. If he could convince her to come to their side she could be a valuable asset. Convinced of this he clicked a few buttons on his bow and his quiver began to rotate around until the head he wanted matched up with the shaft he needed. He pulled the arrow out and took aim, aiming for her feet. He took a few deep breaths before finally letting the arrow go, confident that it would meet it's target. The head he used was a special cuff type arrow that upon contact would spring a cuff around the targets extremity. It was new and Barton wanted to try it out.
((Sorry for the wait))

As the arrow left his bow he never took his eyes off of the target. His breathing rate steadied again as he watched the shaft and cockfeathers fly to the target, slightly rotating around, it was almost like it was in slow motion. His eyes traced towards the target and saw her turn the corner to go a different way, it didn't bother him, as long as her feet were going to be in the place he calculated all will be well. Finally the arrow reached its intended target and he saw her fall to the floor as the cuffs slapped around her ankles. He reache his hand to his communicator and tapped it, "This is agent Barton, target is secured."

He climbed down form the building and briskly jogged over to where she was down. He drew a lethal arrow and had it aimed at her heart. He was waiting for backup. "Well well well Natasha, it seems like you needed to just come with me." Soon agent Collson arrived with his gun drawn and Clint slowly brought the arrow back from the drawn position and put it back into his quiver. He then began to muddle with what to do with her. Kill her now and complete the mission? Or let her live and see if she couldn't be a major asset to SHIELD?
Clint continued to think while Collson still bad his gun trained to Natashas face, common mistake. Every good marksman knows that if you don't get it in the right spot in her head, the target has a small chance to live. The correct spot to go for for an instant kill is the heart. No matter where in the heart if they don't get treatment immediately they will bleed out within a minute, plus it's a much more cleaner kill rather than having to deal with the mess of cleaning up scattered brain matter and skull fragments. Damn, he was getting side tracked, he needed to focus on the decision at hand.

Weighing the options and outcomes he decided to make the call. "Call the transport Collson, we're taking her in." He bent over and picked her up, slinging her over her shoulder and carrying her, he didn't expect her to struggle since Collson still kept his gun on her while he called the carrier. Clint walked through the alleyways and back roads till he got to the rendezvous point where the jet was waiting for them. He sat Romanov in one of the seats and strapped her down, Collson was now free to take his gun off of her, she wasn't going anywhere. He took his seat, Collson did, and the jet took off for the Hellicarier. "So," Clint directed toward Romanov, "You thought I was really going to kill you?"
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