Paints and Foxes

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Jan 17, 2009
Blue eyes sparkled softly as a young blond walked over a bridge where she was suppose to be meeting with the rest of the team, but her mind was anywhere but on training today, she had finally desided that she would work up the courage to ask Sai out. "I really hope that this is the right thing to do...I don't even know what I'm thinking about asking him out." Naruko Uzumaki said to herself with a sigh, shaking her head of long blond hair, she didn't know why she had fallen for someone like Sai, the other was always making fun of her after all and that would always lead to a fight between the two of them...maybe that was it, maybe it was because he reminded her of Sasuke. "No, I never felt like this for Sasuke after all, I was just mad at him." She muttered before sitting herself down by the bank of the river to wait for the others since for once she had arrived early for training.
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