Fox Blood

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Jan 17, 2009
Naruko couldn't believe that this was happening, what had she ever done to have deserved this? Why was she the one who had to be sent off to be killed by a vampire when she was suppose to be getting married soon? She was sure that this had to be the work of that pink haired bitch who was after her Sasuke, she knew that it was her fault that she was here now. "I'll show here, I'll get away from this vamp creep and then show her to try and steal my man." The blond growled to herself, only to become sad as she thought of Sasuke leaving her, what if he did leave her? He was going to think she was dead after all, so why wouldn't wouldn't he go and look for a new girlfriend? "Damn it, stupid vampires, I wish I could just go home now...but they would just make me come right back here if I did that."

The young girl had been brought into the woods an hour before sundown and left alone with her with her hands tied in front of her. When a vampire and moved in to an abandond manor in the forest, the village had gone into a panic and desided that a virgin needed to be given to the vampire to keep it from attacking the people. Sakura had seen this as her one chance to get rid of Naruko since she was about to get married to th man that she wanted and had gone quickly to tell the village leader that there was a demon in Naruko, once people thought that was true, they all desided that she would be the one who's life would be given to keep all of them safe.
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