1X1 final Fantasy VII Advent Children rp. Yoshka and I only.

Jan 10, 2009
The setting takes in the Forest that leads to City Of The Ancients and Kira over heard a rumor about Vincent Valentine roams that forest and protects it from intruders or from threats that he feels threaten by.

Kira put's her white ninja mask over her face and she leaves Tifa bar and heads to that forest to see if Vincent does rememember her or not and she hasn't seen him for a while now, she always wondered how he was doing.

Kira jumps onto a golden cocobolo and it enters right to the entrance of the forest and Kira jumps off the chocobos back and she gives it a gyshi green and it was happy with that. She enters into the forest and she takes a look around the forest and wonders if Vincent finally has Chaos under control which is his final limit break that he gets in Luceria cave.

She keeps her guard up at any cost and she quickly hears someone else in this forest and she wonders if it was Vincent or not and hoped it was him and not a monster.

Sure enough it was a monster and it another grand dragon and Kira knew that she wouldn’t be able to fight this monster on her own because of her ankle was slightly sprained and she hopes that someone would come in and save her from this fiend.

The Grand dragon knew that she wasn’t able to fight at all and he swings his dragon tail at her and Kira quickly rolled out of the way and she slightly winched in a bit of pain with her ankle and she tries her best not to let her guard down at any cost. She was having trouble to try to escape from this dragon, and she had to do something to survive but she wasn’t sure what she should do. (d.)
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