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Telmos Acedemy ( Sapphire Vixen & Frelance)

Evo Var

Jan 2, 2010
Telmos star system:
Star: The sun is just slightly larger than our sun but because of its chemical makeup it burns a deep red.

Planetary bodies:

Orbit 1: Planet the size of earth with rivers of molten metal flowing over its system.

Orbit 2: The Sith Academy that is located somewhere in the northern hemisphere of the arctic planet orbiting on the extreme outer limits of the Goldilocks zone. At one point the five moons that obit Telmos were a planet of its own but after a meteor impact the force soon tor the planet apart and sent the pieces towards Telmos. The largest pieces got caught in Telmos’ orbit while the rest either continued down to the surface burning up in the atmosphere or impacting and melting into the ice covered planet. Three of the five moons were caught in Telmos’ orbit in a way that kept them orbiting at the same speed and direction to make it possible to see how the pieces would have fitted together. The moons are slowly being mined away to build the city on the planet’s surface.

Orbit 3: Gas Gaint
-Four moons

Orbit 4: Asteroid belt

Telmos: Telmos has one sizable city that rings the planet around its equator where it is warmest. The city looks covers 80% of the land around inside its bounties leaving scattered parks here and there.

Other smaller settlements can be found around the many thermal warming stations that have been built around the planet on its Ice sheets. These plants are the only reason the ice keeps melting since the planet is too far away from the sun for its light to heat it enough.

At dawn and dusk the snow that covers the surface appears to be crimson in color dew to the suns light.
Character sheet

Appearance: This is the apperance he choose to mask himself mwith and this is what his true form is.

Name: Aquil Nel

Gender: Male

Race: Clawdite

Age: 16

Bio: Aquil was born on board a smugglers ship just a few day after his parents had escaped the ghettos on their home world of Zolan. His child hood was spent learning how to gain control over his ability as a changeling but after he had learnt how to keep one form constantly until his day was finished his parent's teachings slowed down and focused more on meditation and how to ignore distractions as well as dealing with that pain that came from changing.

By the time he was ten he had enough control over his abilities to pass as human so he started working with his parents on the smuggling ship that they had bought with what they had been able to save over the last ten years. He was finally able to explore the ports they travelled to without constant supervision form his parents. He had never been able to go far because he was not in full control of his form.

He noticed that with a select few individuals he was able to convince them to give him much more than the goods he was trading was worth. Other the years the ability grew more powerful.

It was when he tried to use the mind trick on a customs officer and was unsuccessful that he came to the attention of an Imperial agent who gave him the choice between death or the academy. He chose the academy without hesitation knowing that even if he was able to escape execution which was almost impossible the academy would give him a chance at what he thought of as a better life.

Equipment: Light armor that covers most of his body which also allows him to only keep the skin from his shoulders up in his human form. When he was taken to the Academy he brought one blaster pistol, he had been told that it would be no use to him but he still kept it with him. He has only brought a few hollow records that he had been able to gather over the years through trades or stealing them.

Force powers: Force persuasion, Force push,......

Ons/Offs and limits: Rabbit Hole

Aquil walked up the shuttles loading ramp looking more like a pilot then a Sith acolytes. His eyes scanned over the faces that had looked over at him as he tapped in the command to close the ramp. As he walked over the sith master that had just come in from the cock-pit one of his hands came to rest on the grip of his blaster while he walked past a few of the youth sitting along the hulls walls. He let his grip fall to his side when he was in front of the sith. “The ship will stay in orbit until we give it permission to leave and we are cleared to land.”

“Take us down then, there is much to report.” As soon as she was finished speaking Aquil slipped past her and into the cockpit. As soon as the door closed he locked it and let his exposed skin shift back to its natural state. Usually he could keep up the disguise all the time but because of the three moons Telmos’ poles could be extremely challenging to pilot. And with their course taking them almost directly over the northern pole it would take all his concentration to keep the flight fairly smooth. Relaxing in the pilot seat he let his hands run over the controls as if greeting an old friend before they started to fly over them preparing the shuttle for the trip to the surface. Smirking he took a short cut and let the craft just drop out of the cargo bay giving the passengers a few moments of almost weightlessness as the artificial gravity struggled to compensate. The rest of the flight was uneventful; Aquil was able to avoid most of the atmospheric disturbances manly through the skills he had learned over the few months he had learned since arriving at the Academy.

After the ship was settled he took a few moments to shift himself back into his human form before he unlocked the door and walked back out into the cargo bay. Just as he was about to open a pack on the ground and pull out his robs one of the students pushed him to the side thinking he was just a pilot and not worth the kids time. Growling Aquil spun on the kid who could not have been much younger than himself lashing out with the force it threw the kid across the few feet of the cargo bay slamming him against the wall. After a quick glance to the sith who had rounded everyone up this trip and finding that they were just ignoring what was going on he grinned and walked over to the crumpled heap on the floor. “Think of this as your first lesson, ” He crouched and forced the kid to look at him. “Everything is not what it appears here so think twice before you push people around.”

He let go of the kids hair and walked back over to his bag. After pulling out and slipping on the acolytes robes he clipped the light saber that had been wrapped in them and clipped it to his belt. He walked down the ram and into the freezing cold and up to the Sith master who had giving him the chance to get off world for a few months. He knelt and bowed his head until a few moments the man tapped his shoulder. “Was the trip a success?” Aquil gave a quick nodded before starting to explain. “The hunt was eventful but it is not my place to explain the details. We also have a ship in orbit awaiting our orders.” He walked past the man and into the closest building and used the tunnel system to make his way to the building that held the students. He had been able to get himself moved from the communal dorm rooms and into a private room after showing that he had promise. He wanted to go back to his room and get settled but he decided to get something to eat while he was able since he did not think he would have an easy time now that he was back and a good meal would be a luxury he knew.
Raina Cypher sat still in her place against the wall of the hull of a large ship orbiting the planet, staring emotionlessly straight ahead. The last thing she remembered before waking up in her current position on the ship was a fight. A pair of Sith had taken the ship, and she and her master had been the first ones to confront them. The fight had lasted maybe five minutes when the larger Sith had run her master through with his lightsaber. The sudden mental pain she had felt at the broken connection had been sharp and intense. It had been enough to distract her from her own battle so that the other Sith could deliver a quick blow to the back of her head, effectively knocking her out.

Raina, a human, was born on Tatooine over fifteen years ago to a mother that had died giving birth, leaving her with only her father for the six years she had been with him. When the Jedi arrived and discovered her Force sensitivity she went with them eagerly. With long, dark brown hair, grey eyes, and a slim build, she was stronger than she looked, a trait that proved to be useful in battle. She was practiced with a lightsaber and could beat the younglings' practice droids easily by the age of twelve, resulting in being moved up to the more difficult settings. She wore the trademark plain robes of a Jedi padawan and never went without her green lightsaber.

She was midway through her fifteenth year now, having been a padawan for over nine years, but now that her master had been killed and she herself put onto a ship orbiting what looked like the planet on which the Sith academy was built, she was unsure of her future. Normally she would have been killed along with her master, so why was she here? For the first time in the hours since she had woken up she flicked her gaze upward to look at the small cluster of guards standing in front of her. Had there been only two or three she would have attempted to escape, but the six that were standing uncomfortably close were too many for her to take out. So she had meditated for the hours of flight she had been awake for, reaching out to feel the Force. Now all she could do was wait for what came next...

On's/Offs/Limits: Rabbit Hole

(Arrgh, sorry it's such a short post...writer's block. The quality should bump up after I get back into the rhythm of things.)
Aquil had been ordered back to the landing pad just a few minutes after he had finished eating. When he got to the landing pad entrance he pulled the hood of his robe back over his head as he walked back out into the growing blizzard. He felt the Sith Master that ran the academy standing just inside the shuttle Aquil piloted down to the planet not long before. After he was aboard Aquil walked straight to the cockpit. Just as he was warming up the engines his Master came into the cockpit and took a seat beside him.

“Bring us to the ship in orbit. Its time I meet the padawan you brought back.” The man watched as Aquil let down his disguise just as he got the ship off the ground and on its way back into orbit. “Tell me how did you manage to capture her?”

Aquil kept his eyes on the instruments as started to explain. “I do not know what the Jedi were doing but they had been on the ship I had chosen.” He glanced over and started to speak again when he saw the look on the Masters face. “I chose the ship because it was the best one in the hanger. They were not on the ship when I picked it out.” He fell silent and tensed as Aquil guided the ship through a magnetic field. “The padawan got distracted by the death of her master and I was able to knock her out.” The rest of the flight was done in silence.

Aquil shrugged off his robes and stashed them with his lightsaber in a compartment in the cockpit. “Should I wait here and see if she will open up to me?” A quick shack of his teachers head was all Aquil needed. He shifted back to his human form then followed him off the shuttle before moving in front of him and leading him to the room that Raina was being held in. When they arrived Aquil stopped just inside the room while his master walked closer to the girl.

“What is your name Jedi?” The mans voices was cold and just as calculating as his eyes as he looked her over and pulled the force closer to himself so he could counter anything she tried to do. “Hmm, child is what I should tell you. You’re not a real Jedi, just a child being trained for the losing side of the battle.”

(Sorry for this taking so long.)
Raina had still been meditating quietly when the guards left the room, silently and inexplicably. Under other circumstances she would have tried to follow them out the door before it slid closed and locked with a metallic click. Now, she didn't have the heart to move; she was absorbed in memories of the last nine years she had spent working with her late master. Losing a padawan was a terrible experience for a Jedi Master, yet for a padawan to lose his Master had been proven to be nothing short of traumatic.

She begun to doze off after several minutes, worn out by staying awake and brooding during the entire duration of the flight. She was awoken again by the sound of the lock to her cell door sliding back. She stood abruptly, not wanting to be caught off guard by whoever came into the room. She locked all of her thoughts of her master away in her mind so as not to distract herself. The first thing she saw when the door opened was the Sith Master standing in the doorway. A slight chill ran down her spine as she recognized the figure. This must be the master of the Sith academy on Telmos. Looking past him, she saw the Sith who had knocked her out during the battle. A wave of anger started to wash over her, but she swallowed it, focusing only on remaining calm.

She looked abruptly back at the Sith Master when he started to approach her. She could feel the Dark side of the Force coming closer along with the Sith, and backed up to get as far away from the sense as possible, stopping only when her back was pressed against the wall. The wariness in her grey eyes was carefully concealed, displaying only cool regard, and her previously loose dark brown hair was brushed back and tucked behind her ears. There was no reason for them to think she was as torn apart as she felt.

She slowly began to build up Force energy inside herself, preparing for a strike, but only when she was ready and he was sufficiently distracted. But if there was one thing she learned that hadn't been taught by her master, it was not to reveal anything about the Jedi, or any information at all. She was well aware that even if she gave her name it would not change the way she would be treated, so she did not answer his question. Instead, she stood up a little straighter.

"I am no child," she replied coldly, staring him directly in the eye. "I was beating your little henchman here until -" She broke off, pushing back another wave of memories.

(Don't worry about it - we've got time. :p)
Aquil sensed her anger as she saw him but he kept his face neutral. He was not sure if Dorn Los the head of the academy had noticed since it she had gotten control of herself quite quickly. Dorn spoke to her Aquil reached out like he had done countless times with other students at the academy and tested the barriers of her mind. When she called him a little henchman then stopped talking he thought he found a way inside her head and tried to slip his way inside her mind.

Dorn started laughing as he heard her refer to Aquil and took a quick glance back at the boy then turned back to Raina with a slight smirk on his face as he wondered if Aquil was having some success with her. “I guess a henchman is a good name for him, at least for now.” He paused and took a step closer to her. “Why don’t you tell me what happened that day? I would love to know how a Jedi Master and his padawan were beaten by a lowly Sith and her henchman.” Holding up his hand with the fingers slightly curled he pooled the dark energy in his hand forming a small ball of lightning. “I could always make you tell me every little detail I am sure but I believe it would be much better for you to get it off your chest don’t you?”

Aquil kept his posture relaxed as he kept looking for more ways inside her mind and tried to sense whether or not he could pull her emotions closer to the front of her mind while Dorn was distracting her.
Raina could feel the barely tangible shift in the atmosphere in the room as the one who had hung back started to move his attention elsewhere. Knowing the barriers in her mind would hold up sufficiently without conscious effort until he found a chink in the armour, she did not react to the pressure on her mind. Perhaps he wasn't aware that she knew of his attempted intrusion. Either way, he would find himself hard pressed to find any openings in her mind, and she was perfectly capable of throwing up a quick, stronger block in case he located such a weak spot.

The slight shift of the Sith Master's eyes did not escape her notice, though she made no move to indicate that she had seen. The less she revealed about herself, including her perception skills, the better. As soon as she felt a spot in her mental barrier start to give way under the pressure of the "henchman," she immediately strengthened the blocks all around, keeping him out and keeping her face carefully neutral all the while. She may have been young, but the skills of this boy were closely matched to hers, and although her area of excellence was always with a lightsabre, she had been good with mental protection also. She felt a pang of sadness at the mention of the death of her master, and it showed a little in her eyes before she masked it again. She eyed the small ball of lightning in Dorn's hand for a moment, then turned her gaze back to the owner of the hand.

"I'm afraid any efforts on your part to extract information from me are doomed to fail," she replied cooly, hardening her stare to drive her point deep. She had been warned of and trained for any methods of pain an enemy would likely try on a prisoner and was afraid of no pain at this point. Though she felt dangerously close to tears when she thought again of her master. Blinking a few times to clear the slight watering in her eyes and hoping it had gone unnoticed, she reinforced the barriers around her mind, realizing that it had just been the boy near the back of the room messing with her mind.
Aquil had started to get frustrated as he felt how strong her barriers were but other than a tightening of his jaw line he showed no sign of his frustration. When he found a weak spot and pushed he was pushed back almost immediately and pulled back completely for a moment as he tried to figure out how he could get to her since what he was doing was not working.

While Dorn started to push the idea of her master Aquil pulled himself together and tried matching his presences with hers in a way that was similar to how he shifted species. He moved in slow as he tried to trick her defenses into thinking he was supposed to be on the other side of them. As he watched her blink back tears he smirked and pulled away from her then cleared his throat.

Dorn was still judging the girl when he noticed her blink back tears and then heard Aquil. Smiling he flicked his wrist and the ball of electricity shot at her and spread into a net that would cover her completely. He put some again force behind it to break through any defenses she might have since he expected her to put up a fight. Aquil on the other hand pushed back at her but did not touch her as he was waiting for her to get hit with the lightening if she did not stop it. He wanted to see if she could keep her defenses up through the pain of the attack.
Raina kept a close eye on both master and apprentice as she bandied words back and forth while at the same time keeping the invasive pressure on her mind at bay. Still keeping her eye on the ball of lightning, she guarded her mind carefully. Until she was distracted by the sudden movement of the lightning leaving Dorn's hand, that is.

Immediately she shifted her mental focus to the Force and brought her hands up to counter the attack. She left her consciousness defended, though, at least until she could successfully fend off the attack so that the apprentice could not penetrate the armor. As the net got nearer to her it began to flicker, and just before it hit her hands it disintegrated, sputtering out with a shower of sparks onto the floor. She returned to her mental defenses again, checking to ensure they were fortified, still watching for other signs of a physical attack. She knew another attack could not be far off, and her grasp of the Force was strong enough to continue evading...for now.

Slowly lowering her hands, Raina returned to her upright position, chin uplifted haughtily. She was a prisoner in the ship, but still she was a Jedi in training, and that included not showing weakness or uncertainty.
Dorn relaxed as she blocked his attack then as he started to speak to Aquil. “Go back to the shuttle and prep it and Seal the way from here to the bay off from the rest of the ship.” Aquil was a bit surprised by Dorn’s words but stood and after taking one last look at the Jedi he walked out of the room. “I will have the ship ready in five minutes.” He was not sure what Dorn was planning but it was not his place to question the Sith lord. Once he was out of the room he shut the door and went to the nearest access point. Once the path they would take to the hanger bay was secure he headed off at a quick run.

Once the door closed Dorn pulled as much or the dark side power to him as he could but did not release it. “I was going to kill you but I have a better idea.” He thrust his hand out and started to curl his fingers as he forced the power closer to her neck so he could tighten his grip on her neck and pull her off the ground. “We are going to see if you can keep all your anger inside after a few months of training in the Academy.” He smirked and pulled his light saber form his belt not bothering to turn it on as he felt the threat was enough without it turned on. “Give in now and I will let you walk to the shuttle. Otherwise the next thing you see will be Telmos’ surface.”
Raina stood still in her position, watching the pair warily, ready to counter any attack they might try to launch on her. She knew Dorn would be angry when she successfully countered his strike, but his reaction was not one she expected. She had thought he would redouble his efforts to break through her shields, both physical and mental. She watched the apprentice out of the corner of her eye as he left the room, shutting the door after him. She had heard the commands, yet while she was still able to stand she would not allow herself to be taken to the planet. It was dangerous down on the surface, she knew, especially for a Jedi.

Raina could feel the Dark side of the Force shifting in the room, but she assumed it was just the thoughts of the Sith in front of her wandering, until he stretched out his hand toward her. Before she could react a pressure had tightened around her throat. She forced herself not to move or struggle as it tightened and lifted her off the floor. Her air supply could hold out a good two minutes, she thought, so she was safe as long as he was only doing this to prove a point. Her hand automatically twitched toward her waist to take her lightsabre in response to seeing him pull out his own, but of course it had been confiscated. She let the hand drift back to its original position, hoping it had not been noticed. But spending weeks inside the Academy? Months, even? She had heard tales of what happened on Telmos, and none of them were pleasant. She wasn't even sure if any Force-sensitive person who had already started training as a Jedi had ever been there before, and she certainly didn't want to be the first one to find out what happened to those like her. She tensed her neck in an effort to draw a quick, short breath. "You'll...have to kill me...first...." She managed to get the words out, sparing several seconds of precious air, but hoping it got her point across.
He shook his shook his head slightly as he heard her words. “Have it your way. Your Jedi Master would be so proud to hear you will kill yourself before expanding your knowledge.” He put his light saber back on his belt and keyed his com. “Whats the ships Status?” Aquils voice came back after a slight delay. “We are ready to go, I have the Captain on board.” Dorn cut the connection and turned his attention back to Raina and waited until she passed out before he walked up and tossed her over his shoulder before heading back to the shuttle.

Aquil looked into the belly of the shuttle when he heard someone walk up the ramp and watched as Dorn put restraints on the girl’s wrists before their eyes met. “Bring us back to the surface.” Aquil nodded and turned back to the controls. He closed the ships ramp and hesitated a moment before leaving the door open so he could listen to Dorn as he spoke with the ships captain.

As he guided the ship back down to the surface he avoided most of the rough spots giving Dorn more time to speak with the captain but as he hit the storm that was now a full blizzard he had to drop his disguise so he could focus on keeping the shuttle on the correct course. It did not even occur to him that Raina would be able to see him if she woke up. As the ship settled on its pad he slipped on his robes and a face mask that would make sure his breath was not swept away on the storm winds. As he exited the cockpit Dorn was lowering the ramp letting in the bitterly cold wind. Within a few seconds there was a layer of snow forming on one side of the bay where it was getting trapped. Aquil’s eyes narrowed as he realized that even though he was now back in his human form he had given the Jedi an opportunity to see what he really was.
Raina still didn't attempt to squirm away from the invisible pressure around her throat, but her eyes still bored into the Sith as if she could kill him with a glare. Expanding her knowledge? At the Telmos Academy? No, that was for those who were ready to throw aside the true path and turn down one that can only lead to corruption and death. As her air started to run out, she blinked repeatedly, trying to see past the tunnel vision that started to affect her eyes due to the lack of oxygen. She pushed weakly at the pressure holding her up, then her consciousness faded, leaving her hanging limply in the air.

Some time later she woke, opening her eyes slowly to see Dorn's apprentice through a small doorway. She started to bring her hands to her head to push a stray lock of hair away from her eyes but found that some kind of restraint had been fitted to her wrists, effectively keeping her hands behind her back. Glancing back at what she assumed was the cockpit, she didn't see the boy she had before, but instead a Clawdite in its true form. She continued to stare at him from the back until he shifted back to his human form. Now she knew a little more about him, and maybe it could even prove to be useful in the future. She averted her eyes when he left the cockpit, shivering a little in the face of the gusting wind, still wearing nothing more than the traditional Jedi robes that did little to block the cold of this planet.

She looked back at the "human" apprentice, staring directly up at him. "Clawdite." Just one word, but it held enough venom in it to get his attention and make him understand that she had seen what he really was.
Aquil narrowed his eyes as he crouched down beside her. His muscles were tensed as he crouched ready to move away if she made a move towards him to fast. “Bravo, you now know that I am not like you.” Smiling his teeth were not human, they were sharp and jagged. “I would be careful how you speak that name from this point on.” There was a icy tone to his voice as his anger pulled the force closer to him. He had not meant to let his emotions get the best of him. The topic of what he was had always pushed him almost to him limit because of how he was treated when what he was came to light and the stories his parents had told him of his home world.

“Aquil, escort her inside. She will be your responsibility until I have time for her.” Dorn saw the boy stiffen slightly and smiled before escorting the captain out of the shuttle and inside the building. Aquil stood before he started searching the bay for something warmer for her to wear knowing that if she died on his watch he would come very close to death if he was lucky. If Dorn was in a particularly bad mood Aquil might not survive at all. Once he found a heavy coat he tossed it onto the seat beside Raina. “There are no settlements within a weeks walk so I suggest you follow the path inside because death in a storm like this is slow and painful.” He tightened the robes that he wore over the clothing that had let him blend in with the ships crew knowing how cold it really was. He knew Raina would not be able to use her hands to put the robes on but in his opinion she should have enough control of the force to use it instead.
Raina watched the creature she now knew to be a disguised Clawdite carefully, if not warily, as he approached and squatted next to her. She knew that some Sith were not opposed to attacking a disabled opponent, and though not all of them were like that, she had learned quickly not to trust any Sith. But at least she could tell that she had hit a nerve with her comment on his species, and she might be able to use that to her advantage in the future. Perhaps now was not the time to test him, but when she was ready to make her escape, maybe she could provoke him into a rash, easily defeatable attack. For now, though, she would bide her time and wait.

She turned her eyes back to Dorn when he spoke again, giving his apprentice a new task. She did not miss the slight stiffening, or the clear unhappiness at being handed such a task. In any other weather she would have made it very difficult for him to get her to the building, but now, in the blinding blizzard, she didn't dare try to escape, since she suspected she would end up lost in the storm and most likely killed before she could find civilization. Her suspicions were confirmed when he informed her that the nearest settlements were a week away by foot, so for now she would comply with whatever they wanted from her, at least until she could get her hands free. She glanced at the coat he tossed to her before exerting a little power over the Force to lift the heavy coat onto her shoulders and clasp it at her throat to keep it from slipping off. Then, using her heightened sense of balance she learned from her Jedi training, she managed to get to her feet and stand, waiting.
Aquil watched her carefully as she got the cloak over her shoulders and stood up. He knew she had been trained well, he had found that out the day her master had been killed. When she was on her feet he moved closer to her and holding his hand against her back he gave her a push towards the bays ramp. "Just keep walking straight and you will be fine." As soon as he spoke he walked with her out of the ship pausing only to activate the ramp controls to raise the ramp. As he walked along the light path that led to the nearest entrance he thought about where he could house her that would keep her alive and still let him keep an eye on her. He knew that there would be at least a few students who would want to kill her for the pain and suffering that Jedi had caused them and ever student would love to be able to say that they killed a jedi.

It was not until they got inside and he led her down into the dimly lit tunnels that connected the Academy that he decided that he would have to give her the spare bed in his own rooms. He did not like the idea but she already knew what he was so there was no real harm in keeping her there and he would be able to lock the room if he felt he needed to. His decision was only strengthened as he heard the whispered comments and the mixes of hatred and loathing he saw on the faces of the other students they passed. "Just think of what they will do when they get a chance to face you one on one." He spoke softly but with a cruel edge to his voices making it clear he was going to enjoy every minute of it.

He led her out of the tunnels soon after that and up two levels before he unlocked on of the doors and waited for her to enter before walking in behind her and closing the door. Reaching out with the force he de-actived the restraints on her wrists before leaning against the door not wanting to put his back to her. "The room to the right will be yours until some place better is found for you." He slipped off his robes and the jacket he had been wearing so the loose shirt he had on below was visible. As he slipped the jacket down his arms the skin of his arms and chest shifted under the fabric into that of a human.
Still standing and waiting for some indication that she was to move somewhere, Raina didn't move until she felt a hand against her back pushing her to the ramp. The instructions given to her were largely unnecessary - she wouldn't have tried to run even if she had had the chance. The danger of running in this weather were too much to risk escaping now. Perhaps when a better opportunity arose she would try, but not now. She walked ahead of him slowly, reluctant to leave the open space of the planet and enter the Academy she had already heard stories about from other Jedi padawans. She knew that simply being here was dangerous - if she was caught alone anywhere in the place by the students of the Academy, she had no doubt it would end in a fight.

She glanced around again before entering the building, blinking several times to get used to the dim light of the tunnels. She followed him through the hallways, keeping her eyes levelled straight ahead. They did pass a number of students in the hallways, and she could feel their hard looks at her and hear the whispers they most likely didn't even bother to try to conceal. She did look at one as she passed, fixing the student with a glare that lasted only a second, but made the warning clear. If anyone tried to attack her, she would not make it easy. She heard the muttered comment but ignored it, taking from it only that she was going to have to fight some of the students sometime during her stay here. She would be sure to surprise them. Although she didn't look strong, she could hold her own against a Sith for a good amount of time and was often underestimated.

When he finally stopped outside a door after going up two levels and opened it, Raina went in and turned around, no more willing to put her back to him than he was to turn away from her. When she felt the restraints on her wrists fade away, she brought her hands to her sides, allowing the slight ache in her shoulders to fade after being fixed in one position for so long. She watched him wordlessly as he took off his robes and jacket, showing no hint of surprise as he shifted back to his human form. After standing for several seconds, she turned and went into the room to the right that he had specified and sat cross-legged in the center of the room, closing her eyes to meditate.
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