You can't tame a Fox

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Jan 17, 2009
A loud scream ripped through the silents of the ravine as a young girl fell to, what could be, her death, her long blond hair fluttering around her as she fell. 'Please someone help me...I'm not ready to die yet, I didn't get to become the Hokage.' She cried to herself in her mind, why had she trusted that old toad sage? Why had he pushed her down into the ravine to die? 'I never should have trusted him, I thought he was going to help me to unlock whatever it was that Orochimaru had locked away.' She growled before gasping when she suddenly found herself standing before a huge cage. "Wh-where am I?" She asked with a gasp as she started to slowly look around with her huge bright blue eyes.
"You're in your own mind." A demonic voice said, comming from behind the cage bars " There was a snort, and then a short laugh. "I'm the Kyuubi." 'Kyuubi' said, looking at Naruko "And I'm the source of that extra chakra, your healing abilities, and maybee even your stamina...but I'm not sure." "I know...I know." Kyuubi said, holding up a paw defencively "Yes I am the reason you're life sucks, and yes I can help you live longer... In spite of your 'sensie's stupidity...but it'll cost ya."
Naruko gasped when she saw the huge demonic fox there in the cage that was in her mind. "K-Kyuubi? The one who attacked the village?" She asked as she walked closer and glared at him, placing her hands on her hips before she tilted her head to the side slightly and blinked slightly. "You would help me? What do I have to do?" She asked as she shifted slightly and lightly bit her bottom lip as she thought, if he would help her get out of this alive and maybe even stronger then before...she was willing to do almost anything to be able to beat Sasuke and to help save the village.
"Alright here is the deal: I will allow you free axcess to my Chakra, a few private techniques, and I will even train you." The Kyuubi said, looking down at the girl "In exchange, your body belongs to me sexually."
The Kyuubi waited for her responce before lifting him self up, and stretching, it was cramped in this cage. "If it helps, I didn't even mean to attack your village..." Kyuubi said, getting down to eye level with Naruko again "I don't even remember being anywhere near Kan..Kon...however you say the name of your village..."
Naruko's cheeks became bright red at that, she had never been with anyone before and the thought of some demon in her body being the one who takes her cherry from was a scarry thought. "But...what if I get a boyfriend? Will I be able to sleep with him?" She asked, even though she knew that no one in Konoha would ever want to look at her that way. Naruko already knew that she wanted to do this, after all she really wanted to be able to beat Sasuke and be able to become the Hokage and with Kyuubi's help she was sure to be able to this. "How would you be able to have me if this is all just in my mind? I don't think that if you could some how take controle of someone's mind that it would really be the same." She said as she started to step even closer to the cage till she was right in front of it and was looking up at the other. "How would I get you out of the cage anyway?"
"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Kyuubi said, refering to Naruko's question about the possibilities of a Boyfriend "It'll depend heavily on the boyfriend in question." Kyuubi listened intently to Naruko, making sure to not miss anything, he really wanted this deal to be made. So many years cooped up in here was uncomfortable, and Kyuubi had recently been drawn by the beuty of his host, and it made him Blue Balled in the extreme. "We won't have to worry about releasing me, yet." Kyuubi said, visibly smiling that she would consider that "When we finalize the deal, it'll change the seal in a way that will allow me to take controll of one of your Shadow Clones, plus I can take you here in the mindscape as well as make you feel things from here."
*sorry for the wait, I didn't see that you had replyed to me*

Naruko couldn't help but to blush at the others words before she thought about it for a bit longer and then gave a nod of her head. "Alright, I agree to let you have me so long as you help me as well." She said as she wrapped her hands around the bars of the cage and lightly licked her suddenly dry lips. "How do we finalize our deal?" She asked as she looked the huge fox over and shifted slightly, just now wondering what in the hell she had just gotten herself into by agreeing to be the sex slave of a demon as powerful as Kyuubi, but it was to late to back out now...not that she would have since she didn't have to much of a choice in the matter after all, it was either this or death.
Kyuubi smirked, hearing Naruko's reply, and already thinking about what he could do to her. "I need to give you some chakra to both get you out of your current situation." Kyuubi said, shifting so his massive Iron hard shaft was pointed right above the girl "and to finalize the changes to the seal." Kyuubi reached over with a paw and shredded Naruko's top and bra, revieling her upper body to Kyuubi. "Before you complain, this is the easiest way to do this." Kyuubi said, rubbing his dick along her bare skin "It's not that bad, trust me." Before long, kyuubi's ministrations got faster, as he got closer to completion. After a while, Kyuubi pulled back his dick and pointed it at her, just in time for Naruko to be absolutely covered in Kyuubi's Cum. The cum eventually turned red and violent, and seeped into Naruko's skin.

((OOC: A'ight, do a reaction shot, and do a time skip to that night, and have Naruko form a Shadow Clone at the end of your post)
Naruko gasped when her top and bra where shredded from her body but was stopped before she could even growl at the fox for what he had done, all she knew was that she better damn will still have those on once she got out of here or she would give the fox hell for what he had done. Those thoughts fled the blonds mind when Kyuubi suddenly pressed his member against her body and she couldn't help but to whimper in embarracement, but her face became bright red when he suddenly came all over her. "Ah! Th-That feels weird." She whined softly before she started to feel dizzy and fainted.

The young blond woke hours later in her room all alone. "I guess that Jiraya brought me home after that." She said to herself with a soft sigh, looking out a window at the nights sky, she figured that now was as good as time as any to summon Kyuubi, doing a few quick hand signs she made a Shadow Clone for the other to take over.
The Shadow Clone was different the moment it poofed into existence, and it was more powerfull than a normal Shadow Clone. It was 6 Ft tall, had Red Hair, Red eyes with slit pupils, wearing a simple White shirt and jeans combo. "That feels good." Kyuubi said, embracing Naruko the minute he could "thanks." Kyuubi removed Naruko's top, kissing from her jaw down to her naval, removing her bra while he was at it. Kyuubi moved back up to Naruko's face, and kissed her passionately.
Naruko's eyes where wide when she saw what the shadow clone looked like. "K-Kyuubi?" She asked softly only to gasp when the other started to take her top off while kissing her. She reached out with slightly shakey hands and lightly gripped the others shoulders as her bra was taken off, gasping when Kyuubi started to kiss her but she still willingly kissed him back. It was all so new to her since the only person that she had ever kissed had been Sasuke and that had been on accedent...but this, this kiss felt so much more better then that one had.
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