A Dark Shoot {darkest_fate&ansem125}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Mila Kunis heard her boots click against the hard floor of the building. Her agent had been the one to set this up, insisting that it would help her career, would broaden her horizons. The idea, he'd said, was to get Mila and a few other actresses in some compromising photographs. Nothing too risque, nothing more than would normally be on the cover of a men's magazine. Bits of lingerie, some hints at a bikini shoot, and the agent had even coyly teased that Mila could even experience what it would be like to be wearing nothing but paint. Mila had rolled her eyes at the last, but had agreed nonetheless.

The actress was actually rising up the ladder in success. After Black Swan and several moderate comedy hits, Mila was becoming more of an in-demand actress. She wasn't quite A-list, yet, but she was likely right on the border. Doing charity shoots and putting her face out there was a good way of bumping her up. Though, she imagined that there were other types of bumps that most people wanted to give her.

The Eastern European beauty looked quite appealing. Her skin had a white that came from being from a long line of cold climate dwellers. Jet black hair fell about an exotic face as well. Her eyes were even slanted and slightly golden, as though she really needed to add "exotic" on top of "sexy." For the girl had made sure to exercise regularly and balance out diet quite well. Her stomach had the tight look of regular exercise, and her lean frame would look quite well in the bikini, should that be a possibility. The beautiful woman paused just short of what looked like a group of sets, eying them.

"hello?" she called, turning her head to survey the room. "Is someone there? I'm here for a shoot?"

Mila checked her phone before sliding it to silent. On shoots, it was usually a good idea to turn such things off, and Mila wanted to appear professional. Though she was still wondering where the people who arranged all this were hiding...
Mila's eyes widened a bit as Marcus stepped into view. She wasn't sure what she'd been expecting, but Marcus wasn't quite it. Her eyes quickly took him in though, and she had to admit that what she saw didn't exactly scare her away. The guy was handsome enough, and he was certainly acting friendly and professional.

"Well, he made it sound like I had to be here," said Mila, half joking. She laughed a little, tossing some of her hair behind her. "Besides, this sounded like it could be a lot of fun. I mean, these shoots are always a little awkward, but they're usually a lot of fun too."

Mila could recall a handful of sexy shoots she'd already done, posing in various states of undress. Nothing topless yet, and certainly nothing in body paint (funny how that kept sticking in her mind). Now though, she was ready to go through with it again, smiling in the most photogenic way she possibly could. quite an experience, he said, as his eyes scanned her. Mila smiled and raised her arms, as if displaying the merchandise for him. She was just wearing a tight pair of dark jeans and a loose blouse: cute, but hardly the sexy stuff she'd be wearing soon enough.

"Well, Marcus, since you're going to be seeing me in my precious underthings, I suppose we should be on a first name basis," she said, giving him a wink. She pointed at the sets behind him. "Care to give me a heads up on what's going to go down here? They only gave me a sketchy outline."
Mila followed, her eyes wandering as she looked about the sets. They were rather strange, and she wondered what angle precisely he was going for with the shoots. Soon though, they were among the costumes, and Mila was looking about. No doubt there would be people available to help prepare her: makeup artists and the like, all prepped and ready thanks to Marcus's instructions.

"Will do," said Mila, offering another smile and a nod, before turning back to the outfits. They ventured from being simply flirty to down right risque. The actress held out one hangar, on which hung a few strings that must pass for some kind of bikini and thong. She nearly giggled as she saw that, deciding that if she was going to wear something like that, it would take a bit. Instead, she opted for a pair of drastically short shorts and a cropped black top. The artists would soon appear to enhance Mila's natural sex appeal, applying all the appropriate makeup. If Mila noticed the strange looks they gave one another, she didn't comment. Nerves were to be expected, she supposed.

The girl was soon coming out, grinning. The shorts barely covered her ass, seeming to essentially be the next step up from underwear. Speaking of underthings: You could see two black and green strings sticking up from the shorts, one of which Mila played with, giggling a little.

"This is supposed to be a sexy shoot, right?" she asked, pausing a few feet from Marcus. She reached up and brushed aside her hair, which had been freshly curled and prepped. The girl looked every inch the sex icon she was fast becoming, from the toes of her heeled boots to the ends of those black curls. She also looked very much like a fantasy just waiting to happen.

"Well, photographer,' she said, gesturing, "just tell me what to do."
At least Marcus sounded enthusiastic, though Mila admitted to feeling a little disappointed that he hadn't commented on how hot she looked. She figured she'd done a great job of selecting the first outfit: setting the tone for the shoot and all. Oh well, it certainly wasn't something to be all worked up about, especially not with the job before them.

Mila nodded and hopped onto the bed, feeling it bounce as she landed. Laughing, she tossed her hair, using it as a curtain while she looked at the camera, her lips pouting. A few poses in slight variations of that, before Mila rolled her body. She went to grab the bedpost, leaning against it and giving the camera a soulful look. That lasted for about one click, before she was laughing. She bounced on the bed, shifted to be laying stomach down, looking up at the camera with a mischievous smile.

Then, she decided to move for the coup de grace. She slid to the edge of the bed, rolling her body up, undulating, her muscles rippling. A hand went down, rubbing over her front. Her head lowered, her eyes boring into the camera, and she essentially fucked it with her eyes. Lips parted, and she let out a moan, leaning her head back, the hand sliding. Another hand went to play with the bared string, and she looked to Marcus.

"Am I missing anything?" she asked. "I didn't overdo it there, did I? I figured a few playful and sexy shots were the way to go."
Natural, which made Mila smile and roll her eyes. Sure, she'd heard it before, but it was still nice to hear it again. Though Mila would rather have heard it regarding her acting talent or abilities, as opposed to her ability to look "sexy" and "hot." Still, a compliment was a compliment, and Mila was going to relish whichever one's she got.

"Great!" she said, nodding decisively. "Is there a particular pose or something you wanted me to take? You know, anything else before we moved on. I wasn't sure if we got everything or what."

She looked around the set, trying to figure out what else he'd want to do. There were surely props about, and they often liked to have the girls holding or doing something for these. Mila had drank a milkshake for one particular shoot, and she'd seen a lot of these involving the girl doing a nearly phallic action. The idea made her nearly giggle. Like she was looking for something like that. This was all business; strange business; sexy business, but business none the less.

That didn't stop the girl from looking around or enjoying herself while she did that business though. Eventually though, Mila's gaze settled on Marcus, ready and willing to hear the future instructions, obviously quite unknowing as to what lay in her near future.
Mila nodded. Moving on to another outfit, which likely meant stepping it up in the sexy department. She waited just long enough to get that next photo, before heading back. Several different outfits were laid out for her, and the crew there had their instructions from Marcus. Unbeknownst to Mila, they'd begun combing through, removing some of the less revealing outfits, even outright replacing a few of them with more. So when Mila looked for an outfit she'd half considered, she found it gone.

Instead, there were all kinds of outfits that wouldn't have looked out of place on strippers, let alone models for men's magazines. Mila shifted through them, trying to decide where to go next. Jumping straight to the bikini felt like too much of a leap, though it was obvious that she needed to be wearing decidedly less. One of the helpers offered a suggestion, and Mila nodded, willing enough to take it.

Thus, the actress was soon prancing back out. A pair of nearly skin tight boy shorts clung to her lower half, outlining the delicious curves and clinging especially to the pert, heart-shaped ass. They were a dark blue in color, almost the color of denim. To match, she had on a dark blue vest, well, more like half vest, as at least several inches of Mila's taut stomach were on display. The vest covered her breasts though, and clung quite nicely to them. Other than that, the girl wore nothing but a smile.

"Okay, Marcus," she said, nodding. "Just tell me where you want me, and we can get this moving."

In Mila's mind, there was likely this outfit, perhaps one more "clothed" option, and probably a skimpy bikini to round things out. It all seemed more or less good to her; play around, get some sexy in there, and things would be perfectly fine.
Compliments, and Mila flashed him a smile, even giggling as he snapped a few photos. Apparently, it just took massive amounts of skin and clothing so tight that breathing became a lesser priority. Mila was soon following him to the next set, looking it over with an appraising eyes. It was hardly a surprise that he'd suggested that she head for the naughty poses, and she rolled her eyes.

The girl moved over to the couch. First a quick recline, with that charming smile and her eyes looking. Then the smile drifted into a more mischievous look. A shift, and Mila's hand lay loose beneath her, fingers just touching the floor, her eyes gazing up at the ceiling. The sheer audacity of the pose made her giggle though, almost immediately sitting up. She giggled, raising a finger as if to bite it, her other hand going to play along the edge of the tight shorts. There was barely room between shorts and skin, and Mila certainly wasn't going to dare to play there. The shorts were daring enough without trying to showcase her neatly trimmed bush.

Instead, she reached up to let her fingers play with the zipper between her breasts. She slid this a bit, baring a little more cleavage then intended, her smile still as impish as ever. She pouted then, looking at the camera as if it had forbidden her ice cream. A laugh, as she played with the zipper once more, then another giggle as she moved over.

Finally, Mila decided for to prep for another final moment. This time, she turned, leaning over the couch and looking over her shoulder at the camera. Her fine ass cheeks were quite on display, the dark fabric clinging to them tightly. She smiled at the camera, then raised a finger to her lips. Then, those hands went to the zipper. Marcus would hear the tell-tale noise of it unzipping, and then, Mila was holding out either edge of the vest, effectively flashing the wall. She turned to grin open mouthed at the camera, holding the pose only long enough to snap a photo, before closing the vest again.

Surely that would be enough for him; it certainly seemed sexy enough to Mila.
Mila laughed again. He would say it was perfect when she'd done some flashing. That was totally what a guy would say and do. As for the rest, she supposed it was mostly due to his being a photographer and wanting her to keep being willing and loose. Well, it was working; she was certainly game for whatever he had in mind.

Right up until he suggested the bikini. Mila turned to look over her shoulder, considering. What she'd just worn had essentially been a bikini anyway, and if her agent's hints about body paint were true, they really were going to have to jump to a bikini about now. Mila sighed; might as well get on with it. Wasn't like anything strange would happen. So she told him she'd be ready in a few minutes, then headed off.

Again, Marcus's assistants were working overtime. The promises of the actual photos from the shoot were egging them on, and they were quite willing to provide only the skimpiest of bikinis for Miss Kunis. One finally found one to suggest for her. The main fabric of the bikini was a deep purple in color, though the strings connecting it were black. Strings were all that really held it together too: the thing had about as much fabric as a pair of granny panties. The top was little more than a few cups, covering Mila's nipples and pushing together her breasts for some impressive cleavage. It wasn't as though she'd just pasted a pair of triangles, but it was certainly more revealing. You could see side-breast as well. The tiny triangle covered what it needed to, but showed much of Mila's fine bone structure. Her sides had little to no fabric at all, and the back nearly moved into thong territory: certainly skimpy, nearly showing the edges of her cheeks.

"Boy," she said as she came out, "I'd hate to think what's next if you're doing this already."
Again, Mila had been expecting more compliments. More skin showed, and that seemed to be Marcus's weakness, after all. What she hadn't expected was for him to say that he was joining her, and that caused her to raise her brows. She looked to the other photographer and such, as if to ask if any of them were aware of this. Strange that no one had thought to mention that this was going to be a double shoot.

Oh well. Not like Marcus was a troll or a perv or something. Mila smiled at him, nodding as he entered. He wasn't bad looking, not at all. In fact, Mila nearly found herself staring admiringly at him. His outfit didn't exactly leave much in the way of imagining either, and his bulge was bar far one of the most impressive that Mila had seen.

"Will do," she finally said, as he moved to touch her hips and begin smiling at the camera himself. The smiles came easily enough; she was an actress, but Mila seemed a little less at ease, a little more nervous. Why hadn't they bothered to tell her that she would be joined by someone?

She looked over her shoulder at Marcus, raising a brow and letting him more or less guide. Since he was there and they were his pictures, it only made sense for him to make most of the decisions.
The poses came again, sensual and sexy as they were. Mila tried to look as sexy as possible, giving the camera smoky and playful looks in equal amount. However, she kept being distracted. For Marcus was very unlike most of the male models she usually posed with. His hands kept traveling across her form, seeking out that bared skin. Mila could feel his fingertips running along her sides, tracing along her abdomen to play with the muscles there. His words rang in her ears, and Mila was beginning to wonder if he'd gotten the wrong idea here.

Still, she moved, trying out the poses and focusing on the camera. After all, it wasn't as though the shoot was going to last much longer. She was already in the bikini, and unless they were going to get shots of her naked, there wasn't going to be a next round. Let him have his fun; it wasn't as though Mila was encouraging him. She pressed against him for poses, she smiled at the camera, but she was purposefully avoiding the growing bulge that was likely evident in Marcus's trunks. Plus, she herself wasn't getting aroused, well, not intensely so.

He'd wrapped his arms around her, pulling her much smaller body close to his, making her breath catch for a moment. Still, she moved to push her hand against him, letting the camera capture the moment. A near kiss to finish things off, and Mila even let him play with the strings on the bikini. She was sincerely hoping this uncomfortable portion would be over, and she was fervently hoping that she'd be allowed to put on more clothes after this.
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