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looking for a good rp(new starter inside)

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Apr 22, 2012
nashua NH
hey thar girls Im looking for a good rp I like alot of things and Il list sum below so if you whant to rp just let me know

techer /student
student X texher
father x dogughter
new roomates
childhood friends

starter one
it has be 80 years since the last grate war man kind and the nonehumen(weres,furrys, and monsters) had set aside thar difenses to keep the world from getting anymore raviged then it alredy was thow sadly in the wake of the war the two factions capatals wher lost but like the phoenix a new combined capatal rose from the ashes of the old world to usher in the new this world and with the new world came new ways after many long years of ware bolth populations wher at a all time low in response to that laws wher passed to alow for nerly unlimated sexual freedoms places that once wher never alowed to around such as whore houses and sex clubs now line the streets the sex indastry had become one of the largest contributing players in the new world econame the new laws even whens so far as to make a new company called eden witch helped men and wemon get out of jail or off the streets by selling them as sex slavesto thows that could aford it if they singed thar rights way and the people inbrased the new freedoms hole heartedly nudisum and even publec sex was comen place people that had never even met once befor in thar life where now just randomly haveing sex it was a new sexual revalution and it was going strong

starter two
the great ware had been braging on for more then one hundre years now bolth sides had now long forgoten the reson thare kinds had started the war or even who attacked who first all thy had was a deep heatred for eachother the humens thow physicly weeker to the anthros made up for it with thare more advanced weppons whare the anthros perfered to use thar bodys as the weppon as the war drags on the body count begin to rise by this point bolth side hav taken massive losses and are inploying whatever meens thay can to make shore thy win humens had now started useing capchured anthro wemon to breed hybrid soulders as did the anthros with humen wemon but the anthros also started to make hybrid among them self witch untill the ware was a rareaty that now was becomeing all to comen so the great war drags so dos the lifes of thows who fight it

starter three

over the years many ceachers have been seen as god and in a tiny vilige in the mountins live one such cracher kyo a massive 12 foot tall werewolf with fur as black as the night had lived on the mountin long befor any humen or anything els had even thought of settiling thare but over the countless numbers of years people came and as thy came they saw the wolf as a god not just for his strangth but for his vitalaty it was this vitalaty that the pople admiered and worshuped so every year a festavel would be held in wich the wolf god kyo would come down and partisapat in a town wide orgy
I would be interested in the Master and slave. I do like to play characters who are slaves or submissives. However, my characters have a twist to them, they are usually new to the Master/slave life so they have to be broken and trained, tamed perhaps
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