Back and Determined(Scarlet and X-Vash00)


Apr 20, 2012
Aubrey walked out of her home towards her car. She was running a bit late. Her boss had just flown in. He was home at last. She had been very worried about him even though she was just his assistant. Aubrey reached the airport where she was meet Tony. Aubrey parked the car and climbed out and walked in through the glass doors.

The woman straitened her blouse and brushed off her skirt. Aubrey made her way to baggage claim and looked for Tony. She didn't know what exactly to expect since he had been held captive and all. She checked the time. His plane should have just arrived. Her icy blue eyes scanned the crowds. She brushed aside her sandy blonde hair as she waited.
Anthony Edward Stark sat on his private pane as it began its descent back in to the states. One of his legs bounced up and down in annoyance as he wanted to be on the ground now! "6 months," He repeated to himself. 6 long months since the Jericho demonstration, and 6 long months in a god forsaken dessert where he was kidnapped to make weapons for terrorists. He only made it out thanks to Yin-Sid. He's the one who got the shrapnel out of his heart and he was the one who died helping him escape in the armor he made. Tony felt that it was an insult that he was still here and that he had to leave Yin-Sid in the dessert, no grave, no burial, nothing! All thanks to the weapons he made for people. That was about to change as soon as he touched the ground stateside.

When the plane landed he steppe off and went to retrieve his bags that were brought for him when they found him. He walked right through security and went to baggage claim. He was surprised that he didn't see Pepper. There as another girl there. He stopped in front of her. "Where's Pepper?"
Aubrey saw Tony as he approached her. She thought about the answer for aa moment. There was really no other way to put it. "She quit." She said looking him over. "She left two months ago. She was sure you were dead." Aubrey let it sink in a moment before she spoke again. "I will be your new assistant. I'm Aubrey." She extended her hand and smiled politely. She knew she would have her work cut out for her. She had heard that he pretty much did what he wanted and didn't work with others too well.

"Are you ready to go?" Aubrey asked still smiling and waiting for him to go out to the car. She waited patiently for him knowing that he had been through a lot the last several months.
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