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Watchmen- The Early Years (OOC and Recruit Thread)


Feb 9, 2010

The Plot

"It's not fair, what happened to you guys."-Hollis Mason

Years had passed since the public was introduced to the Minutemen and they had grown accustomed to the presence of vigilantes as the city's protectors. As the Minutemen grew older and began to exchange their lives as heroes for ones as ordinary citizens, they were replaced by a new class of masks- the Crimebusters.

The replacements are met with mixed feelings. In passing the torch to the Crimebusters, the Minutemen also deferred a growing list of problems. While much continued as it had before the public is beginning to question the necessity of these costumed heroes, whether they're really helping or hurting them. There is even talk of the government stepping in to talk control. But none of this has fully settled yet and the new masks are ready to dig in their heels and get down to business.

Welcome to the Dawn of the Super Hero.

The Rules

-No post requirement, but please avoid one liners.

-If you're going to apply please participate as an active member. Don't waste your time and mine if you don't plan to post more than once.We all get busy; I sometimes won't post for a few days if I get really busy. Just don't post once and decide you're done. It's annoying.

-I don't expect a grammatically perfect post with no spelling errors, but I do expect you to put forth an effort. No actions in asterisks, no numbers substituted for letters. You get the gist.

-Stay in character! Nobody wants to see the Comedian picking flowers and singing Kumbayah. If you don't have a firm grasp on the character you want either study up or pick someone else.

-All pairings are allowed, het or otherwise.

-We don't Godmode. Not even Doctor Manhattan.

That's about it! Post here if there's something you aren't clear on.

The Characters

The Crimebusters
Edward Blake/ The Comedian:
Daniel Dreiburg/Nite Owl II:
Laurel Juspeczyk/Silk Spectre II:
Walter Kovacs/Rorschach: Chantho
Dr. Jon Osterman:/Doctor Manhattan:
Adrian Veidt:

The Minutemen (Retired)
Nelson Gardner/Captain Metropolis:
Sally Juspeczyk/Silk Spectre:
Hollis Mason/Nite Owl:

Twilight Lady:
Edgar Jacobi/Moloch the Mystic:
Big Figure:

(If There's anyone you want I haven't listed, let me know and I'll add them. Not currently taking OCs unless it's a villain or criminal. I'd like to get the regulars taken care of first.)
Canon, probably. I wouldn't worry as much about history since we're the Google generation. :3
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