Within the Sanctuary

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Oct 25, 2010
Anna stood in the doorway as she bid farewell the the last group of visitors to the Sanctuary. It was still fairly new within this region, and she had come to gather many different species of Pokemon. Thanks to the help of the professors world wide, who sent them to her. Anything from troublesome pokemon, to more older pokemon, coming to rest for awhile till they are needed.

She closed the door, still watching through the small window with large doe brown eyes. Watching as her guests departed by boats, or by their own flying type pokemon. the resort was built on a secluded island, large enough to home all types of pokemon.

-There was a volcano in the far east corner of the land for the fire types. Fields for the grass type, as well as electric where there was a charged housing unit for them. There was a central forest in middle of the field in which surrounded it, and the ocean surrounding the island. Oh and then theres that Cave out to the east that homed dark,fighting and the others.

Sighing softly Anna ran her hands through her dark black hair that fell along the ale of her back. Which was exposed by the pale blue tank top she wore. A skirt much like a school girl type though black fanned around her milky thighs. She turned to the desk, glancing at the clock that told her enough. It was time for her rounds. With that she began her walk. Clipboard in hand.


It was warm in the fields, and stars now decorated the darkened sky. There was no pokemon insight, which was enough to tell her they were settling down for the night, and the night ones were just rousing from sleep. She hummed softly, her ears tuned to her surrounds as she filled out the sheet on her clipboard.
The many pokemon in the facility ranged from the simplest rattata to the largest of poekmon from all over the regions of kanto, sinnoh, johto, and even hoenn. The waters around the island has sections closed off, keeping many of the trainer caught, and wild pokemon, within a mile or so of the island. The only ones that needed tending where the flying type, however the large aviaries and mountain cliffs attracted them and many stayed simply for the peace of life.

Trainers where allowed to visit and walk around, catching pokemon where prohibited, as many where owned by other trainers, and wild one where so unpredictable they did not want things to suddenly become a war zone if angered. So trainers where mostly allowed to feed, snap photos, and update data in there pokedex for the most part.

As the sun set, many of them found homes to settle into while the more night oriented ones came out. Nictowl , and the like filled the trees, while umbreon, and other dark types began to come on out. Few others did as well. one such being a lone Nidoking, with a scar over his left eye. He was one of the few wild ones to be fully evolved, many where trainer owned, but he was very much docile for the most part, being very old and not the youngest of his kind, though he was impressivly big.
Anna watched as the NidoKing emerged from the forest. She had always been impressed with this great pokemon. how powerfully built he was, yet seem rather friendly ad kept to his self. Though she knew this was one of the older more wild of the pokemon here. So she kept her distance, watching him, taking small notes of his behavior after the day of people that had made their tour here.

She turned away, there was still much land to cover, and in short amount of time. Walking to the forest, her steps silenced by the grass. A warm breeze brushing over her skin, in a gentle caress. Her scent carried by the wind went to the NidoKing who at the moment seemed to be minding is own business.

Her rounds would take her few hours. No more then five hours, if she took the short cuts to the main areas, and not stop to pay attention to the few pokemon who came to her through out the night. All pokemon here were friendly, but they weren't to let your guard down around. they after all, are unpredictable. Even after this place been up for a year now, with no problems. New pokemon were always being integrated into the Sanctuary. And there was chances that they could set the others off.
The Nidoking knew she was about, the scent told him she was close. Humans where new to him, having evolved and lived in the wild, being brought to the sanctuary gave him his first encounter with the strange looking two legged creatures. He was a favorite in the area, old and new trainers a like gasping in his presence. The attention was both enjoyed and at times an annoyance to him.

In the year he spent here he never really investigated all to much, so it was quiet a surprise that today he decided to get to know his caretaker. As she jotted down notes he turned to look at her though still very much in an unthreatening way. As she turned to leave though he lumbered after and followed. His footsteps where heavy and loud, so it was surprising he managed to sneak up on her as he did. Before she knew it she was lifted up off the ground in one mighty clawed hand.

"King...?" he spoke, though it wasn't certain what he said. He however seemed intrigued by her cloths and with his free hand he poked at them seeing they where not a part of her like most pokemon. He held her close and inhaled, she did smell nice, the shampoo she used lingered in her locks and it smelled nice to the large pokemon.
Anna heard his movements, close, but for the giant to actually approach her she hadn't expected till she was lifted so easily off the ground. he hadn't harmed her yet which meant he was curious. Or so she had hoped. She remained calm, as he inspected her. His eyes holding his curiosity as he tugged at her clothing. Biting her lip, she kept still. But the fight within herself to keep her heart calm was a whole other story.

"NidoKing please place me down."She said calmly as he leaned in closer. Drawing in her scent. Making her whole body stiffen and trembled, as his warm breath washed upon her skin. Drawing in a small ticklish chuckle from her. Her skirt had risen a few inches over her milky thigh.

When he hadn't responded, she took to trying to squirm in his grasp, her small hands prying at his clawed hands. Meanwhile her other hand took to gently push away away his snout as he continued to draw in her scent.
His maw opened wide, rows of ahrp teeth greeted her. Hoever his intention was not to eat her, as his long tongue flicked out along her face and collar bone. He licked at her gently, the smell of her shampoo making him think perhaps she tasted good. His tongue was very large, and several inches long as he lapped at her soft skin, she didn't taste good exactly, but it was not bad either. It was as she squirmed he noticed something more interesting. Her skirt had hicked up further, showing off her thighs and the cloth that was her panties.

He lifted her higher up and could see under her skirt, her panties where, strangely very interesting, and there was a smell, it wasn't like the shampoo, it was not sweet or fragrent, but familiar. He held her legs closer to him and inhaled, his hot breath washing over her thighs and crotch.

"Nido..." his deep voice sounded, and his tongue once more began to taste her, he licked between her thighs, her panties growing damp from his thick saliva, he could make out the nether lips of her most private of parts. His tongue pushed against the damp fabric, it seemed they would not last very long from his oral assault.
Anna couldn't contain the roll of giggles that escaped her, as he licked at her. She knew he meant no harm to her. merely curious to see who she was. His saliva was slick,warm and wet against her exposed skin. There was slight rustling within the tree's many watched from where they hid, most wild would not emerge not yet, not when the king was out.

When he stooped she stilled in his grasp panting heavily as she gazed down at him. Seeing that something else had caught his attention. "Nidoking put me down now" She put a little more urgency and demand into her words as she saw where his gaze had fallen to. seeing beneath his large clawed hand, her squirming had fore sakingly made her skirt rise up on her thighs.

"No nido stop" She gasped as she tried to squirm away, his tongue running along her thighs, his snout lodged between her thighs. she could feel the wet warmth of his tongue along her hidden folds. Tearing a surprised gasp, and a small tremble from the contact that his tongue made with her hidden clit. Her body virgin, yet responsive to his curious licks. With each lick and tug, began to pull and tear at the flimsy peice of cloth, which eventually snapped.bearing her small tight folds.
He did not notice the cloth give way and expose her sensitive nether lips. Her exposed pussy however tasted strange to him, his tongue licking over it with force, the rough texture of it making her squirm and the noises she made made the old pokemon begin to grow youthful once more. Her small clit was assaulted by the warm wet appendage, being tugged and flicked over by the tip of his pointed tongue. It even slipped passed her lips a bit at times, though never went in very far.

He rumbled softly, saying something that was once more inaudible as his mouth was full. However had she been able to see she would have seen his large member peaking from his sheath, the thick red appendage slowly expanding, in it's only semi-erect state is was nearly a foot long. As he licked he and she moaned and gasped he only grew all the more aroused, and curiosity was slowly beginning to become hot red lust.

It seemed like ages before he was satisfied with the taste, but now his intentions where less pure and innocent. He clawed at her tank top, the material shreading away to expose her plump breasts. He then moved and grabbed on of her legs, spreading it open and her pussy did a little bit too. "Nidoking!" he growled and his eyes flicked from her exposed sex to his hardening cock. His mind working out just how this was going to go down.
Anna was shocked, a bit scare to where this could be leading. Each passing stroke of his tongue tore whimpers from her lips, and her body to to respond. Tightening and quivering as her body began giving off the scent of arousal. Pushing at the Nidokings nose. Telling him what his sense only comprehended. To him the smell read that she was in heat, ripe for breeding. In truth she wasn't. His tongue lapped up her juices that her body gave off in response to.

He pulled back, both of there breaths labored, heavy. Her eyes not yet seeing what laid emerging from his hidden sheath. That was till he lowered her down. she could see his length his girth. Every inch of him. And it wasn't going to fit, not without great pain. her hands gripped at the soil as he tore away what remained of her clothing. tearing a surprising cry from her lips. and before long she began to panic.

She began to struggle. Twisting in his grasp till she was on all fours. her one foot kicking out nicking his arm as she broke free. She looked so tiny compared to the great beast, and so pale in the moon light. There watchers moved and stirred within the trees as she crawled away from the great beast. glancing back at the creature, hows red member throbbed in the moon light in a blood red sheen.
Nidokind began to grow frustrated with the squirming girl. As she managed to neatly get out of his crip he seemed furious even. He slammed his tail on the ground causing several other bird-type to fly from the trees, and it knocked her off balance, her ass up in the air almost in a submissive pose. He let out a roar, a sound that said two things "It's time to breed," and "No one disturb," with that he cast his sight onto her.

His eyes flashed suddenly red as he used the move "Leer" at her, it would cause her to suddenly go tense for a moment, her defense dropping long enough for him to once more grab ahold of. Once he had her back in his hands, he held her tight, one hand around her middle the other holding her left let spread wide. He then lowered her down, her wet entrance touching the massive tip of his red cock.

Without much warning he began to pull her down onto it, the thick member spreading her pussy open wide, though it could barely even get inside. "Nido....king....king!" he grunted trying with his might to get inside of her. It took a powerful push from him before he managed to sink a few inches of his cock into her.
The sudden wave through the ground, as she frantically crawled away from him sent her to the ground. He after all was a pokemon he knew moves and she should of been prepared for it all. But no, her legs trembled at the force of his strike against the ground till her arms gave way, sending her top half back. His loud roar making her cringe before glancing over her shoulder hearing his thunderous footsteps upon the ground.

She went to scamper away, before he used Leer, her body temporarily freezing as he took hold over her slender frame.Her body tense, yet trembling as she slowly got control of her body, feeling him pull her legs apart. Her eyes widely stared back as she began to feel the rub against her tiny sex. there was no way in the lands he was going to be able to shove it into her. Or could it. Guess she was about to find out.

Her nails dug into the dirt of the field. treading through it as she felt the straining pressure against the soft lips of her sex. Pushing those small lip[s aside to gain access to that hole. She kicked out, giving a small whimpering groan. Her eyes squeezing shut. Her jaw tensing up as he gave a hard shove, continuously pressing forward till her managed to force himself deep within her. tearing a pained cry from her lips. Her eyes growing immediately wide. Her body squeezing around his. tightening. constricting in small waves as he forced her into accommodating him.
The nidoking seemed to greatly enjoy the tightness, letting out a very pleased sounding growl as he managed to fit inside, even if it was only a few inches. He grips her sides lifting her from the ground to slowly begin to move her up and down his massive shaft. Her pussy was spread so wide it seemed on the verge of splitting in two, though it did not seem very likely to happen.

"King...king...king!" he grunted as her body bobbed up and down his cock, little by little his member began to slip in deeper and deeper, her lower abdomen beginning to bulge a bit from the intruding girth. Her breasts bouncing as he roughly tries to go in even deeper, wanting to fit his entire length inside, though that seems near impossible as well.

(sorry it's short)
Each movement was painful. Her body stretching beyond its limit. She should have torn in two on the first push into her tight frame. But she didn't. The burning pain grew hot her body trembling. as her lips split forth the cries of pain she was enduring. Her breasts bounced freely, grazing along the soft blades of her breasts her cries falling to the ears of those who watched. hidden within the shadows around them. Lost in awe that the King had dared come forth to take their caretaker.

Her Black hair hung around her like a midnight veil. hiding her pain twisted face from those who watched. Her nails digging trenches through the soil beneath as he dragged her towards him. Her loins burned and stung with each forward thrust. Inch by agonizing inch he moved within,pushing more into her. Her inner walls constricted around him squeezing, and convulsing in a wave as though it were trying to push him out
Nidoking seems to not care all to much but the intense pain this causes, his mind set stuck on pushing his cock in deeper. Soon nearly half his shaft it moving in and out, the tip reaching the entrance of her womb. He only thrusts more using her like she was a toy, a fuck hole only meant for his pleasure. His clawed finger grip her body, only making it easier for him to sink his cock in and out, despite his size his movements have a sort of flow, steady and rather quick to.

His maw open, tongue hanging out in a pleasured way, thick droplets of saliva begin to drip from it and began to slid over her basckside, down to where his cock plunged in and out. The thick sticky fluid helped lubricate his pumping tool. Whether by accident or purpose he was making it easier to move in and out, which should make it less painful as well.

Nidoking could feel himself growing close, large balls swelling with his seed, ready to plant it all inside of her. Clawed fingers grabbed her breast, stimulating them as they racked slowly against them.
With the added lubricant from his saliva sent him deeper within her. Crashing through the barrier of her hymen and into the gate of her cervix, which nearly buckled with the force of his entry. She gave a near scream as she attempted to pull away from him. But still he held her tightly enough to force her body onto his massive prick. Tears began to fall down her cheeks. Scared and quite aways away from the building how would he be once finished taking what he needed out of her?

Would he go again? Would the others attempt to come after her? she just wanted to get out of here. Gritting her teeth she endured the pain that burned hotly between her slick thighs. Her walls clamping around him. her cervical gate buckling under his hard thrust. sending him into her womb, stretching it out, so that the remaining inches were fully hidden within her body. she gave a pained cry her body squirming and twisting in desperate attempts to escape him.
Nidoking could feel himself hilting into her damp cunt, not even realizing his thick spear entered into her womb. The added tightness only spurned him on more to continue. His lubricated cock plunged deeper and deeper, only making her belly bulge out more from it. His massive form hovered over her pounding her into the ground. He could feel his release coming ever faster. He roared as he suddenly hefted her up off the ground, her feet dangling off the ground, his hands had let her go, but with his cock fully hilted inside she could not get away if she wanted.

"Nidoking!" he roared and once more grabbed her legs and thighs with his two massive hands. He began to pump her up and down his cock fast and hard. Her ass slapping into his lower abdomen while her breasts bounced rapidly. It felt like he could tear her in two, and he could, but killing his fuck toy was not on his mind. He thrust up into her faster and faster before the tip of his cock flared, stretching her womb out. He roared, the sounds causing many onlokers to flinch away. His cock erupting with thick hot jizz, filling her pussy and womb full, her stomach being expanded by it.
The entry into her womb tore pained cries, and even more struggles against him as she tried desperately to escape him. Tears streaked her cheeks as the NidoKing seemed only pushed further to breed with her. Each thrust making her body jerk, and cries spilling out. Her womb stretched around his massive size, feeling her stomach push outwards with each pressing thrust. Rewarding him with tight squeezes as her wet sex gripped at him. Milking his massive shaft.

He worked her small body up and down his massiveness. Her body flailing slightly with each jerky motion. She could feel him pulsing within her ready to spill forth his seed, that had been pent up for Lord knows how long. there was a sudden change, a pressure feeling as his shaft head flared within her pressing against her womb. Forcing her stomach bulge before he released. It was a warm flood. Making her belly swell more as he spilled within her. Her eyes snapping wide as she gazed at her rounding tummy.
Nidoking thrusts gingerly in and out of her cum filled pussy, with little effort he slip her up off his shaft, her body roughly landing onto the ground. A final spasm from his cock send a thick ejection of sperm onto her back, marking her in his seed as he inspects his handy work, his cum oozing out of her rapidly unable to stay within her tight body. He did not seem to mind, if anything her not getting knocked up would only mean he would have to try again later.

Rather then trying to ensure offspring though, the brute turns to lumber away, his tail dragging behind him. The need for fod and energy greater then sex now, besides he would return, and if she was present perhaps he would go another round. For her sake thhough it may be best she not stick around very long.
Pain of the rough encounter burned hotly throughout her body. Her heart racing within the frantic draws of breath that made her breasts rise and fall quickly . Whimpering softly as he finally pulled her off and letting her fall to the cum soaked ground. His seed gushing out quickly onto the soft earth beneath her. She closed her eyes. Her hands tenderly pressing at her swollen belly, though it was quickly deflating with the release of his seed.

Her stomach finally returned to its normal flat self. the seed from the Nidoking had nearly all escaped the confine of her body.She opened her eyes hearing silence, the King seeking food most likely. With a groan and whimpers as her raw sex burned and stung with the use. She needed to get out of there. Before he came back. One weak knees she turned to hurry back to the lab, and home.

Reaching the door that lead into the sanctuary she found she no longer had her key. Which drew a string of colorful words from her lips. She didn't want to go back, fear making her grow cold as she shook the handle of the door. Her thigh slick with the remaining seed that trickled down along her legs. She needed to wash up.

Biting on her lower lip she looked around finding a small pale of collected rain water from the recent rainfall. thanking the heavens she began to tend to her swollen stained sex. washing away the seed from her thighs and nether lips, as well as small amounts of blood.
The night was still very young, despite the long treatment she received there where still several hours before the sun would be up. As she washed herself in the puddle, several eyes where on her, some had been watching since the king had fucked her senseless, others had been drawn from the scent of sex in the air. Now it seemed though she had a very large fan club.

None however seemed very bold to try and get a closer look, though as several stiired, branches and bushes began to move. Several pairs of eyes glowed as they stared at her.
She knew they watched her as she tended to her sore raw pussy. Most of the Nidokings seem been washed away , yet she still felt unclean. Her hands were thorough as she cleaned herself, her eyes closed, as she tried to remain calm she would have to search for the key in the clearing. Risking another encounter with the Old Nidoking. Or she presses on to the other side of the island braving the risk of the others.

She was as thorough as she could be and slowly stood to her feet, her legs trembling as she turned to face the clearing. Inhaling deeply as she fought to control her racing heart. She could all but pray that the Kind hadn't returned to there joining ground. Biting her lower lip she made her way back .As quick as she could. Trying to get the keys and go.

Reaching the area she looked around the kept grass. Finding nothing laying that would give off any hope of her keys. It wasn't till she heard some jingling from the forest canopy did she realize that a pokemon, most likely a bird type had gotten its claws on them. She didn't want to go in there. God she didn't. but either way she had to. She needed to escape what she thought was a sanctuary, was really now her own personal hell.
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