Angel Corps (me and BurningWitch)


Jan 31, 2010
A shore in South American.
November 24th 2012

Inside a beach house stood two men. Two men that were heavily armored and suited for a war it would seem. But that wasn't the case. There were no wars right now per se. The Vanguard had set up a trap for a group of agents to fall into. And as such they sent in two of their best men. Jake Duvalk, an Irish American who used to be in service of the US Marines. He was an excellent soldier to have on the front lines and after he was discharged for unknown circumstances, he was hired by the Vanguard. He has killed agents before and for the most part he didn't feel anything. But that was because he thought what he was doing was for a good cause. He was led to believe that the female agents he was fighting were part of a terrorist group. But lately... he's had some doubts.

"Alright Intel says they should be here anytime soon." Jake said to his partner and ran a hand through his short black hair and grabbed his assault rifle. His green eyes scanned the gun for anything that could keep it from it's optimal performance.

Next to him was... a monster of a man. Goh Shinigami. Of course that was just a nickname but it was not without reason. Goh was tall and skinny with pale skin and dyed blue hair. His face was heavily scarred and his teeth were filed to sharp points. Unlike Jake, he didn't join Vanguard with noble intentions. No... he joined mainly to fulfill his sick desire for carnage and death.
"Heheheheh... perfect..." He grinned and placed a gauntlet over his arm which held several throwing knives. It was one of his own creations that would heat the blade of the knives to give him some more 'satisfaction'. "I've already placed Spike Mines... Hehehehe... I can't wait to hear them scream..."

"You're a sick man Goh." Jake sighed and put on a helmet "Hard to believe these women are terrorists... such... beautiful faces."

"Tch... Terrorists... so naive..." Goh replied and quickly turned around and chucked a super heated knife at a woman's head. "Their here..."
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