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The Demon, The Human and The Taboo


Jun 21, 2010
“And then Paul Revere shouted out ‘The English are Coming… The English are coming…” The boy’s voice trailed off to nothing more than mumbles as he stared at the daunting history book before him. He was currently engaged in his most hated of pastimes, last minute studying, a skill he honed well enough to past almost any exam, though most times he would just barely scrape by. Even though his gaze seemed to be fixed on the story of the American Revolution that dotted the pages of the rather fat book, the incessant tapping of his pencil against the soft mahogany trim of his desk belayed that his mind was currently elsewhere. In all honesty, he blankly stared at the words about the beginning of the country he lived in, a story he heard a million times before by now. Though he was given the slightly more PG version as a child.

The dark haired boy stood 6 feet, and while he was taller than most people, he was still by no means huge, him having a slim and slightly muscular frame despite his broad shoulders and height. His face would be relatively clear if it wasn’t for the barely noticeable scar than linger just to the right of his mouth, a red shade deeper than the rest of his tanned skin tone. The eyes themselves colored with a nice hue of deep green.

The frustration would finally get the better of him, sitting back in his seat adorned in a simple set of pajamas, a white shirt with black basketball shorts, would let out a small groan. “Where is that girl…? Doesn’t she know people worry if you drop off the face of the earth without even a phone call…?” His worries were much the same as any teenage boy, a girl, though this one in particular was quite different from the regular definition of girl, if only by appearance. His usual calm and easygoing demeanor becoming a combination of annoyance, frustration and worry, which would manifest itself as he slammed his fist against his desk. Though not hardest slam, it was still enough to shake his small nameplate, which read “Edward Syrus,” that rested atop of his desk. "I'll go ask her parents again tomorrow..." He told himself, his eye not wavering from the book in the least, although it was not an easy thing to do, dealing with demon parents, they seemed to become more wary of him and his "friendship" with their daughter the older he got, and now that they reached the age of teenagers, they seemed to outright not want him around. Not that going there changed anything or even served to lessen his worries, the last time he went he only managed to get an annoyed "She'll be back when she's ready." from her father. “Hah…” Another, but more annoyed, groan released itself from between his lips. “Best go to bed…” he said, closing the book and heading for the queen sized bed near the center of his right wall.

Layia Morena (dark beauty; born at night)
Age 16 (human years)
Race Demon
Hair Strawberry Blond
Height 5’7
Body Toned

Layia was going through what humans called puberty. To her it was becoming of breeding age. She was not accustomed to being locked in a room downstairs in the basement. Her Father had taken these precautions due to the way her body would act when around any male she had feelings for, including her own father. All she could think about right now was she was missing her friend, and she needed him now more than ever. She was craving him. For a long time she had a crush on him and now that her demon hormones were unleashed she needed him to be with her to help her transition.

She couldn’t take being locked up any more. Layia paced and paced around the basement floor, her energy levels were raging. She looked every nook and cranny up and down the walls and found something that caught her eyes just right. She found an old door and when she used a couple of tools she removed the hinges from it and pulled the old door down. This old house had an exit outdoors after all. It looked to be an old storm cellar door. She smiled, “Ha, Father, you won’t keep me away from my destiny!” She saw a bus coming down the street and pulled out her wallet. Using her school bus pass she was on her way to visit a certain Edward Syrus. It only took a few minutes when she was standing outside his door. She knocked three times waiting for him to open the door.
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