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The Foxhound unit

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Jan 9, 2011
Somewhere over the rainbow.
The year is 2289, an era of ultimate control. Emotional control, psychological control, reflex control, battlefield control. It's almost saddening. The SOP system, or Son's of the Patriot's system, relies on nanobot technology, controlling certain aspects of the human race to make a super soldier. Fleet cohesion is advanced, all 5 senses being shared among anyone with the same frequency. These nano's are controlled by 5 AI systems, named in order of importance. JD, the main one, maintains control of all other AI's. GW controls censorship of the media, and weapons locks. AL has control over social and political issues. The last two, TJ and TD are proxy servers. To what purpose they serve, we don't know.

The world is made up of war, warring PMC's and the such. This produces a 'war economy', an economic system that some believe would cause the world to collapse if it ever disappeared. The sad thing is, it probably would. There are people who can't live without the current status of things, the nanomachines keeping their bodies in check, the economy keeping money in their pockets. But that isn't the issue. We aren't sending out the Foxhounds to stop the economy. We are sending them out to destroy a super weapon. It's called the Pupa. The GW-Pupa-5000 to be exact. A hover tank with astounding speed capabilities. If mass produced, they could be a large problem for the U.S. All we know for now is that it is located in South America, somewhere in Peru. At least, we BELIEVE it is there. Intel has been uncertain. Agents have gone in, and never come out. May God be with us.

Jack Sullivan, or the "Boss" looked over one of the numerous computer screens in the comm center of the huge plane. It was called the Nomad, a super-cargo plane, boasting a Blackbird helicopter that could be launched from the bay to ferry supplies from the ground below, and a very comprehensive communications center. All that was in the cargo bay, along with a makeshift medical room. Climbing the stairwell and coming to the second floor, one could immediately see the door leading to the cockpit. On the left were two doors, one for the kitchen, and one being the room where the Robo-pilot rested until needed. In the kitchen, the sizzling of eggs could be heard. The little white-haired android took the spatula, lifting the eggs onto three separate plates. Looking to the right of the stairwell, one could see a large, metal door, indicating the storeroom where food, robotic parts, and a wall of servers are kept. Following the android up the second set of stairs, to the third and final floor, an observer would be surprised to find only two doors. One leads to the lavishly lush bedroom, where the females of Foxhound slept, the other heavy, cast iron door guarding the armory, holding weapons given to them by an underground weapons company. Prototypes, and the newest tech in killing machines were kept here, under tight lock and key.

Jack sighed, typing a few lines of text onto the keyboard, switching over to another PC and typing a few more lines of text. An unmanned hover tank in South America? The rest of the unit needed to see this. He grabbed the radio, and pressing the button with a devilish grin, yelled into the handset. "Ladies! You need to come down here! I found us our next mission!" He chuckled, hanging up the handset, studying the pictures popping up on his screen carefully. Man, this thing had quite an armament. Lightning cannon, 'Lightning rods' that could be shot into the air, sending devastating bolts crashing down upon Earth, 6 Machine gun turrets total, 4 on the back, and 2 on the front. Man, what an ugly design. Well, at least they got to go to South America. Jack had never personally seen Peru before. Bolivia, many times, but never Peru.
Special Weapons and Infiltration Expert Cecilia Kitterin Veneeri or "Kitten" as her code name was, looked in the small mirror hanging above her bed and sighed. The bags under her eyes were never going to go away. Sleep had been something she couldn't or in this case, wasn't allowed to enjoy. She had recently came back from a mission in New York that, truth be told, wasted her time. A suppose bomb threat in the subway where some idiot had threatened millions of lives with nothing more then a decoy and a gun, shouting crazy nonsense about God or something. If religion was involved nothing good ever came out from it. Green eyes starring back at her, she patted the dark circles under her eyes and frowned. "Beauty sleep my ass."She said. She was promised sleep, instead, she was on this Blackbird going for another mission. Jack had insisted on having her on this team, along with another female soldier. No one ever hung out, then again, how could one have a normal social life with the kind of job they had.

Forcing herself away from the mirror, Cecilia ruffled her short black hair, making it stick out in a way that didn't look so embarassing. She wasn't sure what this new mission was about, but no doubt it was something-

Jack's voice was heard echoing through out the room and it didn't work that it was so fucking loud in the ladies room. She covered one ear and cursed. "Fucking A Jack, don't yell in the mic."She said, though that was Jack's normal way of speaking. Heading for the door, she pulled it open and stepped through, wondering what the lightnews was. Heading for the stairs, she made her way down below to the cargo hold, her combats boots making light thumbing sounds on the metal floor. Reaching Jack, she rested a hand on the back of his chair and leaned in, looking at the screen and whistled. "What the fuck is that?"She asked, taking in every detail on the large tank on the screen. The metal behemoth was well equiped. Nothing could sneak up behind it, from the sides, above or infront. She had a feeling nothing could get below it either. "Is that what our next assignment is?"She asked, already knowing the answer. Things like this rarely come to surface, but when they do, Kitten and anyone else on her team do all they can to stop the threat before its made public and before its brought to life and used against countries. "Those turrest can take anyone out on all sides. I'm curious about the rounds used. And thickness of the metal. Any other details on this thing?"
(Is there a primer thread or character profiles for this, or are we just making it up as we go along?)
Close Quarters Combat Specialist Alisha "Raptor" Barr sat awake the entire night starring at her metalic hands, occasionally feeling phantom limb in her right arm, making it increadibly uncomfortable to sleep. Her crisp blonde hair occasionally falling over her grey eye and burning red eye augment. Her body was decorated in macabre battle scars and mechanical augments. She lost her left hand in a Tactical Espionage mission in Quebec. A group of Communist Extremists were packing more heat than she could bare. She took a AJ-580 "Jackhammer" round to her hand, blowing it apart when it should have been caught by her high density, carbon steel dagger. Her right arm was lost in her last mission when she tried to return a frag grenade from out of an suburban home. She counted one second too short and it detonated as it left her finger tips.

Most people resent their augments, but she looked at them as trophies and her rites of battle. They also gave her speed and agility that she never had before with human hands. Though the artificial nerves were much less sensitive, it was a price worth paying.

When Jack shouted her inner ear augments automatically lowered the pitch. She chuckled at herself as the fittingly named "Kitten" yelled back at him. She followed closely behind Kitten until she reached the same command center.

"So what are we doing?" asked the grim woman as she veiwed the extremely ominous tank "Sabotage I assume, but armor like that is going to be locked up tight. How do you propose we tackle something like that?"
Jack sighed, chuckling at Kitten's reaction. "That my friends, is a hover tank. Central Intel found out about it a few days ago from a mole. Or a defector, I don't really remember or care at this point." He zoomed in on the main part. "We don't exactly know how we're getting in yet. All we know is how to take it down. Inside this little pod... the head if you will, is the AI system controlling it." He tapped the screen. "Without it, it doesn't work. If it doesn't work, it can't hurt us." The soldier shrugged, switching the pictures to a map. "We'll be dropping into Bolivia. Here, right in the middle of the forest. From there, we will head over to Peru. Once again, we don't know where exactly they're keeping this thing, but where ever it is, it will be big and noticeable."

He looked to Alisha. "Security is going to be tight, so we'll probably end up blowing a hole in the side. I'll have the robo-pilot drop us some heavy duty equipment if we need it." He switched over to the tank blueprints again, and pointed to the rear section. "If, for some God Forsaken reason, this thing is activated before we get to it, then we'll have hell on our hands. Which is why we'll be dropping with a few explosives. Cecilia, you're the SpecWeps expert. You'll have most of the C4. Me and Ali will split a few kilograms of the stuff." He stood. "Follow me to the armory. I have some new things from the 'Dragon'." The Dragon was their weapons supplier. None of them knew where he got the weapons, especially the unlocked ones, but he got them. When they had made their way up to the armory, Jack grinned, pulling out a skin-tight, somewhat scaly looking suit. "Ladies, these are our new in-mission uniforms." His smile reached from ear to ear, being the Tech and Comms expert he was. "These suits are capable of copying the surface texture and tempature of any surface. Just stand still with the suit touching in, and voila, you are part of the background." He poked one, and it joggled. "Also, it has a slight resistance to ballistics and fire." He put two on the benches, and dove back into the box. When he pulled back up, he had in his hands a compact weapons. "This is the Devastator T-78. Doesn't look like much, but it packs a rather large punch. Takes .45 auto bullets, most of them are Hollow Points. And last but not least...." He pulled out a pistol. "The H-Series. Not the biggest gun, but very useful. Be careful with this." He nodded his head, and handed the equipment to their respectful owners. "Each suit comes with a special surprise for your specific expertise in skills. You'll find them out when you use them." Jack glanced down at his watch, then back up. "Go get changed. We jump when we're ready."
Kitten listened to Jack as he explained the tank that was displayed in the screen. “No doubt the AIs are programmed to sense threats. If the AIs feel threatened, for all we know, it can self- power up and go homocide.” Kitten was already working her brain, trying to think of ways to infiltrate the tank without having to risk the AIs inside. If only they had better info on this tank, she could work something out, but because of the lack of it, they were going to have to infiltrate in order to get more info. “They might be hiding it underground. Something like this wouldn't be lying inside a building, under a tarp.”This she knew. Something so dangerous and pricey, no way would it be sitting in a warehouse ready to be destroyed.

Having to travel to Peru wasn't bad, but what were the chances that someone would set up a welcome party for when they arrived. When he explained their prospective positions, Cecilia was a bit was a bit iffy. She wasn't sure how thick the metal on the tank was or what kind of metal if was using. Sometimes, C4 did only so much, but if the explosive was enough to weaken the metal, then they can blow through it with a rocket launcher. Getting C4 on an immobile object was easy. Putting it on a mobile object was fucking hard. “If I get a better understanding on this damn thing, I'll let you two know how the explosives should be set.” With that, she followed Jack to the Armory. “Oh, what has “Dragon” given us?” Dragon was an unseen ghost. He was there though invisible to everyone. He managed to get his hands on things that shouldn't be used, let alone exist. Seeing the special suits that “Dragon” had provided, “Kitten” took her, looking it out, stretching it this was and that. A kameleon suit. She had heard about it and had been dying to see and try it out. Seeing the other goodies Jack provided, “Kitten” grinned like a cat getting her cream. She whistled high. Taking the Devestator, she tested the weight in her hand, then aimed down the sight, loving the way her hand easily handled the gun. The H-Series was rather nice as well. Good weapons to have. Just because it was small didn't mean it was a pussy weapon. Sometimes, small was better, no matter what. Taking her suit and special weapons. She wondered what her suit did. She dealt with weapons and explosions, so perhaps it had something to do with that.

Heading back to the ladies room, “Kitten” settled her things carefully on the bed and began to strip. Removing her boots, her BDU pants and her black wife beater as well as her bra. She unzipped the suit and slipped and squeezed her big ass in it,adjusting it here and there and zipped it back up. Grabbing a pair of slim, looking combat boots in black, “Kitten” booted up, tying her laces and slipped a blade inside as a just in case. Not bothering with her clothes, “Kitten” checked herself in the mirror, smiling. The suits felt comfortable. Easy movement and they didn't hinder at all. She holstered her weapons, placing them so they were easy access. Looking up at “Raptor”, she eyed the woman. “What are the chances that there's more then one?” She asked, thinking that there might be more then one or in the process of being more.
"The only problem with using high explosives on an AI tank is the hull breach klaxons." Added Alisha to the conversation, crossing her matte-black augments over her bosom. "Any guards in or around Ground zero will no doubt be linked up to a low frequency security system with their own augments. So the main objective here isn't just attacking the primary target, but luring all of the watch dogs away far enough so we can get in and out with relative ease. Something I excel at"

"Raptor" craned her neck and rolled her shoulders, the sound of augment and bone grinding was almost unbearable to the others but was almost soothing to the expert assassin. After they discussed the tank fully she proceeded into the armory chamber with the others. Her scarred face widened into a massive smile as she saw her combat suit. The chameleon suit was fantastic, if not for it's obviously male driven design. The ability to be invisible had been a dream of hers since the start of her military career. At last she could truly be the definition of a "ghost". She held each weapon in her hands and tested the weight as her eye augment calibrated which hand would work better for which. She loaded, unloaded, reloaded cocked and aimed each gun twice.

"Meh," she said dissatisfied as always "these will do."

Guns were noisy, ghosts were silent. One could look at the devices as natural enemies. Nothing compared to Alisha's B-47 "Assassin" Compound Bow. It was fast, never jammed, was silent and best of all was always a clean kill. Coupled with her auto targeting eye augment function, she and the bow were an unstoppable duo. Alisha made her way to the ladies room and saw "Kitten" trying to fit her rump into her skin-tight suit. Unable to pass up the opportunity, Alisha slapped Cecilia on the bare bum as hard as she could, aware that she did not hear her enter. "Raptor" laughed and proceeded to strip and stuff her own assets into the form fitting combat suit, before opening a steel briefcase to reveal the parts of her B-47 "Assassin." "Hello beautiful," she said to the bow "Did you miss mommy?"

Alisha began quickly piecing together the bow and listened to the concealed yet detectable worry in Cecelia's voice as she inquired.

"Odds are this is just the harbor for the buyers and gear-heads to visit and observe." Answered Cecilia cleaning her bow. "And if the intel is correct then this tank was freshly moved here, meaning we have a few more days before the actual threat arrives... However, if our intel is off... then destroying the prototype won't do shit."
Jack took his own suit, raising an eyebrow at it. Man, this thing looked very tight, and uncomfortable for the urban fighter. He always adored somewhat baggy clothes, allowed more room to move, and hide stuff. With a shrug, he stripped down right there in the armory, surrounded by weapons and explosives. This was his home. This was his life. This, and the Nomad. Never could he imagine himself as a family man, tied down to a single spot, the daily duties of average life bearing down on his shoulders. He shrugged, pulling up the suit the rest of the way. Almost instantly, he felt his muscles tense, and a grin spread across his face. "Oh, this feels good." Experimentally, he moved around, finding that the tightness didn't hamper movement, and showed off his somewhat muscular form quite nicely. "I'll have to thank the men and women Dragon seems to have designing this stuff for him, if I ever meet the bastard."

When all was said and done, Jack picked up his discarded clothes, walking out of the room. He jogged up the stairs, knocking lightly on the girls' door. "Ladies, when you're done in there, I'll be waiting by the cargo doors. We'll be jumping with those pressurized suits. Hurry up will ya? The longer we wait, the longer this thing has to go into production." He jogged back down the stairs, grabbing his rifle, his pistol, and some C4 before making his way to the back of the plane. When everyone was ready, he grinned widely, pulling the pressurized airsuit over the kameleon suit. "Alright ladies, let's go." The cargo bay door opened outwards, slowly. A light next to them blinked a red color, indicating they were about ready to jump. "We'll need to stay together. If we get seperrated midair, we can use a beacon inside the K-Suit to find each other." He shrugged, looking out of the opening. "The SOP system helps too, but....." The light turned green, and Jack looked over his shoulder, smiling. "Come on, jump!" With that said, he launched himself out, disappearing as the air flow took him.
The sting on her ass was still there, but she wasn't going to lay one on Raptor, not yet at least. The woman was quick, sensing anything that approached. Kitten was going to have to be sneaky and lay a good one on that fine ass of Raptor's. Shaking her head and smirking, Kitten was ready to go, pushing her bangs out of her eyes and clipping them in place. Thinking about Raptor's question, Kitten simply stared at herself in the mirror. She thought for a moment, then turned and looked to Raptor. “ The prototype is never needed, especially when one has the blueprints saved.”She cursed, realizing that this mission was bigger. “Fuck. We can blow up as many tanks, but so long as the bad guys have the blueprints, they can just sell those and not bother building and selling.” Shaking her head, she headed for the door, heading for the cargo bay.

Already they were ready to suit up and jump. Kitten was going to let Jack know about her discovery when they landed. Making sure her weapons were in place, as well as extra mags C4 and combat Knife, Kitten suited up and looked to Raptor, then back to Jack. A hissing sound, then a harsh whir was heard, the cargo doors opening, showing the ground below. A was a long was down and cats don't always land on their feet, no matter what people said. Nodding that she was ready, Kitten waited for the signal and when that red light turned green, she waited a few seconds, then rushed after Jack, launching herself and began to free fall. Her arms were spread out and her legs as well, the air hitting her body hard. She pressed her legs together and placed her arms to her sides, aiming downward, gaining speed. The drop zone was in the middle of a forest. Counting off the seconds, she went from ten counting all the way to one and pulled the cord, releasing her chute and felt her body being tugged hard, the wind catching at her chute. “ETA 20 seconds to ground.”She spoke in her come, letting her team mates know.

She could see the tops of the trees clearly, already feeling her feet hitting the tops of the branches, until finally her whole body was being slapped by branches and she was caught, her chute tangled.”Fuck.”She was dangling from a tree, the floor a good 10' away from her. Cursing, she struggled a moment, until she reached her knife and began to cute at the ropes that held her to her chute. “Boss, Raptor, was your location?” She asked as she cut away, feeling herself loosen, until the last rope was cute and she fell, reaching her arms and caught herself hard on a branch, hitting her stomach. “Fucking hate forests.” She said, letting herself drop the rest of the way down and land firmly on her feet.
Raptor exited her room completely clad in her new body armor, her jaw concealed by the lower part of her carapace visor. She didn't need it during a day mission but it sure as hell helped at night. But with these chameleon suits she couldn't risk wearing anything that didn't blend with the environment. Sadly, carbon-fiber carapace with a dimly lit cyclops pattern eye display doesn't necessarily scream jungle attire.

She met the others in the cargo bay just in time to watch the hatches open. She remained silent as all true hunters do before pouncing on their pray. She watched the ground for signs of movement, the golden orb in her skull moving independently and targeting all things that could be labeled as a threat. Mostly picked up birds or other wild life but occasionally a human would be detected, thought they were up to far to identify them. She'd just need to get up close.

With Snake's commanding words she ran and pressed the ball of her foot from the edge of the platform and dove straight down going faster than the others as they drifted further apart from each other. She released her chute within a few seconds and heard the ETA over her built in com-link. She was falling above a tree and detected the best time to release her chute. She held her augmented arms out, gripping onto the bark of the exotic trees, spinning around and landing on her feet, high above the ground. She looked off and saw the little figures that were her team mates falling back to earth. Once they were beneath the canopy of trees, Raptor began her elaborate parkour routine, climbing from tree to tree constantly scouting the ground for her prey
Snake smiled, suddenly spreading his arms and legs, slowing him down to a reasonable speed to release his parachute. Ah, he loved doing this. Unless..... he went wide-eyed as he sunk into a particularly nasty looking section of forest. The branches here didn't break so easily, they smacked against his body with a vengance. He managed to get a leg up, forcing his foot to stay straight, making his way stedily through the canopy.

Until one broken arm of wood sliced into his parachute, he had been going down relatively gently. Now, Snake hurtled straight down, and lacking Raptors parkour skill, he didn't look forward to his landing. As he fell, he hacked at the ropes holding him to the useless cloth, so that he was free when he hit the ground with a dull, heavy thud. Surprisingly, the soldier was able to stand up afterwards. "Holy shit, this suit's a miiracle worker...." He chuckled, pulling out his pistol and his knife. Never knew what one was going to find out here in the woods.

"Kitten, activate the pinger on your suit. Should be on your comms device. Raptor, you too." He took a quick second to activate his. "We'll be radiating a slight electro-magnetic field, so be careful around other electronics." He tilted his head thoughtfully, looking around at the lush and lavish trees. His parachute was up there somwhere. "I'm making my way to you guys now. Just sit tight." He started moving, letting his K-suit guide him. The pinger worked by sending out faint traces of electro-magnetism, generating a small vibration whenever that person is facing another pinger system. The SOP system enhances this by cutting out any interference. Also, it shows as a blip on the team's comm system, which doubles as an area map/ radar. The advancement of modern science. Snake trudged through thick undergrowth, having to overstep numerous prickly plants, but then he stopped, eyes fixated on something. Someone had been here.
Kitten heard Snake's voice on the comm and did as he said. She searched where her comm connector was and felt a tiny little button. She pressed it and heard a tiny sound on her ear piece. It seemed to vibrate whenever she got near or far from someone who also had a pinger on like her. Pulling out her gun and a hunting knife from her boot, she held on two both, ready to either aim and shoot or swing and thrust in case someone or something came up to her. As she moved farther into the forest, her pinger seemed to vibrate even more then a few feet back. The squawks of birds and screaming monkeys all around her were playing havoc on her nerves. She hated forests with a passion. She had a bad experience in one and always swore never to step foot in one. Well to bad for her that her mission would start in one. She shouldn't complain.

As she sidled up close to a tree, Kitten was aware of something coming up behind her from above the tree. She heard the slight hiss and could feel somethign almost licking at her neck. She turned and swung her knife, lopping off a tree snakes head clean off. She watched it fall to the ground, twitching all over the floor, until it stopped. She picked it up and stared at it, then at the head. Dropping the snake body, she picked up the head and gathered fresh leaves from the floor and wrapped it around the head. She managed to miss cutting the glad pouch that held its poisin. She would use it for something useful. Smirking, she put it away in her small side pouch and continued to walk, until she spotted movement up in the trees. "Raptor, I'm under you."She said in her comm, hoping the woman wouldn't shoot. The suit was camoflauging her, but with Raptor's good eyes, no doubt the woman might accidently shoot accident.

((I'm feeling better and can eat better now. Lets continue. Sorry about that you two.))
Raptor leaped gracefully with her species namesake as they flew high above her head, some scattering from her presence, others gathering. She landed at the trunk of a tall, tree canopy, digging her boot heels and wrists into its soft bark to slow her decent. Her feet landed on a branch about 50 meters from the ground, her ping vibrating immensely. She looked around, her eye finding all sorts of indigenous life, but something on the ground seemed to move unlike any indigent.

As the shadow lurked through the jungle, she quickly reached behind her and pulled both halves of her compound bow, attaching them together with a solid clunk. She reached down her smooth thigh, pulling out a thin telescoping arrow. With a flick of her wrist the arrow extended. It appeared to the naked eye to be a target arrow, but its hunting class barbs were too small and too numerous to tell with the naked eye. Both penetration and extraction of this arrow would result in intense pain and profuse bleeding.

Setting the arrow and aiming down the site with her golden eye, she targeted the shadow, drawing back slowly on the long, carbon fiber string.

"I'm right beneath you." cackled her comm, Raptor's concentration shattered and she lost site of the target. Her optical sensor picked up no unusual movement.

"Damn," she whispered to herself. With grace and swiftness, she contracted the bow and arrow whilst climbing down with haste to meet Kitten on the ground. Her feet landed on the fertile soil with a soggy thud, her hand placing pressure on ground to give her stability in her landing. She stood silently and fluidly, walking over to Kitten in long quick strides.

"How was the trip?" she smiled beneath her re-breather. "Where's Snake?"
Snake looked around, pistol ready. Someone, or many someone's were here. The trails had been unmistakeable, even to the urban fighter. Crushed grass and footprints were everywhere. Even a few discarded magazines and bullet shells. What had happened here? Suddenly, his pinger started vibrating like crazy, and he shouted out the only thing he could think of in that moment. "Marco!" When no response came, he leveled his pistol, calling out again. "Marco!" Slowly, cautiously, he moved forward. Whoever was up there was not friendly.

The soldier's foot caught on something wirey, breaking it. On instinct, he dove to the side, just in time to avoid a heavy, swinging spiked log. "Ah fuck. That could've hurt." He stood up, rubbing his head, surprised to find Raptor and Kitten in front of him. "Well, hey there. This place has traps, although how many I'm not sure. Just be careful." With that said, he holstered his pistol, moveing forward with nothing but a knife. Snake's breath was even, slow, as were his footsteps.

A snap boubced off the trees, followed by the heavy foot falls of fully armed and armored PMC troops. "Quick, get up in a tree! We can't be spotted!" He crouched, jumping up and grabbing the lowest branch. After getting up on his feet, he jumped up to another branch, and waited for the beeping to signal the change of texture and temperature. "Do not shoot. They can't know we're here!"
Kitten didn't even hear the branches shake, so wasn't aware of Raptor's decent, until the woman was right behind her. She turned and almost pulled her gun on the woman, but cursed and looked up to the sky. “One day, I shall shoot you on accident and live.” She said and shook her head. “And the trip was a fucking nightmare.”She said, shaking her hand and rubbed her stomach a bit. The suit managed to help in breaking her fall...almost, but it still hurt. Looking around, she shrugged. “Haven't seen him yet, though the sneaky bastard should be around.” Kitten hadn't realized the change of her suit, until she saw Raptor's. It amazed her how quickly the suits changed to their setting.

Sudden, she heard something snap and Kitten whipped around, gun aiming forward. She saw Snake diving towards them and close behind him was a log with spikes swinging from one side to the other. “Holy shit.”She breathed, surprised to see such a trap. Only indigenous people would make such traps, not skilled soldiers. Kitten helped him to his feet and shook her head. The man didn't seemed to be phased at the fact that there were traps lying about. Holstering her gun, Kitten kept a good grip on her knife and followed her strong leader.

Her eyes scanned the trees and not long, she heard little thumps, but they soon grew louder. She was able to distinguish them, knowing they were heavy foot falls. Snake needn't have told her to hide. She was already running to the nearest tree. She ran a few steps up the trunks and easily grabbed for a branch, then another and another until she was 20 feet or so off the ground, she suit blending with the trunk, the branches and leaves adding even more of a cover. “Watch your six. There seems to be a company.” she said in her mic. Kitten crouched on the branch, her eyes watching as she saw soldiers coming towards their direction, though she knew they could not see them.
Raptor quickly pulled both her pistol and dagger from their holsters, her gun arm balancing on her blade arm. She looked at down the sites for a brief second to see her leader in her crosshairs. Raptor pulled back the pistol and holstered it, twirling the blade casualy between her fingertips. "Good to see you, Fearless Leader," she said in a minor condescending tone. She gave herself a few seconds to observe the loosely swinging spike log. It was awfully primitive for a terrorist organization with the kind of resources that they have available. It was either one soldiers attempt to hunt for PMC Troopers, or there was a third party someone forgot to mention. Being a skeptic, Raptor leaned toward the latter.

"That's far too feral a trap to be the enemy." she spoke grimly, but before she could finisher her sentence they all heard the breaking of twigs and the thudding of footfall. Raptor nimbly ran up the branch several meters before grabbing a strong branch and swinging herself up over the approaching enemy. Well out of their peripheral, she withdrew the two halves of her compound bow, quickly combined them, pulled and arrow and aimed for the lead man's jugular, a kill shot.

"Say the word, Capt." she whispered into her mic, "I got them in my sites."
"Negative Raptor. Don't shoot. Not unless they know we're here." His eyes focused on the swinging log. "Besides. Not sure those traps were meant for us." He studied the trap, tilting his head. "Too basic." His brow furrowed, and suddenly, his eye was trained on the lead man. Something was going to happen.

A few minutes passed by, and nothing happened. Maybe the traps were- An explosion rocked the ground, almost knocking him out of the tree. The entire contingent, or what was left of it, either crouched low, or dove to either side. Screams were heard, signalling that there were more traps. Now, only one-third of the group was left, and they were close to panic. "Holy shit, you guys saw that right?" The soldier's eyes were glued to the scene in front of him. Now the troops were arguing with their point man.

"This is good. This is really good." He tilted his head, looking towards the tree where Raptor was. "Hm..... I think they're weak enough. Raptor, take out the back man, Kitten, you and me will provide fire. Mow down whoever's left standing." He chuckled, pulling back the action on his rifle, peering down the sights. "On my mark....... now." The second the man dropped, Jack pulled the trigger, releasing a burst of bullets at the shrinking group. When everyone lay on the ground, either dead or dieing, he pulled his finger away, restrapping the gun to his back. Then, he noticed something. A radio. "Shit... That can't be good." He sighed, putting a round in the comms system. "Alright, let's go. The jungle's a large place, and that village isn't going to come to us. Let's move it, before reinforcements come."
If she only had her hands on a Sniper Rifle, she would be set, especially in this position. Raptor seemed to beat her to the punch though, knowing the woman already had her bow at the ready to launch an arrow at the first person she saw. Hearing her, she had to stiffle a little chuckle. The woman was ready to shed blood within the nano second, but even she was disappointed when Snake said to hold her fire...arrow...whatever.

It seemed like forever as they stood in silence, watching the men track on closer. Hearing her leader, she could only nod her head in the slight shadows on the tree. “ That trap was too primitive, even for people like us. I get the feeling.....they were just set up as a means for protection of some sort for the natives. This forest is home to both animal and human of course. “ I don't like this.” She whispered, feeling as if tiny pins were pricking the back of her neck. Before she could say what was on her mind, an explosion sounded where the platoon of men were, almost making her fall off her branch. She cursed, hearing as men screamed, some in agony, others shouting commands. The men were in disarray, shouting and screaming, fingers pointing and blame placed. She had to smile. This was too good, way too good. Hearing Snake on her min, she smiled even more and readied her gun, finally getting a chance to test the little bastard out. “I'm ready at your command.” She said, no doubt, Raptor was more the ever ready.

3.....2.....1 was the countdown in Kitten's head, as she heard the whizzing of Raptor's arrow and watching at the point man went down like a tree. She jumped down and landed with grace, gun infront of her and shooting anything that moved and aimed anything at her. The gun felt good in her hands and the recoil wasn't bad at all. Heck, there practically wasn't a recoil. With the last man down, she looked around, weapon trained at any body that twitched. So far so good. “All hostiles down. Everything clear.”She announced and holstered her weapon once more. Looking over to Snake, she wasn't sure what he found, but heard his gun being discharged. Walking over, she saw the gaping hole and sparks coming from within the radio that was also covered in a bit of blood. “Well isn't that typical.”She said, shaking her head. No doubt the men announced the ambush that they walked into and the men they lost. Chances were, they didn't announce being attacked by the three soldiers that appeared, which was good for them. “Lets hurry. They came down that way, do no doubt they have a camp near by.” Turning, she walked away, patting Raptor on the back with and saying “Good kill shot.”
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