~Charlie Bucket and the Amazing Chocolatier~

Aug 28, 2010
Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory
The day Charlie Bucket found the last golden ticket was, or so he thought, the best day of his entire life. However, Charlie was mistaken, and he would soon realize that in fact, the best day of his life would be the day he met Mr. Willy Wonka. Charlie was the poorest boy in town, and he never expected to recieve more than a single Wonka chocolate bar a year, let alone be invited inside his factory for a tour of a lifetime. At first he had been skeptical, thinking he should sell the ticket for money for his family, but as Grandpa Joe had said, "Money isn't special. In fact, they print more and more every day. But this ticket..."

His grandfather George had been the one who'd been convinced he should go with Charlie to the factory, so it was those two who had been waiting eagerly outside Wonka's factory gates alongside the four other couples. Looking pale and a tad underfed in his usual old striped sweater, Charlie was also the kindest and most grateful child there. Veruca Salt was beyond spoiled, Mike Teavee was smug and bratty, Violet Beuregarde was aggressive and bossy, and Augustus Gloop...well, he'd been allowed one too many chocolate bars. All of them seemed to have rather negative defining qualities, all except for Charlie. Charlie was not faster, not taller, nor richer, nor more successful than other children. He did, however, happen to have an excellent and blossoming imagination, along with being one of the sweetest boys you'd meet. The group was told they'd see Willy Wonka at approximately 10 o'clock in the morning, and they certainly did.

He was a glorious sight, this chocolatier. Charlie could only stare as he let them inside. He'd never seen a more strangely beautiful man in his life; his face was extremely pale, and his lips were shapely and naturally rouged. His smile was brilliant and handsome, and his eyes, they were between purple and blue, perlexing to say the least. Willy Wonka's hair was certainly something to behold as well, in a sort of bob-like fashion, and rediculously smooth and well kept; women everywhere would have been jealous, and it looked as though Mrs. Beuragarde already was. Also, for a sweet-obsessed candy maker, Mr. Wonka seemed to have the whitest, straighest, most wonderful smile of anyone. Charlie stumbled a little as he was shoved aside by Violet Beuragarde on the way in, passing by as Mr. Wonka held the door open. The boy glanced up at him, trying not to seem too entranced, and smiled shyly before following the group inside.
Preparations had been going on for weeks, in fact, since the decision had been made to send out the golden tickets and have five lucky people given a tour through the most extravagant and well known chocolate factory in the world. The factory stayed in good condition most of the time anyways but everything was getting polished or a new coat of paint for this special occasion. It had been years since anyone besides the strange workers and Willy Wonka himself had been inside the large building and everyone was rushing to buy a chocolate bar to win a chance to get into the magical place.

At ten on the dot the magnificent double doors opened wide to reveal a handsome young man in a top hat and red coat. He had a strange, almost feminine hair cut that left his hair turning in right underneath his ears. A grin was stretched from ear to ear as he welcomed them all to his chocolate factory. The crowd was silent, almost in confusion as he wasn't a large man who looked like he ate chocolate all the time, actually having a fit body with clear skin and perfect teeth. Once everyone who was supposed to had shuffled inside the building he shut the doors with a deep bow and joined his lucky guests. Mrs. Beauregard was pressing her large breasts up against his arm while she leaned closer to speak with him, looking very awkward as he detached himself from her and took a deep breath. His eyes followed all the children, picking them apart before he even heard them speak, watching Charlie in particular who seemed to gaze up at him with an innocent and kind eye, even shyly smiling at him.

He and his grandfather were the thinnest people he had seen in a long while and compared to the Gloop's they were twigs. He walked near the back of the group as they came across another set of large double doors. "We're coming up on one of my favorite rooms in the factory" he said excitedly, as if he had only been there a couple of times. He pressed a button on the inside on his jacket and the doors opened slowly, revealing a paradise of color and smell. It was almost overwhelming to the senses if it was the first time you had ever been in there and even more so to someone who hadn't been around very much candy or chocolate in their life. He strolled around the room as everyone looked around in amazement, watching each of the children but resting on Charlie more frequently, seeing something in him that wasn't in the others, though he would wait to decide until later.

He was snapped out of his head by hearing a dull splash. His eyes went straight to the flowing chocolate river as he saw an over sized male flailing remarkably, contaminating all of his precious chocolate. 'Conveniently' a large tube dropped from the indeterminable ceiling and started sucking chocolate up into a bowl shaped cavity. The boy was sucked up into the bowl, screaming a kicking the entire time, much to his annoyance. The mother was also freaking out and almost hit him at one point. He made a strange noise and a small man ran up to them. He spoke to him quickly in another language and the man started leading the obese woman to the fudge room to see if her boy would be whole or a desert by the time they went home. 'Well, one down and three to go' he thought to himself, gathering them near the side of the river and having them get on a large row boat, sitting on the back and relaxing next to Charlie, the most quiet and interesting character of the trip so far.
Charlie was awestruck when the doors to the first room opened. It looked to be something like a candy meadow, with rolling green hills, gummy bear bushes, candied apple trees, whipped cream flowers and a wide array of unidentifiable things. It was overwhelmingly wonderful to say the least. Charlie asked Mr. Wonka if everything was edible, and found out that not only was the candy, but also the trees, bushes, and even the grass. "Marvelous." the boy smiled.

The little incident with Augustus was very unexpected, though it was no one's fault but his own. Mrs. Gloop was hysterical, and was later whisked away by what Willy Wonka called an "oompaloomla", a very small and quiet fellow, identical to the rest. Charlie looked up at his grandfather in surprise. Mr. Salt was not amused, and gave Wonka a stern look.

The rowboat that came to collect them was something of a gigantic fuschia chinese dragon, slightly clear like it too could have been made of sugar. "Mr. Wonka...Augustus will be alright, won't he?" Charlie asked quietly as they sat down, smiling up at the chocolatier with an honest concern in his brown eyes. Though the boy was horrid and greedy, well...Charlie still wanted him to be okay. Violet rolled her eyes at him, chewing furiously on her gum.
Wonka was extremely proud of the fact that everything in the room was edible and raised his voice slightly so others could hear him "everything in the room is edible, even I'm edible, but that is cannibalism my dear children and frowned upon in most societies" he replied, seeming to have already forgotten about the Gloop boy by the time the large candied boat had started off. He bent over and took a ladle of the warm liquid chocolate, lifting it up and handing it to Charlie "here, it's really good" he insisted and waited for him to take it from him.

"Oh! The boy? Yes, he'll be fine. We aren't making fudge until tomorrow so nothing bad should happen" he replied, smiling at him and showing off his brilliantly white teeth. The boat then dropped about a foot suddenly and the boat shot forward, going at extremely high speeds for a boat it's size and all Wonka could do was smile at them with a crazy gleam in his eye, it leaving when they passed several doors with words explaining what they were used for. "What do you use hair cream for?" Mrs. Beauregarde asked, earning a smile "to lock in moisture" he replied touching his hair with a white gloved hand.

"And here's our stop!" he said excitedly, hopping out of the boat and helping Charlie and his grandfather out before going to open the door and leading them in. "Welcome to the invention room! Remember not to touch, taste, or touch anything, you never know what'll happen" he said, smiling at all the whizzing and creaking of the machines. "Oh! These are everlasting gobstoppers, you can suck and suck and suck on them and the won't get any smaller!" he said excitedly, then thought of it sexually and giggled a little. They then reached the gum machine and the little Beauregarde insisted on chewing it. He watched as she was enjoying the flavor and her nose started turning purple. Soon she swelled up like an oversized blueberry and had to be rolled to the juicing room. "I've tried it on like, twenty oompaloompas and they all turn out like blueberries" he said, shrugging "I don't know what it is." "Well, on with the tour!"
"Thank you." Charlie smiled, touching the ladle to his lips and taking a sip of the warm and frothy chocolate. He didn't know what to compare it to, thinking of a Wonka chocolate bar as it slid down his throat. It was literally all the delicious wonder that Mr. Wonka created, melted and in its most simple form! He handed the ladle over to his grandfather. Mr. Wonka was in the middle explaining once again that "no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall", when Veruca rudely interrupted with, "you already said that."

Charlie shifted uncomfortably, then took the ladle and handed it back to Mr. Wonka. "I think it's brilliant." he smiled up at him, finding himself trying not to get lost in the man's eyes, his sparkling smile. There was something extremely entrancing about the candy make. The quick drop of the boat surprised Charlie a bit, but he merely held on and enjoyed it; the movement of the boat caused the boy to bump into Willy Wonka gently, and he found his jacket to be velvety, soft and warm. Charlie giggled quietly at Mr. Wonka's explanation for hair cream, but looking at his perfect hair, it was entirely believable.

The Invention Room was something to behold, and quite a spectacle. Whirring, dinging, ticking and bubbling noises filled the room. Charlie knew better than to go touching or tasting things in a place like this, but he wasn't sure the other children did. Apparently, Violet the gum chewer was going to be the first to confirm that. Charlie had been watching Willy Wonka explain the everlasting gobstoppers, grinning wide when he'd mentioned how good they were for children with little allowence money, when he'd noticed a frown on his face. Mr. Wonka then explained the gum making machine, and how it wasn't ready, but it didn't matter much; Violet stuck her gum behind her ear and took the new piece immediately.

Charlie looked up at Mr. Wonka with a concerned expression. What came next was entirely unexpected, and Grandpa George shook his head as the large blueberry was wisked away. Charlie didn't ask about her, figuring that she'd end up as okay as anyone would after that incident. Now with the group a bit quieter and smaller, they moved on down through a strange hallway, going west. Mike Teavee was busy bombarding Mr. Wonka with irritating questions, and Charlie could tell the young chocolatier was feeling pushed. Feeling bad, Charlie asked a kinder question before Mike could flare up again. "Mr. Wonka...do you remember the first candy you ever ate?" The boy smiled up at him, his brown eyes glittering with interest.
He smiled and danced with the oompa loompas when they sang for the second time that day. They were obviously prepared to show off for the visitors and had choreographed some before they had arrived. The younger Teavee was driving him nuts and he was just becoming more and more irritated "you know, you really shouldn't mumble, I can't hear a word you're saying" he said, interrupting him loudly to get him to shut up before hearing Charlie speak up.

"Do I ever" he replied softly, being sent back into a flashback of his childhood. His head was wrapped in wires that connected to the inside of his mouth that pulled and pushed his teeth. It was terrible being a dentists son, especially when you wanted to be a chocolatier and your father was basically forbidding you from doing it. Every Halloween he would have to watch all the candy he had collected go into the fire, never being able to taste a single one. One year though, a small piece of chocolate had escaped the flames and he pulled it out, unwrapping it and maneuvering it carefully into his mouth, relishing in the taste and it was then that he was hooked.

Chocolate was his cocaine and any money he got he would spend it on chocolates and candies, trying everyone that he could so that he could taste them all. He got in an argument with his father one night and threatened to leave, and actually doing so but when he came back, true to his word, his father had left. From that point he had hated his father and hated the thought of parents in general, regretting the relationship that he had never had with his father. They had reached the end of the hall and words from Mr. Salt snapped him out of his own mind "I'm sorry, I was having a flashback" "Do these flashbacks happen often?" Mr. Teavee wondered. "Increasingly, today" he said softly, opening the door and hearing a large amount of cracking and small, chattering noises.

In front of them was a huge system where nuts would fall down in front of a squirrel and he would tap it against the counter in front of him, if it pleased him he would crack it apart and toss the shell, letting the nut go down a tube where it was sent to another part of the factory. If the noise displeased him then he would toss the entire thing down the huge chute in the middle of the room. He said nothing, thinking that the sight was explanation enough when he heard a little brat complaining about not having enough pets and wanting another. He told the father flatly that she couldn't have one and there she went, running down the stairs "Don't touch that squirrels nuts! He'll go crazy!" he warned her, though it didn't do any good. They swarmed.

Squirrels were all around the girl, holding her down as one ran up to her head, tapping and listening. He even tapped her again and chittered something to the others, causing them all to move, tossing her down the chute. He looked slightly amused "I guess she was a bad nut" he said as a small man ran up to him "oh good, the incenerators broken so there should be about three weeks of garbage to break her fall" he said, watching as the father ran and dove headfirst into the garbage after his precious daughter. "Three naughty children gone and only two good little children left" he commented at seeing the two boys left. "Well I suppose we can take the glass wonkavator" he said, telling Mike that he could pick a room, not surprised when he picked the television room of startling white.
Charlie looked at the other "good little child", quickly looking away when Mike glared intimidatingly at him. He had a feeling that this boy was going to get himself into trouble, especially watching him press the TV Room button so eagerly. The glass elevator was a fun but slightly frightening ride, as it happened to go upwards, downwards, sideways, longways and any other ways you could think of. They passed by the puppet recovery room (quite recent), the cannon blasting room, the cotton sheep shearing room (Wonka didn't want to explain that) and many more.

Charlie stepped out of the glass elevator in a sort of daze, accepting the large white glasses that Mr. Wonka was passing out. The TV room was incredibly bright even with the glasses on, and the boy wondered what the purpose of it was. Apparently Mr. Wonka had been in the process of inventing a way to transport chocolate bars through the TV; this put Mike in a bad mood for some reason, and Charlie could just feel him working up to an argument. He wondered if Mr. Wonka had actually managed to make this work, and was skeptical when the man told him to reach out and grab the finished product. He did, however, and found that it was just a regular chocolate bar. Willy Wonka really was brilliant, and Charlie found himself smiling up at him again, a strange hint of some kind of longing in his brown eyes. The glance was broken when Mike decided to leap up into the teleporting machine, and Charlie found himself staring at a very small brat inside the closest TV. Mr. Teavee plucked him out, holding him between his fingers in horror. Mr. Wonka was right, Mike was going to end up very skinny... And the taffy puller? That sounded painful.

Charlie looked up at his grandfather as they exited the room, placing their glasses in the proper slot. He wasn't sure if Willy Wonka had realized who was left yet, and wrung his hands nervously behind his back. Was he really the last one? It didn't seem realistic. Charlie swallowed hard, his heart fluttering in anticipation as he watched the chocolatier turn around in surprise.
Willy Wonka was already prepared to head off to another part of the factory to slowly diminish the children down one by one, getting lost in his train of thought as he ran into the glass Wonkavator, righting himself before trying again, this time pressing the button to open the doors. He asked how many children were left and the old man responded by saying that Charlie was the only one left. "Where did the others go?" he asked almost absentmindedly. He looked excited then "I've been waiting to press this button forever" he told him, pressing one that sent them shooting upwards, looking up and looking at the gauges "well this isn't any good, we're not going nearly fast enough to break through" he said, Grandpa George looking worried.

"Hold on!" he shouted as they got close, breaking through the ceiling without much difficulties and hovering when the engines kicked in. It floated through the air and he asked where the boys house was, going towards it and landing in the middle of the large room that was their house. He stepped out into the dust and looked around while Charlie spoke with his parents. "Alright Charlie, it's time to go" he said, explaining how he was giving him the chocolate factory and that he would have to come with him and leave his parents behind forever. Apparently he didn't think that was such a cool idea and refused his offer, hurting him immensely. He was so shocked and unhappy he just left, leaving a few weeks time before seeing the boy again. He was sitting up in a high chair, a newspaper covering his face while a small boy cleaned his shoes, striking up a conversation about Wilber, or Wally, the chocolate maker.

"Fine, I'll let your family come and live with us in the factory" he gave in finally, telling him to get into his glass machine and flying him back towards the factory. When he started to land the unmanageable object Charlie would be able to see his entire house had moved locations into the giant, completely edible room. "I want you, and I will do whatever it takes to get you" he said plainly, looking at him and smiling gently, being completely serious. He leaned down closely while they were still alone and kissed his lips gently, tasting the soft flesh and wanting more but refusing to take it, pulling away and smiling gently. "I've wanted to do that since I set eyes on you" he told him, smiling and taking his hand "would you like you go have dinner then? I hear your mom is making a lovely candied ham and green beans" he said, smiling victoriously.
Charlie was left feeling extremely glum after Willy Wonka had gone, having done the right thing but still feeling sad. He couldn't very well leave his family forever, even if living in a chocolate factory did sound exciting. He would get immensely homesick. Though things hadn't ended well, the days after seemed to be better than usual, and there was hardly any bitterness left. This didn't mean that Charlie didn't think about Mr. Wonka every day, and when they met again, the boy had to try extra hard not to seem overexcited.

He was absolutely thrilled when Mr. Wonka changed his mind about the living arrangements, and promised him that his family would be much more of a pleasure than a hassle. His many grandparents found it especially nice to look out the window at the glorious candy meadow.

Charlie was so in awe that he didn't recognize the nature of Mr. Wonka's sentence. He looked up, still smiling, and was taken by surprise when the young man leaned down to kiss him. Charlie stood still, feeling the softness of the lips on his own; they were warm and slightly bigger than his own, not overwhelming him, but instead giving him a comforting feeling. Charlie stared when the electricity went away, feeling his cheeks and ears turn pink. He didn't speak for a moment, taking Mr. Wonka's hand.
"You taste like cherries." Charlie smiled, blushing furiously. He felt his hand tremble slightly, and held the man's hand tighter to try and stop it. Kissing had always seemed like a gross thing, a weird thing to Charlie, but whatever that was, it was nothing short of wonderful.

The boy nodded, walking towards the house side by side with the chocolatier. Somewhere in him, he felt giddy, but also a little intimidated by Mr. Wonka's statement. What did he mean by "want"? It seemed that Mr. Wonka also had somehwhat of a crush on Charlie, if not more. There was something scary about a first love, but also something exciting and new. Mr. Wonka would find that the boy seemed to be studying him curiously all through dinner, though he tried to hide it.


Charlie enjoyed the next few days inventing, brainstorming and exploring with Willy Wonka. After finishing some household chores, the boy went outside to search for his friend. He found the man talking with an oompaloompa about the candy apples he was harvesting on one of the green grassy hills.

"Mr. Wonka!" Charlie called, crossing one of the bridges and running to him. He hugged the chocolatier immediately around the middle, keeping his arms there and looking up into the handsome face. "I've been thinking all day long, and I just had to tell you about one of my ideas. You see, I always had a habit of drawing on my hands and arms when I was bored, and my mother hated it cause she thought it was bad for my skin, but what if you could eat the ink, you know, draw on somebody and then lick it right off, and it could come in all different flavors Mr. Wonka, like cherry and watermelon and chocolate-"
Charlie said this all very fast, holding tight to the man and rattling off excitedly. The boy loved the velvety feel of his coat, not to mention the warmth than emanated from beneath; Mr. Wonka was always delightfully warm and perfect for hugging.
Wonka was telling him the best way to get the apples down without bruising them or messing up the perfect caramel glaze when he heard his little chocolatier run up from behind, turning and smiling at him when he was hugged around the middle, wrapping his arms around the boy and lifting him, turning him a couple of times in the air before setting him down to listen to what he had to say. He was impressed, the boy had the gift that not many had and it would make it that much easier to hand the factory over to him when he needed to. "Mr. Bucket, I dare say you are a genius" he said, smiling at him. He hadn't tried kissing him since that first time and hadn't mentioned it since Charlie hadn't, wondering if he had overstepped, even though the boy hadn't started acting strangely.

Charlie hugged him often and he was thankful for that. He was a generally warm person so people had mentioned that when hugging him so Charlie must have liked that. He called an oompa loompa over and told him to start working on a flavored ink, mainly just a thicker colored dye that would also have a little flavoring. He was sure he had thought of the idea in the most innocent of ways and he was thinking of a very dirty, fun way that he could use the flavored ink. He leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, looking at him soberly.

"Do you like me Charlie?" he asked him, sitting down on the grass and looking up at him, holding his hand "I mean really like me" he said, looking at the candied grass and pulling up a few blades, eating them while waiting for his answer. "Because I like you a lot Charlie but I don't want to make a fool of myself, well at least more than I normally do, if you don't feel the same way" he told him, looking at the sweet boy as hair fell forward into his face, wanting to lean up and brush it out of his eyes.
Charlie smiled down at Mr. Wonka, still wallowing in the excitement of coming up with a possible product. Yet again, it took him a moment to realize the nature of the man's sentence. He hadn't expected him to say anything like that, and he felt a blush rise immediately in his face. The boy sat down next to the chocolatier, hugging his knees to his chest. "I like you, Mr. Wonka."

The boy let his hand rest in the grass, fiddling with the edible blades and trying to think of what to say. He did really like Mr. Wonka, more than he wanted to tell anyone. Was it true that he felt the same way? "I um...I uh..." Charlie began, his ears turning pink. He looked around to make sure no one was present, and indeed they were the only ones beneath the shade of the candy apple tree. "I like you a lot...but don't tell anyone." Charlie whispered, turning himself towards the candy maker. He was young, yes, but he was not a fool, and he had a feeling that he wasn't really supposed to have a crush on someone so much older than himself. He wasn't sure why, though. Why shouldn't he be allowed to have a crush on Willy Wonka, the amazing chocolatier?

Charlie sat still for a moment before wrapping his arms up around Mr. Wonka's neck in a quick hug, then taking a daring move and touching his soft lips quickly Mr. Wonka's cheek. It was quick and gentle, like a flittering butterfly kiss, and Charlie drew back, Willy's silky hair brushing his nose. The boy looked down at the grass, smiling innocently with a hint of embarrassment. "I liked it when you did that. You can do that again if you want, when we're...when no one's looking." Charlie blushed mischeviously, a few wisps of hair falling into his face. "If you don't want to though, that's okay." Charlie wasn't sure why, but he wanted to touch Mr. Wonka, and he wanted him to touch him back. He was so beautiful, like an angel, and he wanted to feel his hair, his face, his hands, the warmth of him. "I really, really like you."
Willy Wonka smiled easily at him, looking around to see what he was looking for and realized then that the boy wasn't oblivious to the nature of a relationship between two men of such an age difference. He wouldn't try to make him any more uncomfortable, though he felt the boy wrap his arms around his neck and ever so lightly leave a breath of a kiss on his cheek, somehow affecting him more than if he had kissed him full on. "Oh, you can be sure that I will be doing it again" he whispered teasingly, wrapping an arm around his waist before he could get too far away, his fingers moving quickly along his sides, moving and tickling his young and sensitive body, not letting go or showing any mercy for what seemed like a decade before giving the boy a chance to breathe.

He laughed along with the other "I'm really glad to hear that, 'cause I like you a lot" he told him, looking around quickly and getting up quickly "come on, I want to show you something" he told him, grabbing his hand and pulling him alongside as they moved through trees and bushes, of course they were all edible, and eventually came upon a wall, the elder male finding a certain spot and pressing his thumb to it, a panel of the solid white rock hissing softly and moving, presenting a circular space that he got into with Charlie. It was dark for only a few moments as the rock slid shut and they were moving upwards, light streaming in and allowing for a view of a stark white room that was extremely large and open, a kitchen on one side with a bar for a table, a couch with a large tv and a lavish king sized bed on the opposite wall.

He smiled at Charlie "welcome to my humble abode" he said to him, letting the boy look around and do what he wanted to. He went to the fridge and got an iced chocolate drink, sipping on it while he watched the boy, admiring him immensely. Mr. Wonka moved to the couch, setting his drink on the glass coffee table and beckoned for Charlie to come closer, making him straddle his lap when he leaned back into the comfortable chair. He grabbed the boys perfect, round ass and squeezed gently, leaning forward and giving another kiss, one that was slightly more forceful and possessive, but sweet and caring nonetheless. "You can do whatever you want to here, Charlie, so show me, what do you really want from me?" he asked him, lips brushing the sensitive skin at his neck, kissing the skin before letting his teeth tease him as he bit him gently.
(Oh geez that's long, I just couldn't stop writing... o.0 )

Charlie smiled at Mr. Wonka's reaction. It seemed as though they were both feeling mutual about the situation, and that made him giddy inside. Charlie felt the man's fingers snaking along his sides, but tried to get away too late, and found himself being tickled mercilessly. The boy squealed at the feeling and wriggled around like a fish in his grasp, trying to push his hands away and giggling uncontrollably. "Hehehehehe-hehe-it hurts!" Charlie cracked up, his tummy aching from laughing so hard. The boy took a breath and grinned, his chest heaving from the effort of surviving the tickle attack. He made a note in his mind to get Mr. Wonka back later, when he was least expecting to be tickled.

The Bucket child grabbed Willy Wonka's gloved hand and followed him through the wild candy brush, watching him fiddle with the wall and wondering just exactly what he was planning. He entered the opening without question, and was then surprised to find that they had come into a completely unexpected area. "Wow!" Charlie gasped, running into the room. The walls were a bright white, and the floor impeccably clean; the boy slipped his shoes off just to make sure he didn't track any edible meadow inside. "This is...spectacular!"

Noticing the slick, flawless floors, Charlie jogged forward and slid a few feet on the friction of his socks, laughing in amusement. While Mr. Wonka was getting his drink, his assistant was busy exploring curiously, noticing the odd little touches of the room. It definitely looked very Wonka-inspired, clean and slightly modern, yet quirky. The bottoms of the legs of the stools looked something like lollipops. Any kid had only ever dreamed of having a hide-out like this. Charlie turned when Willy beckoned him, skipping over to the couch to sit by him. It then became apparant by his movements that Mr. Wonka wanted him to sit right on his lap, and facing him; Charlie did what he was told, not thinking much of it. He did, however, think something of the hand that reached back around his backside, and a rosy flush immediately came upon his pale face. Something of a small giggle stopped short in his throat, that specific place being extra sensitive to patting, pinching, spanking or any actions that often happened there. The kiss was a bit board-like, as Charlie wasn't expecting it and hadn't had much experience.

The blush on his face only grew worse; every time Mr. Wonka kissed him, it seemed he died a little of a strange, nervous happiness. The boy trembled a little as he felt the perfect lips graze his slender neck, then the teeth, and then the bite. Charlie moved his neck away a bit, feeling his heart begin beating faster. He felt so sensitive to any of the man's touches, and they felt so good that it made his stomach ache every time he thought about it. Little did the boy know, what he was feeling for the chocolatier was an intense physical desire, but he didn't quite know what to do with that or if it was even natural. "I...I don't know..." Charlie replied, not really sure what he wanted. "I. uh..." What did he want...

"I just wanna....see a little bit of you?" the boy said in an almost question like tone, carefully peeling the gloves off Mr. Wonka's hands. The flesh beneath was pale and smooth, masculine yet uncommonly graceful and slender. Charlie grinned with satisfaction, then moved down lower and stared at the candy maker's middle. Glancing at him as if for permission, the boy gently untucked the shirt from the top of the trousers, with as much care as he gave unwrapping his birthday chocolate bar. As the shirt and sweater were rolled up a bit, Charlie saw the ethereal whiteness of the skin, and felt heat. Mr. Wonka's hips were slender, and his stomach was flat and hard, skin smooth to the touch, but firm underneath. A hint of curious envy flashed in the boy's chocolate eyes, and he leaned forward, his bare forearms meeting the warm flesh as he wrapped his arms around the man's torso in a straddling hug. His heart fluttered against the other in the intimate moment. Small, nimble fingers ghosted over Mr. Wonka's back, and it was apparent that the boy was becoming entranced with the simple touches. The light weight of Charlie shifted on Willy's lap, and he clung to him like a koala, putting his button nose at the curve of the chocolatier's jaw and nuzzling gently. "I just want....I want...." Charlie breathed, feeling his body rise in temperature in an odd way. "...touch..." was all he could manage, lost in the simple yet intense pleasure of the feel of Mr. Wonka. Everything about him was just so alluring, even the lightly spicy cocoa smell of his hair.

Head still resting near his shoulder, Charlie reached his left hand up from under the clothing and touched a lock of silky hair, stroking it lightly. "You're so pretty." the boy spoke quietly, daring to let his fingers ghost over Mr. Wonka's reddish lips. Though the boy was attracted to Mr. Wonka, there was something very innocent in the way he went about admiring him. He was "pretty" to Charlie, that was the word that seemed to fit. He was like a big doll of a young man, better than any of the small ones you ever saw sitting in toy shop windows. But he was real, and warm, and a delightful candy making genius who could take your life and sprinkle it with sugar. The boy pressed another butterfly kiss to his cheek, snuggling against him, his chest rising and falling a bit quicker than normal. Just being around his new friend made him seem to feel things he rarely ever felt on purpose, like when you woke up from a dream feeling especially good, or when you were scooting along on a tree branch, and all the sudden you didn't want to stop scooting, so you kept going and going and going until... That last thought disturbed Charlie a bit, and he felt bad for thinking such things. He was sure Mr. Wonka wouldn't be too pleased to know he was having that sort of reaction to him.
Wonka hadn't been expecting such a tender and sweet embrace, very innocent from the young boy. He hid his disappointment when the other pulled away from the gentle bite to his neck but didn't dwell on it for long. When the gloves came off it was strange to feel skin touching him where no one had in a long time. At the silent requested he simply smiled, feeling the nimble fingers untuck and pull his shirt up far enough so that he could wrap his arms around his middle. He had shed his jacket when he had come in and at this point he removed the hat from his head and set it on the table. He felt the boy nuzzle into his neck and he sighed deeply, holding him close like he wanted. He leaned forward a bit and pulled the sweater and shirt over his head, leaving his upper half unclothed. His body was the white that had never seen the sun and though he was the great inventor of sweets he didn't have a trace of fat on him.

His dark eyes watched the boy as he touched his hair and called him pretty "I'm gorgeous, I don't know what you're talking about" he teased, pulling him close, running a hand through the boys hair, touching his face that felt like silk. Wonka closed his eyes, feeling the ghost of a touch on his lips, opening them again, sharing a warmth that he hadn't felt in such a long time. If he wanted touch, touch is what he would get, his hands moving down his body slowly, taking in every curve and committing it to memory before he found the bottom of his shirt, thumbs hooking up underneath the fabric and pulling it up, keeping eye contact with the boy in case he wanted to stop, though he didn't think that he did. It seemed that Charlie wanted more than he was saying, and it may have been that he didn't know that he wanted it. Once the shirt was tossed onto the floor the larger male pulled Charlie against his body again, feeling the heat radiating off of him and sinking into his own skin.

He had never been this close with someone, he had distanced himself from his father at a young age and when he was gone he found that it had been useful, so he treated all relationships that way, but now he couldn't seem to push the innocent, delicious boy away from him. His soft hands, though muscular and long, traveled to his torso, sliding up the boy's stomach, feeling the child fat that would last until puberty and finding his perky nipples, recently exposed to the air, running his thumbs over them. "Kiss me Charlie" he whispered against his lips, his eyes speaking of encouragement and want, thinking that he could have Charlie all to himself for as long as he lived. It hadn't been his initial thought but now that he was here, and would continue to be here for a while to run the factory, he could continue to do this with his apprentice, at least until the other came of age and decided to come out or just decide that he didn't want to be with the man any more.
Charlie watched as Mr. Wonka peeled the sweater and shirt up over his head, and found that... "You match the walls." the boy smiled, referring to the stark white decor. He pressed his lips together, trying not to look too enthralled with the sight of the shirtless candy maker. Charlie laughed at Mr. Wonka's joke, though at the same time completely agreeing with him; he was beyond gorgeous, he was the most perfect thing Charlie had ever seen. Hints of strength and masculinity showed in his forearms and shoulders, yet they were balanced by the slender and smooth build. You could say Mr. Wonka had the best of both anatomy's in that regard.

The boy reached his hands up to fix the hairs that had been mussed when the shirt slipped off, smoothing them into place and patting down Mr. Wonka's short bangs. He relaxed easily into the roaming hands, letting the chocolatier find the hem of his own shirt and sweater. Initially, Charlie seemed a tad surprised when Mr. Wonka began peeling the garment off slowly, but smiled nonetheless in an encouraging way. What they were doing was fun, and he liked how this was going. The air in the room was a normal temperature, but compared to the warmth of Charlie's sweater, a bit cooler; a few goosebumps appeared momentarily on his twiggish forearms, and the pink nubs on his chest stood out ever so slightly. Though Charlie was a thin child, he hadn't grown into the muscle or firmness of a young adult yet, so he was soft and silky to the touch. His round ears and small neck gave him the appearance of a very cute mouse.

Charlie allowed himself to be pulled close to Willy Wonka, feeling the heat of the friction of their skin. The man was incredibly smooth to the touch, and Charlie pressed his cheek to his collarbone, slender arms wound tightly around his middle. He blinked lazily a few times, as if he were falling into a glorious dream. Mr. Wonka's request made Charlie's heart pick up speed, but he decided he'd do the best he could. The air felt still around them. Charlie looked straight at the reddish stained lips before him, admiring their shape and trying to figure out the best way to approach. Their perfectness intimidated him, as if he didn't really know how to kiss, let alone how to treat such finery. Shrugging mentally, Charlie went for it, leaning forward and pressing his own pinkish lips to the other's. He kissed Mr. Wonka gently three times, tasting more sweetness with every caress; it was the light cherry flavor again, with a hint of mint.

Charlie shifted slowely on Willy's lap, as if trying to get comfortable. The last kiss he placed on the other's lips was a trembling one. Something of a throaty whine, a quiet protest left the boy's mouth, and he rolled to the side and fell onto the couch beside Mr. Wonka, letting his legs hang off the edge but folding his hands directly over the zipper of his trousers. A deep pink was present on his cheeks and the tips of his ears. "I'm sorry...I..." Charlie said quietly, biting his lip. "I think...I got a little scared...I don't ever...do this." The boy tried to explain the fact that he felt overwhelmed and a little lost, hoping he wasn't going to offend Mr. Wonka. Not to mention the fact that something physical was happening with Charlie. Because of his age and size, it may not have been as obvious as the excitement Mr. Wonka was used to himself, but he was starting to feel that things were not as, well, limp as they usually were. What he didn't know was that Willy Wonka was most likely experiancing this himself...
Willy felt the soft skin of the other wrap around him once again, and he knew that he was a cuddler. He was sure that Charlie would be content to lay there with him, or on him, for a long time. He wanted to see if Charlie would go ahead and kiss him, and he wanted to give the boy some confidence. His hands went up to the boy's throat and cupped his head in his hands, his thumbs brushing along his chin easily as he kissed him back the first two times gently. It was only until he got to that last kiss that Charlie couldn't go on any longer, fidgeting on his lap and making Wonka take a deep intake of breath. He was becoming aroused by the boy and was ready to show him that.

"Charlie" he said softly, his face nearing the others and kissing his cheek softly. "You aren't scared, you're too smart for that, and I know that you don't ever do this, I'm glad that you don't. Just trust me, my sweet boy" he said softly, easily moving his hands away from the front of his pants. His fingers nimbly unbuttoned them before pulling the zipper down. "That feels better doesn't it?" he asked him, knowing that sometimes it hurt for kids who didn't know that that happened or why and would just leave it. He was going to need to do the same thing in a moment. He slid the pants down past his hips and smiled a little, the palm of his hand running along his length and trying to pleasure the boy who had never done something like this.

"Charlie, I want you to finish undressing me, okay?" he asked, leaning into him and kissing his lips lightly. He wanted to have him do it, to watch his face and his hesitance while he did it. He wanted to watch his expressions and actions. Most of all he wanted to see the head of his meat going into the mouth of the boy, to feel his hot, wet cavern before he took him in his other hole, knowing he would be trying his best to make it pleasurable to his Charlie so that he would want to do it again and again. He figured that once he had had his first orgasm he would be stuck, wanting for Willy to do it again, leading him to being in control of him for a while, wanting a sweet little boy he could bend over his couch and take from behind, hearing him making noise that would only fuel him further.
Charlie listened to Mr. Wonka, flattered by being called smart, yet still hesitant. It was all a very new thing to him, and somewhere in his mind he figured it might not be what his parents wanted. He let the roaming fingers unzip his trousers, and a relieved expression crossed the boy's face as he felt some of the pressure ease up; even for a small boy, the stiffness was almost becoming unbearable. Charlie nodded reassuringly to Willy's question, keeping his eyes down as the chocolatier slid his his cordouroy pants down to his knees, leaving him in his white underwear. Charlie's body tensed a little as Mr. Wonka ran a gentle, long fingered hand over the bulge between his pale legs, embarrassing and pleasuring him all at once. A bright flush came over his face, and he avoided eye contact with the man for a moment, his breath catching in his throat. Something rather intense seemed to be building below his belly button, something he would try and ignore for now.

The boy looked up at the request, his pink lips pinched tight together. "Okay..." he agreed, after a moment of silence. He kicked his trousers all the way off and sat up on the couch beside Mr. Wonka on his knees, trying to keep from looking too nervous as he reached forward and started fiddiling with the belt with the "W" buckle. Charlie had to move around slightly as he undressed the man, a hint of a kind of pleasurable pain tainting his expression as his erection pressed up eagerly against the cotton of his underpants. Mr. Wonka's current condition became obvious when the boy pulled the zipper down, nothing but the tight purple shorts hiding it now. Charlie glanced into the blue eyes, curious, relieved that he was not alone, yet extremely nervous. Once the pants were off, there was nothing to do except, well, finish the job.

It looked as if Mr. Wonka might have been a lot bigger than Charlie down there, something he hadn't really thought about. Afterall, he was older, so what was he expecting to see? Charlie reached forward slowely, trying to steady his arm, pulling at the leg of the underwear. That didn't work, and merely caused the fabric to rub against the center of Mr. Wonka's persistant arousal, teasing him immensly. Charlie scooted forward, a hand brushing against the outline of the head, and pulled at the top of the garment. The feel of the firm warmth of Mr. Wonka's stomach made him shudder, and pulled a bit more, getting closer and closer. The boy's lips pressed together again nervously, and he closed his eyes, using both hands to yank the underwear down in one swift motion. Doing this to Mr. Wonka, well, it felt strange, and a bit wrong, as if he were almost doing something to violate him. He needed to remind himself that Mr. Wonka had no problem being undressed, and had asked him to. Charlie drew back, pulling his knees up and covering his face in embarrassment. After a moment, he peeked through a crack in his fingers, feeling his heart flutter.

He'd never seen anyone become...so aroused. Charlie scooted very close to Mr. Wonka, knees still pulled up, and stared down between his legs, a mixture of emotions in his eyes. The feeling of his own cock being pressed against himself in this position, and the sight of Mr. Wonka combined made him even harder. "Doesn't that...hurt?" Charlie asked, in amazement at the stiffness and length. And he thought his felt like pressure? The boy reached forward bravely and squeezed the sensitive tip a little before pulling back, an embarrassed giggle evident in his throat. By the way he was positioned, and his actions, he was obviously more comfortable touching Mr. Wonka than the reverse. Not that the idea of Willy's hand buried deep between his legs didn't sound nice, it just...well, he'd have to completely trust him, and no one had ever touched him like that when he was hard, not even himself very often.
Willy Wonka was so glad that he had Charlie here with him, and glad that he had had the idea to 'adopt' a young apprentice to help him out. This venture had turned out better than he could have hoped. He understood why he was so nervous and didn't want to undress himself and let him touch him just yet. After his pants were finally off he watched Charlie prepare himself and watched the internal struggle in his eyes. Willy thought that he was going to go crazy, first with the fabric rubbing along his length and then when the boys hand brushed against the head of his erection, causing a soft moan to escape his rosy lips.

Charlie shut his eyes and pulled his underwear off in a fluid motion and he couldn't help but laugh softly at his expression, watching as he pulled his knees up to his chest and hid himself while he own length stood proudly, wanting attention. He watched Charlie scoot closer, glad that he wasn't freaking out or scared of him. "No, especially if you rub it" he said, his hand, circling the base of his cock before a soft, warm hand reached out and gently squeezed the head of his length, groaning, his eyes looking back up to the boy. "You don't need to be embarrassed, it's completely natural for this to happen" he told him reassuringly, reaching out to touch him lightly.

"Come here, just touch mine, and if you want me to touch yours and make you feel this good I'll do that too" he told him and pulled him a little closer. He was just trying to make the boy more comfortable in the situation because he definitely wasn't going to force him into anything when it came down to this. Besides, he had all the time he needed. He had an oompa loompa go back and tell his parents that he would be staying with Wonka for the night so that they could discuss candy, telling them that Charlie would sleep in the bed while Willy would be on the couch, knowing that there was no way that he wasn't going to sleep curled up around Charlie.

He pulled Charlie forward and took his hand, wrapping it around his arousal, making him stroke him slowly, groaning softly. He leaned into him and kissed his cheek and neck, pulling him even closer. He wanted to go ahead and bend him over and take him, his hand going down his chest and stomach, finding his underwear while his eyes watched the other the entire time, his hand going underneath the fabric and rubbing the boys erection, trying to make him feel as good as he was himself.
Charlie's eyes lit up when Mr. Wonka guided his hand along his own length, a groan escaping him. Never having heard a sexual noise, and especially coming from the man he was unintentionally crushing on, it made him blush like crazy. He kept his hand there, feeling the curiously soft yet firm flesh beneath his smaller fingers; just like the rest of him, it was flawless and pale, hard like white marble. Charlie didn't stop the hand that was sliding down his bare stomach, letting Mr. Wonka kiss his face and neck gently. As much as it made the boy nervous, somewhere in him, he felt he needed some kind of release of some sort...

"It's never been this hard." Charlie winced, huddling against Willy's side and shutting his eyes when the man's hand began to massage him beneath the cloth. Usually he just ignored it, but the more attention it was getting, the faster it was responding. Charlie tried to focus on doing what Mr. Wonka wanted, squeezing his small hand a bit tighter and running it up and down the majestic length, but it was getting more difficult. The boy huddled even closer to Willy, his legs fidgeting, his tiny hips making a grinding motion every now and then. His breath caught in his throat, and his hand unintentionally slipped from Willy's erection to the arm of the hand between his thighs. Charlie's cheek lay pressed against the man's chest, his face blushing from the effort. "Wait...it feels weird now." the young chocolatier whined quietly, a moan coming from his lips with every stroke of Mr. Wonka's talented hand. He gripped his wrist, his legs fidgeting even more, and looked up at Willy. "Its t-too much...y-you have to s-stop." Charlie moaned, the pleasure getting to be too strong now. It felt so good that, well, it felt too good, like he were going to explode. His hand was killing Charlie, making him twist and pant as he neared what was the unknown orgasm.
Willy watched the boy move closer to him and felt his hips moving, wanting and loving the attention that he was giving him. He liked the movements of young Charlie as well but could tell that he was getting desperate and at that time he tried to get him to stop. "Why would you want me to stop? You're going to miss the best part if I do that" he told him, touching his face gently with his free hand. His own cock was standing tall, wanting attention as well and it was extremely hard with how turned on he was by little Charlie Bucket and his oblivious innocence. He took Charlie's hand away from his wrist and continued to stroke him, going a little faster "trust me Charlie" he whispered, kissing him sweet, perfect skin stroking him as he got closer and closer to his orgasm. He started stroking himself off as well, the soft sounds and movements Charlie was trying to stifle making him want him even more. He wouldn't take him yet. He would pleasure him enough to where he would want to please Willy and then he would take him the way that his cock was begging to do, and how sweet it would be when he finally did.
Charlie's hand slipped away finally; he couldn't bare to argue with Willy on it, the pleasure was getting too intense. He glanced up at the man with a desperate expression, then pressed himself against his bare side.
"Ah..." the boy murmured, feeling the building sensation come to a peak of some sort. The feel of his cheek on the firm softness of Mr. Wonka's chest, the tantalizing smell of him, and the talented hand urging on his rather untouched sex; finally he arrived at what anyone would be driven too. A moan escaped Charlie's lips, and then sort of a high pitched whine flavored with desperation as his heel dug into the couch and he came wonderfully over Mr. Wonka's persistant hand, his small, heated body pressed against him. The pearly white fluid, pretty as the man's flesh soared in two tiny archs, Charlie's back arching and his legs squeezing together. He'd never felt so good in his life, and it showed in his blissful, slightly uncomfortable face and sparratic pants.

Charlie opened his eyes, immediately blushing, a sheepish grin on his face. "I..." he breathed, before looking down. "Oh!" he gasped, noticing the cum that slicked Mr. Wonka's fingers and beaded his stomach. "I'm really sorry, I don't...I don't know why I did that- The boy cringed apologetically, greatly embarrassed by his sudden outburst. "I told you it felt too good..."
Willy felt the defense of the young boy slip away as he succumbed to the feelings happening lower in his torso. He knew good and well what was going on and didnt let on about it, simply letting Charlie revel in the experience. The chocolate maker listened to his soft pants and moans, hearing his pitiful cry of pleasure as he cameon his hand and stomach, a pleased look on the older males face. He kissed his young lover tenderly and smiled warmly "that's what you're supposed to do my love" he reassured him and licked the milky white substance from his fingers
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