A Vacation Well Earned (Vash x ChaseRiley)


Mar 19, 2012

John Shepard woke up in the morning, and was he glad to be alive. Not a week ago did he do the impossible, destroy the Collectors and their home base in the center of the universe. After that he had immediately went back to Liaras new Shadow Broker ship and nabbed her from it, they both needed a break and he knew it. He had decided to take the whole crew on a vacation, they just survived the impossible they deffinetly needed the time to relax and unwind after being almost assimilated them into a human Reaper.

He rolled over in his bed to see the beautiful azure skin that belonged to his beloved Asari Archeologist, Dr. Liara T'Soni. He scooted over in the bed to her and gently wrapped his arms around her giving her a gentle shake to wake her up along with a small kiss. After that he got himself out of the bed and to the shower. He turned on the water and let it run down his body as it washed away all of the dirt and grime form yesterday. He grabbed the bar of soap and scrubbed himself down and rinsed off before stepping out of the shower. He got dressed in his casual attire and left the room so Liara could wake up and get herself ready.

He walked into the lift and pressed the button to take him to the CIC. When the doors slid open again he found himself in the quiet CIC, the crew had yet to wake up and begin their duties on the ship. He walked all the way to where Joker was sitting in his chair. Joker saw him and nodded with a, "Mornin Shep." Shepard smiled back, "Hey there Joker. Is the course laid in?" Joker scoffed at that question, "Are you asking me if I shirked my duties or not? Yes it's all laid in." Shepard laughed. "Ok smart ass, wake the crew up and get them all gathered here." Joker did as Shepard asked and pressed a button on his control panel. With that a loud Navy whistle sounded over the intercom throughout the whole ship. Shepard then waited for the crew shuffled in.

Liara had been as surprised by Shepard's sudden arrival or his sudden vacation choice as she had by his quick dash from the bedroom. Liara wasn't a slow rider but she was much slower than Shepard by a long shot. She had spent the night huddle in his arms and was a little sad to have them pulled away.

Liara put on some combat ready boots that went with her vacation choice clothing. She had tight fit black pants and a dark tank top to match. She new she wouldn't need her full armor but if trouble went off she wouldn't be slowed down. She had no idea whether the spot Shepard choose would be tropical or snowed in but she had a few clothing choices in a bag that she had throw over her shoulder.

As Liara was leaving Shepard's cabin she her the whistle sound. She stepped in the elevator and quickly descended to the crew deck. She stepped out and walked to the bridge to find Joker or Shepardm Either one would do. She was lucky enough to find both in the same place with the rest of the crew on board. Liara quietly filled in at the back and waited to see what announcement was to be made.
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