To Build the Perfect Harem Across the Worlds {darkest_fate&ThomasRHellsing}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The hair brush ran through the thick black hair several times, as Princess Jasmine worked her way through her nightly routine. Everything was calm and safe in Agrabah, and there was certainly no reason to be on your guard. Jafar had been sealed into his lamp, Genie had been set free to roam, and Aladdin was held in a position of honor, tucked away in his own room in the palace.

Yes, his own room, since the Sultan hadn't been quite insistent upon the two getting married quite yet. Perhaps he was still waiting for Jasmine to change her mind; more likely he wanted to keep his baby girl for a little while longer. Jasmine had to admit that this latter was quite frustrating to her. She'd long since discovered what happened when you touched those tender bits. Those impressive breasts, the mounds that were swathed in blue silk at the moment, were easy enough to play with. Just bring delicate fingers up to pinch at darkened nipples and rub. Or slide a hand down the well-muscled stomach, running along the waistband of the billowy, silken pants. Just slide a finger there, running along the black hair that lined the sex, and then prod at those lips.

Jasmine was half tempted to engage in such acts now, frustrated as she was. Per usual, she and Aladdin had some time alone, which they'd spent kissing with steadily increasing passion. The kiss had done its job, as Aladdin was proving to be a quick learner in that department. However, he was also intelligent, or at least cautious. The moment Jasmine worked his hands down her slim body, he'd balked, insisting that her father wouldn't approve.

So the princess was instead attempting to work her frustrations through her hair. She fluffed the waist length mass, feeling its heft as it hit her pert, heart-shaped rear. The princess sighed, rising to her feet. Perhaps she should just sneak into Aladdin's chamber. What her father didn't know wouldn't hurt them.
A low voice entered the room, seeming to be both everywhere and no where at the same time. The voice was low, lower then any human vocal cords could make and yet also full of a richness, like dark chocolate or a nice warm bath. It seemed to wrap itself in the her and just listening to it would cause a moistness in between most women's legs. "Naughty Naughty Princess, so very naughty, wouldn't you rather be with a real man, a man who could show you a whole new word of pleasure take you to the highest peaks of what your ind could withstand?"

Jasmine would hear as much as feel a hard gust blowing into her room. Caressing her skin and other places seemingly under but without disturbing her blue silken clothes. Hands everywhere that gave pleasure, however promised so much more. The "Message" lasted for a mere third of a minute t most, but the spirit hoped that would get the princess to ignore caution. He spoke it's voice right in her ear, "Say "I give myself to thee" and I will show you pleasure beyond what you can imagine."
The willful princess heard the voice, and more importantly, she felt it. The girl's lips parted with a gasp as she felt it wrap itself about her. Just listening to the voice was nearly enough to make her tremble, feeling her sex beginning to throb with that all too familiar need. Talks of being naughty, of being shown a new world of pleasure, slid over Jasmine's quaking form, caressing the browned flesh and making the girl moan aloud.

Another gust, and it seemed as though hands were crawling over her skin. Jasmine nearly fell against it, suddenly all too aware of how desperately she needed the touch of a man, nearly any man. The message had been brief, the touch fleeting. Another whisper, a command to give over herself to the creature in exchange for pleasure.

Her eyes flew open at that. "Jafar?" she demanded. She suddenly felt nearly sick, springing away from the sleeping cushions she'd been working toward. "Do I need to call the guards? Did you really think that a few simple words and some touching would convince me to just give myself to you?"

Clearly this girl would take a little more than simple convincing, especially by dark, mysterious forces. Already the princess was heading toward the door, her walk determined and her features intense.
A a low chuckle filled the room, "Poor child, your court wizard was a pedophile with a power fetish, I am as beyond him as the so called Djinn's was his human form, I am far stronger, far more powerful than any mere Genie."

The entire room seemed to shake with power, not in a scary way, but as if the hoe room were a vibrator and as if a lightning storm were about to occur. Again like fine wine the vibrator was their causing no damage but giving a sense of ease and arousal. The being was too weak to send a spell like this directly at the princess ad instead was using the stone of the room to amplify it. When it stopped his chuckle filled the room again.

The demon used a lot of his power to manifest his form. Nearly collapsing at the said he said, "My name is Tomax The Great, many centuries ago I fell in love with a Sorceress, it was back before your father's dynasty took control of the sands, I swore to protect my love until the days the sands stopped shifting so she made me into a very powerful being, however like all men I was fallible, and I slept with a rival of the woman I loved in a different form."

Taking a deep breathe as if to show Anguish the "Spirit" sighed, "The two battled and I was cast into another dimension until my lover or her blood line was ready for me, needed a loyal concubine and protector, you were already saved a bit by me, but without your sexual energy I cannot manifest, subtle pulls and pushes here and their, making your court magician forget the binding rules of a Genie, but that has nearly exhausted my powers and soon I will cease to be."

The "spirit's" form was very unimposing. He was 6' 5", very very VERY pale, much more so then anyone the princess had probably ever seen. His eyes the most enchanting bright teal. His white blond hair brushed back and kept in an elaborate braid style similar to her own oddly enough. He was muscular with a twelve pack, however his muscles were more like Aladdin's then any of her guards. He wore black pants but more in style with Aladdin's as well. His hair was long easily down to the midde of his back. He smiled at her, "Hard to believe huh, that I was here, I have the potential to be much MUCH stronger the any genie, however it requires the willing link of sexual energy transference, or else I m barely able to exist, the fact your sexually awakened and stimulated has attracted me more to you."
The vibration stopped Jasmine in her tracks, not wanting to accidentally step into anything that would kill her, or even possibly harm her. There was something about the thrum that brushed across her skin, doing very little to quash the growing feelings of frustration that were bubbling within. Jasmine swallowed and forced down her own frustrations as the being manifested before her.

The princess's eyes went wide at that, not only because a being had formed out of the air, but because he looked drastically different than most of the beings that Jasmine had encountered. His story made him sound somewhat heroic, or at least, more heroic than evil. Human, possibly, with the mentioning of his failing in staying completely true to the woman.

"My sexual energy," she repeated, not quite believing it. He also made it sound as though he'd had some influence upon their defeat of Jafar which, of course, meant that they owed him something. The idea of the being dissipating did weigh somewhat on Jasmine's conscience, as she certainly didn't want to be responsible for someone's demise.

"What do you mean by a willing link of sexual energy? I'm not going to lay with you, if that's what you're hoping," said Jasmine, folding her arms and studying him intently. She knew a trap when she saw one. Then again, if he simply wanted to, oh, she didn't know, pull the energy from her and leave her satiated, that wouldn't be so bad.

Poor thing didn't even know about oral sex, beyond rumors heard from guards when they didn't know she was in the room.
Thomas sighed a bit, as he explained to the poor Princess, "The human soul is pure energy, it leaves echoes of itself everywhere it goes, like a candle casting out light, that's one reason places where lots of people died feels and even if you don't know the hostility or places where people were tortured you feel a bit uncomfortable, also places like your room you feel most comfortable, because in your room a lot of your energy is present."

The spirit took a deep breathe, "All energy types are varied, Love, Hate, pain, grief, and many spirits feed on one or another, sometimes if one dies feeling a negative emotion, that negative emotion resides in said place, making what you humans cal ghost."

The spirit looked at her, "In essence you could call me an astral guardian, a human whose soul was inked to their body, I feed off of lust energy one of the very few renewable energies of the body, simply say, "I give myself to thee" and I will be able to feed on your energy allowing myself to take solid form ounce more."
Pure energy; that sounded more or less like what Jasmine had heard and understood. Jafar, during one of his more intellectual rants, had mentioned something like that as an explanation for how he was able to use magic. Jasmine had been only half-listening, as she was wont to do whenever the creepy old man had spoke, but she'd caught enough to compare it to what the spirit said now.

So the princess nodded as he talked, then ended with the talk about feeding off the lust energy, as it was "renewable." Having gone through several nights with pent up "energy," Jasmine was certainly willing to go along with that explanation. She shifted again, feeling the buzzing within her gut and debating.

"This still sounds like a trap," she said, biting her lip nervously. However, she also knew full well that there were good spirits and djinni out there. Aladdin's genie had been right in that line. There was no mistaking the big, blue guy's likeability or willingness to do right. This spirit sounded like he was more or less in the same boat, and he was willing to get started by siphoning off Jasmine's already bothersome lust. This was beginning to sound more and more like a win/win situation for her.

"I give myself to thee," she finally said, nodding confidently. This should be simple, quick, and then she could focus back on more important things, like the man she loved.
The spirit smirked suddenly like a large jungle cat that had found a particularly inattentive herder. He spoke quietly but the torch lights seemed to dim. His eyes slowly seemed to shift and glow brighter and brighter red, "Then, their are demons creatures that feed off of sexual energy by breaking the will of those who they can make give themselves to thee, turning them into nothing more than sexual batteries."

He snapped his finger, and in a flash the room was black. A single torch light seemed to shine over Jasmine. Outwardly not much had happened. Her legs were tied to the upper posts of her bed more specifically her ankles. Her wrists were also tied to the, meaning her arms and legs were spread taunt. A piece of light blue silk was shoved into her mouth, her own arousal moist panties. The demon ran his hands down her semi naked body smirking. She was still wearing her pants and top, but with no bra or panties they barely hid her private areas from view. Leaning down he said, "I always heard Arabian whores were the most flexible."

Leaning down he captured her right big toe in his mouth. Suckling the small, light down and soft digit. Running his tongue log the skin between the two. He licked around between each toe, sucking each toe inn turn. Slowly he ran his tongue down her foot nibbling and kissing the sensitive flesh. Smirking he pressed his tongue flat as he reached the hem of her pants. Letting his tongue run along down her long tied straight leg. He knew the material was so thin she'd feel his saliva under it, but it was also so soft it would add to the sensation. Slowly his tongue traveled to her sex. However he licked around it traveling up her left leg and giving it the same treatment as her right. His hot saliva wasn't just spit, it was a powerful aphrodisiac to keep the princess's body nice and willing for him.
Darkness, and Jasmine gasped into it, realizing what she'd dreaded. She braced herself, preparing to fight, even as she desperately tried to figure out what she'd be fighting against. Within moments, she was trussed: tied tight to the bed. The princess's dark eyes went wide as she tested her binds, her lean, tanned form going tight. The placement of her panties was quite evident, as the girl attempted to protest, only to feel the luscious blue silk preventing any real noise.

Jasmine heard what her captor said, and she glared daggers at him, the kind of look that made guards run for cover. She struggled against the bindings, pulling tight, straining that beautiful body against what held her in place. The struggles turned more desperate as he drew closer, his lips closing in on her flesh.

A mouth went around her toe, and Jasmine jerked her foot. It felt strange, and she wasn't sure why he was starting there, bothering her. Yet he lavished attention upon her foot, treating it as though it were some sensual part of her body. Against her wishes, Jasmine found the treatment arousing. It probably didn't help that as he left up, she felt the saliva leaving a strange, burning sensation: sinking into her skin and floating through her. That tongue moved against her leg, the muscle drawing against fabric and dragging both along.

The tongue was moving toward her most treasured of areas. Jasmine's sex was already dewy from her previous arousal, and the constant licking was nearly torturous. She could feel her body burning from the effects of the saliva, making her squirm all the more. That hairless sex was actually thrust, much against its owner's wishes, toward the lips. But the captor moved along, instead going along her leg. She felt the heat rising within her, the skin of her legs hot, the arousal spreading across her body, latching onto the natural feelings and amplifying them almost painfully.

The princess squirmed and pulled against, even starting to shout against the gag, wanting to be freed of this as quickly as she could manage.
The demon leaned up, undoing her panties he said, "Tell me what you want princess, and if you lie you will be punished."

He cast few spells as he folded up the panties. Putting the under the girls pants letting the thick fabric huge her sex. Slowly the seer pants she was wearing shrank a few sizes too small in the crotch. He shrink them down to where normally a camel toe would be visible. However the panties were pulled tight into her flesh, not painfully but more than capable of causing pleasure through friction. The punishment spell he cast would make Jasmine dumber every time she lied. She'd realize it was happening but only telling the truth would restore her intelligence.

Slowly he leaned over her. His tongue running along the princess's right arm, from her tight wrist down slowly to her chest. His tongue tracing around her right nipple before tracing lightly over it, letting the silk do the work. Smirking her took it into his mouth and sucked it hard. The position his body was i, meant his hard member rested against her crotch and the panties against it, causing a slow build up of friction.
At first, Jasmine thought perhaps she was being released, but that soon faded, as he spoke those words. Her eyes narrowed into dangerous slits once more, the lips growing tighter. She could feel the warmth gathering within, the already existing sexual need being fed by the aphrodisiac that existed within the creature's saliva. It made the princess squirm, continuing to test her bindings.

"I want you to rea--ah!" Jasmine felt her words cut off mid-sentence, as the panties were suddenly returned, and to their rightful spot. They clung tightly to her sex, however, seeming to have been transformed into a sexual toy for the demon's usage. The princess tried to bring her legs together, to provide the friction for finishing this, or even to remove the panties altogether. However, she soon discovered that all her lower garments had gone tight. The previously loose fabric clung to the girl like a second skin, outlining the fine form underneath. It seemed as though the panties and pants had grown especially tight around Jasmine's crotch, rubbing against her.

"What are you doing?" questioned the princess, watching his mouth descend upon her writhing form. She shook her head, thick black hair nearly smacking her face. "No, you can't. I forbid you. Let me---ahh!"

The girl arched as lips closed about her breast, drawing the tender flesh within a hot mouth. Her sex seemed to spasm, and Jasmine knew she was growing wet, the liquid of her arousal likely to soon show against the overtight cloth binding her. The girl tried to shut her eyes, but that only served to amplify sensations, and she found her body arching: her sex seeking relief from the panties, while her chest almost pressed against that mouth.

Words? An answer? Didn't seem possible, as Jasmine bit her lip and resisted the growing sensations with all her might and will.
The demon smirked, knowing he had the poor princess on edge. He decided to really test the girl's arousal Bringing his middle finger of his left hand up, he gently but firmly rocked it against the thin silk, running it down from the bottom of her pussy lips, an area just not covered by her panties, slowly he danced it down. His middle finger lightly rubbed her rose bud, the tight soft fabric adding to the feeling before he started prodding the hole, ever so lightly pressing the tip of his middle finger inside of her back door.

Smirking he continued prodding her tight anus rocking his 12 inch ember against the fabric covering her pussy. He use a bit of magic to push her breasts together Leaning down he sucked them hard rubbing them savagely with his tongue Hard and fast he sucked on them nibbling every now and then. He wanted to hear her give in. To hear the princess cum just from this.
Jasmine gasped and arched against him as he pressed his finger against her. The finger seemed to know just where the too-tight panties weren't quite enough. It touched bare flesh, and Jasmine nearly exploded. It danced then, and the finger started playing all about. It seemed to find Jasmine's tight ass, and the princess gasped, her body again contorting as she attempted to dodge the finger.

Then he leaned forward, pressing his hard body against her. An impressive cock, far larger than Aladdin's and easily twice as thick, was rubbing against Jasmine's silk clad sex. She could feel it dragging along her, rubbing against her in a manner so pleasurable it was almost painful. As if that weren't enough, pressure came onto her breasts, shoving the beautiful orbs of tanned flesh together. A tongue lashed them soon, slathering them with saliva.

It was simply too much for Jasmine. The princess cried out, her body bowing and contorting in manners that would make most women cringed. The rumors about flexibility among her people were clearly at least partially true of Jasmine, as the princess bowed almost completely backward, shoving her groin toward his cock, rubbing against it. Liquid arousal poured, soaking her panties and drizzling down her legs, spread further by her jerking and writhing, pulling so hard against the bindings that, had she not been so flexible, she likely would have broken something. The orgasm was intense, so intense that pain laced the pleasure, seeming to spike it and turn it into something more.

Jasmine couldn't hold out against it. Her vision swam and her eyes grew dazed, even as her body kept jerking against the bindings. The impressive climax lasted for well over a minute, before leaving the princess fighting unconsciousness: her body heaving from the exertion.
The demon smirked, kissing the Princess's lips to drain the energy she had. Her orgasm allowed him to take more solid form. Lowering one of his middle fingers he removed l of the fabric as he continued to kiss her. By draining the energy, and replacing it with his own he'd cause an odd effect in the princess. Her tiredness, her fatigue normal and sexual would be drained away, however her lust would double as if she'd just been denied orgasm, while also doubling her stamina, meaning in essence he'd "Reset" her body only making her more aroused.

When the demon was finished she was naked, and her feet were freed. The demon smirking, "Listen here Princess, I feel like punishing you, but I'm also very horny, so, this is what we're going to do."

The demon snapped his fingers and the entire room sifted, Jasmine was put on her knees in front of the demon. A tight rope tied around her neck down between her tits, leading to her hands behind her back. Her wrists bound tightly. Every half an inch of the rope had a large and larger knot in it. The demon smirked, "Those ropes are known as a pleasure saw, when you rock your body forward, and move your hands back, the knots will rub that sexy cunt of yours, In essence making you a sort of sexual see saw, as a double motivation my cock will be out, and you will be sucking and deep throating it and this is why."

He pulled out two rose red clamps. Putting one on each nipple, he removed four rose red candles. Putting them between Jasmine's first and second, then fifth and fourth toes. He smirked, "As the candles burn, their wax will burn your feet, not a big deal, however the wax is spelled, so that for every drop that leaves the clamps will weight another pound, and their are roughly the potential for 800 pounds in each candle though I'm sure your nips would rip off before that."

He sat comfortable on a chair before jasmine. His cock proud and hard. The sight of the Arabian princess on her knees turning him on. Snapping his fingers he lit all four candles. Even as he said, "I'd start sucking if I was you."
Jasmine could feel her clothing leaving her, baring that sensual body to the air. The tanned skin was glistening with sweat and sexual fluids, and her tight body heaved as she struggled to regain her sense. Then, a snap, and Jasmine gasped. Her mind had become fully alert once more, her senses almost heightened. Worse, the desire, the arousal she'd already had building within, had flared, making things almost painful.

Her feet were freed, and Jasmine had started to move, to try and grind her sex. Before she could get her bearings, the room shifted. The princess gasped as ropes bound her, squeezing her flesh in a painfully pleasurable way. The girl groaned as a knot dragged along her sex, teasing her and demonstrating exactly what the demon spoke of. Her arousal glazed eyes looked up, watching him, nearly pleading with him for release. The princess soon became aware that if she shifted her hands back, the ropes dragged along her already dripping sex, and she was half tempted to do precisely that.

However, soon candles were between her toes, and Jasmine squirmed as they were adjusted. Then two clamps seized her tender nipples, and the princess cried out, not believing it. She looked at him, her eyes huge and watery. Such sexual torture the princess had never known: her entire body was aflame with lust, and pain dangled just within the pleasure. It made her want nothing so much as sexual release, and the girl was desperate to took what it got. That pride was slowly turning into a ferocity. Barely had he needed to suggest it when Jasmine had sunk her lips about the cock. Several inches slid easily into her throat, till she'd nearly taken all of him in one movement. Again, Jasmine's natural flexibility was coming into play. The girl's eyes widened though, a squeal leaving her to move along the cock:

The ropes had moved, dragging along her and making her jerk. The motion made her pinched nipples dance, which caused that pain and pleasure to spike, making her sex seem to spasm. in short, motions had become a sexual chain reaction for Jasmine, and the princess felt her eyes rolling, not believing such pleasure could be wrought upon her.
The demon groaned precum dripping form his head. it was impossible to describe the taste of the demon's jism an odd mix of all the best flavors, chocolate, and candy, and fresh baked bread, l rolled together in an indescribable and yet truly amazing tasting white liquid. His hand going to the back of the Princess's head, those hot pink lips around his member were turning him on almost as much as her not skilled but very enthusiastic oral skilled. His hands on the back of her raven haired head he forced her to take him the way to his pubes, before releasing her to slam his rod down her throat again. The harder her head moved the more pleasure she received from the rope, but the more likely and also more amounts of wax were likely to leave the candle. After bringing her head to his nuts six time he leaned back, letting her take over the work. His hands reaching out to smack her ass, or tits at random, but always leaving a hand print.
It surprised Jasmine that the demon's seed tasted so delicious. She'd already practically been begging, craving for his cock, and now, she simply couldn't get enough. Her tongue drew along it, her lips formed as tight a seal as possible, and she drew her entire mouth along the length of him, trying to work about him. His hand had already seized her, pushing her forward, sliding more of himself into her mouth. They went so deep that Jasmine could nearly feel his hairs tickling her.

All the while, the ropes moved, dragging against her sex, making her squirm. They'd barely started, and already Jasmine was wetter than she could ever recall being. Her mind fought desperately, begging for her to see reason. Yet her body felt the delicious sensations, the full onslaught proving far, far too much. A jerk, and she shuddered, feeling more arousal pour into her. That jiggle caused a few drops of wax to fall, landing upon her feet with a slight plop.

Jasmine screamed into the cock as the weights dragged her nipples. Even adding just a few pounds made it painful, and that pain was punctuating much of the pleasure. Her vision swam, and she tried desperately to keep going, to do as he wanted and pleasure him, to seek even more of that delicious juice. He seemed to encourage her, slapping a time or two, drawing more startled noises. The first time he touched her ass, Jasmine jerked, and more droplets spilled onto her feet.

The pain upon her nipples was simply too much, and Jasmine was very rapidly losing consciousness. Seven pounds of weight dragged the nipples, and already they were starting to turn unhealthy colors.
Thomas rolled his eyes, waving his hand over her head he said "Naughty Princess, trying to get out of work."

He withdrew the fatigue Jasmine had given herself to him, and sealed the deal when she came. He could make her nothing but a whore zombie if he wanted, but the truth was he liked to sense the inner fire slowly leaving being pulled out. Even as he withdrew the pain and fatigue. He wanted her at one hundred percent. Groaning he continued working her mouth and throat, a hand on the back of her head. Making the ropes move so fast against her cunt they seemed to blur. His fat hard cock sending more and more precum into her belly, an almost continuous drip and stream flowing from the head. He was obviously close s he felt his balls tighten.
The pain from her breasts was too much for Jasmine. Despite her desires for the cum and the raging desire burning within, she felt consciousness leave her, and she essentially collapsed upon him, completely out, and her breasts nearly starting to become damaged from the ill treatment they'd received.
The demon roared, back handing the princess into the floor hard enough to knock a few teeth loose. Standing up he snapped his fingers, anger radiating off of him. He'd been about to cum when the dub skank had decided to pass out. Wrapping her in a nice full body latex suit he smirked. The suit would slowly modify her how he wanted her to be. Her breasts would be made rounder, her sex drive increased, her ass fattened up, until she was the ultimate whore of the seven deserts. Unable to cum the entire time.

Knowing however that while the changes occurred he needed to e his harem grow, he started to look through the world, searching for another victim. His eyes widened as he sensed a sea witch drawing power. Investigating the situation, he saw the girl was about to trade her voice for her legs. He reached out with his own magic changing the conditions of the bet a bit. The mermaid would have to have cum on her feet every day for them to remain as feet. Only the first man she saw's cum would work and she would have all the knowledge needed to please a man, but retain her innocent outlook, not aware of the knowledge until she needed it. Even then it would be more of a subconscious tapping of it.

He knew the witch sensed his deal, and went to change it but it was too late. Even as the new deal's rules were put in Arie's head he teleported to the sandy beach. The girls' feet would be very VERY sensitive since she'd never walked before. He waited for her to reach the surface, delivered by her friends.
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