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Oct 25, 2010
Tired, that's all she was able to see as she stared once more into the mirror of her powder desk. Darkening bags beneath her eyes were once more being concealed by make up. Her lips painted a deep ruby coloring, A Crimson shade. Her blond hair hung around her bare pale white shoulders in tight ringlets from the bow fasten to the back of her head to keep the curls from crowding that lovely face of hers. She wore a pale blue dress that bared her shoulders, and revealed her ample pale mounds. Something the madam said would bringing out the sapphire blues of her eyes

Tonight was no different though. Men being greeted by the other girls and the madam, their boisterous laughter was noticeable as it flooded through the closed door to her room. Sighing she tucked her chin down. her eyes not holding her youthful spark. How can one be so happy like the rest of the girls in being sold out, and in turn see little profit. How she wished she could go back to the day where she was tucked in by her father and mother, and dreamt of a place her hideaway. Her 'Wonderland".

Wonderland? she began to wonder if it were real. Was it all a figment of her over active imagination? Slowly standing she walked to the window watching as rain poured down to the streets below. There was only one way to be certain. Opening the window she peer to the ground and to the tree next to her window. Biting her lip she gripped onto the branch and began climbing down carefully. Her dress tearing slightly as it caught onto the tree branches.Her heeled slipper sunk into the grass as she turned to run to her old family garden. Which was but a few blocks from the House.


She reached where she remember where the entrance was. Now over grown by weeds and vines. Its been some time that the now abandoned garden had saw some attention was she surprised that it was all grown over? No. She began to clear away the weeds and vines, finding the hole,. She prayed for one thing to go right. That this was the tunnel to Wonderland. She leaned in the hole before allowing herself to fall through the way being triggered as she spun, twirled down a long drop of colors. till finally landing. Her heart racing in her chest. Her breathing ragged as she walked through the darkness towards some light.

The light gave, life to a small room, a table siting in the center and three different sizes of doors. On the table was a few small viles, they were unlabeled. Biting down on her crimson lips she lifted on, of blue liquid. Downing it.

The results where momentarily unknown to the girl besides a flood of warms and tingling withing her nethers,and womb. restoring her body back to the state it had be when it first came to this world. In meaning, It restored her virginity.

The next bottle was a purple liquid, she downed that as well. Instantly her body grew hot, her loins tight, and sex pulsing. making her give out a small gasp. Her knees trembled as she leaned over the table her body radiant a sweet scent, instantly filling the room. This liquid put her into a stat of constant heat.

One last vile remain. which she took. it gave her resilience, allowing her to accommodate anything into her body, and live dispute its size. Finally the door in the center opens wide allowing her to enter. Slowly she did, her breathing ragged as she tremble towards the door. Walking slowly to a wold that was slightly twisted, things seeming large, and quiet for now. But eyes were on her as the door slammed shut. Little did she know. she wasn't going to be able to leave unless the occupants of this Wonderland allowed her to go.
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