The other way around

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Oct 25, 2010
Fayte paused out side the town entrance glancing once more. back to her home, then to the ball in her hand. Her eyes a Emerald shade of green, her dark brown nearly black hair fell along her back. She work a soft pink toque that matched her school girl skirt, whit her top was black, and tight to her still fairly young body of seventeen years old. She was nervous, she could admit that about setting off on her new adventure, with one of her fathers old fire pokemon. She had promised him she would be the best so that promise she was going to do the best she was able to.

Her chest rose and fell with every breath she drew in. As she turned back to the path before her. Her black shoes silent on the dirt path. She rose her hand as she gazed at the pokeball within her clasp. This was it, a start to a new life. A life where she will change history. A smile curved her lips as pressed on. How corny was that. She mused to her self shaking her head from one side to the next.

She entered the forest just before sunset by the time she allowed the fire dog out of his ball. It would be there first meeting as Trainer and pokemon. Not from the side as she watched her father battle other trainers . or at small gatherings. Would he accept her as his new master?
The red beam from the pokeball shot out, expanding and giving form to Arcanine within. The fire pokemon stretched it limbs, front and back showing his muscles were in great shape. Standing firmly the orange with black strikes pokemon looked around for his master but didn't see him. The only person around was a young girl standing behind him which he pretty much ignored at first.

He walked a few paces in a circle, trying to track his master. 'Maybe he was lost and my pokeball ended in this girls hand... or maybe she... he thought, and gave her a menacing look for moment. There was a light breeze in the forest and he caught the scent, he knew that scent. He perked up his ears and approached her slowly, he sniffed at her feet and up her body. Being 6 feet tall is was an easy task to recognize her from toe to head.

He knew now it was his master's daughter, she sure grew up sice the last time he saw her. He stared at the pokeball in her hand and barked, like telling her why she had it with her. Without her permission he took possession of it in his jaw. He shook his head in dissappointment of how easy it was... so weak, he didn't understand why he was doing with her. Unaware of what was going on but he sure wasn't approving of her to hold his pokeball. Just like that he turned his back on her and started walking deeper into the forest.
She stood there as he watched her, before he looked away from her. Obviously confused to why she was the one who released him, and not her father. She stood watching the towering dog Pokemon. She herself was lucky to reach 5'4 and the great beast loomed over her. When he turned back to her she just stood there careful not to move to suddenly as he approached her.

Remaining ridged she allowed him to sniff at her. her heart racing, her breath held. She waited for him for finish his assessment what she hadn't expected though was him stealing away his ball. And turned on his large paws and walked deeper into forest. She was stunned how he'd just leave her. like he had no care. She was sure that he remembered her. At least she had thought so.

"Arcanine now wait a minute." She said in a rather stern yet uncertain tone running up after him. "Father has given you to me, to start my journey to become the best trainer, ever. And your to be trainer. to aid in that quest."She stated her hands on her hips. "Would it make you feel better if i allowed you to follow me outside of the ball? She asked arching a slender dark brow
Arcanine turned to watch as she started giving him attitude. To be honest he and her father didn't start off much easier either. In fact it wasn't until they fought it out like two kids wrestling, but that was a long time ago and he was a growlithe then. He walked back to her until he was inches away, he had this intimidating glare as he stared down at her. He dropped the monster ball and barks, he sounded much happier now. He had been coup up in there for so long so he liked the offer she made him. He leaned down a bit and licked her cheek playfully. He caress his face against hers to show he would accept that.

With everything done he took a few stepps back and bowed his head to apologize to her. He whines softly, his eyes moving up to look at her. It wasn't her fault she was weak, she was starting out... so it was his duty to help her get better. Besides he owed that and more to her father. He went down on his knees and nodded his head to his back. He wanted her to ride him, it showed that he accepted her and that he will be loyal to her from this day.
Fayte didn't cower as he approached her. Yes, her breath was held. But she didn't back down when she saw that look in his eyes. Point for her? When he dropped the ball her eyes shot down then just as quickly went back to him as he barked at her. At the moment she could but pray that she wouldn't regret this decision. Being new, she didn't know what kind of power this would give him to push her. Lost in momentary thought. Was he happy with that offer? He seemed so. she studied him carefully as he lowered his large furry dome his tongue warm and wet, and rather quite large as he licked her small cheek. His tongue nearly took up the side of her face in a single stroke.

At least he seemed to be in a better mood. that's always a good thing. Rule one : Become friends and close companions with your pokemon. Though she doubt she would be able to allow all her pokemon free roam, maybe two at a time. Let them work on details. Her hand went to touch his large furry cheek. Her hand but a gentle caress against the rather warm cream and orange fur.

She remained silent, trying to understand him. each motion watched and studied. He bowed and this made her dainty brows arch in curiosity, until the whine came then she understood. to a degree that was. He was apologizing. Or so she thought. Smiling softly she nods. "It's alright we need to get to know each other. You need to train me to become stronger, and train others to be strong as well." Slowly she rounded him at his pointing before climbing upon his back. Leaning her youthful body against his back.
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