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Small talk - (M X M) Answered, Mods!!

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Jan 27, 2012
ANSWERED; NOT ACTIVE. A mod may delete this.

Hey there! Looking for someone to do this one shot with me! Anybody's fine. Just know - the goal's sex - the plot, while there, is secondary.

A large gymnasium. Close to closing, if not passed that time (perhaps something one could do if they knew the owners or something?) Expecting nothing and no one else, a young man finishes up and hits the showers in solitude. As he's in the lockers, though, a bewitching young man of about the same age enters, striking up small talk. He keeps talking; the other finds it a little discomforting but goes along, finding the other friendly.

So time's important, they enter the stalls, still talking. Eventually, the bewitching one promises his new friend something interesting - barging into his friend's stall. You can figure out the rest.

Now, despite the above, I'd be willing to change any number of details, even themes (paranormal, etc.). I should say, though, rape in it's purest sense isn't really the idea, but a 'severe hesitation' of sorts would be fine. I can play either character.
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