Jugger x Pariah

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Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Setting off on his adventure from his small hometown in Kanto, Nathan Stone walks in search of rare and exotic pokemon, to capture and befriend as he would then begin his journey to best the Gym Leaders of Kanto and defeat the Elite Four. It has been four days, and he has not caught a single pokemon. His luck was tremendously bad and he was giving up. He stops along the side of a cliff's road and sits down on the edge, sighing as he looks at the scenery that was out before him and holdings against the safety rails to make sure he doesn't fall. He was so determined to get this going, but now he was on the verge of just giving up. Before deciding on what to do for sure, he hears small crumblings below him. Looking down, his eyes widen as he sees Geodude coming out of the side of the cliff that helped make up the foundation for the road. Without them to help it, the side of the road became crumbly and eventually gave out under him, along with the safety rail. He falls and starts to join the rockslide as he is rolling down the side of hte cliff before getting pelted into a tree. He lays there, limp and unconscious.

Mareep and the rest of her herd, a group of Mareep, Flaaffy, and one Ampharos, had simply been grazing peacefully in a nearby meadow when they heard the distant rumblings of a rockslide. They all looked towards the sound in unison, their heads bobbing upwards like a wave in a sea of fluff. They had been brought to Kanto from Johto as an experiment at introducing foreign pokemon to the environment. They were monitored monthly by Kanto scientists, and had thrived in the new environment.

One particularly curious Mareep left the herd to investigate; she was slightly overconfident, as she could feel herself close to evolving, and was stronger than many of the other Mareep in her herd. Making her way in the direction of the sound, she caught sight of a human; she had only seen them from far away before. She made her way towards him slowly, and waited for him to move, but he remained still.

Upon getting closer, she could see that he was unconscious, and appeared to be somewhat battered. She poked him here and there, examining his clothing and belongings, before making a decision. She gripped his legs tightly and began the task of dragging him back to her home.
When Nathan would awaken, his eyes would be blurred for a few moments and his head would be spinning. He sat up, but only cringed in pain and immediately laid back down as he felt his ribs were probably broken here and there, or just muscles were strained. His eyes were closed for a minute, not knowing who had taken him and did not know that he had been taken anyway. Eventually he opened his eyes slowly and saw he was in the open fields, looking straight up into the blue sky. "The hell...? Where is the mountain...?" He murmured as he closed his eyes and could feel the sharp pain in his body.
Mareep popped into Nathan's field of vision when she saw that he had awakened, staring him in the face inquisitively. Never before had she had the chance to examine a human this closely; she only caught brief glimpses of the scientists that came to study her herd, not that she knew what thy were doing. Noticing that the human seemed to be in pain, she dashed off again.

She returned with a handful of round, blue berries, which were known to humans as Oran berries. They always made her feel better when she had been injured; perhaps they would have the same effect on the human? She took one between her fingers and prodded his mouth with it, trying to get him to open up and eat it.
When Nathan first saw Mareep, he thought he had gone crazy. He saw...a human that was the same as a Mareep? Was he going crazy or did that fall cause some brain damage? He closed his eyes, hoping it was just a dream and that neither of the before mentioned were true. When he felt something prodding his mouth, he opened his eyes and saw the outline of the oran berry and the Mareep once more as she tried to put it in his mouth. Without thinking, as if just doing as he felt instinctively, he opened his mouth and ate the berry, feeling a small bit better. "Gah...Much better but the pain is still there..." He murmured as he looked up and saw the Mareep once more. "What are you...?"
Mareep smiled brightly as she watched the human consume the berry. The other members of the herd had begun to circle around to get a good look at the human in their midst. She growled at them a bit, not liking the way they were crowding him, and a few bits of static sparked from her wool.

He seemed to feel a bit better, but was obviously still injured. She petted him lightly, trying to locate the area of his injury. He asked her what she was; could he not see that she was a Mareep? She bleated softly and tilted her head, confused by his question. She had no idea that she was different that the other Mareep; she had never been treated any differently by them, even though she had human features.
He sat up, fighting through the pain of working the muscles on his torso and looked around him. All the other pokemon around him look so normal, but she was the only exception. She was humanoid but still pokemon and frowned. "You're...Like me...only a pokemon...Mareep..." He murmured as he reached over and began to stroke the wool that was atop of her head. "Hm..." He wanted to see exotic Pokemon, and he found one. So different and unique. He looked around him again and hoped that the other pokemon would not start a fight with her for being so territorial, he assumed, over him. "How long was I out...?" He murmured to himself as he tried to get up, but to no success. He fell back down to the ground panting as he held his chest as it was in pain.
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