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Gimme Monsters and Gimme Fandoms [MxF and MxM}

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Mar 8, 2010
So, my monitor died. Which is why I probably haven't been around in a while. However, since all I'm really doing is waiting for my new one to arrive, I figured I may as well borrow a monitor for the night and create a thread. I've been playing Mass Effect and Silent Hill, and I suppose that's got me in a bit of a strange mood. I like.. horror, and monsters; I guess you could even say non-con. Though romance and plot are always loved, too. Most of all, I like a good roleplayer - someone who can write a good post with a bit of length to it. I won't try to type a bunch of rules, just know that even though I'm pretty open and into the taboo, I don't really want poo or transformation.

So, lists. Fun times.

Series (Video Games, wouldn't you know it?)

Mass Effect 1, 2 & 3 [OCs or Canon characters. I love me some Turians. If you're up for this, let me know which you prefer, and if canons, who you'd like to play as and against.]

Silent Hill 1, 2, 3, 4, Origins or Homecoming [Its pretty obvious I like the series. I started Downpour, and the controls are shit, but.. it's a Silent Hill game, what can you do? I guess I'm more in love with the concept than specific characters, but I'm open to anything. I'd love to involve monsters, either as or against, with this.]

Bioshock 1 & 2 [Always been a fan of the series. Andrew Ryan was very... Howard Hughes. Anyways, almost any pairing works.]

Fallout 3 or New Vegas [While I've played the earlier games, I realize that it'd be nearly impossible to locate another roleplayer who has interest in them. So yes, anything related to 3 or NV is golden - even Dead Money.]

Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 [Now, the fanbase is going to find me crazy for this, but I'm not particularly interested in Nick x Ellis for this. Sue me; I think the Special Infected are much more interesting. Must be the gore fiend in me. I'd be willing to do OCs for this.]

Rule of Rose, Clocktower 3, and/or Haunting Ground [I opted to stick these three together because they're all from the same maker; they also have nearly identical gameplay, and similar stories. They are also more obscure than some of the other works by the developer, so, as you might expect, they're a pretty big craving.]

Portal 1 & 2 [Finally beat Portal 2 - and ohman, stupidsexy robots. Very open to suggestions here.]

TES: Skyrim or Oblivion [Pretty self-explanatory, I think. Also a lot of options here.]

Killing Floor [Don't judge me! Monsters are... sexy. So is lods of emone]

That's the limit of my list for the moment, because, well.... I'm a little slow minded for now, I guess. Something not on the list? Ask about it!


Aliens, Zombies, Monsters - Oh my! I like mutants and everything that's weird - I can't help myself!
Robots! I'm fine with figures who look human enough, but what I really like are the things that are clearly mechanical.

Now, what I expect most of you want to know is, "What are your kinks?" To be honest, I have too many to count. Now, I'm not a furry... but let's just say that, without a doubt, one of my favorite things are playing against, or as, something completely inhuman. Now I'm not talking a sparkly, pale vampire. Giant, bipedal bugs, aliens, robots and the like. Hell, if you wanted to get to the somewhat odder side, I also enjoy straight up mythical beasts like dragons, down to Deathclaws and other random animals. I just think that shit's cool. I know that doesn't really suffice as a "list of kinks," so I'll say that I enjoy everything weird and taboo. Gore, traps, age gaps, ghosts, beasts, you name it. My only limits are no BIG TITTY TRANSFORMATION, and no poop play.

Yeah, I suck - if you want an original, just throw an idea or a pairing/genre at me. I'm a creative person, and I can help plot.

I would prefer PM, or even thread roleplays, at the moment. Although I can be convinced to do something over IM. It's just that I'm really horrible when it comes to remembering to sign on.

When you message me, don't be afraid to get specific. Let me know what you like, what weird quirks and kinks you desire. The more information you give me, the more I'll be interested.. well, most likely.
Gimme Monsters and Gimme Fandoms [MxF]


Firstly I want to ask about Downpour?! I did not even know it was out!!! Is it any good?

and now to business; I am interested in both the Silent Hill Series and Fallout Series! Fallout 2 is one of my all time favorite games while 3 and NV were brilliant bring set in the Fallout universe but being all up to date and awesome! So which ever series you prefer we can work on a roleplay!
It's alright. My main gripe with it has been the combat. If you've played Origins, you'll know about weapon degradability. Downpour has that, except you can only hold one melee weapon at a time. The only weapons you can put in your inventory are firearms, and sometimes the game will steal them.

Sheesh, saving my handgun and it's ammo for a possible boss fight, only to nearly fall off a bridge and lose both that gun and my flashlight!

The story is decent, but the combat still feels so awkward. THose ghost cops are creeepy, though.

Anyways, to stop my ranting about Silent Hill for a moment, lol. I actually got a hard copy of Fallout 1 and 2 a while ago. It's been ages since I played them, so I was happy. Still need to install them. The most annoying thing about Fallout 2 was stupid Vic telling me he was a great shot, then me giving him a gun and most of my ammo, just to shoot me in the back a lot of the time.

As far as Silent Hill goes, did you have a specific series or characters in mind? Or perhaps OCs?

I also believe I saw your RE thread. I actually haven't played 5 or ORC, sadly, but I'm always up for that... gotta remember what I did with all my RE games, though. Shit gets lost in my room.
Damn, are we like, the same person or something?! Because all of these things are things that I like, and the 'nonhuman' kink is my favorite liek woah.

Seriously, I am a little afraid to put up my own request thread now because it would seem like I plagiarized you.
I would love to do Mass Effect, and I was wondering if you would take a look at the ME plots I have in my request thread:

How about you see if you find anything you like, and we can go from there.

I would also be willing to do Garrus(me)/Femshep(you), with a Domation tinge...

PM me eather way, I can't wait to hear from you.
I gave your ME plots a quick look. Send me a PM, and let me know which ones you're particularly thirsting, since all of the ME ones seemed to be rated pretty highly.
Yeah. I originally pirated them, but I got the hardback copies around Christmas. Kinda unfortunate that now GOG is offering free Fallout 2. Oh well, the boxes are nice.

I actually played Fallout 3 and NV first, and I have to admit, the earlier games are hard to get into. The early combat? Well, let's just say those games don't hold your hand quite as much as the latter ones.

Kinda wish Van Beuren had been released.
I love the first two. I played them before Fallout 3 and was ridiculously excited about it. It fell a bit short of my expectations, but NV more than made up for that. Some damn good references in NV.

Honestly, most games didn't hold your hand 12 years ago. It was somewhat of a Learn By Death era.

And yes, I fully agree with your Van Beuren statement. Probably would have been amazing. Did you see that they are releasing Wasteland 2? The sequal to the Grandfather of Post-Apocalyptic games. They just reached 2.1 mil, so Obsidian is in with it. Excitement level is at an all time high.
Well, dd you hear about what happened with NV? Obsidian would have received their pay/bonus if the game got a scoure of 85 or higher on Metacritic. The game got an 84, so Bethesda gave them nothing.
Yeah, I know. It's why they had a bunch of cutbacks. Fucking stupid. Hopefully, Wasteland 2 will help out. But with the RPG legends they have working on it, I think it'll do fine.
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