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RE: Plot driven Rps, prego rps, Romance rps. F for M!

BeautifulGothGirl said:
Hello there!

I'm new to Blue Moon, but have been Roleplaying for a really long time.
Im looking for a partner to play detailed, and plot driven roleplays.
I know, Im going to get alot of, "quiet sex" Rps, but Im not into those. I do have a saying, "Plot before pleasure" I dont mind smut as long as its part of the storyline and furthering the actions of the story.

I write long, and I like it. I love to be descriptive in my posts, and I would like my partner do the same.

I Roleplay mature themes (not all the time, but most the time, I really up for anything) ALSO, mature does not just men SEX. It also means, gore, violance, drama, abuse, ect.

I am a hopless romantic and I love storys full of love, and drama.
Also, I love Rps with Risk of Pregnancy, and pregnant roleplays (these tend to be alittle more sexual in nature, but still with a plot line of romance) why do I like this? Because I do not wish to have childern for a long time, and I have always been fasinated.

I have many ideas on my page, but I am always open to hearing any ideas you may have. So please, just ask and I was answer! I hope to play with you soon. If you have any questions, please, feel free to ask!

Hey would love to do some roleplaying with you sometime. So send me a message on here or yahoo if you want my email is Would love to do some rp with you sometime sounds really fun ;)
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