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tiffy collins

Jan 23, 2012
It was an otherwise bright and sunny day in Louisville, Colorado, a relatively small mountain town on the relative outskirts of the greater Boulder County area. The sun was beating down, not quite enough to make one beat out in a heat sweat, but enough to know that it wasn't time for thick coats and winter warmers just yet. Samantha sat in the Living room trying to look as comfortable as she could. Her little brother Scyle sat beside her and he was the reason she was here. I new that the last few days had been ruff on him. Our grand father had died just a few days ago. Those few days were a flurry of activity and chaos. With planning the funeral and making sure his will was followed. Every one had been to busy to do much talking. But the Funeral was done now. Things were starting to calm down and pain was starting to set in.

The rest of the Family had all gone out to Supper. I think they all just needed a chance to relax and get some family time. To be honest I would have liked to be there with the bunch of them. But I had something more important to handle. Scyle my 13 year old brother 3 years younger then myself, needed a shoulder to rest on. He asked if he could stay home and just get some rest. Mom said yes and she also let me stay home. I did not think Scyle should be left all alone. So here we were sitting side by side in the living room. I kept my arms around my Brother, His head resting on my chest. It was a very sisterly sort of embrace.

I leaned down and kissed Scyles head. "Listen Scyle I know the last few days have been hard on you. But I also know that things will get better. I promise you this much Brother I will always be here for you. If you need anything I will be there to support you". I cross my legs as we talk. I am wearing a cute new sun dress. It is a bit short on me but not so much as to be slutty. As always I have no make up on at all.
A tender inkling dipped down his snowy cheek, a simple whimper pulling from his lips. He was virtually in his sister's lap as he was forced to live with the situation that his grandfather was in fact, dead. He still wore the black suit his mother had bought him for the funeral. It was a tragic event and Scyle's first run in with death. Scyle had never before experienced the permanent loss of another. His pet still lived, his family were always alive and healthy. Death hadn't even thought of touching his life until now and the loss was almost too much for the boy to bare. He clutched his sister's shirt hard as his face rolled into its fabric, tears now flowing likes streams down his face as his eyes inflated and colored a light red.

"It's not fair!" He mumbled out in between sobs, soaking his sister's shirt with his disdain. "Papaw was such a good guy. Who would take him?!" Who would take him? He pondered soulfully on the existence of a higher being, one so cruel to take away his grandfather. Why? His powdery cheeks grew sticky with the steady input of his tears. The power of his loss compelled hatred, confusion, depression, need. He clung to her shirt tightly as his well dressed boyish figure laid limp on the couch. Her kiss helped but did not take away. Scyle never really was depressed or had a worry about his life but he just seemed to hate life right now. Lack of friends, lack of girlfriends, lack of life. What did he do? Sit in his room and play video games. If it wasn't that, he was on the computer doing whatever. Little of it involved actual interaction with people and his sister's kiss felt warm, lovely. He looked up to her through the innocence of his crystal blue eyes and instinctively pressed his lips to hers. It was a simple but powerful connection. It was filled with the wave of emotions he felt now and in the lips he left one message.

"Thanks sis. I love you. Don't leave us ever?" He asked the question honestly, snuggling his cheek into her light bosom.
I was in my own wave of confusion as I tried to sort out what exactly I was supposed to say. I felt like I was the older Sister here. So by that right I should have the answers that will make my brother feel better. But in truth I was only about 3 years older and at 16 I was very lacking in answers. The tears and the hurt on the face of this Kid that I felt fiercely protective of, were making me feel useless and scared. What could I possibly say that could make everything feel better. I considered telling him that no one took his Grandfather form him. Life was fragile and that was how the world worked. I did not believe in God personally. But I did not think now was the time to throw his faith into question. Nor did I think now was the time for harsh statements.

Then in the midst of my confusion there was an odd kiss that began. At first I did not pull away I did not realize the power behind the kiss. I just took this as a brotherly need for affection. But soon the kiss was growing very un Brotherly. I pulled away instantly, But only my face. My body stayed as close to his as it was before. I had a terribly confused look on my face. For a Heartbeat I even raised my hand to give Scyle a smack. But I could not bring myself to smack my Brother.

"Scyle that is not right you should not be kissing me like that. I understand that you are hurt but brothers and sisters do not kiss each other not in that way". I licked my lips the memory of the kiss starting to create my own un sisterly urges. In the simplest terms I knew what he did was wrong and sick!!. But at the same time it felt nice and I was easily as hurt as he was. In all truth I needed comfort as well. I needed a way to exert my pain my anger and my loss. The danger the risk the moral horror of what I saw in my brothers eyes...intrigued me.
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