Breeding the Cetra and the Animal {darkest_fate&My Angel is Broken}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Aeris gasped as they threw her into the metal room. She tried straightening her pink dress, tugging at the fabric and getting things more in order. She wasn't quite sure why they'd left her fully dressed; she even still had the slight red jacket to cover her shoulders and upper arms. There had been muttering about some kind of experiment, and Hojo, the greasy man that he was, had seemed far, far too pleased by the idea. It took all Aeris had to continue putting on a brave face, convincing herself that Cloud and the others would come to save her soon enough. It would happen. She just had to hold out.

For now though, she was apparently alone, in a room with steel floors. She looked around, noting that the room was close to round, with plates that formed a sort of ring about them. There were holes dotting the walls, and it didn't take a huge leap to figure they existed in order to allow gases and other such materials to leak into the room. A glance further up showed what looked like one-way glass, mirrors of some kind. Aeris didn't spend long looking at that, not wanting to think about the voyeuristic scientists peeping in from above.

What was it that Hojo had said? Something about finally having the last Cetra? Something about how she would go well with the other captive? It hadn't made much sense to Aeris at the time, and it wasn't now. She took a few cautious steps forward, still trying to determine what exactly they had planned and where exactly this all was going.

She noticed a table then, one that seemed prepared with straps. Breeding, a large open room, holes for gas, something to hold her down if need be... the girl was starting to put things together, and the picture wasn't pleasant. Terror filled, and she started looking around, desperate for an exit. It was then that she heard a sliding sound, something like a door opening. Fighting against the supreme fear, she turned, gazing at what entered with a mix of horror and desperation.
It was dark. Constant darkness with brief interruptions of beaming light through the single slot in his cell. Water and food, just enough to keep him alive. If not for being the last of his kind, perhaps he’d let starvation take him, it had to be better than whatever experiments they had in store for him. With the state of his race uncertain, however, he needed to survive. He waited only now for his chance to escape the clutches of Shinra. The flow of time had been confused since his capture, but he was sure days had passed now. What could they be waiting for?

Time continued pressing forward with nothing but silence for Nanaki until, finally, a churning mechanized tick or click began and the ceiling above opened with a split. Light spilling around as he begin to rise with the floor beneath him. He winced in response to the abuse the sudden bright light imposed upon sensitive eye. His tail of flames whipped with ferocity as he prepared to be harassed. Instead, he was greeted with a lone human in a peculiar setting. The proud beast remained silent, studying the girl who shared this new prison. She seemed vulnerable, hardly threatening. Red XIII glanced about. The purpose of their union didn’t seem so obvious at first.

Outside of the room, Hojo and a handful of other Shinra employed scientists observed the scene. “We had to expect this. It was a one and a million shot that our rare little prizes might mingle.” Hojo commented idly. “Let’s start off simple. The pheromones, please.” A female scientist responded with a nod and a short, professional, “Yes, sir.” Gases of a pinkish hue began to spew into the container housing the two species. A painstakingly created combination of each species chemical compound meant to complement one another, so that the very basic instincts of their bodies might recognize the other of the same species. It was only step one of a long list of tricks, but Hojo wanted the most natural sort of mating he could create.

Inside, not much time had passed since Red XIII was brought in and now the pheromones were flooding the room. Slowly meant to alter perception of the two beings, Red reacted first by lowering his nose and covering the wet tip with his paws. Poison, was the first thought. But as the fumes begin to slip by and into his system, it was beginning to make sense. His body tingled with the very beginnings of curious arousal. His eyes now watched whom he believed to be human. What would come of this? The ample set of breasts, the curves frustratingly hidden behind her clothing, Nanaki wanted to catch her scent. Nanaki finding her more and more attractive to the eyes.
The creature that appeared was like something out of a nightmare, at least, at first. Aeris's panic made it difficult for her to understand that the creature wasn't some kind of monstrosity, in fact, she saw it as little more than the creatures that she and the others had been defeating off and on. He had arisen from the floor, and now he stared at Aeris, more curious than anything else.

Neither moved, and Aeris could almost hear their breathing resounding off the walls. Then a hissing sound, and Aeris's head swiveled to see the gases pouring into the room. Like Nanaki, she figured that they were being poisoned, and immediately slapped hands to her mouth, as though that would help. The girl then quickly decided that if they were going to kill the two of them, there were much more effective ways of doing so. It was much more likely that this gas was going to have some kind of strange effect upon them, something that the scientists wanted to test.

Without thinking about it, Aeris breathed through her nose. She caught the strange scent of the drugs, and she felt her hands drop. It didn't smell all that chemical, not really. Were they spraying them with some kind of natural odor? She looked toward the creature, wondering if the gasses were, perhaps, supposed to be for him. Soon her eyes were widening as she took in certain very noticeable details. As Nanaki undoubtedly had a stronger nose, it was far more likely that he would be affected first. Though that hardly explained why Aeris' eyes were slowly drifting toward certain areas of the creature's anatomy.

Just what were they planning anyway? this didn't make any sense.
“Well, our Red XII seems to be reacting positively to our concoction.” Hojo tapped his chin as he watched the Cetra. “It doesn’t seem to be having as strong of an effect on her.” The scientist waited longer though, no quite ready to give up on their most simplest of tests, considering one half of the equation was responding in a hopeful manner.

Inside their glass, mirrored, cylinder a curious test subject rose to all fours, the constant supply of pheromones proving to cause an itch nothing but one thing could scratch. Nanaki moved forward. The grace of a lion carried throughout his slow, deliberate, movements as he approached wearily. The occasional sniff was audible, front paws inches from the girl while Hojo and the scientists acted as a collective Cupid.

“Yes, here we go. More, a bit more. He’s may be making a move.” Hojo smirked, moving closer to the wall between he and the two rarities. “This is [history[/i], we’ll interbreed, carry on two endangered species as one. It will be a marvelous accomplishment.” He spoke aloud, to himself.

Nanaki’s nose inched forward, the bestial form resting back on his hind legs, his muzzle pressing against the center of the Certra’s hips, inhaling, taking her raw scent in. Beyond the smell of flowers that covered her entirety. He pressed harder, the scent absolutely intoxicating. Now he stood, on hind legs, seemingly easier than it looked. He almost as tall as Aeris as such, his elongated mouth nuzzling into the crevice of her neck, a deep voice finally coming from the creature.

“They’re trying to mate us. I don’t know if I can resist, this is driving me mad.” The animalistic nature of Red XIII in direct contrast of his intelligence. His tongue slipped from behind dark lips, it was just a bit rough and it left a trail of saliva as it tasted her. His weight was against her, paws pressing against her shoulders.

“Okay, prepare the aphrodisiac for the Cetra. Just in case. If she doesn’t respond well, we’ll inject her.” Hojo ordered his team of prodders and pokers, remaining on standby.
It continued to not have as strong of an effect on Aeris. She wasn't bothered by Red's presence, and her mind was no longer registering him as a threat. Fear was gone; lust hadn't replaced it yet. The girl swallowed as she watched the creature stepping forward, his breathing and his footfalls seeming especially loud in the round, steel room.

Then the creature moved, and Aeris gasped. His muzzle was pressing against her core, seemingly drawn straight there. The girl took several deep breaths, wondering why she wasn't terrified that this strange creature was sniffing her in a manner that definitely suggested he intended to be her potential mate. That suspicion was only confirmed as the creature lifted himself up and pressed against her, his muzzle even nuzzling her neck, making Aeris bite her lip.

Trying to mate; resistance futile, "We have to try," mumbled Aeris, figuring that the creature must not want this either. It struck her as slightly strange, to think that a creature like this could deny its animal nature. But the creature seemed to be calm enough. He still licked her, and his weight was nearly driving her to the floor, but Aeris could still stand. Again, the distinct lack of fear was strange, but other than that, she wasn't feeling much of anything, certainly not the lust the scientists were likely hoping for.
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