Name: Joe Bojackavick
Age: (16+) 29
Pic/Desc: he is balding and slightly over wieght and stocky normally dirty and dressed in a dark blue uniform, he wears thick rimmed glasses. he is basicly on his way to becomeing that creepy and slightly concerning dirty old man. think a dirtyer version of ron jeremy.
Sexuality: hetersexual,
Personality: normally shy and quiet , but when no ones watching he tries to take advantage of the female patients. in the out side world he is a weak man but in this place he is king or so he thinks..
Reason for being commited: not commited actually is the janator and night watchmen for the ward, his partner on the job is a gay man named perrie who spends most of his time watching/ getting the male patients masterbate on film. which frees up Joe to play with the females.