Laguz Experimentation

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Mar 17, 2012
The prison was dark and the air was cold. A solder wearing the red and black armor of the Deain empire walked up to one of the new prisoners. "Jill Fizzart you have been charged with treason against your king." The solder read off the charges as another entered the cell and put restraints on her hands. "Ordinarily this would be a death sentence, however as the war progresses we have found we have need of you elsewhere. You are to be transferred to a new location under the request of Izuka."
Treason. Jill had always dreaded hearing that word, knowing the full weight of it and what it would entail for her. She'd knowingly defected from the Daein ranks, joining up with Ike and his crew. Her path should have been chosen, she shouldn't have been here. Yet she'd gotten reckless, extended herself to try and save someone, and now she found herself here.

The beautiful redhead rose unsteadily. They'd stripped off much of her red armor, leaving her in a yellowish tunic and black leggings. It felt strangely naked: no weapon, no protection. Her hands rose to allow the restraints, her gaze focused straight ahead. Transferred, needed elsewhere. Where had she heard the name Izuka before?

She simply nodded and stepped forward, willing and able to follow the guards to wherever it was they were taking her. Jill hadn't the faintest idea what Izuka would want with a traitor dragon rider, unless he had some kind of suicide mission for her. Possibly to interrogate? But they had to know she would give away nothing...

What was going on here? Jill tensed as she walked, her reddish brown eyes focused ahead. There was an explanation there somewhere; she just needed to buy her time...
The Deain solders looked at each other knowing to keep their guard around Jill. escorting her the two men kept her in plain view the entire time, as they exited the building. Her escorts took her from the prison for several hours travel threw forested terrain with a hot sun overhead. passing water between only the two of them they didn't speak for the rest of the journey. The journey eventually leading them to an old stone tower surrounded by forest on all sides. parts of the tower seemed to be falling apart, and the stone work its self was ancestral.

The two guards looked to Jill and gave her a hard shove in the back. "This is as far as we go. That building is Izuka's current location. Our orders are to make sure you go inside."

The two guards seemed on edge their eyes kept darting to the air as if making sure that they weren't going to be attacked from above. They both knew what this place really was, and they wanted to get away as soon as possible. One of the solders gave Jill another shove to make sure she was going.
They exited the building, and Jill had to admit that feeling the sunlight and moving air made her feel quite good. An eye darted quickly to the sky, as if hoping to see her mount awaiting her up there, or possibly even rescue. Yet Jill knew the main force of troops lay some distance away, and if rescue was going to come, it wasn't going to come soon. The rider would have to hold out for at least a little while longer.

The journey seemed strangely long, and Jill was trying to figure out where they were going. This terrain wasn't familiar to her, and despite her attempts at racking her brain for information, she couldn't recall what Izuka did for Daein either. All she knew for sure was that she'd never heard of any of the Mad King's torturers bearing that name, nor was that the name of the overseer of the pit fights. A sudden shove to a tall tower drove those thoughts from her mind, and Jill turned to look at the soldiers.

"You're not going to escort me all the way?" she asked. Why wouldn't they do that? It struck her as foolish, not to mention a good way to get dismissed or court martialed. If Jill got enough of a head start, or was just plain lucky, she might be able to escape from them. They gave her a shove though, and Jill found herself approaching the tower.

Again, her eyes scanned the area, and she frowned. The signs of habitation were clear, as were a few other signs. Jill couldn't be sure, but she thought she saw claw marks here and there; deep ones, the type that couldn't be made by random animals. Was this some sort of specialized prison for those who fought with the sub-hu--the Laguz? Jill paused for a moment to stare, before realizing she had to keep going, at least till she could make a decent escape.
The two solders held back watching hesitantly as Jill moved towards the tower, if they needed too they would charge after her, but they knew the security would not let her go far, they were more afraid of them then the military. They held there spears as they heard the cawing of a crow; their eyes hesitantly watching the sky.

The bird was much much to large to be anything but a Laguz it flew over the tower circling it flapping its powerful wings it flew above the field circling and watching. It let out another caw that aroused the life that was set out to guard the tower, but even though it was feral it was well trained. it went no lower staying above it knew its allies and waited for sudden movements before it would attack.

A light roar could be heard from inside the tower, a response to the crow's call, it sounded like the noise of a tiger, and soon the door of the tower opened. An old man stepped outside raising a hand to shield his eyes as he looked out at the field. seeing Jill he nodded to her and waved "Move slowly towards the door, he only reacts to sudden movements." He said gesturing to the crow above.
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