1X1 X-men rp. rahatingt and I only.

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Jan 10, 2009
The setting takes place at Xavier school for the gifted where a female x-men with blonde hair, hazel green eyes, 5'5, wearing a pink shirt, pair of black pants and her shoes are white and she is about a year younger then Remy and she is about 25 years old and Remy is 26 years old.

She has been here for about two whole years and she has been writing stuff in her diary about her stay at this school and also a bit of about Remy and Logan why they don’t like each other very. And she keeps her diary well hidden where no other x-men would be able to find her diary and try to open it up and read what she has wrote down in her secret diary book.

She locks her diary up in her dresser and she heads downstairs and hears Logan yelling at
Remy for cheating at cards and she just rolled her eyes and didn't say a word to those two for arguing with each other at all.

Logan said to Remy,” I warned you to stay away from Terra why do you bother coming here your nothing but trouble and I'm not going to let you get Terra into any trouble at all you have been warned and you better stay away from her I'm warning you right now Remy."

Logan shows Remy his metal claws and had them pointing at his throat and he pulled them back in and he knew that Terra heard what he said to Remy and she looked at Logan and then at Remy and she said to Logan,” Quit being protective about me I'm not Rogue so stop treating me like her I'm nothing like her at all, and just leave me alone Logan."

Terra was a little bit upset about this and she walks away from Logan and heads outside and she sits on a bench in the garden and she sighed and couldn't believe that she told Logan off right in front of some of the students and she sighed.

Logan glared at Remy and he headed to the garage to work on Scott's car once again and he couldn't believe that he was treating Terra like Rogue and he sighed. (d.)
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