A Secert Past... A New Life(ShyonexMoon Struck Fox)


Sep 2, 2009
On The Throne Ruling The World
Andol slipped out of his house quitly with a small coin pouch and a basket. Things had not been so good at home recently, and the burise on Andol's eye, as well as what felt like a broken rib proved it. His father had recently come home becuase he could no longer be an adventurer. Because of an arrow to the knee had ended his old man's days of fighting monsters and bringing home loot was over. Now the man just seemed to sit around and drink, as well as help out with town gaurd every now and then. Andol really had only thing in his life that made him happy and he was going to visit them at the moment when suddenly he heard some annoyed voices call out, "Hey kid... where do you think your going. Didn't you hear... it is time to pay your taxs, plus should you be sharing some of that food you have there with your local gaurds?" Andol knew he could not let them get thier hands near this food, plus there was simple fact these gaurds where simply just the kind of theives his father hung out with.

The young man ran through the streets of Windhelm doing his best not to slip on the stone. He weaved in and out of the narrow streets as he tried his best not to be cornored in one of the back alleys. Lucky for him that was never going to happen. He knew this city like the back of his hand, and Andol wasn't afriad of using that knowledge to try and outwit the city gaurds who were chasing him now. It was not normally them that he had to contend with... usally it was local Nord teens who didn't like the fact that Andol had no problem spending time in the Assemblege. To him the Argonians were people just like everyone else... he had never seen the need for rasict nature which the Nords displayed. Of course now he was being chased by the gaurds who it seemed wanted to take a bit of extra 'taxes' form Andol, which he was not about to let them have. Mostly it just contained food and some gold. The food was some scraps off his parents table that he wanted to take to his friend...

He was always worried about the other going hungry, and then the gold was just maybe so they could have a nice day hanging out. He began to wonder though if those plans would end of being canaceld. The young man was having trouble shaking the men even as he headed in the direction of the Assembelage... he just hoped that maybe they wouldn't want to chase him out onto the docks for the small amount of money he had. He just hoped everything would work out, of course it was at this moment that he noticed that they where starting to cacth up, and he began to panick a bit... and started speed up as he headed into the poorer part of town... he wondered what would happen... he just hoped that he could get away.
as Andol darted past, an arm grabbed him around the waist, yanking him into thick shadows, a hand pressing firmly against his mouth so he wouldn't scream, the guards racing past as Andol was hugged back into a firm, hot body, a small chuckle coming out of his Captors mouth. “Always in Trouble Eh Little Sparrow?” a code name, letting Andol know who had him. “you know, it seams like I have done this before, oh wait, I have.” the arms let him go letting Andol turn around to see him. Years ago, when Andol had been seven, he had been in the exact same position, the local guards had learned that a boy was giving food out to the Argonian's, and had decided if he could give food to stinking scaly hides then he could afford to give food to the guards too. The Argonian who had saved Andol just now, had done the same eight years ago. “what a way to have an anniversary eh?” the black scaled Argonian asked with a small snicker.

His name was Rasha, and he was a member of the local Thieves guild, but he was a very good friend to Andol ever since he had rescued the boy that first time, Rasha had saved Andol's ass so many times it wasn't even funny. “your just in time, I was about to sneak into the Inn and get some lunch, want to join me?” he asked grinning impishly. The Inn he spoke of, was run by a very racist Nord who chased out any Argonian who even looked like he wanted to enter her establishment, local or not. She'd almost gotten her head chopped off once when she tried to chase out an Argonian nobleman, but had survived because most Nords where pigs and bigots. “getting caught handing out food again Andol?” Rasha teased playfully as he snuffed lightly at the air, pulling them deeper into the shadows, his black scales and clothes blending in perfectly, rendering him nearly invisible as guards raced past, annoyed that they couldn't find Andol. “come on Little Sparrow. We'll go to my house until things die down.”

calling it a house was a long shot, Rasha lived, as all Argonian's did, in a single room house with no bathroom and no kitchen. They had to go to communal showers and bathrooms and a communal kitchen, but Argonians where close knit as families so no one really minded too much. He led Andol through the back alleys that only Thieves knew about, and headed into his 'house' dumping his bag of 'goods' onto his bed. Clearly having been coming in from a job, stealing was the only reason why Rasha had such nice things in his house, like a mirror and a washing basin. “make yourself at home Andol.” he ordered calmly, digging through his bag, checking to make sure he hadn't let anything behind, smirking a little. “so, what brings you here?” he asked, taking the only chair in the room, letting Andol have the more comfortable bed. “and bringing so much trouble with you, what HAVE you been getting into? I've only been gone a week you know.”

(hope you don't mind me making up the living quarters thing, it just seamed to suit them.)
The youth continued to run forward as fast as he possiably could though he knew that they would probably cacth him. The fear of what they would possiably do to him. So as he rounded the cornor, suddenly he felt somthing grab hold of him, and pull him into the shadows. He screamed out in pain, becuase the pressure was all being put on his broken rib yet lucky for him at hand clamped over his kept any of the sound form getting out. Though at the same time he became to wonder what new and even more dangerous situation now faced him. Of course it didn't take long till his favorite voice floated right into his ear... it was Rasha... his best friend in the world. Finally the other male was back form his trip, and frankly the pale youth could feel his heart racing with excitment again. Especially sinice he knew it would give him an excuse to spend more time over at Rasha's and away form his drunk father. He let out a pained laugh to go along with the laugh of his reptilian friend though it was muffled by the others scaled hand.

Turning around he softly rubbed his lower chest and said softly to the other male, "Could you be a bit more gentle next time? Things haven't been to kind to me recently ok?" It was obvious that the young man was hurt, by the way he was acting and by the way he was talking. Indeed though it was obvious Andol was quite happy to see his friend again. So happy in fact that he couldn't help, but give the guy a quick hug saying "Yeah it is the prefect way to start off an anniversary. I would love to join you for lunch my friend, but I have a better idea if you would like." He pulled out of his pocket a bag of coins, "My mother gave me these and said that if I saw a certian 'sweet argonian boy' today then I should take him out with me and get him a meal...." He paused for a moment before contiuning, "So what do you say, how about you let me treat you to somthing my friend? Maybe tonight after you are done fencing your goods and getting washed up?"

Realizing that was about what the other wanted he quickly followed the male through the back allys, some of which he only knew of because of his friendship with Rasha. He could still hear some of the gaurds around the town looking for him, but it mostly seemed like things where starting to die down. Yet he knew that he had to trust Rasha when to tell him that it was completely safe. Just becuase the gaurds where not running around and looking for you, didn't mean they where not on the wacth out. It didn't take long though before they were at the area near the Assembleage that contianed most of the housing units. Rasha was one of the lucky few to have a house to himself, but Andol knew it came form his friends stealing ways, that made it where the other could pay for it. Still that didn't mean anything in face of xenophobia around town. That caused Rasha to still have to live in a place that was quite small and run down... Once they where inside though the young man waited until the other had put his stuff down... and headed over to sit on the bed.

"Well not much has really been going on sinice you left Rasha. I mean most I have just been feeding the other Argonians the best I can, and really it hasn't been till today that have gotten caught. Also my father recently flew into a drunken rage over his 'arrow to the knee' injury. I did my best to protect my mother and took the brunt of it..." The young man stopped talking and pointed now to what was a very visable black eye sinice they where out of the shadows, "Plus I think he broke one of my ribs, but I am not really sure.... Anyway, beyond that my friend, not much has changed. How has life with the thevies guild been treating you over the past week. Did you complete the job they sent you out to do?"
Rasha winced a little when he realized he'd hurt his friend, sighing a little. “i'm sorry Little Sparrow, are you alright?” he asked frowning, every time he left he came back to Andol being damaged in some way, it was a little frustrating... very frustrating. He had to laugh at Andol's wording though. “Sweet? Since when have I EVER been sweet?” he asked looking about ten seconds from laughing so hard tears came out of his eyes. Because of his interactions with Andol, he was a lot more expressive than most Argonian's, at least around Andol, and Rasha had saved Andol's mother on more than one occasion, so she knew the black scaled Argonian well. “alright, if you feel like treating me I'll let you.” Rasha agreed with a hissing laugh as he led the way to his home. It was small, and run down, but Rasha didn't mind, he didn't like large places, most of his time was spent in dark and enclosed spaces anyway, so getting used to something as large as a Nords home, or even Andol's home would be difficult for him to accomplish.

“i find it amusing that you would take the time to feed strangers.” he admitted, teasing his friend, it was a common joke between the two, because they both knew that Rasha appreciated the help. Most of his money went towards buying food for the Argonian families who could not find work, mostly women and children. The men usually took up various jobs at the local guilds, the mages, fighters, thieves, and dark brotherhood always took in new recruits, though it was more the thieves and Dark brotherhood who took in the Argonian's, uncaring about the fact that no one seamed to like them. In fact it was because no one liked them that made Argonian's, and some Kajheet perfect for the illegal aspects of work. Rasha moved over to Andol, lifting the boy's shirt and gently examining the others ribs with a scowl, or what amounted to a scowl anyway as he gently, carefully set a warm hand on the wound, feeling the bones. “your right, it's broken, I can't have helped that.” he admitted setting the shirt down and pulling a key out of his pocket and slid it into the locked chest which he kept hidden, pulling out a glowing pink Phial, a very strong healing potion, worth more money than Andol would see in a year. Rasha must have stolen it at some point.

“here, drink this, it will heal you.” Rasha ordered, sounding strained, upset that his friend was hurt, lord knew Rasha had few of them. “of the nine gods Andol, how am I supposed to protect you when your own father tries to kill you?” he complained frowning a little. “Drink it Andol.” he ordered, knowing that the other was going to protest using something so expensive on himself, but Rasha was determined to make sure Andol was completely healed. “the Guild is great.” he admitted grinning a little at the other, watching to make sure he drank the potion, all of it. “my 'boss' as it where sent me to the castle, I got to steal this.” he admitted pulling what looked like a crown out of his bag... it was a crown! “with this stolen the guards that have been giving trouble to the Argonian's will back off and head into the castle to protect the Nords. Giving us the chance to actually make a bit of gold for once, or maybe start some gardens down in the tunnels now that the Guards aren't on our tails all the time.” he admitted smiling a little as he dug into his bag again, pulling out the large seed packets he had also stolen. “with these, we won't have to rely on gold to survive.” he hoped. “do you want to eat now? I can't turn in my prize until midnight, so we have until then to have some fun.”
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