Son's of Anarchy: Alabama (xMILENKOx & Lila Lupin)


Jan 16, 2009

On the south east outskirts of Birmingham, Alabama a large garage that looked more like a compound sat between a few local stores. To the general public it was simply Cohan Automotive, a legitimate vehicle repair business. Though it was more than just a garage, with a clubhouse and living quarters the property served a greater purpose. A purpose that was not so discreet, as Son's of Anarchy Motorcycle club logos, banners and imagery were visible all over the compound. All of which was managed by William 'Bill' Cohan (56) whom was the Sons of Anarchy Alabama's Chapter President. As the sun rose over the city the garage staff began to arrive at Cohan Automotive, opening the main gates and the shutters of the garages they prepared to work. Meanwhile patched SOA members began to arrive who also worked at the garage but spent less time fixing vehicles that the other staff. With a grunt and a groan a young man awoke in the garage as the sun light hit his face, surrounded by motorcycle parts along with a badly dismantled motorcycle and a few empty beer cans. This was Joey Talbot, the newest patched member and younger brother to the Club's Secretary and treasurer Blake Talbot. Joey was only 22 and had grew up within the club since the death of his parents when he was only 6. Blake at the time was only 18 and a prospect of the Alabama Chapter who took care of the young brothers, giving them a place to live and a future. Standing up from his mess the 5'9" tall young man dusted of his dirty black jeans and black leather patched vest under which he wore a white t-shirt. 5 o'clock shadow covered his face and his head was shaved very short while his blue eyes with dark rings around them were hidden behind a pair of black shades. Mechanics ignored him and gave him a casual nod as they responded to what was becoming a far to common occurrence, Joey seeming to spend most nights trying to fix his bike, failing then drinking himself into a coma. This did not please Bill but at least Blake knew where his brother was for a change.

Stretching out his arms and neck, Joey walked out of the garage and into the morning sun. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a packet of cigarettes and a gold lighter with the SOA logo engraved on it that once belonged to his father a former club member, one of the founders of the Alabama chapter and close friend to Bill. With a cigarette in his mouth he sparked it up as Bill arrived in the compound. Bill was a large muscular man with long thick black hair tied back in a pony tail and a well groomed black beard. With a old school black biker helmet and a pair of tinted motorcycle goggles he was clad simply in his black leather patched president vest under which he wore a short sleeved black shirt that exposed his heavily tattooed and a pair of black jeans and black boots. His motor cycle growled as it entered the compound and pulled into his usual parking spot. As he climbed of his bike he approached Joey, removing his helmet and goggles.
"Morning kid, your brother's back today.." Bill said with a half hearted smile, knowing where Joey had slept last night. Joey responded with a casual yet playful salute as Bill walked on past him into the garage.

Meanwhile Blake had only just woke up, in his house not far from the compound. The 34 year old looked to his side to see his fiance Delilah and smiled before slowly sitting up trying not to wake her. Blake was 6'4" tall with a strong build, naked with his lower body covered by black be sheets his expose upper body was covered in tattoos and scars. A large Sons of Anarchy reaper tattoo covered his back with scars from three bullet wounds in a triangular pattern on the lower left side of the reaper. They were fresh scar and had only the day before had the bandages removed after a failed assassination attempt, his black leather patched vest still had the bullet holes in the back and the white sections of the Sons of Anarchy patch were stained by blood. Clicking his neck left then right before he combed back his shoulder length dark brown hair with his fingers away from his face to reveal his blue eyes and a groomed dark brown goatee. With a sigh he reached behind him to rub the scars as they ached.
"Fuck..." He groaned quietly before lifting of the bed covers he then slid off the bed and stood naked with his back to the bed as he continued to stretch. Today was his first day back to 'work', and a few of the clubs soldiers still hung around his house just in case those who wanted him dead tried to finish him off.
RE: Son's of Anarchy: Alabama (xMILENKOx & Lila Lupin)

Delilah Lukos awoke to see her fiance standing next to the bed stretching. She'd been woken up when he touched the scar of the latest assassination attempt. She quietly got up from bed and walked up behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and sighed. "How are you feeling today, baby?" She asked as she moved over to his uninjured side so that she could look at him. Delilah was constantly worried about her boyfriend, after all gun running and being in a motorcycle club was not exactly the safest profession in the world. She couldn't help but smile as she looked at her fiance, excited to have him back and that he wasn't hurt any worse than he had been.

Marcia Delaine sighed as she pulled in to the shop. Her uncle had promised her a job at his shop, knowing damn well that his niece was damn good with anything with an engine. She got out of her '67 Chevy Impala and walked over to her uncle, Bill Cohan. She wasn't too thrilled with the idea of working with a bunch of bikers that probably viewed her as nothing more than a piece of ass, but she wasn't about to give up a good job offer just because most men thought that a woman had no place under the hood of a vehicle. "Hey Uncle Bill, I'm here. What do you need me to do?" She asked as she ignored the man with incredibly short hair that was next to her uncle when she walked up to him.

Marci, as her uncle called her, noticed the poorly dismantled bike and sighed. "Okay who did that? Because that's just a sad, pitiful excuse for a dismantle." Marci disliked it when people tried to do things that they had no idea how to do properly. Her uncle and her father had taught her how to fix a car by herself when she was 10. Hell she'd rebuilt her Chevy impala herself. She just hoped that she wouldn't be stuck with whoever had essentially torn the bike to shreds.
RE: Son's of Anarchy: Alabama (xMILENKOx & Lila Lupin)

Lila Lupin said:
Delilah Lukos awoke to see her fiance standing next to the bed stretching. She'd been woken up when he touched the scar of the latest assassination attempt. She quietly got up from bed and walked up behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and sighed. "How are you feeling today, baby?" She asked as she moved over to his uninjured side so that she could look at him. Delilah was constantly worried about her boyfriend, after all gun running and being in a motorcycle club was not exactly the safest profession in the world. She couldn't help but smile as she looked at her fiance, excited to have him back and that he wasn't hurt any worse than he had been.

Marcia Delaine[url] sighed as she pulled in to the shop. Her uncle had promised her a job at his shop, knowing damn well that his niece was damn good with anything with an engine. She got out of her '67 Chevy Impala and walked over to her uncle, Bill Cohan. She wasn't too thrilled with the idea of working with a bunch of bikers that probably viewed her as nothing more than a piece of ass, but she wasn't about to give up a good job offer just because most men thought that a woman had no place under the hood of a vehicle. "Hey Uncle Bill, I'm here. What do you need me to do?" She asked as she ignored the man with incredibly short hair that was next to her uncle when she walked up to him.

Marci, as her uncle called her, noticed the poorly dismantled bike and sighed. "Okay who did that? Because that's just a sad, pitiful excuse for a dismantle." Marci disliked it when people tried to do things that they had no idea how to do properly. Her uncle and her father had taught her how to fix a car by herself when she was 10. Hell she'd rebuilt her Chevy impala herself. She just hoped that she wouldn't be stuck with whoever had essentially torn the bike to shreds.

Bill's mood was soon lifted when his attention turned from Joey to Marci. a smile slid across his usually angry face as he wrapped his large arms around his niece before kissing her softly on the forehead. "Marci! Right now you come with me and don't worry about that pile of crap..." Bill responded sharply, not wanting Marci anywhere near Joey. Not only did Joey piss him off with his loose cannon approach to any task he was given but he had a bad reputation with woman and Bill was not going to let him even breath on her as he walked her away from Joey towards the club house. Joey's eyes however were very happy to see Marci leave as he focused on her ass with a devious grin on his face.

Blake smiled as Delilah moved around him and he took hold of her hips as he held her naked body close to his and kissed her lips.
"Better now.." He replied as he held her closer not wanting to let her go or leave her today. It was only today he was starting to feel healthy again and had only a week ago been allowed to leave the hospital of which was not very welcoming to the clubs demand of leaving armed bikers in and around the hospital. It had only been the last few days he had been able to stand and walk and was slowly getting back to his old self. His eyes looked down at Delilah's body and gently bit his lower lip. "Hmm, you want to see if everything back in working order?" He asked in a suggestive manner as his cock slowly began to grew hard.
RE: Son's of Anarchy: Alabama (xMILENKOx & Lila Lupin)

"Uncle Bill, I hope you know that I will be fixing that pile of crap. It's atrocious and it's bad for business. The bike needs to be fixed by a professional, not some loose cannon biker that thinks he knows what he's doing." Marci said as she followed her uncle into the clubhouse. She figured that he'd be introducing her to everyone, and while she might be the club president's niece, she was expecting some issues. Not very many men were very accepting of the idea of a woman under the hood. She was expecting some jokes, some insults, and probably a lot of doubt. This is why she was very thankful for the bike that sat in pieces in the garage at this moment. She could erase quite a bit of doubt if she could properly fix that bike right in front of them, and she was certain that her uncle would let her.

Delilah smiled as she kissed her fiance before pulling back. She walked over to her dresser to start grabbing the clothes that she would be wearing for the day. "As much as I'd love to, baby you still need your rest, and Bill has his niece coming in to start work today." She said as she pulled a lacy hot pink bra on and a matching set of panties. "Apparently she's a great mechanic but he's expecting some resistance from the guys since she's a girl and he asked me if I could bring you in. Apparently we're supposed to be his back up, or something along those lines." She said as she finished getting dressed and walked over to Blake with a smile on her face. "So what I need you to do is to get dressed, and play nice today. And if you're a good boy and don't get yourself in too much trouble, I might just do that equipment check, so don't exhaust yourself too much today, and do try not to hurt yourself." She said as she then left the room to go grab her keys and anythingelse she might need for the day.
RE: Son's of Anarchy: Alabama (xMILENKOx & Lila Lupin)

Lila Lupin said:
"Uncle Bill, I hope you know that I will be fixing that pile of crap. It's atrocious and it's bad for business. The bike needs to be fixed by a professional, not some loose cannon biker that thinks he knows what he's doing." Marci said as she followed her uncle into the clubhouse. She figured that he'd be introducing her to everyone, and while she might be the club president's niece, she was expecting some issues. Not very many men were very accepting of the idea of a woman under the hood. She was expecting some jokes, some insults, and probably a lot of doubt. This is why she was very thankful for the bike that sat in pieces in the garage at this moment. She could erase quite a bit of doubt if she could properly fix that bike right in front of them, and she was certain that her uncle would let her.

Delilah smiled as she kissed her fiance before pulling back. She walked over to her dresser to start grabbing the clothes that she would be wearing for the day. "As much as I'd love to, baby you still need your rest, and Bill has his niece coming in to start work today." She said as she pulled a lacy hot pink bra on and a matching set of panties. "Apparently she's a great mechanic but he's expecting some resistance from the guys since she's a girl and he asked me if I could bring you in. Apparently we're supposed to be his back up, or something along those lines." She said as she finished getting dressed and walked over to Blake with a smile on her face. "So what I need you to do is to get dressed, and play nice today. And if you're a good boy and don't get yourself in too much trouble, I might just do that equipment check, so don't exhaust yourself too much today, and do try not to hurt yourself." She said as she then left the room to go grab her keys and anythingelse she might need for the day.

"Pfft, if you must. I would rather sell it off for scraps. Shame the owner's brother is so damn useful..." Bill replied with obvious hatred for Joey as he let go of his niece and stood in the doorway of the club house. "If you want something to do, give my back the once over.." He added before turning his back to her and disappearing into the clubhouse. Joey meanwhile stood by the garage door watching Marci and as soon as Bill was out of sight he casually made his way over to her, removing his shades as he walked before puling out his cigarettes and his lighter. "Smoke?..." Joey asked as he stood behind her still admiring her.

"Uh, work... I was getting used to being your patient... Blake replied with a grin as he too began to gather clothes that he had prepared the day before. a black short sleeved shirt, black jeans, a pair of black boots and his bullet ridden blood stained club vest. The three holes were perfectly made as the heat of the bullets cauterized the material though the dry blood had stained white areas of of his back patches. Ideally he would get a new vest but it seemed more badass to wear it bloody even though it may taunt those who wanted him dead in the first place. "My bikes still at the garage, you gonna give me a ride?.. in your car I mean..." He joked as he stood ready while gathering his cell phone, wallet and finally his gun. A 9mm M9 Beretta that was snugly hidden on his right side beneath his vest on a black leather holster.
RE: Son's of Anarchy: Alabama (xMILENKOx & Lila Lupin)

"Of course, baby. Let's go before your brother causes too much trouble." Delilah said as she kissed her fiance before heading out to the garage. It was no big secret that Delilah and Joey didn't get along, and it wasn't thanks to a lack of effort on Delilah's part either. Joey just didn't seem to like her very much. "And don't worry. You're still my patient, and I intend to take very good care of you, don't you worry about that one bit." She said as she got into the black and gold '97 Mustang. She waited for her husband to get into the car before taking off, waving to the guys that were still guarding the house as they left. They had two of the four men following behind them to make sure that no one tried to attack them on the road, and Delilah couldn't help but hope that if someone were to try something so stupid that they would die a slow, and horrible death.

Marci smirked at Joey as she noticed that he'd kept his distance from her up until her uncle had left. "Honey just cause he ain't here doesn't make it any safer to be messin' with me." She said before she headed in after her uncle. "Thanks for the offer, but I don't smoke too often." Marci called out over her shoulder before letting the door close behind her. She was much more willing to wait for the introduction before conversing with the guy that obviously had set her uncle in a foul mood. She sighed as a couple of the guys started flirting with her only to get shot down. Marci had no objections to one night stands, but she was picky about who she slept with, and that was a concrete certain fact with her.
RE: Son's of Anarchy: Alabama (xMILENKOx & Lila Lupin)

Blake followed Delilah closely as he walked with a slight limp. He was almost paralyzed by the attempt on his life and had only a few days ago been able to walk again. Riding bitch in his fiance's car was not how he had wanted to return to the club but he was in no fit state to ride his bike even though he would not let that be known. Only Delilah knew the truth about his health as far as Bill and the club knew he was back in action. Blake was too proud to let anyone but Delilah visit him in hospital, even Joey was told to stay away. Blake said he did not want the club distracted by his health and wanted them to concentrate on the business. Though Blake's assassins were still unknown. The Alabama chapter of SOA had many enemy's like any other Sons chapter; The Angel's of Death or AOD as they were better known were the rival MC in Alabama. AOD were a white supremacist gang and one of the many splinter gangs of the Aryan Brotherhood. They took their name from the nickname of Josef Mengele a German SS officer and a physician in the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz. AOD were the prime suspects for the attempt on Blake's life, they were SOA's biggest rival in Alabama and had recently grew more aggressive as Bill took on Mike Cross a African American and cousin of the Grim Bastards MC President T.O. Cross as the clubs new Sergeant-at-Arms. Though it was not just the AOD the Son's were competing with in Alabama, besides the many street gangs and gang bangers fighting over turf and drugs there was many corrupt cops.

"Fuck.. its like Bill with tits!.." joey mumbled to himself once Marci was out of sight, however he was not alone. "You best keep your dick in your pants kid or bill will have it on the wall..." A low booming voice came from above, Mike Cross the clubs new Sergeant-at-Arms had only just arrived and had watched Joey. Mike towered over Joey at 6'6" with the strong build of a heavy weight boxer. Mike put arm over Joey's shoulder and with his free hand took a smoke from the packet Joey was still holding out for Marci. "She's like a daughter to Bill, but damn I wanna hit that..." Mike joked as he put the cigarette in his mouth before taking Joey's lighter and lighting up his cigarette. Mike was 35 and had grown up with Blake as the Grime Bastards had always been allies of the Son's. Mike had a shaved head and face, his eyes were a unusual light grey colour and were often hidden behind a pair of black sports shades. Mike was simply clad in a black vest beneath his leather club vest which still had a few of his old Grime Bastard patches on it along with his new SOA patches, black jeans and a pair of black boots. Joey stepped away from Mike and turned to face him as he took back his lighter that had once belonged to his father. "Meh, fuck her man.." Joey said with his arms out at his side as if he cared about Marci rejecting him.
RE: Son's of Anarchy: Alabama (xMILENKOx & Lila Lupin)

Delilah sighed as they pulled into the parking lot of the shop. She was certain that Blake would get shit from some of the guys for riding bitch in his woman's car, but she'd be the first to squash that shit. She might not have worked in an actual hospital, but 'Lilah did have a PhD, and an MD, and when she said something involving the health of one of the guys it stuck. Hell she once sat there and made sure Bill himself ate a low cholesterol diet, much to his chagrin, because he had high blood pressure. She braced herself as she and Blake got out of the car, and her head immediately snapped in the direction of one of the younger guys that made a comment about Blake riding bitch. "It's doctor's orders Cameron, but more importantly he did it cause I said so. Anybody else got a problem with hoe I take care of my man?" She asked noticing how all the guys started to back off. "Cause I can get a hold of estrogen and trust me, I will slip it into your food, and giggle like crazy while I watch you PMS." She said with a rather scary smile on her face. "I didn't think so, now get your asses in the club house. Bill needs to talk to all you lay-a-bouts." She said and most everyone listened to her. Delilah was considered almost the motherly figure of the group though she was around the same age as most of them and younger than some. "Hey Mike, hey Joey, how are ya'll doing today?" She said with a now rather happy smile as she walked over to the door of the clubhouse.

Meanwhile Marci was trying to talk to her Uncle about an alternate, more legal means of helping the Sons earn money. "Seriously, Uncle Bill. Pin-up girls would rock for this. You put a sexy girl on the back of an equally sexy bike. You can not tell me that that wouldn't sell like crazy." Marci said as she ran a hand through her bright red hair. She could feel the eyes on her from the guys that were pouring in but she really didn't care. Marci had stripped to put herself through college, and if men eying her while she was practically naked on a pole didn't bother her then neither would this. "Are you making a big deal out of this? Cause you know I'll probably end up sleeping with at least one of these guys, despite your warning?" She said with sly grin. She really was like her uncle. He'd been her father figure for the longest time so there was no surprise that the hard headed bomb shell picked up his bullheadedness or his determination. Just like her uncle, once Marci set her mind to something she was bound to get it sooner or later.
RE: Son's of Anarchy: Alabama (xMILENKOx & Lila Lupin)

Blake stayed silent as he got out of the car slowly, still a little stiff and sore in places to the sound of Delilah laying down the law. With a grin he watched her before making brief eye contact with Mike and Joey who too were enjoying the show. As she approached the two Joey could not help but try to piss her off. "Shit D is your river running red or summit'?!.." He joked in a very juvenile and crude way, Mike however did not join the joke, or did anyone else. Those who heard him just remained silent and avoided looking at Delilah. mike shook his head and stepped between them, hugging Delilah and giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek. "Hey baby hows you?.." Mike asked in his typically flirtatious manner trying to create a barrier between Joey and Delilah. Blake simply stared at his brother with a 'What the fuck?' look. He should have been used to this by now but it was not easy on him his only family not getting on. Joey his kid brother he had practically raised himself and his fiance Delilah had never got on, he just assumed Joey was jealous as he had in the past mentioned how he thought Delilah was getting in the way and changing Blake. Though she had for the better, before her Blake was not much better than Joey. A drunken womanizer biker, a straight up stereotype. Though Mike had helped alot to try and calm things between the brothers, being Blake's best friend since high school and a good friend to Joey whom he knew since he was a kid. The three had grew up together.

"I AINT' GONNA HAVE YOU LOOKING LIKE A WHORE AT MY GARAGE!.. FIRST OF ALL YOUR MOTHER WOULD HAVE MY BALLS AND SECOND YOUR BETTER THAN THE BITCHES WHO HANG AROUND HERE!.." In his typically fatherly fashion Bill erupted at Marci when she made her suggestion for legitimate cash. He could not argue fully with the idea, he was a red blooded male. He had hung out in strip clubs, fucked whores and even had topless pictures on the wall in his room in the club house. But those woman were not his niece! Ever since Marci's Dad went 'missing' after putting her her Mom Bill's sister in hospital with a broken jaw bill had taken on the role as her Father figure even though he was personally responsible for taking her Dad away though only Marci's Mom and Bill knew this. Marci's Dad was a drunk and a wife beater who only got worse after Bill fired him from the Garage after he arrived at work drunk twice! He had hit Marci's mother a few times before but he never put her in hospital. After seeing his sister all beat up and doped up on morphine in hospital Bill saw red and took a machete to Marci's dad. Bill then disposed of the body and covered his tracks and as far as anyone else was concerned Marci's Dad had just took off like so many other Fathers.
RE: Son's of Anarchy: Alabama (xMILENKOx & Lila Lupin)

"I don't have to be naked to be sexy. I could wear a tank top and a pair of cutoffs. It would sell just as fast, and I don't have to look like a whore to sell it. Just because I was a stripper doesn't mean that I think the only way for me to look sexy is to take off my clothes. You and Mama raised me better than that." She said with a sigh. She learned a long time ago that if you yelled at her Uncle he'd yell back and not even listen to what you had in mind, but if you just talked to him calmly he was much more likely to listen. Probably because you weren't giving him any fuel for his fire. "Let's just get this introduction out of the way so I can fix up that pile of shit in the garage." She said as she temporarily decided that not fighting him on it at the moment would be the best idea.

"Bo, Joey, my river isn't running red." Delilah said as she made smiled at Mike who hugged her next. "I'm doing great, how are you doing, Mike?" She asked with a smile as she got ready to head into the club house. She really did need to help Bill with the introduction of the new girl and she was more than ready to help with that. She was very glad that Blake was okay and that he was sort of capable of working for right now. In all honesty she was just thankful that Blake was alive. He was her whole world, and she wasn't sure what she'd do if he wasn't around all the time.
RE: Son's of Anarchy: Alabama (xMILENKOx & Lila Lupin)

"I was until these assholes arrived..." Mike replied as he broke away from the hug and gently pushed Delilah behind him as a black SUV pulled into the yard. The vehicle looked like the kind driven by federal agents but the occupants of this one were far from feds. Blake too was not happy to see the SUV as he walked over to Delilah. "Go get Bill.." Blake whispered into her ear as two shaven headed behemoths emerged from either side of the SUV, one from the passenger side of the front and the opposite side of the back. Even though they were both well dressed in shirts and suit pants the still looked like thugs. These were the personal security of David Scott a local Attorney at law and older brother of the Alabama Son's biggest rival, Jason Scott president of the Angel's of Death MC. David eventually emerged from the other side of the SUV, dressed in a fine black suit with a white shirt and red tie with a American flag pin attached to the left lapel of his jacket. David stood around 5'7" with a strong athletic build, his short well groomed hair was golden blonde and his eyes were a deep blue. His face was clean shaven and a pair of designer glasses adorned his face. David looked like a respectable citizen but his association with the Angel's of Death MC was no secret but most people saw to ignore that when looking for the best lawyer in town. "What you doing here Goebbels?.." Mike asked with a obvious hint of hatred in his voice as he likened David to Dr. Joseph Goebbels the German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany. David looked to Mike for a moment before turning his attention to a white man, Blake. Mike growled under his breathe, if he had the chance he would gladly tear David's head off but he was stopped as Blake held his arm out over Mike's chest. "Ah, Blake its good to see your well. I was worried you were never going to wake from that coma..." David announced with a smug grin, he had abused his legal power to keep an eye on Blake while he was in the hospital. David's presence here was very unwelcome, as the Angel's of Death were the prime suspects for the attempt on Blake's life and here stood their consigliere and the Brother of the man who most likely gave the order to put a bullet in Blake.

"You got some balls showing your face here!.." Joey yelled jumping out from behind Blake and Mike to defend his brother in his typical over the top manner. With a knife in his left hand he looked ready to strike until Blake pulled him back like a dog on a leash. David laughed at Joey knowing if he had made a move his goons would have stomped him into the asphalt. "Keep your dogs at bay Blake. I am not hear to fight, I am just hear to let you know that the Angel's had no involvement in your shooting and that any ideas of retaliation you boys might have should remain as just ideas!" David explained as he stood their as if he owned he place, though his words had plenty of threat in them. David was always looking out for the Angel's of death MC, not only was he the brother of their president but he used them to act beyond the law. Intimidation of witness's and black mail were the primary uses he had for his brothers club. "Well I got no other enemies besides your brother..." Blake shouted back, trying to keep calm not only for himself but also for the rest of the club. "Ugh.. Ok, do what you want!.. Just don't let your Mom see anything!" Bill grew restless as he walked away from Marci to the bar where he got comfy on a stool and waited for a prospect to fetch him a beer.
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