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Looking for a guy?

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Precious Doll

Mar 14, 2012
Hey, Im looking for someone to rp this with:

I'm a bored snotty teen about 18 and Im kinda slutty. I strike up a conversation over the internet with you and you offer to pay my air fare to America and I'll be your sex toy when I get there.

I can't see how this can fail, but I'd have no green card at the other end so you could keep me in the country totally at your mercy....

PM me or reply here if you're interested? Im mainly looking for people my age or a bit older (Im 19) but an older guy with a good idea could work.

xx Precious
that plot makes me laugh. since my friend did that for his "girlfriend" But the second she got here she broke up with him and went to go taste the fruits of Canada.

I say good luck, as it isn't my cup of tea.
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