Inglorious Acolytes (Friendly Alien & Openots)

Friendly Alien

Jan 13, 2009
They where summoned and invited to the ship 5 hours prior. They had been left to their own devices, given a brief explanation on the location of the facilities they could visit while they waited for the Inquisitor to see them at her behest. That wasn't too unusual, a Inquisitor of the Imperium and the holy God-Emperor was bound to be extremely busy, and few had the gall to question being told to wait for a summoning even when being left to wait for the better parts of a day.

Patricia Velm, had arrived with the same shuttle as a couple other guests but she didn't think much of them. She had spent most of the voyage trying to figure out the affiliations of the shuttlecraft and it's crew, and not getting sick in the process while she broke the atmosphere and felt the smooth caress of zero-gravity on her body. She wasn't used to space travel having only done it once before, and even that was something of a privilege that the vast majority of men and women in the galaxy. She figured it was Inquisitorial, but that didn't take a genius since she knew she was being summoned by one... And she had a hunch of just who it was too.
She shuddered on her seat in the dark conference room. It was rather spacious but devoid of luxuries. The walls, floor and ceiling was black, safe for whatever cords and power cables linking to the holo-transmitter on the ceiling that had their own purposes that she was only beginning to delve into.

Patricia wore the common garb for a young woman of her profession - the inconspicuous robe, coloured in dark red and orange that went well with her fiery hair. It clung loosely to her full figure and didn't accent her figure in detail but it was rather difficult to not notice that puberty had been inordinately kind to her. A great pair of breasts were set on her chest, and a blubbery behind came with the package. She looked rather plain otherwise. Pale skinned, freckles and a large pair of spectacles crowned her short nose. She wore a loose fitting robe on purpose, as she felt embarrassed wearing tight clothes and it was a bother to wear at the same time. She didn't carry a book with her for once, instead having a notebook tucked inside a sash on her side.

She looked around her now and again, much more than just a passing curiosity in who else had answered the Inquisitor's summons. She figured why she was there herself, taking a not so very outspoken pride in her understanding of Imperial lore and understanding in the political workings of the Imperium. She was convinced that it was the reason when she understood that there wasn't that many other individuals in the room that shared her 'learned' looks - though she hated to assume, she was confident that the Imperial Guardsman and the... Sister of Battle where very knowledgeable people. She was still convinced that her reasoning was good though.

Mary Velacruz had come to a similar conclusion. She stood behind one of the tall, black chairs donning her armour. She wore the rather standard Cadian Pattern flak armour, painted in a khaki-brown and dark brown striped camouflage pattern. Her fatigues where in khaki as well, and it blended with her slightly tanned complexion. She preferred to stand, as she always found it uncomfortable to sit down wearing the armour for some reason, so she avoided it if she could help it. She wore the full set, chest piece, shoulder pauldrons and knee pads minus the helmet. She kept her light brown hair tied into a pony tail that reached just to the beginnings of her armour. She crossed her arms and looked briefly around herself now and then, just taking in the sights as it were. Ever since she rose to the rank of Lieutenant she had gotten used to conference rooms, having a chance to actually meet with some genuine officers in the Imperial Guard. And she was still a young woman, and would only reach her thirtieth year in a few months from now. That was something she took pride in, and in the banner of the T'cho XXXI. 'Screaming Tigers' Motorised Infantry division. The emblem was painted on her left shoulder as well, the stylized face of a hissing feline.

She realized that most seemed capable of defending themselves in a scrap, though some seemed most suited for... clerk positions. To her, this suggested some desire for interoperability. The idea of combined arms was something she was exposed to for years, and difference branches working together wasn't that strange to her in both theory and practice. Still, she had difficulty imagining what an Inquisitor would want with fighters and scholars. She squinted her eyes and stroked her smooth shin with her finger tips, humming thoughtfully to herself.

But the imposing Sister of Battle wasn't occupied with inquisitive thoughts of reasoning and deduction. Standing in full battle-gear, her black armour and robes spoke of her order, the Order of the Valorous Heart. Or, at least it spoke out for those that had knowledge about the Adepta Sororitas. She was not the first one in the conference room, having a habit of working at her own pace when not surrounded by her fellow Sisters, the only group she really had any respect for and wished to conform to. Her hair was dyed black and kept short, which accented against her pale skin. She had otherwise a very angular and strong face that never lost that touch of femininity needed to be called out as looking female when wearing such threatening armour. Though, the bodice-looking chest piece might have made it easier to assume her gender. She rested a white gauntlet on the top of a nearby chair, standing like the Guardsman. She didn't stand however for her own comfort, oh no, she had found that it was easier to frighten and dominate those around her when you stood up with a scowl on your face, letting your grey eyes wander across the people around you.

Especially if they were not fellow Adepta Sororitas. She was well aware about the reputation of her compatriots, and she counted on it. She was raised to be humble in the grace of the God-Emperor, blessed be his Name, but she had no such notions when standing next to, or towering over, women of lesser rank than her. She relished in the authority that came with her position, and she rarely had it challenged. She frowned extra hard when she thought about her last... humiliation. Bitter-sweet since it was difficult to not find it enjoyable in a carnal plane at the same time as it was insulting to be in a submissive position. She fought though. Oh, did she fight it. And she glanced to the Inquisitor with a look that was charged with animosity... as well as sexual friction. The other two tried to not pay attention to her, but it was damn difficult not to considering their experiences.

Patricia kept her hands on her lap, ready to pay attention as soon as it was called for and Mary... Well, Mary didn't mind it so much being man-handled by someone of higher rank than her. Besides, she was used to coarse Commissars, and it was much more 'fun' being yelled by a superior when she's groping you. Amongst other things. She also had a hunch that the Inquisitor had something in store for her, ever since they first met. When Mary had a rather impressive part of herself in the mouth of one of the Inquisitorial aides.
For the three women… it had hardly been odd to receive a summons from the Inquisitor. Such a thing was an honor and a curse. It meant one of two things. Either they were suspected of heresy and would be put down like the dogs they would be viewed as, or they were being recruited as Acolytes. Agents of the Inquisition, allowed to act without remorse or regrets when it came to the rules and religion of the Imperial Cult. Summoned onto the grand ship, the three had no clue what to think of one another.

Miri Xylo, a rather slender looking woman. It was painfully obvious she was one of the Sanctioned Psykers of the Imperium. Sunken eyes, white robes, messy black hair, and the telltale staff. She sat in her chair, humming to herself, a grin on her face. It was always nice to see how others reacted to her. Fun to gauge their reactions and predict how they would act. Of course, to anyone with experience in the Imperial Guard, she was a well known face. A Biomancer, one of the more… disturbing trees of Warp witchcraft. Plus, being a Beta level psyker, anyone who had seen her in action on the battlefield knew well what she was capable on. Turning her breath into a massive cloud of toxic gas, shapeshifting into beasts of horror, the list went on and on. Though notably, the shapeshifting was what disturbed people the most. The idea of a Human being able to wear another’s face was always… unsettling.

Letting long nailed fingers rap against the table, she hummed to herself, a smile playing on the thin lips.

Tya Nirm was… uneasy. The rather young woman. It was clear she was nervous, never felt quite right around military types. She was dressed in almost the exact same garb the other Adept was though she was hardly here for the same reason. There was a very, very, very fine line as to what people were allowed to know in the Imperium, and she had well crossed that line years ago. In that pretty little head of hers lay information that most citizens of the Imperium would be purged with fire simply for knowing. But luckily, the Inquisitor got to her first. She was a rather… curvy thing, the robes clinging to said curves in such a way it revealed more than it hid. She was surprisingly well groomed compared to the rest of the people in the room.

Just by instinct, she sat next to the other Adept, after all, better to associate with someone who didn’t look like they were ready to start shooting at any given moment, right? Offering the other woman a nervous smile, she leaned back in her seat, scanning the room. The replacement eye had been… optional. Better for quickly reading documents and remembering faces with the interface it had built into it. In a profession like hers… it was fairly useful.

And finally, the rather athletic woman. Tall, slender, dressed in a black body glove with a hood that hung down her back. At her waist hung two power swords, on her hip several throwing knives, and on the back of her belt, a pair of daggers. Like the guardswoman, she remained standing, her arms crossed. Paranoia was the best friend of an assassin, and even in one of the most secure places in the galaxy… she wasn’t going to let her guard down. To anyone familiar with such things, the abundance of bladed weapons was the sign of a Moritat Assassin, a Death Cult who claimed to serve the Emperor though… with a few twists to the dogma of it. It was clear Tya knew this as she sat on the opposite side of the room from the woman.

Her hair was pulled back into a short ponytail as she glanced around the room, obviously sizing them up. Sororita, two Adepts, a Psyker, and a Guardswoman. Nothing she couldn’t handle… well… maybe the Psyker. Hard to kill something that can break you with its brain. And finally the Inquisitor. One didn’t gain such a rank by being meek or unworthy. Only the best rose to a rank where they were unbound from the rules of the Imperium. Under constant scrutiny by several Chapters of the Space Marines, save the Grey Knights because of their unorthodox methods.

“Alright you worthless pigs, here is how this is going to work!” The Inquisitor’s voice boomed. Commissars had to shout over the sounds of battle and the screams of men, it was hardly surprising for her to have such a voice as well. “I have hand selected each and every one of you to serve in this cell. Though I imagine you probably already figured that out. So we’ll start with introductions. Your names don’t matter. Your past, doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you can do what I tell you without muddying up the whole operation.” Growling, she stood up.

She was quite busty, the impressive endowments showing through the armored coat. The massive hat… wasn’t there. Technically she wasn’t a commissar any longer, no point in wearing it. “If you all survive your mission, then I’ll actually take the time to get to know you personally. But until then…” A gloved finger pressed a button in front of her chair as the viewing screen flickered to life. “You lot will be going to a Feudal world. Guardsmen reports have been claiming that signs of cult activity have been cropping up in the outskirts of the city. We’ll be within shuttle distance within two days time, any questions?” Without waiting for anyone to actually reply, she answered herself.

“No? Good. Go get acquainted with one another and all that shit. You’ll be given temporary quarters on the ship and there SHOULD be a data-slate with further details. You all are dismissed” And with that, she waved her hand, turning and walking out the door in the back of the room. It wasn’t exactly surprising why she tended to go through acolytes… a lot faster than most Inquisitors did.
Before the Inquisitor began, Patricia glanced to her side and looked a little shyly to her fellow Adept. Seeing that curvy woman was, well, enjoyable. She never found herself enjoying the company of women until very recently, but she tried to make contact. "Hello." Was all she could muster.

But once the Inquisitor spoke up, she kept quite. All of the women were rapt with attention, each for their own reasons and in their own special way. During the whole rather abrasive meeting, each and everyone of them had different thoughts on their mind.
Patricia herself kept her head down, trying her best not to make eye contact with the woman. Partly she was damn intimidating, but also because of their previous encounter. She had mixed feelings about it, while it was a violation it... well, the Inquisitor knew what she was doing.

The Guardsman almost by reflex straightened her back and faced her superior. She really did have the voice of a Commissar, that was without a doubt. She had several thoughts spinning in her head, each getting dealt with by the Inquisitor. Though not really answered, as when she was ready to ask a question the Inquisitor ended the briefing. She clenched her teeth together in frustration. Going in without any information was the worst, and while she did not doubt her authority, she did find her intolerable on a professional level. She kept her peace, however. She realized the need for the Adepts and the Psyker when cults where mentioned. She didn't mind either, having seen and dealt with both on occasion. She turned her head after the briefing and gave the Psyker a court nod, not having really greeted her in any fashion before then. She had a healthy respect for Psykers, especially the Battle Psykers. She figured it was best to be at least polite.

Agnocil Nord, the Adepta Sororitas of the Order of the Valorous Heart, didn't share her sentiments. She took the rough barks of the Inquisitor with stride, thinking that she would have done the same. She didn't acknowledge the Psyker however, feeling that her presence was an insult to their mission. Investigate heretics and bring a Psyker along? That's inviting disaster as far as she was concerned. She was the first to leave the briefing room, heading straight for her recently allotted private chambers. She should at least read up on the mission. She did share Mary's appreciation for good intelligence. She didn't humour the thought of getting all buddy-buddy with her 'peers' any time soon, however.
“Greetings.” Was the simple reply from the dark haired adept. It was nice to have another educated individual around, though Adepts all had different areas of ‘specialty’. She knew the other woman had… well… looked her over. Admittedly, she liked the attention, but her job came first, though that job, at least with this mission seemed more along the lines of desk work and research. But… cult activity was one of her specialties. Predicting the movements of, and assisting with infiltration was what her dossier said at least. The other adept though… well… she was a pretty thing, a good bit taller to, just the sort of girl she would have fancied back home. Maybe…?

Though any thoughts were quickly cut off as the woman bellowed at them. In an instant, she shrank down a bit. One of the reasons she disliked working with the Imperial Guard in the past was they were just so… noisy. She much preferred the quiet of the large halls of where she used to work. But… well… curiosity got the better of her and now she was in a job that would probably be the end of her. The mission was… intriguing though. Plenty of room for research and discussion…~ The idea thrilled her. Enough to make her ears perk up a bit. Turning to the adept next to her, she grinned widely. “Would you like to go over the mission details together? It seems we’ll be the ones coordinating most of the intel for the mission.” She asked, obviously excited with the prospect.

The Psyker on the other hand seemed entirely fine with it. She was fine with most things after all. With the things she had been through, not a whole lot rattled her. Grinning at the Guardswoman, she waved at her, offering her a crooked grin and a rather… odd wink to the Sororita. Messing with a Sister of battle would be fun, after all, they usually went around like they had a stick up their ass. Technically as a Psyker, her military rank was that of an Officer, the Guardswoman would probably be a bit too… submissive, probably fold over in an instant. No, she’d poke fun at the tall brutal woman for a while, at least until they hit port… or whatever they called it. She stood up next, following the Sororita out of the room, leaning heavily on her staff.

The Assassin didn’t say a word, curtly nodding and walking out of the room. This was her dream job. Killing in the name of the Emperor. Being a member of the Inquisition was about the highest honor any Moritat could ask for. It sounded exciting, and hopefully they would be tasked with the execution of the cult as well~ Letting out a happy sigh, she headed down the hallway to her room, quite pleased as well.
Patricia beamed at the approach. She turned and smiled wide, almost to the point where her cheeks hurt. "I would love to!" She almost regretted it, afraid of coming off too strongly. She quickly, and a little nervously, ran her fingers through her hair and tucked a few strands behind her ear. "I... I think you're right." She agreed with a nod, and got up. And as she stood up, her figure became more obvious. a great set of breasts, and while she had some love-handles on her waist, her hips still stood out.
"My room or...?"

The martially aware Guardsman reached for her chin again as she looked at the delightfully pleasant creature walking away. She had a thing for tight clothes, no doubt something enforced by the rarity of them in the Guard. She grinned lightly when her eyes came to her rear, seeing it perfectly filling out that bodyglove, her hips swaying with each step. She sighed too, but for entirely different reasons.
She actually entertained the thought of following her. After all, they where supposed to get acquainted... And that was something Mary didn't mind at all.

Agnocil was already in the dull, grey and metal hallway, on her way to her quarters. She was already thinking about the mission, but she was couldn't let it go. It. The obvious flaw with the mission and the rooster. The Psyker. She even spat the word out in her head as she thought about the sheer personal insult to being in the same room, to breathe the same air as her and to be expected to fight alongside her? The bare thought disgusted her, but that wasn't the worst part. It was a woman, and... someone with the visage of handsomeness. She refused to admit it though, and the second she caught herself even entertaining the idea of a witch that looked attractive she cursed herself. That lapse of concentration disturbed so much that she broke her stoic composure, closed her eyes and shook her head in a shudder. No doubt she had used her foul warp sorceries to don the visage of another woman, probably a poor soul she had stolen and offered to the altar of the Great Enemy.

Agnocil's paranoia knew little bounds, especially when she was riled up.
Miri grinned widely, the other Adept had a pretty smile. Good looks were… well… a rarity, at least in her field. Mostly old men, robots, and old men that looked like robots. Of course, that was her old field as well, but that hardly mattered! A new exciting, dangerous life wouldn’t be so bad with a fellow colleague around. When the woman exclaimed that she would love to, the smaller Adept jumped a little, obviously a little surprised the soft-spoken visage had vanished quite so quickly. Maybe this girl would be more fun than she thought? It would be a lovely surprise since the Inquisitorial types she met in the past were usually nothing short of terrifying.

“Hm? Oh! My room, I’ve already gotten it situated.” She nodded having gotten lost in thought. Reaching out, she tugged on the other woman’s robe. Honestly, she felt a little diminutive compared to the other woman. Her breasts were smaller, and she was a good bit shorter, and her… assets seemed a bit smaller as well. “Come, come. We can talk a bit on the way.” Miri’s words were… practiced, careful. Hinting at probably from Noble birth or at least higher class of some sort. As soon as they left the room, she began chattering away.

“So what is your name? I am Miri Xylo, I’m guessing you are probably here for the same reason I am? Learned a bit too much, or something you shouldn’t have?” She asked as they walked along. Thankfully, the rooms were not that far away from the meeting room. “I guess I should have seen this coming though. I started studying Chaos, Daemons, Heretics, anything I could get my hands on when I was younger… and it just fascinated me I suppose. Of course, I’m not a cultist or anything, dreadfully pitiful creatures. But, apparently I’m one of the most… well learned? People on the subject within the Imperium, guess that isn’t something I should brag about though.”

She went on and on and on until they reached her room, pressing the button next to the door, it slid open. The furnishings were actually… surprisingly nice. A table with two chairs, a fair sized cot, and a chest for clothing. Much better than normal accommodations for soldiers, then again they were acolytes now. Still soldiers… but soldiers with benefits.
Patricia didn't know it, but she felt the same way. Dusty old books and dusty old men was what she was used to dealing with, but having this, well, very pretty gal tugging at her robes to get her moving was thrilling. She smiled again and played with her hair again as they got moving. She rested her left hand on her back, absent-mindedly stroking the leather at the same time as she made a curl with a few strands of her hair with her right index finger and thumb. She hardly got a say as Miri went on, but she liked it. She was so happy to meet someone that appreciated what it was like to be learned, to be a scholar. And... Well, also someone that's pretty to look at too but she wasn't about to share that. She told herself that anyway.

"Oh, I just wanted to understand how the Imperium of Man worked." She began with a modest tone of voice. "The organization, the logistics, the grand scale of it all. Oh... And the Adeptus Astartes." She cleared her throat nervously after that, as if it was something she was downplaying. Which she was, she had a thing for the Space Marines ever since she was one as a teenager. That was one of her most cherished memories and experiences.

"I suppose what we don't see, we read." She smiled, and shrugged lightly. "But reading up on the.... Uh, Great Enemy is good in a way. Know Thine Enemy, y'know?" Patricia minded her words at that point, as she didn't really feel comfortable saying 'the Dark Gods' out loud.
Once she got a good look of the interior of the room, and stepped in, she began to try and connect her own studies with what Miri would have dabbled in. She was trying to find things in common with them. "I suppose I've gathered some understanding about the Traitor Legions in my studies... Oh!" Then she jumped, shocked at her own bad manners. She reached out a hand, and excused herself. "Sorry! My name's Patricia. Patricia Velm."

And she was blushing.
“No point in beating around the bush about it. They are the Dark Gods. If we deny they exist, we might as well deny the existence of the God Emperor himself. Without them, we don’t have an enemy.” Miri also had… well… a bit of a mouth on her. There had been a reason why they never allowed her to instruct others since once her mouth got running, she didn’t have the reasoning or the will to stop. “But, as Adepts of the Imperium, it is a duty to seek and learn is it not? Not learning about Chaos, the Dark Gods… only hinders us. Plus if I was a heretic, I don’t think I would be here… now would I?” She asked, grinning playfully.

“Ohh, yeah. They don’t like people digging around about the Space Marines. Better to keep the savior of mankind a mystery. Never really looked into them myself, though from what I heard they are terrifying opponents.” Truthfully enough, she had only skirted the topics of Space Marines, and the Imperium of Man. Of course, there were Chaos Space Marines, but she could only devote so much study to them. “Ohh? Well that certainly would help me quite a bit. My last post didn’t have much data hidden away about them.” At the introduction though, her brows arched. In all her dithering, she had forgotten about introducing herself.

“Right! Right, I’m Miri Xylo. It is a pleasure to meet you Patricia. So where did you study? I was a Schola Progenium myself before I was recruited into the college.” She replied rather hastily, taking the hand gently and shaking it. She had soft hands, as to be expected of someone who worked with data-slates and scrolls all day. As she shook it, she bowed a little, brushing a bit of the black hair over her shoulder. “Anyways, sit, sit! We can discuss the mission parameters, I’ll get us something to drink.” She nodding, pushing the woman over to the chairs rather gently before walking over to her chest.

All she had was some old wine from an old partner back at her old post. Digging into the crate, she pulled the bottle out, examining it carefully before pulling out two metal cups. “Figure this is as good as anything, right? Just don’t tell anyone, hehe. I’d hate for this to get confiscated.”
The level of informality Miri used when speaking about Chaos left Patricia a little shocked. She had only met old men that were too old to hide behind fancy words speaking about, well, anything in without giving it some respect. Miri seemed to take it very easily, and Patricia got the impression that she didn't take it seriously enough... But as she felt the hand in her own hand, and was moved over to a chair, she melted. "Oh... Oh." She just sat down and let herself be led.
She turned her head and followed Miri as she moved to get them the drinks she mentioned. Patricia didn't think about it, but her eyes followed her rear as she leaned over rooting through the chest. She saw her ass push against the robes.

She bit her lowerlip gently and breathed, and quickly looked away and adjusted her spectacles on her nose when Miri returned.
She swallowed a lump down her throat and tried to get back at the topic. "You... would be surprised how many Inquisitor's have been tempted by the Dark Gods through the years..." She spoke with a low voice. Not whispering, but as if just highlighting some trivia without trying to sound as if she was boasting. She was terribly worried that she would make a bad impression on Miri. As she sat down, she folded her hands together on her lap unassumingly.

She smiled at the bottle though. It had been awhile since she had a drink, but she rarely drank anyway. "I hope it isn't too strong... I'm not too good with liquor." She just mentioned it briefly, and didn't go into detail on just how she reacted to the opposite of sobriety. That would have been embarrassing to talk about.
“Oh I know that much. Inquisition work. Very dangerous… very… alluring. There have been several cells who posed as Heretics to get in close, only to be snared by Chaos.” She replied, walking back over to the table. She was well aware Patricia had been… examining her. It didn’t particularly bother her. More often than she would have liked, the men at the old College had taken… liberties at snagging glances, though never taken advantage. “But needless to say, I’m sure my knowledge will be an asset. You would be surprised, there is very little written documentation on the Chaos Cults or the Dark Gods.”

Sitting down across from Patricia, she set the cups down, popping the cork off of the bottle. “Mmm, not too strong I don’t think. But if it is, I’ll make sure you don’t cause any trouble.” The woman teased, a grin on her lips. Tilting it, the red liquid slowly filled the metal cup. She continued pouring until it was full, filling the next ones. They weren’t large, the cups only held maybe a cup and a half of fluid. “Sorry I don’t have any wine glasses but… well… these’ll work.” Miri snickered, sipping at it. She winced a bit as the bitter fluid ran over her tongue, washing down her throat.

“So tell me Ms. Velm. What information were you wanting to share about the Traitor Legions? This being a meeting of the mind, it is only fair we share information is it not?” The woman asked, sipping at her cup once more. The wine wasn’t bad, a nice dry blend. She was glad she brought it along after all. “Any special skills with technology or scribing? Fortune telling? Just being an ‘Adept’ is a broad term since people in our profession do… well… quite a variety of things after all.”
Patricia nodded knowingly about he lack of source materials and documentation regarding cult practices and information about the gods themselves. She took the cup and sipped gently at first. She found the taste strong but enjoyable. She quite liked it actually. So, she sipped a little more before making a comment, but she was interrupted by Miri asking for a sharing of information. She giggled against the cup, then thought about it. What could she say that would be interesting...?

"Well..." She began, letting the tongue point against the back of the top-row of her teeth for s second. "Most documents and reports are second-hand accounts, that much I'm sure you know... Whenever the Ecclesiarchy is directly involved in the reports, either handling them or being part of the burning of the heretics and sorting out the remains, they tend to destroy or alter the reports. The most reliable accounts can be found from Astartes sources." She took another sip.
"They hate anything with the Legions involved like nothing you could believe, and unless their own personal prestige is at stake, they tend to make very accurate and honest reports.
Though, most things involving the original 8 Traitor Legions gets burned out of spite methinks. But 'ordinary' heresy and treason gets decent accuracy. And the irony is that whenever the priesthood has a chance to discredit the Space Marines, they aren't afraid to do just that!"

Then she gestured with her hands, like a scale. "There's a balance that way." Then she put her hands down and reclined against the chair. Her breasts swayed gently from their own weight as the balance shifted onto her own chest. "But other than thaaaat, I'm a copyist. Can't say I'm good with machinery though."
And then she took another sip, and she was already beginning to feel more chipper and comfortable. "So, what did you think about the other ladies? A rough bunch, right?" There was almost a cheeky smile at the delivery of that line. As she did have a thing for strong men, she sometimes unconsciously passed that fancy on to women.
Quietly, Miri listened, nursing the cup all the while. A light blush already coloring her cheeks. Most of what she said was… well… accurate. Most of her information came from salvaged tech… old books… and second-hand accounts from shell shocked Imperial Guards. It meant her information was… well… spotty at times. But in her pretty little head there was more info on Chaos, cults, and all things that went ‘bump’ in the night than was in any Imperial Library. By the time Patricia finished her little speech, Miri was already pouring herself another cup of the wine. Very likely… more wine was a terrible idea for the small Adept, but who was going to stop her? Plus it was her wine, and when you might die the next day, what was the harm in getting a little sauced?

“Hmmm? Oh the rest of our team?” She tapped her lip, sipping from the cup again. “Well, let me think. We have a Sororita. I’ve met a few of them, just about what you’d expect. Rude, tall, and more likely to crush your head than actually help you. A Moritat, honestly, that alone scares the hell out of me. I know more than I ought to when it comes to their cult and you know, they revel in their bloodshed a lot more than most servants of the Emperor do. A guardswoman… don’t know too much about her since I lack a good amount of knowledge when it comes Imperial Guard. Same goes for out Psyker. Aaand last but not least, a pretty little Adept who happened to find her way into my room.”

Miri teased a bit, winking at the woman across the table, taking another swig from her cup.
While Miri was justifying this drink with a fatalistic attitude, Patricia hadn't even considered just how dangerous it could be. Which was strange, since she was very aware of just how dangerous it was just being associated with an Inquisitor, let alone working for one. She was probably too distracted to give it the serious thought that it deserved.

And distracted she was! She agreed with what Miri was talking about, at the same time as her eyes wandered over her form absent-mindedly and just adoring her long black hair. She moved a hand up to her own hair, slowly making curls just under her right ear. She hummed and nodded on and off, thinking to herself that the Sister really was the most intimidating of the lot, save for the Inquisitor herself. The others did however have a charm to them. The mysterious and dark Assassin wearing that snug latex suit did spark her imagination, and the rugged but handsome Guardsman wasn't without her charm.

And the last remark, about herself, made her giggle. She sipped the last drops of the mug and smiled, lowering it on to her lap with both hands, unknowingly squeezing her ample chest together with her arms.
"Well... I like to look at it that I happened to find myself in the room of a pretty little Adept." And she smiled a big blushing smile, looking at the little flirt in front of her. She felt excitement and thrill building inside of her, and it made her squirm. It just happened naturally, without any concious effort from her to be flirty at all. That's what stopped her from really absorbing the situation to the fullest, considering her... predicament. It was one of the reasons she had a habit of having a hand on her lap when she was talking with people, being as self-concious as she was.
It was never a secret that Inquisitorial work was… dangerous. Hell, it was borderline suicidal. If you weren’t killed by Xeno, Chaos, Heretics, or Daemons, there was a good chance that another Acolyte would probably end your life for a shot at glory. It wasn’t entirely uncommon for more than two cells of acolytes to be assigned the same mission though whether the Inquisitor was doing to just be sadistic… or it had some actual impact on the mission was always up for debate. Needless to say, it was generally a bad idea to challenge an Inquisitor’s orders. Whatever they said was law, even if they decided to order Exterminatus, the desctruction of a planet that was beyond saving.

Miri blinked at the compliment, her blush only deepening. A grin playing at her lips as she placed the now, empty, cup on the table. “Oh? What a little flirt you are. What happened to that shy stammering demeanor I saw earlier, hmmm?” She asked, biting her as Patricia squeezed her bust together, giving the considerable breasts a little more ‘oomph!’… not that she minded in the least. Honestly, when it came to women, she preferred ones that were almost the exact same shape as the woman sitting across from her. For a moment, she considered filling her cup back up… but decided against it. “So tell me, what is YOUR take on our companions, hmmm? Surely you must have some input on them.” Miri asked, cradling her chin in her hand, looking across the table at the other woman.
Being called a flirt would have made her shy into a hole in the ground, but she was in a different state of mind than usual. She giggled softly and held up the cup with the tips of her fingers as to answer the reason why she wasn't as shy as before. She spun the cup, and glanced at Miri from the corner of her eyes. She shifted her weight on the chair, grinding her legs together for a brief second and sighing when she pondered over the question.
She actually liked the question, and now that she have had a little drink in her she could be more honest than usually. And in her tipsy state of mind she didn't think it was a bad thing, even if her tastes in women had changed the last year from being indifferent to secretly admiring.

"Well..." She stared by rolling her tongue in her mouth. "The Sororitas looks angry. I can't tell how she is other than that, that was the only impression I got from her." And she told herself that her armour hid too much of her body to make any assessment on how attractive she was. "I guess she had a pretty face." And she shrugged.
Then she bit her lip and looked down at the table thinking about the Assassin. She was not too familiar with the workings of the orders of Assassins, other than how they would be used and by whom. "The bodyglove was... interesting though." She giggled again and ground her legs together again, squirming as her thoughts became a little less than chaste. She made sure to keep her legs together, just as a reflex... But her tipsiness made her less cautious than she should have. Miri couldn't tell yet, but there was a throbbing desire between Patricia's legs, and it was without a doubt in the shape she couldn't expect.
“An angry Sororita? Oh my, that’s a new one.” Miri rolled her eyes playfully. It didn’t surprise her too much. Once or twice in the past she encountered the Sisters of Battle and not once had they ever been… well… friendly. Always rather brusque and stiff… probably why they usually got along with the old men at the College so well. “Then we have a Guardsman… and a Psyker as well. So out of all of us, probably only three educated folks? Well… depends on how sane the Psyker is. I mean you know. They might have all the knowledge of the universe locked up in that noggin but it is hard to separate fact from fiction when they might just be the mouthpiece of a Daemon. Guess it is probably good we have the Sororita along in that case. They usually tend to be quite talented as ‘purging the wicked’ and all that. That and swinging big hammers… though the two seem to go hand in hand.”

Miri rambled on and on, staring up at the ceiling. “And what about you? I don’t know a single thing about you. Probably better to get it from your own mouth than from the data-slate.” She stated, grinning widely at the other. “What makes you special… unique? Why did they elect you to come along, hmmmm?” She asked almost teasingly. In truth, she genuinely was curious, but at the same time, she never would have outright asked someone such a thing if she was sober. “A mutation? Or something more sinester?
Patricia thought about each person that Miri mentioned. The Guardsman had the kind of look to her that made her imagine herself crawling into her arms, and having the Guardsman hug her tight all protectively. The Psyker looked nice, but she was a little uncomfortable around them. They where after all the potential gateways to the Warp just as Miri said.

But she wasn't having unpleasant thoughts on her mind at the moment. Oh no, she was having all kinds of pleasant fantasies and scenarios running through her head. When Miri looked up, she revealed her neck. Patricia just stared at her, looking over her nice shapes when she could take a peek. Patricia moistened her lips when the delightful woman started to insinuate that Patricia had to have some unique skill or attribute. She couldn't imagine it being anything other than her insights in Imperial workings... But then she insinuated something sinister. A physical trait.
The girl pressed her lips together and put her hands on her lap. She became very shy again, and more aware of her own body than she had been before. Feeling a throb between her legs, she pressed her knees together and squashed her secret between her soft and cool thighs. A very whimper that could have been confused with a sigh escaped her closed mouth. Her heart started to beat in her chest. This was... exciting, but dangerous at the same time. She was deathly frightened to have her secret known, and to scare away the only potential friend in the group as far as she could see... And, well, the most likely potential something-more-than-a-friend of the group as well.

Patricia raised her face slightly and looked at Miri, the large glasses covering most of the face but it could not hide her red cheeks and unsure expression. She was hiding something and Patricia was torn between running away and test just how open-minded Miri really was.
"It's... Something."
“Tsk, that doesn’t tell me a whole lot.” Miri replied, raising a brow. There she was being shy again. It wasn’t like she was going to force her down and rip her clothing off or anything. “Well there really is no sense in hiding anything. Plus… given what I study, do you really think I’d be judgmental ?” She asked, sighing and standing up. Picking up the bottle, she walked back over to her chest and dropped it onto a pile of robe, glad the material was thick enough to catch it. It also gave her an idea as to how drunk she was. Normally she wouldn’t have even fathomed dropping a bottle of such an expensive liquid without precaution. Sighing a little she turned back towards the other, leaning against the wall. “So what is it? A mutation? Chaos taint? Some form of mental illness? Or was it a crime? I mean, as I said, I’d rather hear it from you since they do have ALL of our information on our data-slates. I’d rather just avoid any nasty surprises down the road, you know?”

She shook her head, walking back over to the table and sitting down, running a hand through her hair. "C'mon Miss. Velm. It isn't like I'm gonna make fun of you or something like that."
Patricia did console herself with the fact that Miri did seem genuine in her assurances that she wouldn't be a judging person. And the mentioning of Chaos taint being something she considered both made her tense, but it did also make her feel less worried. That she even considered it and might have been prepared herself for it was good to know, and it was probably just the mentioning of it that worried her. Bracing herself, straightening her arms against her legs with her hands grabbing herself, squeezing her breasts together again, she tried to prepare herself. Feeling her breasts moving inside of her clothes, she just then noticed how hard her nipples had gotten.

She smiled nervously at this whole idea. Would she really tell her? She just might.
"I'm just... Not sure how to tell you." And she was unsure. She had never really told anyone, well, not anyone willingly anyway. She tried to start at the beginning. "A year ago, I came across a... tome. An old book with a language I didn't recognize. Markings that I did recognize, but couldn't place." She took a deep breath and started to get into details, albeit still being vague.
"It was some kind of sorcery that changed me." And it was a brief explanation. She raised her head and looked at Miri. God-Emperor, she looked so fine. She licked her lip and shrugged. "It's... Very embarrassing though." And she contemplated just stripping and showing her, but that was a little too courageous of her despite the wine but she was tipsy and flirty and horny enough to suggest something different. "I could show you but... Would you mind s-standing up and... Umh, closing your eyes?" Her cheeks burned at that point, and she looked at Miri with almost pleading eyes. She was cautious, but by all that was holy, she wanted this so badly right there and then.
Of course, Miri noticed the hard nipples through the robes, but she didn’t say anything. Patrica’s body language was enough to give her arousal away. But… she still didn’t say anything. She wanted Patricia to divulge her… secret to her, after all, Miri made her business to discover secrets, especially juicy ones that belonged to busty shy adepts. But she wouldn’t push her anymore if she didn’t want to tell her. IT wouldn’t do to make an enemy of her new teammate. Plus she knew that once the Sororita learned what her specialty was… she would probably watch her as close if not closer than the Psyker. When Patrica actually began to speak again, the black brows arched, she was… actually going to tell her?

Quietly, she listened. It sounded of something that REEKED of Chaos magics. But she wouldn’t tell her that. The last thing she wanted to do was make the girl more nervous. Reaching up, she ran a hand through her hair while she listened to the other girl go on. “Embarrassing? How so?” Miri asked, perking up a bit, her cheeks still a bit red from her buzz. She did notice that Patricia’s face strongly resembled a cherry as she spoke. “Stand up… and close my eyes? That… is a bit odd, but I can comply with it I suppose.” The woman offered Patricia a comforting smile as she stood up. “Like this, right?” She asked, pushing her chair in. Tucking her arms behind her back, she closed her eyes, taking in a small breath. Now she had to wait, and wonder what Patricia was so keep to hide from everyone.
Oh, this was getting too much. Patricia was having seconds thoughts about her plan, being so insecure about herself for her entire life had its toll on her self-esteem and ability to be proactive. But around Miri, it just... felt right. She felt like she could say and do whatever she wanted, and she really hadn't even tested the limits of that. She felt, just by judging how candid Miri herself was, that she didn't need to sugarcoat her words or her actions. And, well, she felt like trying something out. After all, this was the closest thing Patricia had to a flirt like this.

He straightened her back and took a deep stabilising breath. Making sure again that Miri kept her eyes closed, the bubbly woman stood up. Her aching erection poked through her dark robes. She felt like she had to hide herself, but he didn't not now. As it was swollen and engorged, it strained uncomfortable against the cloth. Pointing slightly downwards, just above her knees, it made it difficult to move around with any grace but she managed to move herself to Miri's immediate right.
Patricia was panting, and caught herself by biting her lowerlip as soon as she realized this but she couldn't shake off her laboured breathing. She reached with cold and trembling hands for Miri's own right hand, and guided her slowly to the bulge. It was hard, but at the same time meaty. Stiff and warm even through the thick layer of clothing. If one assumed it was a male organ, then it was pretty much the truth. And a big organ it was! If Miri had a good sense of sizing up objects with touch alone, she would have deduced that this meaty knob was around 2 inches wide and that wasn't counting the widest point on the base of the tip.

"After I read that book I... changed."
That was all she could muster. She couldn't speak, for she was overwhelmed with her uncharacteristic bravery. And to feel the touch of another on her most intimate parts was amazing. She gave off a strained and muffled whimper, imagining suddenly lewd scenes in her mind. What if Miri wasn't repulsed by this? Mental images of sex-scenes that would put even the raunchiest of literature to shame. Patricia's knees where shaking, and she was desperate to know the fellow Adept's reaction to this.
Under her breath, Miri muttered a quick prayer, after all that was one of the coping mechanisms that she developed. Humming hymns and prayers while studying, it was one of the better ways to stave off the dark thoughts that often followed study of Chaos. At least in her opinion. Once Chaos did have you fully in its grip, there was no escaping, at least for just a ‘regular human’. But with this, she had no idea what to expect. The Inquisition wasn’t exactly picky with the Acolytes they picked out so for all she knew Patricia was hiding some horrible Mutation, or she was a Nacent Psyker. The more Miri thought about it, the more she actually began to worry.

She came to a stop though when Patricia took her hand. So… it was physical? Then… something covered by cloth. Something… hot? Carefully, Miri gave it a gentle squeeze, letting her hand run up it, she felt the flared head. At that, the blue eyes opened up as it throbbed in her hand. Was that a…? Looking down, her eyes went wide at the tent the other Adept’s cock was pitching in the red robes. She had a cock… a massive cock. She could only imagine what it actually looked like, but this was still highly unusual. Any sort of enchantments caused by whatever… caused this, usually things like this worked in a more… full way. A gender swapping spell would make the person fully male, or fully female, not usually male genitals and a female body. A very, very, very… voluptuous female body.

“Is that… are you…?” She asked, looking up at the whimpering woman, her hand still gripping the member tightly. Seeing it had been more than enough to sober her up. Patricia was lucky Miri was one of the more open minded Humans, especially on this ship. “Just let me…” The woman stated, leaning down and grabbing the hem of the robes. She wanted to investigate this further having never encountered something quite like this before. Of course, she had seen a penis before, and a naked woman, but by far, Patricia seemed to have one of the largest… endowments she had ever seen. Releasing the throbbing member, she lowered herself to her knees, gripping the bottom of the robes with her hands and lifting them, the tented robes just a few inches from her face.
Miri's kneading fingers made Patricia squirm. She had never had anyone touching her in any fashion like this before. Coupling that with the forbidden and naughty nature of it all, she could feel her heart pounding inside of her chest. Her heavy breathing caused her chest to heave and her knees to wobble. She noticed so many things about her body at that instant. Her hot face, her stiffening nipples stroking against the insides of her clothes, her massive member throbbing with need. She knew that she needed more but she couldn't have imagine Miri being so... inquisitive. The redhead gasped when she kneeled down and tugged at her robes. She wanted to object but it was impossible. This was too good to be true! All of her recent fantasies were washed away save for one. That of this tasty little thing standing on her knees and gagging on her engorged cock.

Besides... it would be rude to back down now, having lead Miri on so far. She bit her lip and let the woman do as she pleased and if she had a fancy for large the male organ then she wouldn't be disappointed.

As more and more of Patricia's pale but smooth legs became revealed, the lifted dress pushed the cock upwards. It folded and twisted to the side against her pelvis, so the first thing Miri would see of this mystery was a pair of large testes. Hairless and heavy, they hung low between her legs, slightly pushed forward due to the woman having her legs together. If she continued to pull the robes further up beyond that, then her large member would dangle down and wobbled up and down from its own weight. It was truly something that did not fit with the ordinary plump woman. The tip was bereft of foreskin, revealing a meaty purple knob. The overall length of the shaft was 12, maybe even 13 inches. The width was also above average, 2 inches at the very least. In fact, about 3/4s up the shaft it actually became slightly wider, about 2.5 inches and then returning to the otherwise 'standard' width nearing the head.

And that wasn't the most peculiar thing about it. While Patricia's complexion was very pale, her mysterious and sorcery-born member had a much more darker complexion, something between very tanned and ebony. A large vein followed the underside of the cock while the topside was riddled with thick and pulsating blood vessels that snaked around it like constricting jungle vines on a tree trunk.
Patricia looked down at this incredible scene. She could only imagine what she would do next but judging by Miri's previous reactions, Patricia had high hopes that she would be positively surprised. She moved her hands down to help her keep the hem of the dress above her waist, freeing up the kneeling woman's hands.
If anything, the blue eyes only grew wider as she lifted the robe higher and higher. Her attention fell away from Patricia completely, focusing 100% on the heavy set of orbs pressed out from between the pale woman’s legs. This… just… Miri didn’t know what to say. If THOSE were there, then that meant her suspicions were completely and totally spot on. Her hands trembled a little as she lifted the robe further and further until finally… the thick meaty monster flopped out, nearly smacking her in the face. Just at the sight of it, Miri’s face turned a dark red color. She could hardly believe what she was seeing. The plump woman standing above her was… well… hung. It was a great deal larger than anything she had ever seen before, granted, most of what she had seen had been on paper. As she held the robe up, she let her thumb run along the length slowly, feeling the heat pour off of it.

“By the Emperor, Ms. Velm, this is… huge!” The woman stated almost absent-mindedly as Patricia took the ‘reins’ so to speak and held up her robe. It was almost hypnotizing to be honest, the massive length, bobbing and swaying in front of her. In the back of her mind, Miri thought about what could have caused this, what could have ‘created it’. Much more than just simple book magic, that was for sure, but at the same time, she couldn’t help but wonder. The blue eyes examined it carefully as she brought a hand up and prodded the testicles with a single finger… well… they were real, that was for sure. Though… just to make sure, she cupped one in her hand, giving it a small squeeze, not enough to hurt. Well, there weren’t fake… or cybernetic… or anything out of the ordinary, aside from the fact they were on a woman.

Letting the testicle fall from her hand, she gripped the cock with her index finger and thumb, the thumb pressing against the large vein on the bottom of the member. Slowly, she dragged them along the length, inspecting it, how it twitched in her grasp, and how Patricia reacted to her… attentions. She knew that it would be EXTREMELY sensitive, given the nature of male genitals. But, she didn’t let that stop her. The smaller woman continued her poking and prodding of the member, running her hands over it, weighing the testes in her hand, thumbing and rubbing the engorged head. If Patricia was wanting this to go in an… erotic direction, she was going to have to take some initiative since Miri seemed more intent on examining it rather than taking it down her throat.
The fingers that did not bear any marks from a life of toil or labour felt like silk on Patricia's skin. That part of her body was almost scalding from the intense heat it was radiating, making the inspection feel so much more intense than it should have. What was making matters worse was that Patricia didn't have a habit of satisfying herself, and she hadn't have a sexual encounter in years. The pent of pressure of sexual frustration only built up to a boiling point while her insecurities disappeared... For the thing was, Patricia couldn't tell that Miri had more of a scholarly interest in this peculiarity. She mistook the intense interest and focus for a sexual curiosity.
Every touch she felt made her shake and whimper. She had to force her mouth shut not to moan, but it was too much. She couldn't hide it any longer and at one particular long strong at her cock with Miri's hand made her moan. She raised her head, closed her eyes and shuddered so hard that the skin on her sack became studded with goosebumps. In these few seconds she had revealed herself, the member had continued to harden from a point were it wasn't dangling between her legs, but rose to a more horizontal level. It got closer and closer to Miri's chin and the second Patricia looked down again, she couldn't resist it. Making sure to hold up her clothes with just one of her hands, she moved down her right hand and gently, almost affectionately stroked her soft fingers down the black scalp of Miri's head while expressing her most prevailing thoughts with a shaky voice.

"I've... never been touched like this before..."
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