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LF Females with plot ideas (With New Harem Craving)

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Dec 27, 2011
I am honestly open to anything besides things that belong in the toilet, vore, and such other things.

I can be dom, sub, an animal, an anthro, an alien, a mythical being, etc etc. I like fantasy settings, though they are not necessarily needed, but they open a lot of ideas for plots. I can be anything you want, so please feel free to pm me your ideas!

As of 7/3/2012, I now have a craving for Harem roleplays. Not necessarily have to be, but any Harem roleplays will be appreciated.
RE: LF Females with plot ideas

Wow, it's been a while. But I'm back and bumping.
RE: LF Females with plot ideas

I'm writing it and have posted it :) in group roleplays its called dragon riders
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