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Aug 14, 2009
So I now have a few sessions under my belt running a campaign.

Anyone interested? I know there was previous interest but it kind of died out.

If you are interested then know this, I'm only looking for 3-4 players and I do not run things in the standard setting.

Short list of questions I'd like answered:

What sort of adventure are you interested in?

What class and race are you likely to play?

What level do you want to start at?

Slow/Medium/Fast XP advancement, pick one.

Are you willing to let a character die?
I'm interested in playing if you are still looking.

I like playing tough adventures, where the party is in over its head. Like having then paid to raid a tomb for a trinket only to find out the one who hired them can use it to destroy the world. I also enjoy adventures with dungeons; many dungeons.

I really can't answer what race/class I'd like until I hear more about the setting. That said, my two favorite core classes are the monk and druid, so maybe one of those. If you allow third party, well it will be harder for me to pick; I've purchased tons of content.

I personally feel that characters really shine at 5th level and up. Medium or fast progression for leveling

And of course I'm willing for my character to die; one must always be prepared for that.
I'm willing to allow third party classes/races so long as I can find them on the pathfinder srd.

I will not be allowing psionics though as I don't like to mix them with magic.
*Sniffle* Why you got to hate on my favorite thing in the world? *Sniffle*

Heh, I seriously love psionics but I really wasn't planning on playing a psionic class for this. At the moment I'm thinking druid or alchemist but I still haven't begun to imagine the race. Any chance you can lend a little info about the plot and setting?
I don't know enough about the psionics to be comfortable with them, that and I hate to mix them into a magical setting.

There's a few things that I'll always do in my plots, Lovecraftian Horror, which is one reason I enjoy pathfinder as it stats out some of my favourite beasties, and intrigue. I like intricate plots within plots, so expect something a bit byzantine.
Lovecraft you say? This is going to be good. And constant plots sound awesome though heads up: all my GMs have told me I figure out their plots to quick, so whatever the plot make it very complicated. And make sure you fill me in about the world a bit.

PS: what is your stance on 3.5's Pact Magic with the Pathfinder update PDF?
I don't know. I stopped playing 3.5 before they even came out with a Player's Handbook 2, not due to lack of interest but lack of others to game with.

So I don't know anything about it. I'm going to tentatively say no unless you can give me a convincing argument as to why I should allow it and links to rules and such on the topic.

One thing I will point out for the setting, guns are advance and common. Always thought pathfinder did a great disservice with their flintlocks; but they made up for it with the more modern equipment.
If you aren't familiar with the system I won't push it. I do advise you to look into it some time; it's fun, unique, and offers many bad ass classes. Plus the company who made it released a free PDF to update it to Pathfinder.

So just guns are advanced or is technology in general further ahead? And what races are predominant?
I'm working on something. I'll do a write up tonight at work and toss it into the first post come morning.
Howdy! Still got a spot open? I may be interested in giving it a go. I love Pathfinder, but haven't ever played it over the internet. Have only played a few short campaigns period to be honest. I really like the synthesist summoner, and I'd probably be half-elf or human.
Well I have only two people interested thus far. Be sure to answer the remainder of my questions.

My idea for a setting is in a state of flux.
A synthesist can really come in handy; definitely glad to have a summoner in the party. And best of luck Nihilistic with the setting.

And I've decided my class: magus. Might multi later on but at least for now I'll be the warrior-caster. Still haven't decided my race yet.
I'd prefer something like a dungeon crawl. Though, it doesn't have to be a dungeon. More combat heavy I guess is what I'm saying. Someone said level 5, and that's fine with me. I'll take any level you want to start at from first on up. I'm willing to have my character die as long as it's due to bad die rolls or my stupid mistakes :)
Hey, GM, you said third party is okay as long as we can show it to you?

Here, my race:

I think I'll be going with the Equine type. Let me know if this is okay.
Do you have any idea yet how you're gonna do stats? Point buy, or do you have an online source you want us to roll from? I really like getting into the planning of my character, so just curious. Even if we don't play, making the character will give me something fun to do :)
RockyRP said:
Do you have any idea yet how you're gonna do stats? Point buy, or do you have an online source you want us to roll from? I really like getting into the planning of my character, so just curious. Even if we don't play, making the character will give me something fun to do :)

I second this motion. How do you want us to go about making the PCs?
I've typically done a point buy with 80 points then racial modifiers. And I don't have an issue with the Anumus.
Eh, I've made plenty of characters with some dump stats at 80 point buy, that's not even with breaking a 20. You do start with all stats at 0 so if you bump everything up to 10 you only have 20 points left.
Ok.. That's wayyy different than what Pathfinder rules say. You'll have to explain things to me.
Nihilistic_Impact said:
It's how I learned, and it's simple, 1 = 1, so 18 in Str costs 18 points.

Alrighty. Houserules are fine, just gotta know about 'em in advance :)
Honestly the method has become so engrained in my thinking that I can make up numbers and mentally balance them out so I come out with 82, base 80 plus the +2 standard racial modifier.
It's way simpler than Pathfinder's rules. But, 80 points going by their rules leads to characters with 3 18's, 2 14's, and a 13.
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