Major Developments (BurningWitch & I)


Jan 9, 2009
The Pits of California
A small fleet of trucks plod their way through the snow in the northern front. Their destination: Fort Briggs. Most of the cairrages contain supplies for the fort which mainly consist of rations, and warm clothing for the frigid temeratures. But amongst the cargo bearing vehicles is an important military figure. He was sent from Central to inspect the fort to make sure it was in tip top shape. Cyrus Lacroix, decked out in his general's uniform, sits amongst the few soldiers that accompany him as his bodyguards. He had heard the stories about how the people of Briggs could be a bit rough at times. So, he decided to assign himself some guards to make himself look more important. This way, no one would dare mess with him during his inspection of the fort.

The giant wall of the Northern Front now loomed over the caravan. It stopped at the gates which soon opened up to reveal an almost unbelievable arsenal of tanks, guns and soldiers that would be fit for an armada. Soldiers stood in attention to greet him and while it all seemed so formal and impressive, Cyrus didn't seem to feel all that pleased as he stepped out of the back to meet the person in charge of this mass.
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