1X1 Final VII After the game rp. DarthMarrek and I only.

Jan 10, 2009
The setting takes in the Forest that leads to City Of The Anicents and Kira over heard a rumor about Vincent Valentine roams that forest and protects it from intruders or from threats that he feels threaten by.

Kira put's her white ninja mask over her face and she leaves Tifa bar and heads to that forest to see if Vincent does rememember her or not and she hasn't seen him for a while now, she always wondered how he was doing.

Kira jumps onto a golden chocobo and it enters right to the entrance of the forest and Kira jumps off the chocobos back and she gives it a gyshi green and it was happy with that. She enters into the forest and she takes a look around the forest and wonders if Vincent finally has Chaos under control which is his final limt break that he gets in Luceria cave.

She keeps her guard up at any cost and she quickly hears someone else in this forest and she wonders if it was Vincent or not and hoped it was him and not a monster at any cost.(d.)
BTW its DarthMarrek. <.< ))

Vincent Would come out from behind a nearby tree his part of his cape soaked in blood from a monster he had killed nearby, He blinked seeing her and tilted his head a bit. "Long time no see." Was all he said before going silent once more his red eyes cast over her a bit. It was true they haven't seen each other in a bit so he was checking to see how much she had grown. She was pleasing to the eye but he wasn't like most men who would turn around and try and hit on her, But he bet she got anuff of that problem as it was. "How have you been?
Kira looked at Vincent and she said to him,"Yes it has been a while since I've seen you,Tifa told me where you were,I stopped at her bar for a quick drink and Marlene was happy to see me once again Vincent." "I have been doing good and I'm still single and I hope that someday I'll find Mr. right Vincent and how have you been doing as well hmm.?" She keeps her left hand hidden behind her back,because it was wrapped up in an attetion bandage,because she spranged it about a night ago by defeating a vampire bat and she was glad that she ran into Vincent once again. She notices that he was looking over her to make sure she didn't have a cut or a scratch on her hands or on her elbow and it didn't bother her that he always has looked over her to make sure that she was alright.
Vincent nodded a bit turning to the side looking around and smelling the air. "I have been fine." he said, Although her being single was something hard to believe but he pushed it off his mind for the moment staying the silent type for a moment as he checked the surrounding area for threats. "come with me... " he said and started to walk east tord a Cave nearby he made a temporary camp inside.

He would lead her to his camp and stayed at the cave entrance waiting for her to go in before he joined her. "welcome." he simply said before lightly tossing a log onto the burn pit, he then waved a hand casting the log aflame.
Kira walks into the cave and she said to Vincent,"I had no idea you made this as your camp site and it's pretty impressive indeed and thank-you for letting me stay here for the night thank-you Vincent." "That is good you have been fine and I'm glad that your alright,because I heard a rumor that you were dead,that is what Reno told Tifa and I that you were dead." "I didn't believe him at all and your not dead,I was right and Reno was wrong."

She makes herself a bit comfy and keeps her left hand as hidden as best as shecould,because she knew that Vincent could tell if someone was lying to him about being hurt and she didn't want Vincent to worry about her at all and she sighed.
Vincent smiled a bit grabbing a pot full of water and set it above the fire letting it boil for a moment before dropping a few broth cubes into it to add some flavor as he listened to her story. "I see, My death, Was only half way true." He said lightly and dropped some dried meat into he pot next and a few herbs. "show me your hand..." He said his red eyes looking up at her as if giving a silent command to due it or he would do it himself.
Kira looked at him and she said to him,"So now you know that the turks are back in action and have teamed up with Kadja once again." "I have no idea how we'll defeat Kadja and the turks once again Vincent."

She didn't want to show Vincent her hand but if she didn't he'd do it himself and she slowly removes her left wrist behind from her back and she reveals an attettion bandage that was around her left wrist.

Kira said to Vincent,"Please don't over react to this injury at all Vincent,when you over react sometimes you go into your chaos form and please don't over react ok."

She hoped that her words would help Vincent regain control of himself for a change and she wasn't sure what would happen and she sighed.
Vincent said nothing as he walked over to her and looked over her hand, controlling himself for the moment. He say it was sprained and shook his head going over to his bag and pulled out a potion and handed it to her. "Drink this... Don't you have any on you? Also i know they have returned. I killed 5 yesterday." He said simply and sat back in his spot looking over the fire. "You haven gotten cuter since I last seen you." *he said a bit openly hiding his face.
Kira looked at Vincent and she said to him,"Thank-you for this potion you gave me and i didn't have any potions on me at all,I forgot to buy some potions and also hi potions as well." "Sorry that I didn't buy any potions at all I'm truly am sorry." Kira drinks the potion and she was glad that Vincent was a little bit concerned about her and she slightly smiled at him and her face slightly blushes behind her ninja mask. "You killed 5 shinra soliders yesterday wow, that is pretty impressive that you killed 5 shinra soliders yesterday Vincent." "Thta is good you know that Kadja and shinra are back again,I will try not to be any trouble at all i promise Vincent." "Thanks for the comment you gave me that I have gotten more cuter since you last seen me Vincent." "You also have goten more good looking then last time i've seen you,I'm giving you a comment and it's not insult at all ok." Kira get's back into her spot by the fire and she wraps herself up in her sleeping bag since she was a little bit chilly.
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