- Joined
- Mar 4, 2012

Name: shumi
Race: neko
personality: timid, tries her best to obey.
sexuality: bisexual
Skills: basic house keeping, and dancing
Slave type: performer
Background: born into the slave trade shumi has been traded many times and has had multiple masters/mistress. though she is ofter advertised at various pet shops as a dancer and entertainer she is often purchased for the purpose of a private sex slave. Has shared a cage with kiki. (raped her while she was in heat)
Quarks: the scent of cat nip often puts her into heat.
Apparel: normally a tight tattered black tank top and skimpy panties or whatever her last master allowed her to wear.

Name: kiki
Race: moon elf
Personality: innocent, scared and submissive
Sexuality: not up to her
Skills: minor healing magics, expert masseuse
slave type: salon and torment slave
Background: like most moon elfs born into the slave trade, kiki was trained a first as a groomer slave that would bathe, wash, and oiled purchased slave before turning them into their new masters. then came the rising trend of "torment slaves." selected for her race's low tolerance to sexual stimulation, but high endurance kiki was put up for sale a a torment slave. kiki is forced to suffer hours of lustful agony in public display at the mercy of various state of the at sex toys daily. her sexuality is unknown, she has been the victim of rape by other sex-starved slave girls. (often on public display as well)
Kiki is often sold as a 'toy' and is sought after for her body's susceptibility to pleasure and her cute screams when she cums.(has been raped in terrible ways by shumi)
Quarks: any kinky fantasy you can think of, she's probably been through it.
Apparel: normally a white silk body-hugging hugging tunic that barely reaches past her hips and a pair of thin white silk panties.

Name: Sera
Race: succubus/moon elf
personality: boastful, flirtatious and charming. has a stubborn attitude from time to time and has been known to take charge.
sexuality: bi
Skills: cooking, cleaning, waitressing, massage, beauty work
Slave type: jack of trades. (geisha class)
Background: Sera was raised by her father unaware of her mother or her demonic heritage, when her father died, her father's friend bought her as a slave to work at his restaurant. she has many friends and admires that visit to restaurant just for her. beauty and seduction come natural to her and she has worked with other girls as beautician and hair dresser. she has a small bumbling but diligent demon scroll guarding her at all times.

Name: Mira
Race: succubus
personality: apathetic, lazy, horny, stubborn, blunt, generally doesn't care about rules or her master/mistresses opinion.
sexuality: bisexual
Skills: good at giving massages, loves to have sex.
Background: being born of a demonic bloodline she considers herself above most other creatures, however disliking the strict rules presented by her family back in the demon realm she left finding them boring and controlling. being a succubus she always has a strong need for sexual dominance and gratification, when she arrived within the material realm she a pair of slaves tried to capture her. she being a succubus easily overwhelmed them and questioned the petty human's of what their intention was. one out of pure fear spilled the plan to sell her to a slave market as a sex slave. Mira considered the idea curiously. at her home there had been sex slaves, but she had always had to catch and rape her family's unwilling pets (much to her parents impatient with her) now stupid little humans and half breeds were actually paying for sex slaves. seeing a new niche for her sexual cravings, Mira pretended to fall helpless to the men and surrender. the two men sold her to the nearest market and got the hell away. Mira now waits rather impatiently for a master to buy her or for one of the rule braking handlers to rape her. she has little interest in human affairs and has a faily one track mind.

Names: tevira and nako
Race: neko
relation: siblings
personalities: Tevira: lustful greedy dominate. Nako: timid, submissive, nympho.
sexuality: bisexual
Background: Tevira is the oldest of the two neko girls and believes that for being older she holds dominance over her younger sibling nako. Nako being timid and submissive is often dominated and exploited by her older sister both mentally and sexually. find a anyway to exploit her sister of the sexual lusts of others, in turn she rapes nako at every time she needs to set her sister straight or goes into heat. when ever handler's wish to rape tevira she often offers up her sister instead.

name: Rhane
Race: Dark elf
personality: low self esteem,clutzy, timid and determined to please.
sexuality: bi
Slave type: companion/pleasure slave.
Background: unlike most dark elves, Rhane is rather gentle and modest. when she was a child her city was attacked and she was put into slavery, she bears little knowledge of Dark elf customs or magic so she is relatively harmless. she was raise believing that her only goal in life was to become a pleasing slave girl. however she is rather nervous of her master/mistresses expectations and often goes too far to try to meet the assumed standards. she is rather clutzy and shy and rarely feels that she can do anything right. but maybe there is a master out there who will except her for all her quarks.

name: Mizu
Race: human/moon elf
personality: timid, gentle, kind
Slave type: pleasure slave, Torment slave.
Background: Mizu's mother was a moon elf slave who was impregnated in a slave shop by one of the handlers. after giving birth to Mizu she found something very odd about her daughter, the feeling of water on her skin stimulated her sexually to point where she will orgasm on the spot. So her mother named her after to old elen word for water. after her mother was sold Mizu had a survive in the slave shop on her own. it didn't take long of the handlers to realize her condition and start to exploit it. often they would bath the slaves int he near by falls but make Mizu stay under the falls for hours after the others slaves were brought back. handlers would stay behind and watch her orgasm helplessly and constantly. handlers would offend rape her under the threat that if she doesn't submit they would not only drench her in water they would make her orgasm all night by not letting her put on dry clothes. Since mizu is half moon elf her tolerance to sexual pleasure is very low and her sexual endurance, that keep her oragasming for hours. she is shy and easily submits to threats that involve water dosing, and experience that she finds humiliating and doesn't not want others to see wet. she is often put on display with a wet t-shirt to hug and show of her large breasts and to keep her on the brink of sexual release.

Name: Matilda
Race: Succubus
sexuality: bi
age: 235
Personality: like most succubi, Matilda possesses both strong magical powers and and insatiable sexual appetite. she normally sees most non-demonic races as lesser beings and rarely treats them as equals. She normally sees these races as her pets in which she aims to temporarily satisfy her carnal desires. because of her ungodly beauty and perfect body, few are able to resist her seduction, but even those who do have little say int he matter. Matilda often rapes her unwilling slaves regardless of gender. though most unwilling pets start out unwilling only at first, Matilda knows how to be gentle and rough and knows hows to makes her pets enjoy their "rape." When searching for a new pet she often goes out in disguise to avoid unnecessary bouts with local Demon hunters, though hunter too have been known to submit to her advances.
Powers: shape shift, pheromone mist, doppelgangers, flight and conjuring from other realms.
As a slave
For matilda's slave scenarios, matilda would have to be summoned by a spell caster or player, for curiosity sake or other reasons. be warned, such are powerful demoness would be difficult to control... or tame...