lifetimes of secrets (Shani & Skydive78)



His footsteps were almost silent in the dark corridors, he had to be unseen and unheard, though he felt sure the beating in his chest would alert people to his presence. The risk of being caught breaking the school rules was exciting, but his real motivation for taking the risk of walking the corridors this late at night was taking her in his arms again. He knew if he was expelled from Hogwarts he wouldn't see her for a long time but Lucius had to see Bella in private and now, he burned for her.
Bellatrix made certain that everyone in the girl's dorm was fast asleep, so not to be caught sneaking out. Granted no one would say anything about it if they saw her, they loved, feared, and envied her. Bellatrix seemed to always break rules but was hardly ever caught. Though hurrying through the corridors in her heels she was as silent as a shadow, so used to walking in them, and sneaking around. He parents would be furious if they knew their oldest daughter was lurking and moving in secret, in the dead of night, just to meet up with a boy. But he wasn't any boy, he was the most handsome boy in all of Hogwarts and he was her's, he was her Lucius...Lucius Malfoy. She needed to see him, they didn't see each other enough during the day. Just thinking of him sent her heart soaring, higher than the sun. Her breathing was shaky as she look for him, heading to their meeting place.
Lucius arrived first, the room was nothing more than a small private study room behind the main library. One small window cast moonlight over an old wooden desk and chair and walls lined with books, not deemed fit for the main reading room. He was so excited to be seeing her, he couldn't wait, he smoothed his shoulder length blonde hair for the hundredth time and tried to be patient. Being cool with people was usually easy, but for Bella he was a fool.
Bellatrix looked around making sure she wasn't followed to the room. She silently opened the door, making sure if someone happened to walk by they wouldn't hear her. Once in she shut the door turning around to see if he was waiting there for her, and he was. Bellatrix smiled brightly as she saw him, his blonde locks shining in the moonlight. Bellatrix bit her bottom lip slight catching her breath as she slowly approached him. "Evening....I've missed you." She said softly standing in front of him.
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