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You Do For Family -- In Character

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May 22, 2011
It was an otherwise bright and sunny day in Louisville, Colorado, a relatively small mountain town on the relative outskirts of the greater Boulder County area. The sun was beating down, not quite enough to make one beat out in a heat sweat, but enough to know that it wasn't time for thick coats and winter warmers just yet. Sophia sat in the middle of the family room, her face flushed red and carved lines upon her cheeks showed the remnants of the days events; A flood of tears and marks from the near-constant rubing of numerous tissues spent throughout the morning and now sewn upon the wooden floorboards. It was odd though; Sophia had always thought she was so greatly mature, and that no matter what happened she'd never shed a tear like those silly little girls she saw screaming their eyes out because they broke a nail or lost that cute boys number, it was just all so pathetic. Yet here she was, sat upon the floor of the family room, sobbing uncontrollably like a child about something she couldn't even change.

Her grandfather, most likely the most important to all of the family since their births, was gone. He was the mentor, the friend, the child-like jester who always seemed to be loved no matter where he went; City to city, state to state, country to country. It didn't matter, everyone adored Gramps. It wasn't even last week that he was in the house, sitting on the floor right next to where she sat and placing an insanely childish game with her; Pattycake. Neither of them even LIKED that game, but they just felt like playing it, so they did. He was so full of life and vibrant, so well-loved and loving; Just like all those cards said. At least thirty or forty, lined up against the mantle and down the sides, atop the television, on the fireplace surround, all over the room. Sophia shifted slowly, her head placing itself against the chest of her elder sibling and the one to stay with her whilst the others went to the funeral.

Sam was basically just an older version of Sophia; Similar personality, similar appearance, similar ways of coping with these issues; Beating their brothers up. Yet today those selfish asshats had run off with the 'olds' and left them to stew in their own self-pity. 'Those pin-dicked bastards!' she hissed inside her own head as she shifted herself so she was looking upwards towards Sam's face whilst her head was still upon Sam's chest, her arms wrapping her sister up into a big, tight hug. "Why did he have to die now? He wasn't even that old, he was only like sixty-five or something.." she huffed off in her little strop; The tears had by now stopped completely and she, for the first time in her life, nibbled on the outside of a bar of chocolate for that comforting feeling only piling on pounds of ass could really make.

It was odd, though. Sitting here with her sister's absolutely divine -- Wait what?! -- bosom against her face was slightly enticing to Sophia, and as the young bisexual wondered where her limits were exactly, she realized that it was best to just..try it out for a change, instead of just sitting there wondering. Her right hand slowly slid itself down her sisters back as she mumbled "Thanks for being here with me Sam. You're always there when I need you..You're the best." she whispered softly; Sweet words of encouragement to smooth the way further down her new-found road of exploration. Her fingers came to the back of her sisters pants; She could feel the hem of her sisters panties upon her fingers, her face blushed with intense heat as she shifted back. "I don't know what to do.." she mumbled, and not exactly about her grandfather.
I sat on the couch trying my best to not think any more then I really had to. I had already cried more then my fair share last night and this morning. Generally every day for the last week, I had cried like a baby. But no one had yet seen me cry. I believed if anyone had seen me then it would have made me look weak. As it was I suspect most people secretly called me a Bitch. The girl that had not shed one tear yet. I did not think many people in my family would understand my inability to cry openly. But if anyone did understand I suspect it would be Sophia. Sophia was making me want to cry right now. Her own tears and her own misery were breaking thru my Armour. It made me want to express some of my own misery. But I was not able to do that right now. I was in Big sister mode and Sophia was the priority right now. I would stay strong I would be Sophia's Rock for as long as Sophia needed that. That is what a good big sister does for her little sister. I sighed and wrapped my arms more Firmly around Sophia. She really was a good Kid. Plus it was nice to see real human emotions off of her. I leaned in and gave her a small kiss on her for head.

I was wearing a rather short skirt. My legs were very visible under that skirt. Long and smooth they were a great pride of mine. Years of Running and playing Sports mostly Hockey. Had sculpted my legs into power full and well toned legs. My Tank top was super cute and black that seemed...fitting. I was going to wear a long dress to the funeral. But I never had time to put that on yet. I had absolutely no make up on. But that was normal for me. I never EVER wore any make up period. With Sophia putting her tears and washed off make up all over my top. I suspected the Top would be useless after today. Lucky for me I did not wear the overly expensive black dress I think.

My mind strayed back to a couple of hours before. I was going to see Sophia to see how she was doing. When I found the younger girl in tears on her bed...My heart broke. When Sophia noticed me and admitted she did not want to go to the funeral. I decided at that moment that she would not have to go and I would stay home with her. I did not want to leave the girl all alone. When she was hurting this much. I went down stairs my hands rolled up into fists. I pointed at the rest of the family. Then announced Sophia would be staying home. I would also be staying home. I stared my brothers and sisters down then. Considering the stress and pain I felt mixed with knowing many people saw me as a cold hearted bitch....If anyone had challenged my Demands just then I may have punched them. Lucky for me no one challenged me.

So here I was sitting with Sophia. "I love you to Sophia. You never have to thank me for being here. Your my Sister your my blood. I would do absolutely ANYTHING for you". I felt your hands caressing my back but I did not think anything of it. I put a hand under your chin and lifted your face to look at me. Sitting Eye to eye with you I took a wet cloth and gently washed your face. I considered you last words..You don't know what to do. "Listen to me brat the only thing you need to do right now is to be here and be with me. I don't expect anything of you and your safe here with me. I love you deeply Sophia". I lean in and kiss you gently on the cheek. "Grandpa was a great man. One thing that made him great was how he always acted on his instincts. Trust your self Sophia I have faith in you and how strong you are. So right now we can do absolutely anything you want. Anything that will make you feel better.
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