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Sparkles, spice, and everything nice♥

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Feb 25, 2011
♥Hello! My name is Sparkles.♥

I am searching for a plot-driven role play; that is, while it may contain elements of a more mature or sexual nature, these parts would not be the ruling factors of the game. I RP primarily in AIM, and I can be convinced to do so through e-mail if you really tickle my fancy.
If you message me just to RP smut, well...I suppose I should say that I'd threaten to beat you to a pulp, but honestly I'll probably just be a bit disappointed, and block you instead.

To be terribly straight forward, in the past I've often shied away from any role plays that looked like they could get kinda...saucy. The reason is that I'm super duper shy, especially with new people (yes, even on the internet). Every time a game would get to one of those parts, I felt like my little heart was going to either stop working or my face was going to melt off, it was so red.'ll have to bare with me.

EDIT: Boys, girls, and anything above and in between are encouraged to reply. In case I forgot to mention that. Which I did.


♥99% of my RPs have some sort of magical, supernatural, strange, weird, or science fiction-y aspect to them. General medieval fantasy role play? Let's do it. Magical girls? Fuck yes, I love Madoka Magica. Vampires? Whatever haven't done one of those for years, fuck it, let's try it out. Monster girls? HELL YES GIMME DEM TENTACLES. Basically, I'm down for whatever setting as long as I have the realm of the absurd to play around in for my character. I like springing weird shit, it keeps me interested. If you want something more orientated to be like one of your Japanese animes, that's awesome.

Post lengths for me tend to be on the shorter end of things. I like quicker-paced RPs, but I match around my partner more often than not. :) One or two paragraphs is standard for me, and I will never leave you with a one liner.

I have pretty wide tastes, though my characters tend to be more submissive in one way or another. The most dominant-ish character I generally play has a tsundere-like personality, the most submissive being...well, pretty submissive (cough). I'm not setting any rules for myself in stone, it's just the sort of character I am more drawn to. Granted they still may be adventurous, spunky, or whatever still, but you know. I'm mainly saying this so you don't expect some high-and-mighty, ball-stomping, super confident mega-woman character out of me or something.

I will absolutely NOT role play any thing that warps bodily fluids into something of a sexual nature. If anything makes me uncomfortable, but you argue it is in the sake of the plot, fading to black is what's gonna happen. While sadism is okay, I don't want a gore-orientated game. A great rule of thumb is to ask me if I'm okay with something.

AND LASTLY... I know we'll be RPing most of the time, but I tend to ramble and talk a lot OOC and in general, and I like to pretend I'm a pretty friendly person. In ideal situations, my RPing partners are also my friends!


This whole thing has been sort of hap-hazardly thrown together, so I apologize if any of it doesn't make sense, or it didn't answer any basic questions for you. u 3u

Have a fantastic day, and please send me a message!

It never hurts to try.
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