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Help Stop Bullying!


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Hello everyone, i am starting this thread because i know everyone has been bullied, or been affected by bullying at least once in their lives. i myself have been bullied for most of my life, from the day i stepped into school i have been picked on, and i feel very strongly about this cause.

there is a new movie, a documentary of sorts that could help many victims of bullying, and even help reduce Violence in schools. this movie has been rated R because of language, meaning that the people who need it, anyone in high school or under, cannot see it. please help me, and all the people who signed this Petition change the ruling so that any child who has been bullied can see this movie!

please learn more, and sign the Petition here!

thank you.
The MPAA is a really shitty organization -- I suggest watching This Film Is Not Yet Rated, as it shows just how biased they are.

I'm not sure whether or not they're biased against the film because it's an independent film (in the sense of not being made by the big studios), or because the ratings board members are those right-wing types who tend to defend bullying. It's hard to know, because, believe it or not...

1) The member's identities are kept totally secret.
2) The members are all personally hired by one person, with no oversight at all.

Anyways, enough of my screed...

I'll forward the petition to some other sites I'm a member of. And I encourage everyone to sign it.
it was rated R by ONE vote! it's awful, honestly how are we supposed to help stop violence if people won't stand up, take charge, and help where kids need help? the MPAA might not care, or they might be concerned about how parents will react, but dammit, people weren't happy with Abraham Lincoln when he freed the slaves now where they? even though he was right and they where wrong. people need to stop worrying about what everyone else with think and start doing what's RIGHT!
Sadly things like this are just United States-only. Wish I could see petitions of my country. :/ Recently my country has been getting more active about this though, and the fact that even people have killed themselves because of this bullying.
I have been bullied all my teen life, but luckily it hasn't really affected me that much. I realize they are just upset with themselves most of the time.
Excellent news. The film Bully is being released as a PG-13 film, with edits, and an unrated version is being shown in some major theater chains as well.
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