House rules (missbubbles / skydive78)



Draco Malfoy was lurking, as he often did in the main corridors of the great school. Now out of favor with the dark lord he had too much time on his hands. As a.senior and tall anyway he had a good view of the throngs of students marking each out as they passed. Today though he noted a girl he had not noticed before, was she new? He could see no house colours amongst the crowd she was walking with. That he didn't recognise her meant she was not in slytherin, but he felt compelled to learn about her.
Lexi quietly made her way to class by herself. This was her first year at hogwarts after transferring from her school in the U.S. and she decided staying quiet and unnoticed was the best thing for her. Her robe was hanging over her arm and she was wearing a purple hoodie with the hood over her head. Strands of Lexi's bright red hair were shining through her hood as she quietly moved into her potions class. Sitting down in the back at a desk by herself she laid her robe in the seat next to her hoping no one would dare take the seat beside her.
Malfoy wached her head in the direction of potions, which fortunately was exactly where he was headed. He followed her in and saw her take a seat right at the back in the dimly lit room, here was a girl who wished to be alone. He saw a shock of bright red hair and he was curious, bright red hair suggested extrovert and yet her choice of seat suggested shyness. He couldn't resist it, he pushed her robe aside and slid into the seat next to her. "Hello" he said quietly without looking at her, he stared straight ahead.
She looked over at the boy quickly and had to suppress a low growl of annoyance. It was quite clear that she did not want company by the placement of her robe. "Can I help you?" Lexi asked as her dark brown eyes scanned over him. She already knew who he was by the bright blonde hair and slytherin emblem on his robe. She couldn't deny that the boy was attractive but Lexi didn't need any problems and a boy would be just that.
Draco looked at her, she had big beautiful dark eyes. "I just thought i'd introduce myself, I dont believe we've met?" He was even more curious, most girls would be delighted with his company.
Lexi looked away as he spoke. The girl was more then hungry and she wanted as much space from anyone as possible. "Well go ahead if you must." Trying her best not to inhale she knew taking in a breath with someone this close would be a horrible idea.
There was something different about this girl and it stoked his interest. "i'm Draco Malfoy, but you knew that already of course, and you are?" he asked
He was right she already knew who he was. "I'm Lexi." She spoke quietly hoping he would get the hint and go away. Unable to stop herself she bit her lip as she inhaled. Draco smelled more then delicious to her and the idea of drinking his blood was quickly on her mind. Lexi would be quickly kicked out of school the moment anyone found out she drew blood so she did her best to stare at the desk and take her mind off the sound of his heart beating.
She was pale and very pretty, but she was very tense. " I'm very pleased to meet you lexi, are you alright, you don't look well?, anything I can do?". Asked Draco, placing his hand on her shoulder.
She looked over at his hand on her shoulder as if he was infecting her with something. "Do you mind keeping your hands to yourself?" If Draco didn't give her space he was going to be the one who didn't look well. Lexi bit her lip a little harder as she felt her fangs slip from her gums. She was wondering if this boy was testing her patience in some sick way.
This was unusual, he didn't expect aggression from a girl,.he was Draco Malfoy! He was tempted to scoff at her but something he sensed made him hold back, he removed his hand. "Blimey Lexi, tetchy aren't we? What's your story?". He was genuinely fascinated by her now!
Still biting at her lip Lexi's now almost black eyes were staring into Draco's, "Today is not the best day for me so maybe we could chat some other time." She tried her best to force a smile seeing that her ill behavior toward him was only making him talk to her more.
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